def __init__(self, simulator, sim_params): """Instantiate a Flow kernel object. Parameters ---------- simulator : str simulator type, must be one of {"traci"} sim_params : flow.core.params.SimParams simulation-specific parameters Raises ------ flow.utils.exceptions.FatalFlowError if the specified input simulator is not a valid type """ self.kernel_api = None if simulator == "traci": self.simulation = TraCISimulation(self) = TraCIKernelNetwork(self, sim_params) self.vehicle = TraCIVehicle(self, sim_params) self.traffic_light = TraCITrafficLight(self) elif simulator == 'aimsun': self.simulation = AimsunKernelSimulation(self) = AimsunKernelNetwork(self, sim_params) self.vehicle = AimsunKernelVehicle(self, sim_params) self.traffic_light = AimsunKernelTrafficLight(self) else: raise FatalFlowError( 'Simulator type "{}" is not valid.'.format(simulator))
class Kernel(object): """Kernel for abstract function calling across traffic simulator APIs. The kernel contains four different subclasses for distinguishing between the various components of a traffic simulator. * simulation: controls starting, loading, saving, advancing, and resetting a simulation in Flow (see flow/core/kernel/simulation/ * network: stores network-specific information (see flow/core/kernel/network/ * vehicle: stores and regularly updates vehicle-specific information. At times, this class is optimized to efficiently collect information from the simulator (see flow/core/kernel/vehicle/ * traffic_light: stores and regularly updates traffic light-specific information (see flow/core/kernel/traffic_light/ The above kernel subclasses are designed specifically to support simulator-agnostic state information calling. For example, if you would like to collect the vehicle speed of a specific vehicle, then simply type: >>> k = Kernel(simulator="...") # a kernel for some simulator type >>> veh_id = "..." # some vehicle ID >>> speed = k.vehicle.get_speed(veh_id) In addition, these subclasses support sending commands to the simulator via its API. For example, in order to assign a specific vehicle a target acceleration, type: >>> k = Kernel(simulator="...") # a kernel for some simulator type >>> veh_id = "..." # some vehicle ID >>> k.vehicle.apply_acceleration(veh_id) These subclasses can be modified and recycled to support various different traffic simulators, e.g. SUMO, AIMSUN, TruckSim, etc... """ def __init__(self, simulator, sim_params): """Instantiate a Flow kernel object. Parameters ---------- simulator : str simulator type, must be one of {"traci"} sim_params : flow.core.params.SimParams simulation-specific parameters Raises ------ flow.utils.exceptions.FatalFlowError if the specified input simulator is not a valid type """ self.kernel_api = None if simulator == "traci": self.simulation = TraCISimulation(self) = TraCIKernelNetwork(self, sim_params) self.vehicle = TraCIVehicle(self, sim_params) self.traffic_light = TraCITrafficLight(self) elif simulator == 'aimsun': self.simulation = AimsunKernelSimulation(self) = AimsunKernelNetwork(self, sim_params) self.vehicle = AimsunKernelVehicle(self, sim_params) self.traffic_light = AimsunKernelTrafficLight(self) else: raise FatalFlowError( 'Simulator type "{}" is not valid.'.format(simulator)) def pass_api(self, kernel_api): """Pass the kernel API to all kernel subclasses.""" self.kernel_api = kernel_api self.simulation.pass_api(kernel_api) self.vehicle.pass_api(kernel_api) self.traffic_light.pass_api(kernel_api) def update(self, reset): """Update the kernel subclasses after a simulation step. This is meant to support optimizations in the performance of some simulators. For example, this step allows the vehicle subclass in the "traci" simulator uses the ``update`` method to collect and store subscription information. Parameters ---------- reset : bool specifies whether the simulator was reset in the last simulation step """ self.vehicle.update(reset) self.traffic_light.update(reset) self.simulation.update(reset) def close(self): """Terminate all components within the simulation and network.""" self.simulation.close() self.traffic_light.close() self.vehicle.close() @property def scenario(self): """Return network for this deprecated method.""" warnings.simplefilter('always', PendingDeprecationWarning) warnings.warn( "self.k.scenario will be deprecated in a future release. Please " "use instead.", PendingDeprecationWarning) return