예제 #1
def collapse_fbs_sectors(fbs):
    Collapses the Sector Produced/Consumed into a single column named "Sector"
    uses based on identified rules for flowtypes
    :param fbs: df, a standard FlowBySector (format)
    :return: df, FBS with single Sector column
    # ensure correct datatypes and order
    fbs = clean_df(fbs, flow_by_sector_fields, fbs_fill_na_dict)

    # collapse the FBS sector columns into one column based on FlowType
    fbs.loc[fbs["FlowType"] == 'TECHNOSPHERE_FLOW', 'Sector'] = fbs["SectorConsumedBy"]
    fbs.loc[fbs["FlowType"] == 'WASTE_FLOW', 'Sector'] = fbs["SectorProducedBy"]
    fbs.loc[(fbs["FlowType"] == 'WASTE_FLOW') & (fbs['SectorProducedBy'].isnull()),
            'Sector'] = fbs["SectorConsumedBy"]
    fbs.loc[(fbs["FlowType"] == 'ELEMENTARY_FLOW') & (fbs['SectorProducedBy'].isnull()),
            'Sector'] = fbs["SectorConsumedBy"]
    fbs.loc[(fbs["FlowType"] == 'ELEMENTARY_FLOW') & (fbs['SectorConsumedBy'].isnull()),
            'Sector'] = fbs["SectorProducedBy"]
    fbs.loc[(fbs["FlowType"] == 'ELEMENTARY_FLOW') &
            (fbs['SectorConsumedBy'].isin(['F010', 'F0100', 'F01000'])) &
            (fbs['SectorProducedBy'].isin(['22', '221', '2213', '22131', '221310'])),
            'Sector'] = fbs["SectorConsumedBy"]

    # drop sector consumed/produced by columns
    fbs_collapsed = fbs.drop(columns=['SectorProducedBy', 'SectorConsumedBy'])
    # aggregate
    fbs_collapsed = aggregator(fbs_collapsed, fbs_collapsed_default_grouping_fields)
    # sort dataframe
    fbs_collapsed = clean_df(fbs_collapsed, flow_by_sector_collapsed_fields,
    fbs_collapsed = fbs_collapsed.sort_values(['Sector', 'Flowable',
                                               'Context', 'Location']).reset_index(drop=True)

    return fbs_collapsed
예제 #2
def load_fba_w_standardized_units(datasource, year, **kwargs):
    Standardize how a FBA is loaded for allocation purposes when
    generating a FBS. Important to immediately convert the df units to
    standardized units.
    :param datasource: string, FBA source name
    :param year: int, year of data
    :param kwargs: optional parameters include flowclass, geographic_level,
           download_if_missing, allocation_map_to_flow_list
    :return: fba df with standardized units

    from flowsa.sectormapping import map_fbs_flows

    # determine if any addtional parameters required to load a Flow-By-Activity
    # add parameters to dictionary if exist in method yaml
    fba_dict = {}
    if 'flowclass' in kwargs:
        fba_dict['flowclass'] = kwargs['flowclass']
    if 'geographic_level' in kwargs:
        fba_dict['geographic_level'] = kwargs['geographic_level']
    if 'download_FBA_if_missing' in kwargs:
        fba_dict['download_FBA_if_missing'] = kwargs['download_FBA_if_missing']
    # load the allocation FBA
    fba = flowsa.getFlowByActivity(datasource, year,
    # convert to standardized units either by mapping to federal
    # flow list/material flow list or by using function. Mapping will add
    # context and flowable columns
    if 'allocation_map_to_flow_list' in kwargs:
        if kwargs['allocation_map_to_flow_list']:
            # ensure df loaded correctly/has correct dtypes
            fba = clean_df(fba,
            fba, mapping_files = map_fbs_flows(fba,
            # ensure df loaded correctly/has correct dtypes
            fba = clean_df(fba, flow_by_activity_fields, fba_fill_na_dict)
            fba = standardize_units(fba)
        # ensure df loaded correctly/has correct dtypes
        fba = clean_df(fba, flow_by_activity_fields, fba_fill_na_dict)
        fba = standardize_units(fba)

