def test_gridgen(): # define the base grid and then create a couple levels of nested # refinement Lx = 10000. Ly = 10500. nlay = 3 nrow = 21 ncol = 20 delr = Lx / ncol delc = Ly / nrow top = 400 botm = [220, 200, np.random.random((nrow, ncol))] # create a dummy dis package for gridgen ms = flopy.modflow.Modflow() dis5 = flopy.modflow.ModflowDis(ms, nlay=nlay, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, delr=delr, delc=delc, top=top, botm=botm) sim = flopy.mf6.MFSimulation() gwf = gwf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwf(sim) dis6 = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfdis(gwf, nlay=nlay, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, delr=delr, delc=delc, top=top, botm=botm) ms_u = flopy.modflow.Modflow(modelname='mymfusgmodel', model_ws=cpth, version='mfusg') dis_usg = flopy.modflow.ModflowDis(ms_u, nlay=nlay, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, delr=delr, delc=delc, top=top, botm=botm) gridgen_ws = cpth g = Gridgen(dis5, model_ws=gridgen_ws, exe_name=exe_name) g6 = Gridgen(dis6, model_ws=gridgen_ws, exe_name=exe_name) gu = Gridgen(dis_usg, model_ws=gridgen_ws, exe_name=exe_name, vertical_pass_through=True) if shapefile is None: return # skip remainder rf0shp = os.path.join(gridgen_ws, 'rf0') xmin = 7 * delr xmax = 12 * delr ymin = 8 * delc ymax = 13 * delc rfpoly = [[[(xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (xmin, ymax), (xmin, ymin)]]] g.add_refinement_features(rfpoly, 'polygon', 1, range(nlay)) g6.add_refinement_features(rfpoly, 'polygon', 1, range(nlay)) gu.add_refinement_features(rfpoly, 'polygon', 1, range(nlay)) rf1shp = os.path.join(gridgen_ws, 'rf1') xmin = 8 * delr xmax = 11 * delr ymin = 9 * delc ymax = 12 * delc rfpoly = [[[(xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (xmin, ymax), (xmin, ymin)]]] g.add_refinement_features(rfpoly, 'polygon', 2, range(nlay)) g6.add_refinement_features(rfpoly, 'polygon', 2, range(nlay)) gu.add_refinement_features(rfpoly, 'polygon', 2, range(nlay)) rf2shp = os.path.join(gridgen_ws, 'rf2') xmin = 9 * delr xmax = 10 * delr ymin = 10 * delc ymax = 11 * delc rfpoly = [[[(xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (xmin, ymax), (xmin, ymin)]]] g.add_refinement_features(rfpoly, 'polygon', 3, range(nlay)) g6.add_refinement_features(rfpoly, 'polygon', 3, range(nlay)) gu.add_refinement_features(rfpoly, 'polygon', 3, range(nlay)) # inactivate parts of mfusg layer 2 to test vertical-pass-through option xmin = 0 * delr xmax = 18 * delr ymin = 0 * delc ymax = 18 * delc adpoly2 = [[[(xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (xmin, ymax), (xmin, ymin)]]] gu.add_active_domain(adpoly2, layers=[1]) adpoly1_3 = [[[(0., 0.), (Lx, 0.), (Lx, Ly), (0., Ly), (0., 0.)]]] gu.add_active_domain(adpoly1_3, layers=[0, 2]) # if gridgen executable is available then do the main part of the test if run: # Use gridgen to build the grid # test the different gridprops dictionaries, which contain all the # information needed to make the different discretization packages gridprops = g.get_gridprops_disv() gridprops = g.get_gridprops_disu5() gridprops = g.get_gridprops_disu6() # test the gridgen point intersection points = [(4750., 5250.)] cells = g.intersect(points, 'point', 0) n = cells['nodenumber'][0] msg = ('gridgen point intersect did not identify the correct ' 'cell {} <> {}'.format(n, 308)) assert n == 308, msg # test the gridgen line intersection line = [[[(Lx, Ly), (Lx, 0.)]]] cells = g.intersect(line, 'line', 0) nlist = [n for n in cells['nodenumber']] nlist2 = [ 19, 650, 39, 630, 59, 610, 79, 590, 99, 570, 119, 550, 139, 530, 159, 510, 194, 490, 265, 455, 384 ] msg = ('gridgen line intersect did not identify the correct ' 'cells {} <> {}'.format(nlist, nlist2)) assert nlist == nlist2, msg # test getting a modflow-usg disu package mu = flopy.modflow.Modflow(version='mfusg', structured=False) disu = g.get_disu(mu) # test mfusg with vertical pass-through (True above at instantiation) disu_vp = gu.get_disu(ms_u) # -check that node 1 (layer 1) is connected to layer 3 but not layer 2: ja0 = disu_vp.ja[:disu_vp.iac[0]] msg = ("MFUSG node 1 (layer 1) is not connected to layer 3 but should " "be (with vertical pass through activated).") assert max(ja0) > sum(disu_vp.nodelay[:2]), msg # -check that node 1 (layer 1) is not connected to any layer 2 nodes msg = ("MFUSG node 1 (layer 1) is connected to layer 2 but should not " "be (with vertical pass through activated).") assert len(ja0[(ja0 > disu_vp.nodelay[0]) & \ (ja0 <= sum(disu_vp.nodelay[:2]))] ) == 0, msg #ms_u.disu.write_file() # test mfusg without vertical pass-through gu.vertical_pass_through = False disu_vp = gu.get_disu(ms_u) # -check that node 1 (layer 1) is connected to layer 1 only: ja0 = disu_vp.ja[:disu_vp.iac[0]] msg = ("MFUSG node 1 (layer 1) is connected to layer 2 or 3 but " "should not be (without vertical pass through activated).") assert max(ja0) <= disu_vp.nodelay[0], msg return
delc=delc, top=top, botm=botm, xul=xul, yul = yul) #%% CREATE GRIDGEN OBJECT model_ws ='A:/CGS/ESLgisData/Shapefiles' # os.path.join('.', 'data') g = Gridgen(dis, model_ws=model_ws) #%% ADD ACTIVE DOMAIN (OPTIONAL) g.add_active_domain(act_dom_fn, range(nlay)) #%% SPECIFY REFINEMENTS # for point/IDOT wells g.add_refinement_features(idot_wells_fn, 'point', 5, range(nlay)) # for polyline/Mississippi River bank g.add_refinement_features(refline_rb_fn, 'line', 4, range(nlay)) # for polyline/American Bottoms eastern bluffs g.add_refinement_features(refline_bl_fn, 'line', 2, range(nlay)) # for polygon/Mississippi River g.add_refinement_features(miss_riv_fn, 'polygon', 1, range(nlay)) #%% PLOT GRIDGEN INPUTS (PRE-REFINEMENT) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect='equal') mm = flopy.plot.PlotMapView(model=ms)
