예제 #1
class Test_limiter_conv():

    mesh100 = mesh.unimesh(ncell=100, length=1.)
    mesh50 = mesh.unimesh(ncell=50, length=1.)

    mymodel = conv.model(1.)

    # periodic wave
    def init_sinperk(self, mesh, k):
        return np.sin(2 * k * np.pi / mesh.length * mesh.centers())

    def test_0_tvd(self, limiter):
        slope = limiter(-2., 1.)  # tvd: 0 if opposite signs
        assert slope == 0.
        slope = limiter(3., 3.)  # consistency
        assert slope == 3.
        slope = limiter(1., 10.)  # tvd: max is double of smallest
        assert slope <= 2.

    def test_muscl_limiters(self, limiter):
        curmesh = self.mesh50
        endtime = 5
        cfl = .8
        # extrapol1(), extrapol2()=extrapolk(1), centered=extrapolk(-1), extrapol3=extrapolk(1./3.)
        xnum = muscl(limiter)
        finit = field.fdata(self.mymodel, curmesh,
                            [self.init_sinperk(curmesh, k=4)])
        rhs = modeldisc.fvm(self.mymodel, curmesh, xnum)
        solver = rk3ssp(curmesh, rhs)
        fsol = solver.solve(finit, cfl, [endtime])
        assert not fsol[-1].isnan()
        avg, var = fsol[-1].stats('q')
        #varref = { }
        assert avg == pytest.approx(0., abs=1.e-12)
예제 #2
class integration_data():

    curmesh = mesh.unimesh(ncell=50, length=1.)
    convmodel = conv.model(convcoef=1.)

    def init_sinperk(self, mesh, k):
        return np.sin(2 * k * np.pi / mesh.length * mesh.centers())
예제 #3
class monitor_data():

    mesh50 = mesh.unimesh(ncell=50, length=1.)
    convmodel = conv.model(convcoef=1.)
    eulermodel = euler.model()
    xsch = xnum.extrapol3()

    def init_sinperk(self, mesh, k):
        return np.sin(2 * k * np.pi / mesh.length * mesh.centers())
예제 #4
def test_mesh_uni():
    lmesh = mesh.unimesh(ncell=50, length=1.)
    endtime = 5
    cfl = 1.
    # extrapol1(), extrapol2()=extrapolk(1), centered=extrapolk(-1), extrapol3=extrapolk(1./3.)
    xnum = extrapol3()
    # explicit, rk2, rk3ssp, rk4, implicit, trapezoidal=cranknicolson
    tnum = rk3ssp
    finit = field.fdata(mymodel, lmesh, [init_sinperk(lmesh, k=2)])
    rhs = modeldisc.fvm(mymodel, lmesh, xnum)
    solver = tnum(lmesh, rhs)
    fsol = solver.solve(finit, cfl, [endtime])
    assert not fsol[-1].isnan()
예제 #5
def test_sym_flux(flux):
    endtime = 1.
    cfl     = 0.6
    xnum    = muscl(minmod) 
    tnum    = integ.rk3ssp
    meshsim = mesh.unimesh(ncell=100, length=1.)
    xc      = meshsim.centers()
    bcL = { 'type': 'sym'}
    bcR = { 'type': 'sym'}
    model  = shw.shallowwater1d()
    model10 = shw.shallowwater1d(g=10.)
    rhs = modeldisc.fvm(model, meshsim, xnum, numflux=flux,  bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
    finit   = rhs.fdata(model.prim2cons(waterdrop(xc, .01))) # rho, u, p
    solver = tnum(meshsim, rhs)
    fsol = solver.solve(finit, cfl, [endtime])
    assert not fsol[-1].isnan()
    avg, var = fsol[-1].stats('height')
    assert avg == pytest.approx(0.098232, rel=1.e-4)
    assert var >= 6.5e-6
예제 #6
class Test_fdataclass_vec():

    model = euler.model()
    mesh1d = mesh.unimesh(ncell=100, length=10.)
    mesh2d = mesh2d.mesh2d(60, 50, 20., 10.)

