def test_zonbud_active_areas_zone_zero(rtol=1e-2): try: import pandas as pd except ImportError: "Pandas is not available" # Read ZoneBudget executable output and reformat zbud_f = os.path.join(loadpth, "zonef_mlt_active_zone_0.2.csv") zbud = pd.read_csv(zbud_f) zbud.columns = [c.strip() for c in zbud.columns] zbud.columns = ["_".join(c.split()) for c in zbud.columns] zbud.index = pd.Index(["ZONE_{}".format(z) for z in zbud.ZONE.values], name="name") cols = [c for c in zbud.columns if "ZONE_" in c] zbud = zbud[cols] # Run ZoneBudget utility and reformat output zon_f = os.path.join(loadpth, "zonef_mlt_active_zone_0.zbr") zon = ZoneBudget.read_zone_file(zon_f) zb = ZoneBudget(cbc_f, zon, kstpkper=(0, 1096)) fpbud = zb.get_dataframes().reset_index() fpbud = fpbud[["name"] + [c for c in fpbud.columns if "ZONE" in c]] fpbud = fpbud.set_index("name").T fpbud = fpbud[[c for c in fpbud.columns if "ZONE" in c]] fpbud = fpbud.loc[["ZONE_{}".format(z) for z in range(1, 4)]] # Test for equality allclose = np.allclose(zbud, fpbud, rtol) s = "Zonebudget arrays do not match." assert allclose, s return
def test_get_budget(): zon = ZoneBudget.read_zone_file(zon_f) aliases = {1: "Trey", 2: "Mike", 4: "Wilson", 0: "Carini"} zb = ZoneBudget(cbc_f, zon, kstpkper=(0, 0), aliases=aliases) zb.get_budget(names="FROM_CONSTANT_HEAD", zones=1) zb.get_budget(names=["FROM_CONSTANT_HEAD"], zones=[1, 2]) zb.get_budget(net=True) return
def test_zonbud_copy(): """ t039 Test zonbud copy """ zon = ZoneBudget.read_zone_file(zon_f) cfd = ZoneBudget(cbc_f, zon, kstpkper=(0, 1096)) cfd2 = cfd.copy() assert cfd is not cfd2, "Copied object is a shallow copy." return
def test_zonbud_math(): """ t039 Test zonbud math methods """ zon = ZoneBudget.read_zone_file(zon_f) cmd = ZoneBudget(cbc_f, zon, kstpkper=(0, 1096)) cmd / 35.3147 cmd * 12.0 cmd + 1e6 cmd - 1e6 return
def test_zonbud_get_record_names(): """ t039 Test zonbud get_record_names method """ zon = ZoneBudget.read_zone_file(zon_f) zb = ZoneBudget(cbc_f, zon, kstpkper=(0, 0)) recnames = zb.get_record_names() assert len(recnames) > 0, "No record names returned." recnames = zb.get_record_names(stripped=True) assert len(recnames) > 0, "No record names returned." return
def test_dataframes(): try: import pandas zon = ZoneBudget.read_zone_file(zon_f) cmd = ZoneBudget(cbc_f, zon, totim=1095.0) df = cmd.get_dataframes() assert len(df) > 0, "Output DataFrames empty." except ImportError as e: print("Skipping DataFrames test, pandas not installed.") print(e) return
def test_zonbud_to_csv(): """ t039 Test zonbud export to csv file method """ zon = ZoneBudget.read_zone_file(zon_f) zb = ZoneBudget(cbc_f, zon, kstpkper=[(0, 1094), (0, 1096)]) f_out = os.path.join(outpth, "test.csv") zb.to_csv(f_out) with open(f_out, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() assert len(lines) > 0, "No data written to csv file." return
def test_zonbud_readwrite_zbarray(): """ t039 Test zonbud read write """ x = np.random.randint(100, 200, size=(5, 150, 200)) ZoneBudget.write_zone_file(os.path.join(outpth, "randint"), x) ZoneBudget.write_zone_file(os.path.join(outpth, "randint"), x, fmtin=35, iprn=2) z = ZoneBudget.read_zone_file(os.path.join(outpth, "randint")) assert np.array_equal(x, z), "Input and output arrays do not match." return
def test_zonbud_aliases(): """ t039 Test zonbud aliases """ zon = ZoneBudget.read_zone_file(zon_f) aliases = {1: "Trey", 2: "Mike", 4: "Wilson", 0: "Carini"} zb = ZoneBudget(cbc_f, zon, kstpkper=(0, 1096), aliases=aliases, verbose=True) bud = zb.get_budget() assert bud[bud["name"] == "FROM_Mike"].shape[0] > 0, "No records returned." return