    return fba
예제 #3
def load_fba_w_standardized_units(datasource, year, **kwargs):
    Standardize how a FBA is loaded for allocation purposes when generating a FBS.
    Important to immediately convert the df units to standardized units.
    :param datasource: string, FBA source name
    :param year: int, year of data
    :param kwargs: optional parameters include flowclass, geographic_level,
           and download_if_missing
    :return: fba df with standardized units
    # determine if any addtional parameters required to load a Flow-By-Activity
    # add parameters to dictionary if exist in method yaml
    fba_dict = {}
    if 'flowclass' in kwargs:
        fba_dict['flowclass'] = kwargs['flowclass']
    if 'geographic_level' in kwargs:
        fba_dict['geographic_level'] = kwargs['geographic_level']
    # load the allocation FBA
    fba = flowsa.getFlowByActivity(datasource, year, **fba_dict).reset_index(drop=True)
    # ensure df loaded correctly/has correct dtypes
    fba = clean_df(fba, flow_by_activity_fields, fba_fill_na_dict)
    # convert to standardized units
    fba = standardize_units(fba)

    return fba
예제 #4
def process_data_frame(*, df, source, year, config):
    Process the given dataframe, cleaning, converting data, and
    writing the final parquet. This method was written to move code into a
    shared method, which was necessary to support the processing of a list
    of dataframes instead of a single dataframe.
    :param df: df, FBA format
    :param source: str, source name
    :param year: str, year
    :param config: dict, items in method yaml
    :return: df, FBA format, standardized
    # log that data was retrieved
    log.info("Retrieved data for %s %s", source, year)
    # add any missing columns of data and cast to appropriate data type
    log.info("Add any missing columns and check field datatypes")
    flow_df = clean_df(df, flow_by_activity_fields, fba_fill_na_dict,
    # sort df and reset index
    flow_df = flow_df.sort_values(['Class', 'Location', 'ActivityProducedBy',
                                   'ActivityConsumedBy', 'FlowName',
    # save as parquet file
    name_data = set_fba_name(source, year)
    meta = set_fb_meta(name_data, "FlowByActivity")
    write_df_to_file(flow_df, paths, meta)
    write_metadata(source, config, meta, "FlowByActivity", year=year)
    log.info("FBA generated and saved for %s", name_data)
    # rename the log file saved to local directory
    rename_log_file(name_data, meta)
예제 #5
def subset_df_by_geoscale(df, activity_from_scale, activity_to_scale):
    Subset a df by geoscale or agg to create data specified in method yaml
    :param df: df, FBA format
    :param activity_from_scale: str, identified geoscale by which to subset or
                                aggregate from ('national', 'state', 'county')
    :param activity_to_scale: str, identified geoscale by which to subset or
                              aggregate to ('national', 'state', 'county')
    :return: df, FBA, subset or aggregated to a single geoscale for all rows

    # method of subset dependent on LocationSystem
    if df['LocationSystem'].str.contains('FIPS').any():
        df = df[df['LocationSystem'].str.contains('FIPS')].reset_index(drop=True)
        # determine 'activity_from_scale' for use in df geoscale subset, by activity
        modified_from_scale = return_activity_from_scale(df, activity_from_scale)
        # add 'activity_from_scale' column to df
        df2 = pd.merge(df, modified_from_scale)

        # list of unique 'from' geoscales
        unique_geoscales =\
        if len(unique_geoscales) > 1:
            log.info('Dataframe has a mix of geographic levels: %s', ', '.join(unique_geoscales))

        # to scale
        if fips_number_key[activity_from_scale] > fips_number_key[activity_to_scale]:
            to_scale = activity_to_scale
            to_scale = activity_from_scale

        df_subset_list = []
        # subset df based on activity 'from' scale
        for i in unique_geoscales:
            df3 = df2[df2['activity_from_scale'] == i]
            # if desired geoscale doesn't exist, aggregate existing data
            # if df is less aggregated than allocation df, aggregate
            # fba activity to allocation geoscale
            if fips_number_key[i] > fips_number_key[to_scale]:
                log.info("Aggregating subset from %s to %s", i, to_scale)
                df_sub = agg_by_geoscale(df3, i, to_scale, fba_mapped_default_grouping_fields)
            # else filter relevant rows
                log.info("Subsetting %s data", i)
                df_sub = filter_by_geoscale(df3, i)
        df_subset = pd.concat(df_subset_list, ignore_index=True)