    def fn(self, x):
        return np.exp(-np.square(x) / 2) * np.sin(5 * x)

    def test_plotdata_vec(self):
        f = field.fdata(self.model, self.mesh1d,
                        [1., self.fn(self.mesh1d.centers() - 5.), 5.])
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
        f.plot('mach', axes=ax, style='r-')
        return fig

    def test_plot2dcontour(self):
        xc, yc = self.mesh2d.centers()
        f = field.fdata(self.model, self.mesh2d, [
            euler.datavector(0., 0.),
            self.fn(np.sqrt(np.square(xc - 8) + np.square(yc - 4)))
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
        f.contour('pressure', axes=ax, style='r-')
        return fig

    def test_plot2dcontourf(self):
        xc, yc = self.mesh2d.centers()
        f = field.fdata(self.model, self.mesh2d, [
            euler.datavector(0., 0.),
            self.fn(np.sqrt(np.square(xc - 8) + np.square(yc - 4)))
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
        f.contourf('pressure', axes=ax, style='r-')
        return fig
예제 #7
def test_shocktube_sodsup_th(flux):
    meshref = mesh.unimesh(ncell=1000, length=10., x0=-4.)
    model = euler.model()
    sod = solR.Sod_supersonic(model)  # sol.Sod_supersonic(model) #
    bcL = {'type': 'dirichlet', 'prim': sod.bcL()}
    bcR = {'type': 'dirichlet', 'prim': sod.bcR()}
    xnum = muscl(minmod)  #
    rhs = modeldisc.fvm(model, meshref, xnum, numflux=flux, bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
    solver = integ.rk3ssp(meshref, rhs)
    # computation
    endtime = 2.
    cfl = 1.
    finit = sod.fdata(meshref)
    fsol = solver.solve(finit, cfl, [endtime])
    fref = sod.fdata(meshref, endtime)
    for name in ['density', 'pressure', 'mach']:
        error = np.sqrt(
            np.sum((fsol[-1].phydata(name) - fref.phydata(name))**2)) / np.sum(
        assert error < 5.e-3
예제 #8
class Test_fdataclass_scalar():

    convmodel = conv.model(convcoef=1.)
    curmesh = mesh.unimesh(ncell=50, length=1.)

    def test_init_empty(self):
        f = field.fdata(self.convmodel, self.curmesh, [])
        assert f.time == 0.  # default value
        assert f.it == -1  # default value
        assert f.data == []
        assert f.time == 10.

    def test_reset(self):
        f = field.fdata(self.convmodel, self.curmesh, [])
        assert f.time == 5.
        assert f.it == -1  # default value
        assert f.time == 0.  # default value
        assert f.it == 20

    def test_init_expand(self):
        f = field.fdata(self.convmodel, self.curmesh, [1.])
        assert f.time == 0.  # default value
        assert np.size(f.data[0]) == self.curmesh.ncell
        assert np.average(f.data[0]) == 1.

    def test_plotdata_sca(self):
        def fn(x):
            return np.exp(-2 * np.square(x - .5)) * np.sin(20 * (x - .5))

        f = field.fdata(self.convmodel, self.curmesh,
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
        return fig
예제 #9
def test_nozzle(NPR):
    def S(x):  # section law, throat is at x=5
        return 1. - .5 * np.exp(-.5 * (x - 5.)**2)

    model = euler.nozzle(sectionlaw=S)
    meshsim = mesh.unimesh(ncell=50, length=10.)
    nozz = solN.nozzle(model, S(meshsim.centers()), NPR=NPR)
    fref = nozz.fdata(meshsim)
    # BC
    bcL = {'type': 'insub', 'ptot': NPR, 'rttot': 1.}
    bcR = {'type': 'outsub', 'p': 1.}
    rhs = modeldisc.fvm(model, meshsim, muscl(vanleer), bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
    solver = integ.rk3ssp(meshsim, rhs)
    # computation
    endtime = 100.
    cfl = .8
    finit = rhs.fdata_fromprim([1., 0.1, 1.])  # rho, u, p
    fsol = solver.solve(finit, cfl, [endtime])
    # error
    error = np.sqrt(
        np.sum((fsol[-1].phydata('mach') - fref.phydata('mach'))**2)) / np.sum(
    assert error < 5.e-2
예제 #10
class Test_fieldlistclass():

    convmodel = conv.model(convcoef=1.)
    curmesh = mesh.unimesh(ncell=50, length=1.)