def run(): # run installed version of flopy or add local path try: import flopy except: fpth = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('..', '..')) sys.path.append(fpth) import flopy # Set name of MODFLOW exe # assumes executable is in users path statement version = 'mf2005' exe_name = 'mf2005' exe_mp = 'mp6' if platform.system() == 'Windows': exe_name += '.exe' exe_mp += '.exe' mfexe = exe_name # Set the paths loadpth = os.path.join('..', 'data', 'freyberg') modelpth = os.path.join('data') # make sure modelpth directory exists if not os.path.exists(modelpth): os.makedirs(modelpth) ml = flopy.modflow.Modflow.load('freyberg.nam', model_ws=loadpth, exe_name=exe_name, version=version) ml.change_model_ws(new_pth=modelpth) ml.write_input() success, buff = ml.run_model() if not success: print('Something bad happened.') files = ['freyberg.hds', 'freyberg.cbc'] for f in files: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(modelpth, f)): msg = 'Output file located: {}'.format(f) print(msg) else: errmsg = 'Error. Output file cannot be found: {}'.format(f) print(errmsg) mp = flopy.modpath.Modpath('freybergmp', exe_name=exe_mp, modflowmodel=ml, model_ws=modelpth) mpbas = flopy.modpath.ModpathBas(mp, hnoflo=ml.bas6.hnoflo, hdry=ml.lpf.hdry, ibound=ml.bas6.ibound.array, prsity=0.2, prsityCB=0.2) sim = mp.create_mpsim(trackdir='forward', simtype='endpoint', packages='RCH') mp.write_input() mp.run_model() mpp = flopy.modpath.Modpath('freybergmpp', exe_name=exe_mp, modflowmodel=ml, model_ws=modelpth) mpbas = flopy.modpath.ModpathBas(mpp, hnoflo=ml.bas6.hnoflo, hdry=ml.lpf.hdry, ibound=ml.bas6.ibound.array, prsity=0.2, prsityCB=0.2) sim = mpp.create_mpsim(trackdir='backward', simtype='pathline', packages='WEL') mpp.write_input() mpp.run_model() ## load and run second example # run installed version of flopy or add local path try: import flopy except: fpth = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('..', '..')) sys.path.append(fpth) import flopy print(sys.version) print('numpy version: {}'.format(np.__version__)) print('matplotlib version: {}'.format(mpl.__version__)) print('flopy version: {}'.format(flopy.__version__)) if not os.path.exists("data"): os.mkdir("data") from flopy.utils.gridgen import Gridgen Lx = 10000. Ly = 10500. nlay = 3 nrow = 21 ncol = 20 delr = Lx / ncol delc = Ly / nrow top = 400 botm = [220, 200, 0] ms = flopy.modflow.Modflow() dis5 = flopy.modflow.ModflowDis(ms, nlay=nlay, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, delr=delr, delc=delc, top=top, botm=botm) model_name = 'mp7p2' model_ws = os.path.join('data', 'mp7_ex2', 'mf6') gridgen_ws = os.path.join(model_ws, 'gridgen') g = Gridgen(dis5, model_ws=gridgen_ws) rf0shp = os.path.join(gridgen_ws, 'rf0') xmin = 7 * delr xmax = 12 * delr ymin = 8 * delc ymax = 13 * delc rfpoly = [[[(xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (xmin, ymax), (xmin, ymin)]]] g.add_refinement_features(rfpoly, 'polygon', 1, range(nlay)) rf1shp = os.path.join(gridgen_ws, 'rf1') xmin = 8 * delr xmax = 11 * delr ymin = 9 * delc ymax = 12 * delc rfpoly = [[[(xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (xmin, ymax), (xmin, ymin)]]] g.add_refinement_features(rfpoly, 'polygon', 2, range(nlay)) rf2shp = os.path.join(gridgen_ws, 'rf2') xmin = 9 * delr xmax = 10 * delr ymin = 10 * delc ymax = 11 * delc rfpoly = [[[(xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (xmin, ymax), (xmin, ymin)]]] g.add_refinement_features(rfpoly, 'polygon', 3, range(nlay)) gridprops = g.get_gridprops_disv() ncpl = gridprops['ncpl'] top = gridprops['top'] botm = gridprops['botm'] nvert = gridprops['nvert'] vertices = gridprops['vertices'] cell2d = gridprops['cell2d'] # cellxy = gridprops['cellxy'] # create simulation sim = flopy.mf6.MFSimulation(sim_name=model_name, version='mf6', exe_name='mf6', sim_ws=model_ws) # create tdis package tdis_rc = [(1000.0, 1, 1.0)] tdis = flopy.mf6.ModflowTdis(sim, pname='tdis', time_units='DAYS', perioddata=tdis_rc) # create gwf model gwf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwf(sim, modelname=model_name, model_nam_file='{}.nam'.format(model_name)) gwf.name_file.save_flows = True # create iterative model solution and register the gwf model with it ims = flopy.mf6.ModflowIms(sim, pname='ims', print_option='SUMMARY', complexity='SIMPLE', outer_hclose=1.e-5, outer_maximum=100, under_relaxation='NONE', inner_maximum=100, inner_hclose=1.e-6, rcloserecord=0.1, linear_acceleration='BICGSTAB', scaling_method='NONE', reordering_method='NONE', relaxation_factor=0.99) sim.register_ims_package(ims, []) # disv disv = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfdisv(gwf, nlay=nlay, ncpl=ncpl, top=top, botm=botm, nvert=nvert, vertices=vertices, cell2d=cell2d) # initial conditions ic = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfic(gwf, pname='ic', strt=320.) # node property flow npf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfnpf(gwf, xt3doptions=[('xt3d')], icelltype=[1, 0, 0], k=[50.0, 0.01, 200.0], k33=[10., 0.01, 20.]) # wel wellpoints = [(4750., 5250.)] welcells = g.intersect(wellpoints, 'point', 0) # welspd = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfwel.stress_period_data.empty(gwf, maxbound=1, aux_vars=['iface']) welspd = [[(2, icpl), -150000, 0] for icpl in welcells['nodenumber']] wel = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfwel(gwf, print_input=True, auxiliary=[('iface',)], stress_period_data=welspd) # rch aux = [np.ones(ncpl, * 6] rch = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfrcha(gwf, recharge=0.005, auxiliary=[('iface',)], aux={0: [6]}) # riv riverline = [[[(Lx - 1., Ly), (Lx - 1., 0.)]]] rivcells = g.intersect(riverline, 'line', 0) rivspd = [[(0, icpl), 320., 100000., 318] for icpl in rivcells['nodenumber']] riv = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfriv(gwf, stress_period_data=rivspd) # output control oc = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfoc(gwf, pname='oc', budget_filerecord='{}.cbb'.format(model_name), head_filerecord='{}.hds'.format(model_name), headprintrecord=[('COLUMNS', 10, 'WIDTH', 15, 'DIGITS', 6, 'GENERAL')], saverecord=[('HEAD', 'ALL'), ('BUDGET', 'ALL')], printrecord=[('HEAD', 'ALL'), ('BUDGET', 'ALL')]) sim.write_simulation() sim.run_simulation() mp_namea = model_name + 'a_mp' mp_nameb = model_name + 'b_mp' pcoord = np.array([[0.000, 0.125, 0.500], [0.000, 0.375, 0.500], [0.000, 0.625, 0.500], [0.000, 0.875, 0.500], [1.000, 0.125, 0.500], [1.000, 0.375, 0.500], [1.000, 0.625, 0.500], [1.000, 0.875, 0.500], [0.125, 0.000, 0.500], [0.375, 0.000, 0.500], [0.625, 0.000, 0.500], [0.875, 0.000, 0.500], [0.125, 1.000, 0.500], [0.375, 1.000, 0.500], [0.625, 1.000, 0.500], [0.875, 1.000, 0.500]]) nodew = gwf.disv.ncpl.array * 2 + welcells['nodenumber'][0] plocs = [nodew for i in range(pcoord.shape[0])] # create particle data pa = flopy.modpath.ParticleData(plocs, structured=False, localx=pcoord[:, 0], localy=pcoord[:, 1], localz=pcoord[:, 2], drape=0) # create backward particle group fpth = mp_namea + '.sloc' pga = flopy.modpath.ParticleGroup(particlegroupname='BACKWARD1', particledata=pa, filename=fpth) facedata = flopy.modpath.FaceDataType(drape=0, verticaldivisions1=10, horizontaldivisions1=10, verticaldivisions2=10, horizontaldivisions2=10, verticaldivisions3=10, horizontaldivisions3=10, verticaldivisions4=10, horizontaldivisions4=10, rowdivisions5=0, columndivisions5=0, rowdivisions6=4, columndivisions6=4) pb = flopy.modpath.NodeParticleData(subdivisiondata=facedata, nodes=nodew) # create forward particle group fpth = mp_nameb + '.sloc' pgb = flopy.modpath.ParticleGroupNodeTemplate(particlegroupname='BACKWARD2', particledata=pb, filename=fpth) # create modpath files mp = flopy.modpath.Modpath7(modelname=mp_namea, flowmodel=gwf, exe_name='mp7', model_ws=model_ws) flopy.modpath.Modpath7Bas(mp, porosity=0.1) flopy.modpath.Modpath7Sim(mp, simulationtype='combined', trackingdirection='backward', weaksinkoption='pass_through', weaksourceoption='pass_through', referencetime=0., stoptimeoption='extend', timepointdata=[500, 1000.], particlegroups=pga) # write modpath datasets mp.write_input() # run modpath mp.run_model() # create modpath files mp = flopy.modpath.Modpath7(modelname=mp_nameb, flowmodel=gwf, exe_name='mp7', model_ws=model_ws) flopy.modpath.Modpath7Bas(mp, porosity=0.1) flopy.modpath.Modpath7Sim(mp, simulationtype='endpoint', trackingdirection='backward', weaksinkoption='pass_through', weaksourceoption='pass_through', referencetime=0., stoptimeoption='extend', particlegroups=pgb) # write modpath datasets mp.write_input() # run modpath mp.run_model() return
def test_mf6disv(): if gridgen_exe is None: print( "Unable to run test_mf6disv(). Gridgen executable not available.") return if Polygon is None: print("Unable to run test_mf6disv(). shapely is not available.") return name = "dummy" nlay = 3 nrow = 10 ncol = 10 delr = delc = 1.0 top = 1 bot = 0 dz = (top - bot) / nlay botm = [top - k * dz for k in range(1, nlay + 1)] # Create a dummy model and regular grid to use as the base grid for gridgen sim = flopy.mf6.MFSimulation(sim_name=name, sim_ws=gridgen_ws, exe_name="mf6") gwf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwf(sim, modelname=name) dis = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfdis( gwf, nlay=nlay, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, delr=delr, delc=delc, top=top, botm=botm, ) # Create and build the gridgen model with a refined area in the middle g = Gridgen(dis, model_ws=gridgen_ws) polys = [Polygon([(4, 4), (6, 4), (6, 6), (4, 6)])] g.add_refinement_features(polys, "polygon", 3, range(nlay)) disv_gridprops = g.get_gridprops_disv() # find the cell numbers for constant heads chdspd = [] ilay = 0 for x, y, head in [(0, 10, 1.0), (10, 0, 0.0)]: ra = g.intersect([(x, y)], "point", ilay) ic = ra["nodenumber"][0] chdspd.append([(ilay, ic), head]) # build run and post-process the MODFLOW 6 model ws = os.path.join(tpth, "gridgen_disv") name = "mymodel" sim = flopy.mf6.MFSimulation( sim_name=name, sim_ws=ws, exe_name="mf6", verbosity_level=VERBOSITY_LEVEL, ) tdis = flopy.mf6.ModflowTdis(sim) ims = flopy.mf6.ModflowIms(sim, linear_acceleration="bicgstab") gwf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwf(sim, modelname=name, save_flows=True) disv = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfdisv(gwf, **disv_gridprops) ic = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfic(gwf) npf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfnpf(gwf, xt3doptions=True, save_specific_discharge=True) chd = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfchd(gwf, stress_period_data=chdspd) budget_file = name + ".bud" head_file = name + ".hds" oc = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfoc( gwf, budget_filerecord=budget_file, head_filerecord=head_file, saverecord=[("HEAD", "ALL"), ("BUDGET", "ALL")], ) sim.write_simulation() gwf.modelgrid.set_coord_info(angrot=15) # write grid and model shapefiles fname = os.path.join(ws, "grid.shp") gwf.modelgrid.write_shapefile(fname) fname = os.path.join(ws, "model.shp") gwf.export(fname) if mf6_exe is not None: sim.run_simulation(silent=True) head = flopy.utils.HeadFile(os.path.join(ws, head_file)).get_data() bud = flopy.utils.CellBudgetFile(os.path.join(ws, budget_file), precision="double") spdis = bud.get_data(text="DATA-SPDIS")[0] if matplotlib is not None: f = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) vmin = head.min() vmax = head.max() for ilay in range(gwf.modelgrid.nlay): ax = plt.subplot(1, gwf.modelgrid.nlay, ilay + 1) pmv = flopy.plot.PlotMapView(gwf, layer=ilay, ax=ax) ax.set_aspect("equal") pmv.plot_array(head.flatten(), cmap="jet", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) pmv.plot_grid(colors="k", alpha=0.1) pmv.contour_array( head, levels=[0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8], linewidths=3.0, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, ) ax.set_title("Layer {}".format(ilay + 1)) pmv.plot_specific_discharge(spdis, color="white") fname = "results.png" fname = os.path.join(ws, fname) plt.savefig(fname) plt.close("all") return