        # only keep cols associated with FBA mapped
        df_subset = clean_df(df_subset, flow_by_activity_mapped_fields,
                             fba_fill_na_dict, drop_description=False)

    # right now, the only other location system is for Statistics Canada data
        df_subset = df.copy()

    return df_subset
예제 #6
def disaggregate_cropland(fba_w_sector, attr, method, year, sector_column):
    In the event there are 4 (or 5) digit naics for cropland
    at the county level, use state level harvested cropland to
    create ratios
    :param fba_w_sector: df, CoA cropland data, FBA format with sector columns
    :param attr: dictionary, attribute data from method yaml for activity set
    :param year: str, year of data
    :param sector_column: str, the sector column on which to make
                          df modifications (SectorProducedBy or SectorConsumedBy)
    :param attr: dictionary, attribute data from method yaml for activity set
    :return: df, CoA cropland data disaggregated

    # tmp drop NoneTypes
    fba_w_sector = replace_NoneType_with_empty_cells(fba_w_sector)

    # drop pastureland data
    crop = fba_w_sector.loc[fba_w_sector[sector_column].apply(lambda x: x[0:3])
                            != '112'].reset_index(drop=True)
    # drop sectors < 4 digits
    crop = crop[crop[sector_column].apply(lambda x: len(x) > 3)].reset_index(
    # create tmp location
    crop = crop.assign(Location_tmp=crop['Location'].apply(lambda x: x[0:2]))

    # load the relevant state level harvested cropland by naics
    naics = load_fba_w_standardized_units(datasource="USDA_CoA_Cropland_NAICS",
    # subset the harvested cropland by naics
    naics = naics[naics['FlowName'] ==
                  'AG LAND, CROPLAND, HARVESTED'].reset_index(drop=True)
    # drop the activities that include '&'
    naics = naics[~naics['ActivityConsumedBy'].str.contains('&')].reset_index(
    # add sectors
    naics = add_sectors_to_flowbyactivity(
        naics, sectorsourcename=method['target_sector_source'])
    # estimate suppressed data by equally allocating parent to child naics
    naics = estimate_suppressed_data(naics, 'SectorConsumedBy', 3,
    # add missing fbs fields
    naics = clean_df(naics, flow_by_sector_fields, fbs_fill_na_dict)

    # aggregate sectors to create any missing naics levels
    group_cols = fbs_default_grouping_fields
    # group_cols = [e for e in group_cols if e not in ('SectorProducedBy', 'SectorConsumedBy')]
    # group_cols.append(sector_column)
    naics2 = sector_aggregation(naics, group_cols)
    # add missing naics5/6 when only one naics5/6 associated with a naics4
    naics3 = sector_disaggregation(naics2)
    # drop rows where FlowAmount 0
    # naics3 = naics3[~((naics3['SectorProducedBy'] == '') & (naics3['SectorConsumedBy'] == ''))]
    naics3 = naics3.loc[naics3['FlowAmount'] != 0]
    # create ratios
    naics4 = sector_ratios(naics3, sector_column)
    # create temporary sector column to match the two dfs on
    naics4 = naics4.assign(
        Location_tmp=naics4['Location'].apply(lambda x: x[0:2]))
    # tmp drop Nonetypes
    naics4 = replace_NoneType_with_empty_cells(naics4)