    def test_append_scalararray(self):
        flist = field.fieldlist()
        f1 = field.fdata(self.convmodel, self.curmesh, [1.])
        f2 = f1.copy()
        assert len(flist) == 2
        assert flist[0].time == 0.
        assert flist[-1].time == 10.
        assert flist.time_array() == [0., 10.]

    def test_extend_scalararray(self):
        flist = field.fieldlist()
        f1 = field.fdata(self.convmodel, self.curmesh, [1.])
        f2 = f1.copy()
        newlist = field.fieldlist()
        f3 = f2.copy()
        f2.reset(t=100., it=5)
        assert len(flist) == 4  # f1, f2, f3, f2
        assert flist.time_array() == [0., 100., 20., 100.]
        assert flist.it_array() == [-1, 5, -1, 5]

    def test_flist_plotxtcontour(self):
        def fn(x, t):
            return np.exp(-2 * np.square(x - .5 + .2 * np.sin(10 * t)))

        times = np.linspace(0., 5., 11, endpoint=True)
        flist = field.fieldlist()
        for t in times:
            f = field.fdata(self.convmodel, self.curmesh,
                            [fn(self.curmesh.centers(), t)])
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
        return fig

    def test_flist_plotxtcontourf(self):
        def fn(x, t):
            return np.exp(-2 * np.square(x - .5 + .2 * np.sin(10 * t)))

        times = np.linspace(0., 5., 11, endpoint=True)
        flist = field.fieldlist()
        for t in times:
            f = field.fdata(self.convmodel, self.curmesh,
                            [fn(self.curmesh.centers(), t)])
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
        return fig
예제 #11
from flowdyn.xnum import *
import flowdyn.integration as tnum
import flowdyn.modelphy.euler as euler
import flowdyn.modeldisc as modeldisc
import flowdyn.solution.euler_nozzle as sol

NPR = 1.1

def S(x):  # section law, throat is at x=5
    return 1. - .5 * np.exp(-.5 * (x - 5.)**2)

model = euler.nozzle(gamma=1.35, sectionlaw=S)

meshsim = mesh.unimesh(ncell=200, length=10.)
meshref = mesh.unimesh(ncell=1000, length=10.)

nozz = sol.nozzle(model, S(meshref.centers()), NPR=NPR)
fref = nozz.fdata(meshref)

bcL = {'type': 'insub', 'ptot': NPR, 'rttot': 1.}
bcR = {'type': 'outsub', 'p': 1.}

rhs = modeldisc.fvm(model, meshsim, muscl(vanleer), bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)

monitors = {
    'residual': {
        'name': 'pipo',
        'frequency': 1
예제 #12
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
test integration methods
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import flowdyn.mesh as mesh
import flowdyn.xnum as xnum
import flowdyn.integration as tnum
import flowdyn.modelphy.euler as euler
import flowdyn.modeldisc as modeldisc

n = 500
h = 1. / n
meshsim = mesh.unimesh(ncell=n, length=1.)

#meshref  = unimesh(ncell=1000, length=1.)

model = euler.model()

musclrus = {'num': xnum.muscl(xnum.vanalbada), 'numflux': 'rusanov'}
musclhllc = {'num': xnum.muscl(xnum.vanalbada), 'numflux': 'hllc'}
ctr2 = {'num': xnum.extrapol1(), 'numflux': 'centered'}
ctr4 = {'num': xnum.extrapol3(), 'numflux': 'centered'}

# computation
gam = 1.4
M0 = 0.5
a0 = 1.
예제 #13
import flowdyn.modelphy.euler as euler
import flowdyn.solution.euler_riemann as solR
import flowdyn.solution.euler_nozzle as solN
import flowdyn.modeldisc as modeldisc
import flowdyn.field as field
from flowdyn.xnum import *
import flowdyn.integration as integ

#meshsim = mesh.unimesh(ncell=200, length=10., x0=-4.)
#meshref = mesh.unimesh(ncell=1000, length=10., x0=-4.)