def run(): # run installed version of flopy or add local path try: import flopy except: fpth = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('..', '..')) sys.path.append(fpth) import flopy # Set name of MODFLOW exe # assumes executable is in users path statement version = 'mf2005' exe_name = 'mf2005' exe_mp = 'mp6' if platform.system() == 'Windows': exe_name += '.exe' exe_mp += '.exe' mfexe = exe_name # Set the paths loadpth = os.path.join('..', 'data', 'freyberg') modelpth = os.path.join('data') # make sure modelpth directory exists if not os.path.exists(modelpth): os.makedirs(modelpth) ml = flopy.modflow.Modflow.load('freyberg.nam', model_ws=loadpth, exe_name=exe_name, version=version) ml.change_model_ws(new_pth=modelpth) ml.write_input() success, buff = ml.run_model() if not success: print('Something bad happened.') files = ['freyberg.hds', 'freyberg.cbc'] for f in files: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(modelpth, f)): msg = 'Output file located: {}'.format(f) print(msg) else: errmsg = 'Error. Output file cannot be found: {}'.format(f) print(errmsg) mp = flopy.modpath.Modpath('freybergmp', exe_name=exe_mp, modflowmodel=ml, model_ws=modelpth) mpbas = flopy.modpath.ModpathBas(mp, hnoflo=ml.bas6.hnoflo, hdry=ml.lpf.hdry, ibound=ml.bas6.ibound.array, prsity=0.2, prsityCB=0.2) sim = mp.create_mpsim(trackdir='forward', simtype='endpoint', packages='RCH') mp.write_input() mp.run_model() mpp = flopy.modpath.Modpath('freybergmpp', exe_name=exe_mp, modflowmodel=ml, model_ws=modelpth) mpbas = flopy.modpath.ModpathBas(mpp, hnoflo=ml.bas6.hnoflo, hdry=ml.lpf.hdry, ibound=ml.bas6.ibound.array, prsity=0.2, prsityCB=0.2) sim = mpp.create_mpsim(trackdir='backward', simtype='pathline', packages='WEL') mpp.write_input() mpp.run_model() ## load and run second example # run installed version of flopy or add local path try: import flopy except: fpth = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('..', '..')) sys.path.append(fpth) import flopy print(sys.version) print('numpy version: {}'.format(np.__version__)) print('matplotlib version: {}'.format(mpl.__version__)) print('flopy version: {}'.format(flopy.__version__)) if not os.path.exists("data"): os.mkdir("data") from flopy.utils.gridgen import Gridgen Lx = 10000. Ly = 10500. nlay = 3 nrow = 21 ncol = 20 delr = Lx / ncol delc = Ly / nrow top = 400 botm = [220, 200, 0] ms = flopy.modflow.Modflow() dis5 = flopy.modflow.ModflowDis(ms, nlay=nlay, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, delr=delr, delc=delc, top=top, botm=botm) model_name = 'mp7p2' model_ws = os.path.join('data', 'mp7_ex2', 'mf6') gridgen_ws = os.path.join(model_ws, 'gridgen') g = Gridgen(dis5, model_ws=gridgen_ws) rf0shp = os.path.join(gridgen_ws, 'rf0') xmin = 7 * delr xmax = 12 * delr ymin = 8 * delc ymax = 13 * delc rfpoly = [[[(xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (xmin, ymax), (xmin, ymin)]]] g.add_refinement_features(rfpoly, 'polygon', 1, range(nlay)) rf1shp = os.path.join(gridgen_ws, 'rf1') xmin = 8 * delr xmax = 11 * delr ymin = 9 * delc ymax = 12 * delc rfpoly = [[[(xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (xmin, ymax), (xmin, ymin)]]] g.add_refinement_features(rfpoly, 'polygon', 2, range(nlay)) rf2shp = os.path.join(gridgen_ws, 'rf2') xmin = 9 * delr xmax = 10 * delr ymin = 10 * delc ymax = 11 * delc rfpoly = [[[(xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (xmin, ymax), (xmin, ymin)]]] g.add_refinement_features(rfpoly, 'polygon', 3, range(nlay)) gridprops = g.get_gridprops_disv() ncpl = gridprops['ncpl'] top = gridprops['top'] botm = gridprops['botm'] nvert = gridprops['nvert'] vertices = gridprops['vertices'] cell2d = gridprops['cell2d'] # cellxy = gridprops['cellxy'] # create simulation sim = flopy.mf6.MFSimulation(sim_name=model_name, version='mf6', exe_name='mf6', sim_ws=model_ws) # create tdis package tdis_rc = [(1000.0, 1, 1.0)] tdis = flopy.mf6.ModflowTdis(sim, pname='tdis', time_units='DAYS', perioddata=tdis_rc) # create gwf model gwf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwf(sim, modelname=model_name, model_nam_file='{}.nam'.format(model_name)) gwf.name_file.save_flows = True # create iterative model solution and register the gwf model with it ims = flopy.mf6.ModflowIms(sim, pname='ims', print_option='SUMMARY', complexity='SIMPLE', outer_hclose=1.e-5, outer_maximum=100, under_relaxation='NONE', inner_maximum=100, inner_hclose=1.e-6, rcloserecord=0.1, linear_acceleration='BICGSTAB', scaling_method='NONE', reordering_method='NONE', relaxation_factor=0.99) sim.register_ims_package(ims, []) # disv disv = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfdisv(gwf, nlay=nlay, ncpl=ncpl, top=top, botm=botm, nvert=nvert, vertices=vertices, cell2d=cell2d) # initial conditions ic = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfic(gwf, pname='ic', strt=320.) # node property flow npf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfnpf(gwf, xt3doptions=[('xt3d')], icelltype=[1, 0, 0], k=[50.0, 0.01, 200.0], k33=[10., 0.01, 20.]) # wel wellpoints = [(4750., 5250.)] welcells = g.intersect(wellpoints, 'point', 0) # welspd = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfwel.stress_period_data.empty(gwf, maxbound=1, aux_vars=['iface']) welspd = [[(2, icpl), -150000, 0] for icpl in welcells['nodenumber']] wel = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfwel(gwf, print_input=True, auxiliary=[('iface', )], stress_period_data=welspd) # rch aux = [np.ones(ncpl, * 6] rch = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfrcha(gwf, recharge=0.005, auxiliary=[('iface', )], aux={0: [6]}) # riv riverline = [[[(Lx - 1., Ly), (Lx - 1., 0.)]]] rivcells = g.intersect(riverline, 'line', 0) rivspd = [[(0, icpl), 320., 100000., 318] for icpl in rivcells['nodenumber']] riv = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfriv(gwf, stress_period_data=rivspd) # output control oc = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfoc(gwf, pname='oc', budget_filerecord='{}.cbb'.format(model_name), head_filerecord='{}.hds'.format(model_name), headprintrecord=[('COLUMNS', 10, 'WIDTH', 15, 'DIGITS', 6, 'GENERAL')], saverecord=[('HEAD', 'ALL'), ('BUDGET', 'ALL')], printrecord=[('HEAD', 'ALL'), ('BUDGET', 'ALL')]) sim.write_simulation() sim.run_simulation() mp_namea = model_name + 'a_mp' mp_nameb = model_name + 'b_mp' pcoord = np.array([[0.000, 0.125, 0.500], [0.000, 0.375, 0.500], [0.000, 0.625, 0.500], [0.000, 0.875, 0.500], [1.000, 0.125, 0.500], [1.000, 0.375, 0.500], [1.000, 0.625, 0.500], [1.000, 0.875, 0.500], [0.125, 0.000, 0.500], [0.375, 0.000, 0.500], [0.625, 0.000, 0.500], [0.875, 0.000, 0.500], [0.125, 1.000, 0.500], [0.375, 1.000, 0.500], [0.625, 1.000, 0.500], [0.875, 1.000, 0.500]]) nodew = gwf.disv.ncpl.array * 2 + welcells['nodenumber'][0] plocs = [nodew for i in range(pcoord.shape[0])] # create particle data pa = flopy.modpath.ParticleData(plocs, structured=False, localx=pcoord[:, 0], localy=pcoord[:, 1], localz=pcoord[:, 2], drape=0) # create backward particle group fpth = mp_namea + '.sloc' pga = flopy.modpath.ParticleGroup(particlegroupname='BACKWARD1', particledata=pa, filename=fpth) facedata = flopy.modpath.FaceDataType(drape=0, verticaldivisions1=10, horizontaldivisions1=10, verticaldivisions2=10, horizontaldivisions2=10, verticaldivisions3=10, horizontaldivisions3=10, verticaldivisions4=10, horizontaldivisions4=10, rowdivisions5=0, columndivisions5=0, rowdivisions6=4, columndivisions6=4) pb = flopy.modpath.NodeParticleData(subdivisiondata=facedata, nodes=nodew) # create forward particle group fpth = mp_nameb + '.sloc' pgb = flopy.modpath.ParticleGroupNodeTemplate( particlegroupname='BACKWARD2', particledata=pb, filename=fpth) # create modpath files mp = flopy.modpath.Modpath7(modelname=mp_namea, flowmodel=gwf, exe_name='mp7', model_ws=model_ws) flopy.modpath.Modpath7Bas(mp, porosity=0.1) flopy.modpath.Modpath7Sim(mp, simulationtype='combined', trackingdirection='backward', weaksinkoption='pass_through', weaksourceoption='pass_through', referencetime=0., stoptimeoption='extend', timepointdata=[500, 1000.], particlegroups=pga) # write modpath datasets mp.write_input() # run modpath mp.run_model() # create modpath files mp = flopy.modpath.Modpath7(modelname=mp_nameb, flowmodel=gwf, exe_name='mp7', model_ws=model_ws) flopy.modpath.Modpath7Bas(mp, porosity=0.1) flopy.modpath.Modpath7Sim(mp, simulationtype='endpoint', trackingdirection='backward', weaksinkoption='pass_through', weaksourceoption='pass_through', referencetime=0., stoptimeoption='extend', particlegroups=pgb) # write modpath datasets mp.write_input() # run modpath mp.run_model() return
def test_mf6disu(): name = 'dummy' nlay = 3 nrow = 10 ncol = 10 delr = delc = 1. top = 1 bot = 0 dz = (top - bot) / nlay botm = [top - k * dz for k in range(1, nlay + 1)] # Create a dummy model and regular grid to use as the base grid for gridgen sim = flopy.mf6.MFSimulation(sim_name=name, sim_ws=gridgen_ws, exe_name='mf6') gwf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwf(sim, modelname=name) dis = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfdis(gwf, nlay=nlay, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, delr=delr, delc=delc, top=top, botm=botm) # Create and build the gridgen model with a refined area in the middle g = Gridgen(dis, model_ws=gridgen_ws) polys = [Polygon([(4, 4), (6, 4), (6, 6), (4, 6)])] g.add_refinement_features(polys, 'polygon', 3, layers=[0]) disu_gridprops = g.get_gridprops_disu6() chdspd = [] for x, y, head in [(0, 10, 1.), (10, 0, 0.)]: ra = g.intersect([(x, y)], 'point', 0) ic = ra['nodenumber'][0] chdspd.append([(ic,), head]) # build run and post-process the MODFLOW 6 model ws = os.path.join(tpth, 'gridgen_disu') name = 'mymodel' sim = flopy.mf6.MFSimulation(sim_name=name, sim_ws=ws, exe_name='mf6', verbosity_level=VERBOSITY_LEVEL) tdis = flopy.mf6.ModflowTdis(sim) ims = flopy.mf6.ModflowIms(sim, linear_acceleration='bicgstab') gwf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwf(sim, modelname=name, save_flows=True) disu = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfdisu(gwf, **disu_gridprops) ic = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfic(gwf) npf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfnpf(gwf, xt3doptions=True, save_specific_discharge=True) chd = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfchd(gwf, stress_period_data=chdspd) budget_file = name + '.bud' head_file = name + '.hds' oc = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfoc(gwf, budget_filerecord=budget_file, head_filerecord=head_file, saverecord=[('HEAD', 'ALL'), ('BUDGET', 'ALL')]) sim.write_simulation() gwf.modelgrid.set_coord_info(angrot=15) # The flopy Gridgen object includes the plottable layer number to the # diagonal position in the ihc array. This is why and how modelgrid.nlay # is set to 3 and ncpl has a different number of cells per layer. assert gwf.modelgrid.nlay == 3 assert np.allclose(gwf.modelgrid.ncpl, np.array([436, 184, 112])) # write grid and model shapefiles fname = os.path.join(ws, 'grid.shp') gwf.modelgrid.write_shapefile(fname) fname = os.path.join(ws, 'model.shp') gwf.export(fname) if mf6_exe is not None: sim.run_simulation(silent=True) head = flopy.utils.HeadFile(os.path.join(ws, head_file)).get_data() bud = flopy.utils.CellBudgetFile(os.path.join(ws, budget_file), precision='double') spdis = bud.get_data(text='DATA-SPDIS')[0] if matplotlib is not None: f = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) vmin = head.min() vmax = head.max() for ilay in range(gwf.modelgrid.nlay): ax = plt.subplot(1, gwf.modelgrid.nlay, ilay + 1) pmv = flopy.plot.PlotMapView(gwf, layer=ilay, ax=ax) ax.set_aspect('equal') pmv.plot_array(head.flatten(), cmap='jet', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) pmv.plot_grid(colors='k', alpha=0.1) pmv.contour_array(head, levels=[.2, .4, .6, .8], linewidths=3., vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) ax.set_title("Layer {}".format(ilay + 1)) pmv.plot_specific_discharge(spdis, color='white') fname = 'results.png' fname = os.path.join(ws, fname) plt.savefig(fname) plt.close('all') return