    # check units in prep for merge
    compare_df_units(crop, naics4)
    # for loop through naics lengths to determine naics 4 and 5 digits to disaggregate
    for i in range(4, 6):
        # subset df to sectors with length = i and length = i + 1
        crop_subset = crop.loc[crop[sector_column].apply(
            lambda x: i + 1 >= len(x) >= i)]
        crop_subset = crop_subset.assign(
            Sector_tmp=crop_subset[sector_column].apply(lambda x: x[0:i]))
        # if duplicates drop all rows
        df = crop_subset.drop_duplicates(subset=['Location', 'Sector_tmp'],
        # drop sector temp column
        df = df.drop(columns=["Sector_tmp"])
        # subset df to keep the sectors of length i
        df_subset = df.loc[df[sector_column].apply(lambda x: len(x) == i)]
        # subset the naics df where naics length is i + 1
        naics_subset = \
            naics4.loc[naics4[sector_column].apply(lambda x:
                                                   len(x) == i + 1)].reset_index(drop=True)
        naics_subset = naics_subset.assign(
            Sector_tmp=naics_subset[sector_column].apply(lambda x: x[0:i]))
        # merge the two df based on locations
        df_subset = pd.merge(df_subset,
                                 sector_column, 'FlowAmountRatio',
                                 'Sector_tmp', 'Location_tmp'
                             left_on=[sector_column, 'Location_tmp'],
                             right_on=['Sector_tmp', 'Location_tmp'])
        # create flow amounts for the new NAICS based on the flow ratio
        df_subset.loc[:, 'FlowAmount'] = df_subset['FlowAmount'] * df_subset[
        # drop rows of 0 and na
        df_subset = df_subset[df_subset['FlowAmount'] != 0]
        df_subset = df_subset[~df_subset['FlowAmount'].isna()].reset_index(
        # drop columns
        df_subset = df_subset.drop(
            columns=[sector_column + '_x', 'FlowAmountRatio', 'Sector_tmp'])
        # rename columns
        df_subset = df_subset.rename(
            columns={sector_column + '_y': sector_column})
        # tmp drop Nonetypes
        df_subset = replace_NoneType_with_empty_cells(df_subset)
        # add new rows of data to crop df
        crop = pd.concat([crop, df_subset], sort=True).reset_index(drop=True)

    # clean up df
    crop = crop.drop(columns=['Location_tmp'])

    # equally allocate any further missing naics
    crop = allocate_dropped_sector_data(crop, 'NAICS_6')

    # pasture data
    pasture = \
        fba_w_sector.loc[fba_w_sector[sector_column].apply(lambda x:
                                                           x[0:3]) == '112'].reset_index(drop=True)
    # concat crop and pasture
    fba_w_sector = pd.concat([pasture, crop], sort=True).reset_index(drop=True)

    # fill empty cells with NoneType
    fba_w_sector = replace_strings_with_NoneType(fba_w_sector)

    return fba_w_sector
예제 #7
def main(**kwargs):
    Creates a flowbysector dataset
    :param kwargs: dictionary of arguments, only argument is
        "method_name", the name of method corresponding to flowbysector
        method yaml name
    :return: parquet, FBS save to local folder
    if len(kwargs) == 0:
        kwargs = parse_args()

    method_name = kwargs['method']
    download_FBA_if_missing = kwargs.get('download_FBAs_if_missing')
    # assign arguments
    vLog.info("Initiating flowbysector creation for %s", method_name)
    # call on method
    method = load_yaml_dict(method_name, flowbytype='FBS')
    # create dictionary of data and allocation datasets
    fb = method['source_names']
    # Create empty list for storing fbs files
    fbs_list = []
    for k, v in fb.items():
        # pull fba data for allocation
        flows = load_source_dataframe(k, v, download_FBA_if_missing)

        if v['data_format'] == 'FBA':
            # ensure correct datatypes and that all fields exist
            flows = clean_df(flows,

            # clean up fba before mapping, if specified in yaml
            if "clean_fba_before_mapping_df_fxn" in v:
                vLog.info("Cleaning up %s FlowByActivity", k)
                flows = dynamically_import_fxn(
                    k, v["clean_fba_before_mapping_df_fxn"])(flows)

            # map flows to federal flow list or material flow list
            flows_mapped, mapping_files = \
                map_fbs_flows(flows, k, v, keep_fba_columns=True)

            # clean up fba, if specified in yaml
            if "clean_fba_df_fxn" in v:
                vLog.info("Cleaning up %s FlowByActivity", k)
                flows_mapped = dynamically_import_fxn(
                    k, v["clean_fba_df_fxn"])(flows_mapped)

            # if activity_sets are specified in a file, call them here
            if 'activity_set_file' in v:
                aset_names = pd.read_csv(flowbysectoractivitysetspath +
                aset_names = None