@pytest.mark.parametrize("case, endtime", [(solR.Sod_subsonic, 2.8),
                                           (solR.Sod_supersonic, 2.)])
def test_shocktube(case, endtime):
    meshsim = mesh.unimesh(ncell=200, length=10., x0=-4.)
    model = euler.euler1d()
    sod = case(model)  # sol.Sod_supersonic(model) #
    bcL = {'type': 'dirichlet', 'prim': sod.bcL()}
    bcR = {'type': 'dirichlet', 'prim': sod.bcR()}
    xnum = muscl(minmod)  #
    rhs = modeldisc.fvm(model, meshsim, xnum, numflux='hllc', bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
    solver = integ.rk3ssp(meshsim, rhs)
    # computation
    cfl = 1.
    finit = sod.fdata(meshsim)
    fsol = solver.solve(finit, cfl, [endtime])
    fref = sod.fdata(meshsim, endtime)
    for name in ['density', 'pressure', 'mach']:
예제 #14
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
test integration methods

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from flowdyn.mesh import unimesh
from flowdyn.xnum import *
import flowdyn.integration as tnum
import flowdyn.modelphy.euler as euler
import flowdyn.modeldisc as modeldisc
import flowdyn.solution.euler_riemann as sol

meshsim = unimesh(ncell=200, length=1.)
meshref = unimesh(ncell=1000, length=1.)

model = euler.model()

bcL = {'type': 'outsup'}
bcR = {'type': 'sym'}
xnum = muscl(vanalbada)
flux = 'hllc'
#xnum = extrapol1() ; flux = 'centered'

rhs = modeldisc.fvm(model, meshsim, numflux=flux, num=xnum, bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
solver = tnum.rk3ssp(meshsim, rhs)

# computation
예제 #15
import numpy as np
import flowdyn.mesh  as mesh
import flowdyn.modelphy.burgers as burgers
import flowdyn.modeldisc as modeldisc
import flowdyn.field as field
from flowdyn.xnum  import *
import flowdyn.integration as integ

mesh100 = mesh.unimesh(ncell=100, length=5.)
mesh50  = mesh.unimesh(ncell=50, length=5.)

mymodel = burgers.model()

def init_step(mesh, ul, ur):
    step = np.zeros(len(mesh.centers()))
    xr   = 1.0
    x    = mesh.centers()
    for i in range(len(x)):
        if x[i] < xr:
            step[i] = ul
        elif xr <= x[i] <= 2.0:
            step[i] = 3.0-x[i] 
        elif x[i] > 2.0:
            step[i] = ur
    return step

def init_sin(mesh):
    k = 2 # nombre d'onde
    omega = k*np.pi/mesh.length
    return .2+np.sin(omega*mesh.centers())
예제 #16
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
test integration methods

#import cProfile
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from flowdyn.mesh import unimesh
from flowdyn.xnum import *
import flowdyn.integration as tnum
import flowdyn.modelphy.euler as euler
import flowdyn.modeldisc as modeldisc

meshsim = unimesh(ncell=200, length=1.)
#meshref  = unimesh(ncell=1000, length=1.)

model = euler.model()

bcL = {'type': 'sym'}  # not physical but can work
bcR = {'type': 'sym'}  # for wall
xnum = muscl(vanalbada)
flux = 'hllc'
#xnum = extrapol1() ; flux = 'centered'

rhs = modeldisc.fvm(model, meshsim, numflux=flux, num=xnum, bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
solver = tnum.lsrk26bb(meshsim, rhs)