def test_compare2zonebudget(rtol=1e-2): """ t039 Compare output from zonbud.exe to the budget calculated by zonbud utility using the multilayer transient freyberg model. """ zba = read_zonebudget_file(zbud_f) zonenames = [n for n in zba.dtype.names if "ZONE" in n] times = np.unique(zba["totim"]) zon = ZoneBudget.read_zone_file(zon_f) zb = ZoneBudget(cbc_f, zon, totim=times, verbose=False) fpa = zb.get_budget() for time in times: zb_arr = zba[zba["totim"] == time] fp_arr = fpa[fpa["totim"] == time] for name in fp_arr["name"]: r1 = np.where((zb_arr["name"] == name)) r2 = np.where((fp_arr["name"] == name)) if r1[0].shape[0] < 1 or r2[0].shape[0] < 1: continue if r1[0].shape[0] != r2[0].shape[0]: continue a1 = np.array([v for v in zb_arr[zonenames][r1[0]][0]]) a2 = np.array([v for v in fp_arr[zonenames][r2[0]][0]]) allclose = np.allclose(a1, a2, rtol) mxdiff = np.abs(a1 - a2).max() idxloc = np.argmax(np.abs(a1 - a2)) # txt = '{}: {} - Max: {} a1: {} a2: {}'.format(time, # name, # mxdiff, # a1[idxloc], # a2[idxloc]) # print(txt) s = "Zonebudget arrays do not match at time {0} ({1}): {2}.".format( time, name, mxdiff) assert allclose, s return
def test_zonebudget_output_to_netcdf(): from flopy.utils import HeadFile, ZoneBudgetOutput from flopy.modflow import Modflow from flopy.mf6 import MFSimulation from flopy.export.utils import output_helper model_ws = os.path.join("..", "examples", "data", "freyberg_multilayer_transient") zb_ws = os.path.join("..", "examples", "data", "zonbud_examples") hds = "freyberg.hds" nam = "freyberg.nam" zon = "zonef_mlt.zbr" hds = HeadFile(os.path.join(model_ws, hds)) ml = Modflow.load(nam, model_ws=model_ws) zone_array = ZoneBudget.read_zone_file(os.path.join(zb_ws, zon)) # test with standard zonebudget output zbout = "freyberg_mlt.txt" ncf_name = zbout + ".nc" zb = ZoneBudgetOutput(os.path.join(zb_ws, zbout), ml.dis, zone_array) vdf = zb.volumetric_flux() netobj = zb.dataframe_to_netcdf_fmt(vdf, flux=False) export_dict = {"hds": hds, "zonebud": netobj} output_helper(os.path.join(outpth, ncf_name), ml, export_dict) # test with zonebudget csv 1 output zbout = "freyberg_mlt.1.csv" ncf_name = zbout + ".nc" zb = ZoneBudgetOutput(os.path.join(zb_ws, zbout), ml.dis, zone_array) netobj = zb.dataframe_to_netcdf_fmt(zb.dataframe) export_dict = {"hds": hds, "zonebud": netobj} output_helper(os.path.join(outpth, ncf_name), ml, export_dict) # test with zonebudget csv 2 output zbout = "freyberg_mlt.2.csv" ncf_name = zbout + ".nc" zb = ZoneBudgetOutput(os.path.join(zb_ws, zbout), ml.dis, zone_array) vdf = zb.volumetric_flux(extrapolate_kper=True) netobj = zb.dataframe_to_netcdf_fmt(vdf, flux=False) export_dict = {"hds": hds, "zonebud": netobj} output_helper(os.path.join(outpth, ncf_name), ml, export_dict) # test built in export function zbout = "freyberg_mlt.2.csv" ncf_name = zbout + "" zb = ZoneBudgetOutput(os.path.join(zb_ws, zbout), ml.dis, zone_array) zb.export(os.path.join(outpth, ncf_name), ml) # test built in export function with NetCdf output object zbout = "freyberg_mlt.2.csv" ncf_name = zbout + "" zb = ZoneBudgetOutput(os.path.join(zb_ws, zbout), ml.dis, zone_array) export_dict = {"hds": hds} ncfobj = output_helper(os.path.join(outpth, ncf_name), ml, export_dict) zb.export(ncfobj, ml) # test with modflow6/zonebudget6 sim_ws = os.path.join("..", "examples", "data", "mf6", "test005_advgw_tidal") hds = "advgw_tidal.hds" nam = "mfsim" zon = "zonebudget6.csv" ncf_name = zon + ".nc" zone_array = np.ones((3, 15, 10), dtype=int) zone_array = np.add.accumulate(zone_array, axis=0) sim = MFSimulation.load(nam, sim_ws=sim_ws, exe_name="mf6") sim.set_sim_path(outpth) sim.write_simulation() sim.run_simulation() hds = HeadFile(os.path.join(outpth, hds)) ml = sim.get_model("gwf_1") zb = ZoneBudgetOutput(os.path.join(zb_ws, zon), sim.tdis, zone_array) vdf = zb.volumetric_flux() netobj = zb.dataframe_to_netcdf_fmt(vdf, flux=False) export_dict = {"hds": hds, "zbud": netobj} output_helper(os.path.join(outpth, ncf_name), ml, export_dict)
def test_get_model_shape(): ZoneBudget(cbc_f, ZoneBudget.read_zone_file(zon_f), kstpkper=(0, 0), verbose=True).get_model_shape() return