            # master list of activity names read in from data source
            ml_act = []
            # create dictionary of allocation datasets for different activities
            activities = v['activity_sets']
            # subset activity data and allocate to sector
            for aset, attr in activities.items():
                # subset by named activities
                if 'activity_set_file' in v:
                    names = \
                        aset_names[aset_names['activity_set'] == aset]['name']
                    names = attr['names']

                # to avoid double counting data from the same source, in
                # the event there are values in both the APB and ACB
                # columns, if an activity has already been read in and
                # allocated, remove that activity from the mapped flows
                # regardless of what activity set the data was read in
                flows_mapped = flows_mapped[~(
                    (flows_mapped[fba_activity_fields[0]].isin(ml_act)) |

                vLog.info("Preparing to handle %s in %s", aset, k)
                # subset fba data by activity
                flows_subset = flows_mapped[
                    (flows_mapped[fba_activity_fields[0]].isin(names)) |

                # subset by flowname if exists
                if 'source_flows' in attr:
                    flows_subset = flows_subset[flows_subset['FlowName'].isin(
                if len(flows_subset) == 0:
                    log.warning(f"no data found for flows in {aset}")
                if len(flows_subset[flows_subset['FlowAmount'] != 0]) == 0:
                    log.warning(f"all flow data for {aset} is 0")
                # if activities are sector-like, check sectors are valid
                if check_activities_sector_like(k):
                    flows_subset2 = replace_naics_w_naics_from_another_year(
                        flows_subset, method['target_sector_source'])

                    # check impact on df FlowAmounts
                        'Calculate FlowAmount difference caused by '
                        'replacing NAICS Codes with %s, saving '
                        'difference in Validation log',
                        flows_subset, flows_subset2)
                    flows_subset2 = flows_subset.copy()

                # extract relevant geoscale data or aggregate existing data
                flows_subset_geo = subset_df_by_geoscale(
                    flows_subset2, v['geoscale_to_use'],
                # if loading data subnational geoscale, check for data loss
                if attr['allocation_from_scale'] != 'national':
                    compare_geographic_totals(flows_subset_geo, flows_mapped,
                                              k, attr, aset, names)

                # Add sectors to df activity, depending on level
                # of specified sector aggregation
                log.info("Adding sectors to %s", k)
                flows_subset_wsec = add_sectors_to_flowbyactivity(
                # clean up fba with sectors, if specified in yaml
                if "clean_fba_w_sec_df_fxn" in v:
                    vLog.info("Cleaning up %s FlowByActivity with sectors", k)
                    flows_subset_wsec = dynamically_import_fxn(
                        k, v["clean_fba_w_sec_df_fxn"])(flows_subset_wsec,

                # rename SourceName to MetaSources and drop columns
                flows_mapped_wsec = flows_subset_wsec.\
                    rename(columns={'SourceName': 'MetaSources'}).\
                    drop(columns=['FlowName', 'Compartment'])

                # if allocation method is "direct", then no need
                # to create alloc ratios, else need to use allocation
                # dataframe to create sector allocation ratios
                if attr['allocation_method'] == 'direct':
                    fbs = direct_allocation_method(flows_mapped_wsec, k, names,
                # if allocation method for an activity set requires a specific
                # function due to the complicated nature
                # of the allocation, call on function here
                elif attr['allocation_method'] == 'allocation_function':
                    fbs = function_allocation_method(flows_mapped_wsec, k,
                                                     names, attr, fbs_list)
                    fbs = dataset_allocation_method(flows_mapped_wsec, attr,
                                                    names, method, k, v, aset,

                # drop rows where flowamount = 0
                # (although this includes dropping suppressed data)
                fbs = fbs[fbs['FlowAmount'] != 0].reset_index(drop=True)

                # define grouping columns dependent on sectors
                # being activity-like or not
                if check_activities_sector_like(k) is False:
                    groupingcols = fbs_grouping_fields_w_activities
                    groupingdict = flow_by_sector_fields_w_activity
                    groupingcols = fbs_default_grouping_fields
                    groupingdict = flow_by_sector_fields