# computation
예제 #17
import flowdyn.mesh as mesh
import flowdyn.modelphy.shallowwater as shw
import flowdyn.modeldisc as modeldisc
#import flowdyn.field               as field
import flowdyn.xnum as xnum
import flowdyn.integration as tnum
    "animation.html"] = "jshtml"  # for matplotlib 2.1 and above, uses JavaScript

ncell = 300  # Définition de la mesh
ntime = 50  # number of intermediate snapshots, only 1 is recommended
endtime = 1.
tsave = np.linspace(0, endtime, num=ntime + 1)
length = 3.
mesh = mesh.unimesh(ncell, length)
model = shw.shallowwater1d(g=10.)

cfl = 1

# schéma linéaire: extrapol1(), extrapol2()=extrapolk(1), centered=extrapolk(-1), extrapol3=extrapol(1./3.)
# schéma avec limitation non linéaire: muscl(LIMITER) avec LIMITER = minmod, vanalbada, vanleer, superbee
xmeth, xmethstr = xnum.extrapol3(), 'extrapol3'

# explicit, rk2, rk3ssp, rk4, implicit, trapezoidal=cranknicolson
tmeth, tmethstr = tnum.rk3ssp, 'rk3ssp'

# Numerical Flux : 'centered', 'rusanov', or 'HLL' are availaible.
# Centered flux is easily shown to be unconditionnaly unstable
numflux = 'hll'
예제 #18
#import cProfile
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, ylabel, grid, show
import numpy as np

from flowdyn.mesh import unimesh
#from flowdyn.field import *
from flowdyn.xnum import *
import flowdyn.integration as tnum
import flowdyn.modelphy.euler as euler
import flowdyn.modeldisc as modeldisc
#import flowdyn.solution.euler_riemann as sol

nx = 50

meshsim = unimesh(ncell=nx, length=10.)

model = euler.model()
bcL = {'type': 'insub', 'ptot': 1.4, 'rttot': 1.}
bcR = {'type': 'outsub', 'p': 1.}

rhs = modeldisc.fvm(model, meshsim, muscl(minmod), bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)

solver1 = tnum.rk3ssp(meshsim, rhs)
solver2 = tnum.gear(meshsim, rhs)

# computation
endtime = 100.
cfl1 = .8
cfl2 = 20.
예제 #19
class euler_w_mesh():
    mesh100 = mesh.unimesh(ncell=100, length=1.)
    mesh50 = mesh.unimesh(ncell=50, length=1.)
    mesh20 = mesh.unimesh(ncell=20, length=1.)
예제 #20
gam = 1.4
bctype = "outsub_rh"
ncell = 100
nit_super = 1000
nit_tot = 10000

# expected Mach number at exit when supersonic ; defines As/Ac ratio
Msup = 1.8
AsAc = mf.Sigma_Mach(Msup, gam)
Msub = mf.MachSub_Sigma(AsAc, gam)
NPRsup = Is.PtPs_Mach(Msup, gam)
NPRsub = Is.PtPs_Mach(Msub, gam)

res = {}
meshsim = mesh.unimesh(ncell=ncell, length=10.0)

def S(x):  # section law, throat is at x=5
    return 1 + (AsAc - 1.0) * (1.0 - np.exp(-0.5 * (x - 2.0)**2))

model = euler.nozzle(gamma=gam, sectionlaw=S)
nozz = sol.nozzle(model, S(meshsim.centers()), NPR=NPRsup)
finit = nozz.fdata(meshsim)
print(NPRsup, AsAc, Msup, Msub)

# solver / numerical model
bcL = {"type": "insub_cbc", "ptot": NPRsup, "rttot": 1.0}
bcR = {"type": bctype, "p": 1.}
rhs = modeldisc.fvm(model, meshsim, muscl(vanleer), bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
예제 #21
test integration methods

#import cProfile
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np 

from flowdyn.mesh  import unimesh
from flowdyn.xnum  import *
import flowdyn.integration as tnum
import flowdyn.modelphy.euler as euler
import flowdyn.modeldisc      as modeldisc
import flowdyn.solution.euler_riemann as sol

meshsim  = unimesh(ncell=200,  length=10., x0=-4.)
meshref  = unimesh(ncell=1000, length=10., x0=-4.)