def test_mfusg(): name = "dummy" nlay = 3 nrow = 10 ncol = 10 delr = delc = 1.0 top = 1 bot = 0 dz = (top - bot) / nlay botm = [top - k * dz for k in range(1, nlay + 1)] # create dummy model and dis package for gridgen m = flopy.modflow.Modflow(modelname=name, model_ws=gridgen_ws) dis = flopy.modflow.ModflowDis( m, nlay=nlay, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, delr=delr, delc=delc, top=top, botm=botm, ) # Create and build the gridgen model with a refined area in the middle g = Gridgen(dis, model_ws=gridgen_ws) polys = [Polygon([(4, 4), (6, 4), (6, 6), (4, 6)])] g.add_refinement_features(polys, "polygon", 3, layers=[0]) chdspd = [] for x, y, head in [(0, 10, 1.0), (10, 0, 0.0)]: ra = g.intersect([(x, y)], "point", 0) ic = ra["nodenumber"][0] chdspd.append([ic, head, head]) # gridprops = g.get_gridprops() gridprops = g.get_gridprops_disu5() # create the mfusg modoel ws = os.path.join(tpth, "gridgen_mfusg") name = "mymodel" m = flopy.modflow.Modflow( modelname=name, model_ws=ws, version="mfusg", exe_name=mfusg_exe, structured=False, ) disu = flopy.modflow.ModflowDisU(m, **gridprops) bas = flopy.modflow.ModflowBas(m) lpf = flopy.modflow.ModflowLpf(m) chd = flopy.modflow.ModflowChd(m, stress_period_data=chdspd) sms = flopy.modflow.ModflowSms(m) oc = flopy.modflow.ModflowOc(m, stress_period_data={(0, 0): ["save head"]}) m.write_input() # MODFLOW-USG does not have vertices, so we need to create # and unstructured grid and then assign it to the model. This # will allow plotting and other features to work properly. gridprops_ug = g.get_gridprops_unstructuredgrid() ugrid = flopy.discretization.UnstructuredGrid(**gridprops_ug, angrot=-15) m.modelgrid = ugrid if mfusg_exe is not None: m.run_model() # head is returned as a list of head arrays for each layer head_file = os.path.join(ws, name + ".hds") head = flopy.utils.HeadUFile(head_file).get_data() if matplotlib is not None: f = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) vmin = 0.0 vmax = 1.0 for ilay in range(disu.nlay): ax = plt.subplot(1, g.nlay, ilay + 1) pmv = flopy.plot.PlotMapView(m, layer=ilay, ax=ax) ax.set_aspect("equal") pmv.plot_array(head[ilay], cmap="jet", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) pmv.plot_grid(colors="k", alpha=0.1) pmv.contour_array(head[ilay], levels=[0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8], linewidths=3.0) ax.set_title("Layer {}".format(ilay + 1)) # pmv.plot_specific_discharge(spdis, color='white') fname = "results.png" fname = os.path.join(ws, fname) plt.savefig(fname) plt.close("all") # re-run with an LPF keyword specified. This would have thrown an error # before the addition of ikcflag to (flopy 3.3.3 and earlier). lpf = flopy.modflow.ModflowLpf(m, novfc=True, nocvcorrection=True) m.write_input() m.run_model() # also test load of unstructured LPF with keywords lpf2 = flopy.modflow.ModflowLpf.load(os.path.join(ws, name + ".lpf"), m, check=False) msg = "NOCVCORRECTION and NOVFC should be in lpf options but at least one is not." assert ("NOVFC" in lpf2.options.upper() and "NOCVCORRECTION" in lpf2.options.upper()), msg return
def run(): ## load and run vertex grid example # run installed version of flopy or add local path try: import flopy except: fpth = os.path.abspath(os.path.join("../..", "..")) sys.path.append(fpth) import flopy print(sys.version) print("numpy version: {}".format(np.__version__)) print("matplotlib version: {}".format(mpl.__version__)) print("flopy version: {}".format(flopy.__version__)) if not os.path.exists("data"): os.mkdir("data") from flopy.utils.gridgen import Gridgen Lx = 10000.0 Ly = 10500.0 nlay = 3 nrow = 21 ncol = 20 delr = Lx / ncol delc = Ly / nrow top = 400 botm = [220, 200, 0] ms = flopy.modflow.Modflow() dis5 = flopy.modflow.ModflowDis( ms, nlay=nlay, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, delr=delr, delc=delc, top=top, botm=botm, ) model_name = "mp7p2" model_ws = os.path.join("data", "mp7_ex2", "mf6") gridgen_ws = os.path.join(model_ws, "gridgen") g = Gridgen(dis5, model_ws=gridgen_ws) rf0shp = os.path.join(gridgen_ws, "rf0") xmin = 7 * delr xmax = 12 * delr ymin = 8 * delc ymax = 13 * delc rfpoly = [[[ (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (xmin, ymax), (xmin, ymin), ]]] g.add_refinement_features(rfpoly, "polygon", 1, range(nlay)) rf1shp = os.path.join(gridgen_ws, "rf1") xmin = 8 * delr xmax = 11 * delr ymin = 9 * delc ymax = 12 * delc rfpoly = [[[ (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (xmin, ymax), (xmin, ymin), ]]] g.add_refinement_features(rfpoly, "polygon", 2, range(nlay)) rf2shp = os.path.join(gridgen_ws, "rf2") xmin = 9 * delr xmax = 10 * delr ymin = 10 * delc ymax = 11 * delc rfpoly = [[[ (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (xmin, ymax), (xmin, ymin), ]]] g.add_refinement_features(rfpoly, "polygon", 3, range(nlay)) gridprops = g.get_gridprops_disv() ncpl = gridprops["ncpl"] top = gridprops["top"] botm = gridprops["botm"] nvert = gridprops["nvert"] vertices = gridprops["vertices"] cell2d = gridprops["cell2d"] # cellxy = gridprops['cellxy'] # create