                # clean df
                fbs = clean_df(fbs, groupingdict, fbs_fill_na_dict)

                # aggregate df geographically, if necessary
                log.info("Aggregating flowbysector to %s level",
                # determine from scale
                if fips_number_key[v['geoscale_to_use']] <\
                    from_scale = v['geoscale_to_use']
                    from_scale = attr['allocation_from_scale']

                fbs_geo_agg = agg_by_geoscale(fbs, from_scale,

                # aggregate data to every sector level
                log.info("Aggregating flowbysector to all sector levels")
                fbs_sec_agg = sector_aggregation(fbs_geo_agg, groupingcols)
                # add missing naics5/6 when only one naics5/6
                # associated with a naics4
                fbs_agg = sector_disaggregation(fbs_sec_agg)

                # check if any sector information is lost before reaching
                # the target sector length, if so,
                # allocate values equally to disaggregated sectors
                    'Searching for and allocating FlowAmounts for any parent '
                    'NAICS that were dropped in the subset to '
                    '%s child NAICS', method['target_sector_level'])
                fbs_agg_2 = equally_allocate_parent_to_child_naics(
                    fbs_agg, method['target_sector_level'])

                # compare flowbysector with flowbyactivity
                                                       fbs_agg_2, aset, k,

                # return sector level specified in method yaml
                # load the crosswalk linking sector lengths
                sector_list = get_sector_list(method['target_sector_level'])

                # subset df, necessary because not all of the sectors are
                # NAICS and can get duplicate rows
                fbs_1 = fbs_agg_2.loc[
                    (fbs_agg_2[fbs_activity_fields[0]].isin(sector_list)) &
                fbs_2 = fbs_agg_2.loc[
                    (fbs_agg_2[fbs_activity_fields[0]].isin(sector_list)) &
                fbs_3 = fbs_agg_2.loc[
                    (fbs_agg_2[fbs_activity_fields[0]].isnull()) &
                fbs_sector_subset = pd.concat([fbs_1, fbs_2, fbs_3])

                # drop activity columns
                fbs_sector_subset = fbs_sector_subset.drop(
                    ['ActivityProducedBy', 'ActivityConsumedBy'],

                # save comparison of FBA total to FBS total for an activity set
                    flows_subset_geo, fbs_sector_subset, aset, k, v, attr,

                log.info("Completed flowbysector for %s", aset)
            if 'clean_fbs_df_fxn' in v:
                flows = dynamically_import_fxn(v["clean_fbs_df_fxn_source"],
            flows = update_geoscale(flows, method['target_geoscale'])
            # if the loaded flow dt is already in FBS format,
            # append directly to list of FBS
            log.info("Append %s to FBS list", k)
            # ensure correct field datatypes and add any missing fields
            flows = clean_df(flows, flow_by_sector_fields, fbs_fill_na_dict)
    # create single df of all activities
    log.info("Concat data for all activities")
    fbss = pd.concat(fbs_list, ignore_index=True, sort=False)
    log.info("Clean final dataframe")
    # add missing fields, ensure correct data type,
    # add missing columns, reorder columns
    fbss = clean_df(fbss, flow_by_sector_fields, fbs_fill_na_dict)
    # prior to aggregating, replace MetaSources string with all sources
    # that share context/flowable/sector values
    fbss = harmonize_FBS_columns(fbss)
    # aggregate df as activities might have data for
    # the same specified sector length
    fbss = aggregator(fbss, fbs_default_grouping_fields)
    # sort df
    log.info("Sort and store dataframe")
    # ensure correct data types/order of columns
    fbss = clean_df(fbss, flow_by_sector_fields, fbs_fill_na_dict)
    fbss = fbss.sort_values(
        ['SectorProducedBy', 'SectorConsumedBy', 'Flowable',
    # check for negative flow amounts
    # tmp reset data quality scores
    fbss = reset_fbs_dq_scores(fbss)
    # save parquet file
    meta = set_fb_meta(method_name, "FlowBySector")
    write_df_to_file(fbss, paths, meta)
    write_metadata(method_name, method, meta, "FlowBySector")
    # rename the log file saved to local directory
    rename_log_file(method_name, meta)
        'See the Validation log for detailed assessment of '
        'model results in %s', logoutputpath)