model1 = euler.model()
model2 = euler.model()
sod   = sol.Sod_subsonic(model1) # sol.Sod_supersonic(model1) # 

bcL  = { 'type': 'dirichlet',  'prim':  sod.bcL() }
bcR  = { 'type': 'dirichlet',  'prim':  sod.bcR() }
xnum1 = muscl(minmod) # 
xnum2 = muscl(vanalbada) # 

rhs1 = modeldisc.fvm(model1, meshsim, xnum1, numflux='hlle', bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
solver1 = tnum.rk3ssp(meshsim, rhs1)
rhs2 = modeldisc.fvm(model2, meshsim, xnum2, numflux='hlle', bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
solver2 = tnum.rk3ssp(meshsim, rhs2)
예제 #22
class Test_Burgers():

    mesh100 = mesh.unimesh(ncell=100, length=5.)
    mesh50  = mesh.unimesh(ncell=50, length=5.)

    mymodel = burgers.model()

    def init_step(self, mesh, ul, ur):
        step = np.zeros(len(mesh.centers()))
        xr   = 1.0
        x    = mesh.centers()
        for i in range(len(x)):
            if x[i] < xr:
                step[i] = ul
            elif xr <= x[i] <= 2.0:
                step[i] = 3.0-x[i] 
            elif x[i] > 2.0:
                step[i] = ur
        return step

    def init_sin(self, mesh):
        k = 2 # nombre d'onde
        omega = k*np.pi/mesh.length
        return .2+np.sin(omega*mesh.centers())

    def test_compression_prop(self):
        endtime = 2.
        cfl     = 0.5
        xnum    = muscl(minmod) 
        tnum    = integ.rk3ssp
        thismesh = self.mesh100
        thisprim = [self.init_step(thismesh, 2, .5)]
        thiscons = field.fdata(self.mymodel, thismesh, thisprim)
        bcL = { 'type': 'dirichlet', 'prim': thisprim[0]  }
        bcR = { 'type': 'dirichlet', 'prim': thisprim[-1] }
        rhs = modeldisc.fvm(self.mymodel, thismesh, xnum, bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
        solver = tnum(thismesh, rhs)
        fsol = solver.solve(thiscons, cfl, [endtime])
        assert not fsol[-1].isnan()

    def test_compression_centered(self):
        endtime = 2.
        cfl     = .5
        xnum    = muscl(minmod) 
        tnum    = integ.rk3ssp
        thismesh = self.mesh100
        thisprim = [self.init_step(thismesh, 2, -1.)]
        thiscons = field.fdata(self.mymodel, thismesh, thisprim)
        bcL = { 'type': 'dirichlet', 'prim': thisprim[0]  }
        bcR = { 'type': 'dirichlet', 'prim': thisprim[-1] }
        rhs = modeldisc.fvm(self.mymodel, thismesh, xnum, bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
        solver = tnum(thismesh, rhs)
        fsol = solver.solve(thiscons, cfl, [endtime])
        assert not fsol[-1].isnan()

    def test_expansion(self):
        endtime = 2.
        cfl     = 0.5
        xnum    = muscl(minmod) 
        tnum    = integ.rk3ssp
        thismesh = self.mesh100
        thisprim = [self.init_step(thismesh, 1., 2.)]
        thiscons = field.fdata(self.mymodel, thismesh, thisprim)
        bcL = { 'type': 'dirichlet', 'prim': thisprim[0]  }
        bcR = { 'type': 'dirichlet', 'prim': thisprim[-1] }
        rhs = modeldisc.fvm(self.mymodel, thismesh, xnum, bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
        solver = tnum(thismesh, rhs)
        fsol = solver.solve(thiscons, cfl, [endtime])
        assert not fsol[-1].isnan()

    def test_sin_bcper(self):
        endtime = 2.
        cfl     = 0.5
        xnum    = muscl(minmod) 
        tnum    = integ.rk3ssp
        thismesh = self.mesh100
        thisprim = [ self.init_sin(thismesh) ]
        thiscons = field.fdata(self.mymodel, thismesh, thisprim)
        bcL = { 'type': 'per' }
        bcR = { 'type': 'per' }
        rhs = modeldisc.fvm(self.mymodel, thismesh, xnum, bcL=bcL, bcR=bcR)
        solver = tnum(thismesh, rhs)
        fsol = solver.solve(thiscons, cfl, [endtime])
        assert not fsol[-1].isnan()
예제 #23
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
test integration methods

