* ``FORM_DESIGNER_DEFAULT_FORM_TEMPLATE`` or ``FORM_TEMPLATES`` to control the form output (e.g. render it with ``django-uni-form``).
 * ``FORM_DESIGNER_FIELD_CLASSES`` to define which field types are allowed.
 * ``FORM_DESIGNER_WIDGET_CLASSES`` to define which widgets are allowed.
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from fluent_contents.extensions import ContentPlugin, plugin_pool
from fluent_contents.plugins.formdesignerlink.models import FormDesignerLink
from form_designer import settings as form_designer_settings
from form_designer.views import process_form

class FormDesignerLinkPlugin(ContentPlugin):
    model = FormDesignerLink
    category = _('Interactivity')
    cache_output = False

    def get_render_template(self, request, instance, **kwargs):
        return instance.form_definition.form_template_name or self.render_template or form_designer_settings.DEFAULT_FORM_TEMPLATE

    def get_context(self, request, instance, **kwargs):
        context = {}
        # The process_form() function is designed with Django CMS in mind,
        # and responds to both the GET and POST request.
        return process_form(request, instance.form_definition, context, is_cms_plugin=True)

예제 #2
    def render(self, request, instance, **kwargs):
            html = backend.render_text(instance.text, instance.language)
        except Exception, e:
            html = self.render_error(e)

        # Included in a DIV, so the next item will be displayed below.
        return mark_safe('<div class="markup">' + html + '</div>\n')

# Dynamically create plugins for every language type.
# Allows adding them separately in the admin, while using the same database table.
for language, model in LANGUAGE_MODEL_CLASSES.iteritems():
    if language not in appsettings.FLUENT_MARKUP_LANGUAGES:

    form = type("{0}MarkupItemForm".format(language.capitalize()),
                (MarkupItemForm, ), {
                    'default_language': language,

    classname = "{0}MarkupPlugin".format(language.capitalize())
    PluginClass = type(classname, (MarkupPluginBase, ), {
        'model': model,
        'form': form,

    #globals()[classname] = PluginClass
Plugin for rendering Gist snippets, hosted by Github.
from django.utils.http import urlquote
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from fluent_contents.extensions import ContentPlugin, plugin_pool
from fluent_contents.plugins.gist.models import GistItem

class GistPlugin(ContentPlugin):
    model = GistItem
    category = _('Programming')

    def render(self, request, instance, **kwargs):
        url = u'http://gist.github.com/{0}.js'.format(instance.gist_id)
        if instance.filename:
            url += u'?file={0}'.format(urlquote(instance.filename))

        return mark_safe(u'<script src="{0}"></script>'.format(url))

from article.models import ArticleTextItem

from fluent_contents.extensions import ContentPlugin, plugin_pool

class ArticleTextPlugin(ContentPlugin):
    name = "Text item"
    category = "Content plugins"
    model = ArticleTextItem
    render_template = "article/plugins/text.html"

from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from fluent_contents.extensions import ContentPlugin, plugin_pool
from fluent_contents.plugins.rawhtml.models import RawHtmlItem

class RawHtmlPlugin(ContentPlugin):
    Plugin for rendering raw HTML output.
    This can be used to insert embed codes in a webpage,
    for example for Google Docs, YouTube or SlideShare.
    model = RawHtmlItem
    category = _('Advanced')
    admin_form_template = ContentPlugin.ADMIN_TEMPLATE_WITHOUT_LABELS

    class Media:
        css = {'screen': ('fluent_contents/plugins/rawhtml/rawhtml_admin.css',)}

    def render(self, request, instance, **kwargs):
        return instance.html

from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from fluent_contents.extensions import ContentPlugin, plugin_pool
from fluent_contents.plugins.disquswidgets.models import DisqusCommentsAreaItem

class DisqusCommentsPlugin(ContentPlugin):
    model = DisqusCommentsAreaItem
    category = _("Interactivity")
    render_template = "fluent_contents/plugins/disquswidgets/comments.html"

    def get_context(self, request, instance, **kwargs):
        parent_url = instance.parent.get_absolute_url()
        return {
            "instance": instance,
            "DISQUS_WEBSITE_SHORTNAME": settings.DISQUS_WEBSITE_SHORTNAME,  # for convenience, pass setting
            # Template config setters are hard to use, provide context here!
            "disqus_identifier": parent_url.strip("/"),  # URL is expected to be relative.
            "disqus_url": parent_url,
            "disqus_developer": 0,
            # disqus_title

Definition of the plugin.
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from fluent_contents.extensions import ContentPlugin, plugin_pool
from fluent_contents.plugins.text.models import TextItem

class TextPlugin(ContentPlugin):
    model = TextItem
    admin_init_template = "admin/fluent_contents/plugins/text/admin_init.html"
    admin_form_template = ContentPlugin.ADMIN_TEMPLATE_WITHOUT_LABELS

    class Media:
        js = ('fluent_contents/plugins/text/text_admin.js',)
        css = {'screen': ('fluent_contents/plugins/text/text_admin.css',)}

    def render(self, request, instance, **kwargs):
        # Included in a DIV, so the next item will be displayed below.
        return mark_safe('<div class="text">' + instance.text + '</div>\n')


    def render(self, request, instance, **kwargs):
            html = backend.render_text(instance.text, instance.language)
        except Exception as e:
            html = self.render_error(e)