simulation sim = flopy.mf6.MFSimulation(sim_name=model_name, version="mf6", exe_name="mf6", sim_ws=model_ws) # create tdis package tdis_rc = [(1000.0, 1, 1.0)] tdis = flopy.mf6.ModflowTdis(sim, pname="tdis", time_units="DAYS", perioddata=tdis_rc) # create gwf model gwf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwf(sim, modelname=model_name, model_nam_file="{}.nam".format(model_name)) gwf.name_file.save_flows = True # create iterative model solution and register the gwf model with it ims = flopy.mf6.ModflowIms( sim, pname="ims", print_option="SUMMARY", complexity="SIMPLE", outer_hclose=1.0e-5, outer_maximum=100, under_relaxation="NONE", inner_maximum=100, inner_hclose=1.0e-6, rcloserecord=0.1, linear_acceleration="BICGSTAB", scaling_method="NONE", reordering_method="NONE", relaxation_factor=0.99, ) sim.register_ims_package(ims, []) # disv disv = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfdisv( gwf, nlay=nlay, ncpl=ncpl, top=top, botm=botm, nvert=nvert, vertices=vertices, cell2d=cell2d, ) # initial conditions ic = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfic(gwf, pname="ic", strt=320.0) # node property flow npf = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfnpf( gwf, xt3doptions=[("xt3d")], save_specific_discharge=True, icelltype=[1, 0, 0], k=[50.0, 0.01, 200.0], k33=[10.0, 0.01, 20.0], ) # wel wellpoints = [(4750.0, 5250.0)] welcells = g.intersect(wellpoints, "point", 0) # welspd = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfwel.stress_period_data.empty(gwf, maxbound=1, aux_vars=['iface']) welspd = [[(2, icpl), -150000, 0] for icpl in welcells["nodenumber"]] wel = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfwel( gwf, print_input=True, auxiliary=[("iface", )], stress_period_data=welspd, ) # rch aux = [np.ones(ncpl, dtype=int) * 6] rch = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfrcha(gwf, recharge=0.005, auxiliary=[("iface", )], aux={0: [6]}) # riv riverline = [[[(Lx - 1.0, Ly), (Lx - 1.0, 0.0)]]] rivcells = g.intersect(riverline, "line", 0) rivspd = [[(0, icpl), 320.0, 100000.0, 318] for icpl in rivcells["nodenumber"]] riv = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfriv(gwf, stress_period_data=rivspd) # output control oc = flopy.mf6.ModflowGwfoc( gwf, pname="oc", budget_filerecord="{}.cbb".format(model_name), head_filerecord="{}.hds".format(model_name), headprintrecord=[("COLUMNS", 10, "WIDTH", 15, "DIGITS", 6, "GENERAL")], saverecord=[("HEAD", "ALL"), ("BUDGET", "ALL")], printrecord=[("HEAD", "ALL"), ("BUDGET", "ALL")], ) sim.write_simulation() sim.run_simulation() mp_namea = model_name + "a_mp" mp_nameb = model_name + "b_mp" pcoord = np.array([ [0.000, 0.125, 0.500], [0.000, 0.375, 0.500], [0.000, 0.625, 0.500], [0.000, 0.875, 0.500], [1.000, 0.125, 0.500], [1.000, 0.375, 0.500], [1.000, 0.625, 0.500], [1.000, 0.875, 0.500], [0.125, 0.000, 0.500], [0.375, 0.000, 0.500], [0.625, 0.000, 0.500], [0.875, 0.000, 0.500], [0.125, 1.000, 0.500], [0.375, 1.000, 0.500], [0.625, 1.000, 0.500], [0.875, 1.000, 0.500], ]) nodew = gwf.disv.ncpl.array * 2 + welcells["nodenumber"][0] plocs = [nodew for i in range(pcoord.shape[0])] # create particle data pa = flopy.modpath.ParticleData( plocs, structured=False, localx=pcoord[:, 0], localy=pcoord[:, 1], localz=pcoord[:, 2], drape=0, ) # create backward particle group fpth = mp_namea + ".sloc" pga = flopy.modpath.ParticleGroup(particlegroupname="BACKWARD1", particledata=pa, filename=fpth) facedata = flopy.modpath.FaceDataType( drape=0, verticaldivisions1=10, horizontaldivisions1=10, verticaldivisions2=10, horizontaldivisions2=10, verticaldivisions3=10, horizontaldivisions3=10, verticaldivisions4=10, horizontaldivisions4=10, rowdivisions5=0, columndivisions5=0, rowdivisions6=4, columndivisions6=4, ) pb = flopy.modpath.NodeParticleData(subdivisiondata=facedata, nodes=nodew) # create forward particle group fpth = mp_nameb + ".sloc" pgb = flopy.modpath.ParticleGroupNodeTemplate( particlegroupname="BACKWARD2", particledata=pb, filename=fpth) # create modpath files mp = flopy.modpath.Modpath7(modelname=mp_namea, flowmodel=gwf, exe_name="mp7", model_ws=model_ws) flopy.modpath.Modpath7Bas(mp, porosity=0.1) flopy.modpath.Modpath7Sim( mp, simulationtype="combined", trackingdirection="backward", weaksinkoption="pass_through", weaksourceoption="pass_through", referencetime=0.0, stoptimeoption="extend", timepointdata=[500, 1000.0], particlegroups=pga, ) # write modpath datasets mp.write_input() # run modpath mp.run_model() # create modpath files mp = flopy.modpath.Modpath7(modelname=mp_nameb, flowmodel=gwf, exe_name="mp7", model_ws=model_ws) flopy.modpath.Modpath7Bas(mp, porosity=0.1) flopy.modpath.Modpath7Sim( mp, simulationtype="endpoint", trackingdirection="backward", weaksinkoption="pass_through", weaksourceoption="pass_through", referencetime=0.0, stoptimeoption="extend", particlegroups=pgb, ) # write modpath datasets mp.write_input() # run modpath mp.run_model() return
delc=delc, top=top, botm=botm) g = Gridgen(dis, model_ws=model_ws, exe_name=r'C:\00MODFLOW\gridgen.1.0.02\bin\gridgen_x64.exe') # setup the active domain adshp = os.path.join(model_ws, 'ad0') adpoly = [[[(0, 0), (0, 60), (40, 80), (60, 0), (0, 0)]]] # g.add_active_domain(adpoly, range(nlay)) # RIVER river = [[[(-20, 10), (60, 60)]]] g.add_refinement_features(river, 'line', 3, range(nlay)) rf1shp = os.path.join(model_ws, 'rf1') # REFINE GRID g.add_refinement_features(adpoly, 'polygon', 1, range(nlay)) rf2shp = os.path.join(model_ws, 'rf2') #WELL x = Lx * np.random.random(10) y = Ly * np.random.random(10) wells = list(zip(x, y)) g.add_refinement_features(wells, 'point', 3, range(nlay)) rf0shp = os.path.join(model_ws, 'rf0') # Plot the Gridgen Input fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15))