import time
from pylab import *

import flowdyn.mesh as mesh
import flowdyn.model as model
from flowdyn.field import *
from flowdyn.xnum import *
from flowdyn.integration import *

mesh200 = mesh.unimesh(ncell=200, length=1.)
mesh100 = mesh.unimesh(ncell=100, length=1.)
mesh50 = mesh.unimesh(ncell=50, length=1.)

endtime = .8  # final physical time of simulation
ntime = 1  # number of intermediate snapshots
tsave = linspace(0, endtime, num=ntime + 1)

mymodel = model.convmodel(1.)

# sinus packet
def init_sinpack(mesh):
    return sin(2 * 2 * pi / mesh.length * mesh.centers()) * (
        1 + sign(-(mesh.centers() / mesh.length - .25) *
                 (mesh.centers() / mesh.length - .75))) / 2
예제 #24
test integration methods

import time
#import numpy      as np
#import matplotlib as mp
from pylab import *
#from math import *

import flowdyn.mesh as mesh
import flowdyn.model as model
from flowdyn.field import *
from flowdyn.xnum import *
from flowdyn.integration import *

mesh400 = mesh.unimesh(ncell=400, length=1.)
mesh200 = mesh.unimesh(ncell=200, length=1.)
mesh100 = mesh.unimesh(ncell=100, length=1.)
mgmesh = mesh.refinedmesh(ncell=100, length=1., ratio=3.)

endtime = 20  # final physical time of simulation
ntime = 1  # number of intermediate snapshots
tsave = linspace(0, endtime, num=ntime + 1)

mymodel = model.convmodel(1.)

# TODO : make init method for scafield
# sinus packet
def init_sinpack(mesh):
    return sin(2 * 2 * pi / mesh.length * mesh.centers()) * (
예제 #25
test integration methods

import time
#import numpy      as np
#import matplotlib as mp
from pylab import *
#from math import *

import flowdyn.mesh as mesh
import flowdyn.model as model
from flowdyn.field import *
from flowdyn.xnum import *
from flowdyn.integration import *

mesh100 = mesh.unimesh(ncell=100, length=1.)
mgmesh = mesh.refinedmesh(ncell=100, length=1., ratio=2.)

mymodel = model.convmodel(1.)

# TODO : make init method for scafield
# sinus packet
def init_sinpack(mesh):
    return sin(2 * 2 * pi / mesh.length * mesh.centers()) * (
        1 + sign(-(mesh.centers() / mesh.length - .25) *
                 (mesh.centers() / mesh.length - .75))) / 2

# periodic wave
def init_sinper(mesh, k):
예제 #26
import numpy as np
import flowdyn.mesh  as mesh
import flowdyn.modelphy.convection as conv
import flowdyn.modeldisc as modeldisc
import flowdyn.field as field
import flowdyn.xnum  as xnum
import flowdyn.integration as tnum

curmesh = mesh.unimesh(ncell=50, length=1.)
convmodel = conv.model(convcoef=1.)

def init_sinperk(mesh, k):
    return np.sin(2*k*np.pi/mesh.length*mesh.centers())

xsch = xnum.extrapol3()

tottime = 10.
breaktime = 5.
cfl     = .5
finit = field.fdata(convmodel, curmesh, [ init_sinperk(curmesh, k=4) ] )
rhs = modeldisc.fvm(convmodel, curmesh, xsch)
solver = tnum.rk4(curmesh, rhs)
nsol = 10+1 # every second
tsave = np.linspace(0, tottime, nsol, endpoint=True)
stop_directive = { 'tottime': breaktime }
fsol0 = solver.solve(finit, cfl, tsave, stop=stop_directive)
assert len(fsol0) < nsol # end before expected by tsave
assert not fsol0[-1].isnan()
assert fsol0[-1].time == breaktime