def test_gridgen(): # define the base grid and then create a couple levels of nested # refinement Lx = 10000. Ly = 10500. nlay = 3 nrow = 21 ncol = 20 delr = Lx / ncol delc = Ly / nrow top = 400 botm = [220, 200, np.random.random((nrow, ncol))] # create a dummy dis package for gridgen ms = flopy.modflow.Modflow() dis5 = flopy.modflow.ModflowDis(ms, nlay=nlay, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, delr=delr, delc=delc, top=top, botm=botm) gridgen_ws = cpth g = Gridgen(dis5, model_ws=gridgen_ws, exe_name=exe_name) rf0shp = os.path.join(gridgen_ws, 'rf0') xmin = 7 * delr xmax = 12 * delr ymin = 8 * delc ymax = 13 * delc rfpoly = [[[(xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (xmin, ymax), (xmin, ymin)]]] g.add_refinement_features(rfpoly, 'polygon', 1, range(nlay)) rf1shp = os.path.join(gridgen_ws, 'rf1') xmin = 8 * delr xmax = 11 * delr ymin = 9 * delc ymax = 12 * delc rfpoly = [[[(xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (xmin, ymax), (xmin, ymin)]]] g.add_refinement_features(rfpoly, 'polygon', 2, range(nlay)) rf2shp = os.path.join(gridgen_ws, 'rf2') xmin = 9 * delr xmax = 10 * delr ymin = 10 * delc ymax = 11 * delc rfpoly = [[[(xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (xmin, ymax), (xmin, ymin)]]] g.add_refinement_features(rfpoly, 'polygon', 3, range(nlay)) # if gridgen executable is available then do the main part of the test if run: # Use gridgen to build the grid # test the different gridprops dictionaries, which contain all the # information needed to make the different discretization packages gridprops = g.get_gridprops_disv() gridprops = g.get_gridprops() #gridprops = g.get_gridprops_disu6() # test the gridgen point intersection points = [(4750., 5250.)] cells = g.intersect(points, 'point', 0) n = cells['nodenumber'][0] msg = ('gridgen point intersect did not identify the correct ' 'cell {} <> {}'.format(n, 308)) assert n == 308, msg # test the gridgen line intersection line = [[[(Lx, Ly), (Lx, 0.)]]] cells = g.intersect(line, 'line', 0) nlist = [n for n in cells['nodenumber']] nlist2 = [19, 650, 39, 630, 59, 610, 79, 590, 99, 570, 119, 550, 139, 530, 159, 510, 194, 490, 265, 455, 384] msg = ('gridgen line intersect did not identify the correct ' 'cells {} <> {}'.format(nlist, nlist2)) assert nlist == nlist2, msg # test getting a modflow-usg disu package mu = flopy.modflow.Modflow(version='mfusg', structured=False) disu = g.get_disu(mu) return
def test_gridgen(): # define the base grid and then create a couple levels of nested # refinement Lx = 10000. Ly = 10500. nlay = 3 nrow = 21 ncol = 20 delr = Lx / ncol delc = Ly / nrow top = 400 botm = [220, 200, np.random.random((nrow, ncol))] # create a dummy dis package for gridgen ms = flopy.modflow.Modflow() dis5 = flopy.modflow.ModflowDis(ms, nlay=nlay, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, delr=delr, delc=delc, top=top, botm=botm) gridgen_ws = cpth g = Gridgen(dis5, model_ws=gridgen_ws, exe_name=exe_name) rf0shp = os.path.join(gridgen_ws, 'rf0') xmin = 7 * delr xmax = 12 * delr ymin = 8 * delc ymax = 13 * delc rfpoly = [[[(xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (xmin, ymax), (xmin, ymin)]]] g.add_refinement_features(rfpoly, 'polygon', 1, range(nlay)) rf1shp = os.path.join(gridgen_ws, 'rf1') xmin = 8 * delr xmax = 11 * delr ymin = 9 * delc ymax = 12 * delc rfpoly = [[[(xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (xmin, ymax), (xmin, ymin)]]] g.add_refinement_features(rfpoly, 'polygon', 2, range(nlay)) rf2shp = os.path.join(gridgen_ws, 'rf2') xmin = 9 * delr xmax = 10 * delr ymin = 10 * delc ymax = 11 * delc rfpoly = [[[(xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (xmin, ymax), (xmin, ymin)]]] g.add_refinement_features(rfpoly, 'polygon', 3, range(nlay)) # if gridgen executable is available then do the main part of the test if run: # Use gridgen to build the grid # test the different gridprops dictionaries, which contain all the # information needed to make the different discretization packages gridprops = g.get_gridprops_disv() gridprops = g.get_gridprops() #gridprops = g.get_gridprops_disu6() # test the gridgen point intersection points = [(4750., 5250.)] cells = g.intersect(points, 'point', 0) n = cells['nodenumber'][0] msg = ('gridgen point intersect did not identify the correct ' 'cell {} <> {}'.format(n, 308)) assert n == 308, msg # test the gridgen line intersection line = [[[(Lx, Ly), (Lx, 0.)]]] cells = g.intersect(line, 'line', 0) nlist = [n for n in cells['nodenumber']] nlist2 = [ 19, 650, 39, 630, 59, 610, 79, 590, 99, 570, 119, 550, 139, 530, 159, 510, 194, 490, 265, 455, 384 ] msg = ('gridgen line intersect did not identify the correct ' 'cells {} <> {}'.format(nlist, nlist2)) assert nlist == nlist2, msg # test getting a modflow-usg disu package mu = flopy.modflow.Modflow(version='mfusg', structured=False) disu = g.get_disu(mu) return
# ---- Add refinements refine_names = [ f.split(os.sep)[-1].split('.')[0] for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(sig_dir, 'sim', 'refine', '*.shp')) ] refine_paths = [ os.path.join(sig_dir, 'sim', 'refine', i + '.shp') for i in refine_names ] refine_dic = {k: v for k, v in zip(refine_names, refine_paths)} for ref_id, ref_path in refine_dic.items(): feature = ref_path.replace('.shp', '') ftype = 'polygon' level = ref_id.split('_')[1] g.add_refinement_features(feature, ftype, level, range(nlay)) # ---- Build new grid ---- model_utils.cprint('Building Gridgen model ...') ''' fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect='equal') g.plot(ax, linewidth=0.3) ''' ############################################################################################################################### # Fetch DISV properties & build icpl dictionnary # ############################################################################################################################### model_utils.cprint('Processing Gridgen intersection ...')