        # Included in a DIV, so the next item will be displayed below.
        return mark_safe('<div class="markup">' + html + '</div>\n')

# Dynamically create plugins for every language type.
# Allows adding them separately in the admin, while using the same database table.
for language, model in LANGUAGE_MODEL_CLASSES.items():
    if language not in appsettings.FLUENT_MARKUP_LANGUAGES:

    form = type("{0}MarkupItemForm".format(language.capitalize()), (MarkupItemForm,), {
        'default_language': language,

    classname = "{0}MarkupPlugin".format(language.capitalize())
    PluginClass = type(classname, (MarkupPluginBase,), {
        'model': model,
        'form': form,

    #globals()[classname] = PluginClass
Definition of the plugin.
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from fluent_contents.extensions import ContentPlugin, plugin_pool
from fluent_contents.plugins.code.models import CodeItem
from fluent_contents.plugins.code import appsettings, backend

class CodePlugin(ContentPlugin):
    model = CodeItem
    category = _('Programming')
    admin_form_template = "admin/fluent_contents/plugins/code/admin_form.html"

    class Media:
        css = {'screen': ('fluent_contents/code/code_admin.css',)}

    def render(self, request, instance, **kwargs):
        # Style is not stored in the model,
        # it needs to be a side-wide setting (maybe even in the theme)
        return backend.render_code(instance, style_name=appsettings.FLUENT_CODE_STYLE)

        return mark_safe('<div class="markup">' + html + "</div>\n")

def _create_markup_plugin(language, model):
    Create a new MarkupPlugin class that represents the plugin type.
    form = type(
        (MarkupItemForm, ),
        {"default_language": language},

    classname = "{0}MarkupPlugin".format(language.capitalize())
    PluginClass = type(classname, (MarkupPluginBase, ), {
        "model": model,
        "form": form

    return PluginClass

# Dynamically create plugins for every language type.
# Allows adding them separately in the admin, while using the same database table.
for language, model in LANGUAGE_MODEL_CLASSES.items():
    if language not in appsettings.FLUENT_MARKUP_LANGUAGES:

    # globals()[classname] = PluginClass
    plugin_pool.register(_create_markup_plugin(language, model))
Plugin to add an ``<iframe>`` to the page.
from django.utils.html import escape
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from fluent_contents.extensions import ContentPlugin, plugin_pool
from fluent_contents.plugins.iframe.models import IframeItem

class IframePlugin(ContentPlugin):
    model = IframeItem
    category = _('Advanced')

    def render(self, request, instance, **kwargs):
        return mark_safe(u'<iframe class="iframe" src="{src}" width="{width}" height="{height}"></iframe>'.format(

        # Included in a DIV, so the next item will be displayed below.
        return mark_safe('<div class="markup">' + html + '</div>\n')

def _create_markup_plugin(language, model):
    Create a new MarkupPlugin class that represents the plugin type.
    form = type("{0}MarkupItemForm".format(language.capitalize()), (MarkupItemForm,), {
        'default_language': language,

    classname = "{0}MarkupPlugin".format(language.capitalize())
    PluginClass = type(classname, (MarkupPluginBase,), {
        'model': model,
        'form': form,

    return PluginClass

# Dynamically create plugins for every language type.
# Allows adding them separately in the admin, while using the same database table.
for language, model in LANGUAGE_MODEL_CLASSES.items():
    if language not in appsettings.FLUENT_MARKUP_LANGUAGES:

    #globals()[classname] = PluginClass
    plugin_pool.register(_create_markup_plugin(language, model))
from django.utils.html import escape
from django.utils.http import urlquote
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from fluent_contents.extensions import ContentPlugin, plugin_pool
from fluent_contents.plugins.googledocsviewer.models import GoogleDocsViewerItem

class GoogleDocsViewerPlugin(ContentPlugin):
    Plugin to add a Google Docs viewer to the page.
    This can be used to display a PDF file inline.

    Note then when using the Google Docs viewer on your site,
    Google assumes you agree with the Terms of Service,
    see: https://docs.google.com/viewer/TOS
    model = GoogleDocsViewerItem
    category = _('Online services')

    def render(self, request, instance, **kwargs):
        url = 'http://docs.google.com/viewer?url={url}&embedded=true'.format(url=urlquote(instance.url, ''))
        return u'<iframe class="googledocsviewer" src="{src}" width="{width}" height="{height}"></iframe>'.format(

Comments area plugin.

This plugin package is not called "comments" as that conflicts
with the `django.contrib.comments` appname. Hence, "commentsarea" it is.

The plugin displays the form and messagelist that ``django.contrib.comments`` renders.
Hence, it depends on a properly configured contrib module.
The least you need to do, is:

  * providing a ``comments/base.html`` template.
   * include a ``title`` block that is displayed in the ``<head>`` of the base template.
   * include a ``content`` block that is displayed in the ``<body>`` of the base template.
  * provide a ``comments/posted.html`` template for the success page.
   * It could contains links to the blog page.
   * It could redirect automatically back to the blog in a few seconds.
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from fluent_contents.extensions import ContentPlugin, plugin_pool
from fluent_contents.plugins.commentsarea.models import CommentsAreaItem

class CommentsAreaPlugin(ContentPlugin):
    model = CommentsAreaItem
    category = _('Interactivity')
    render_template = "fluent_contents/plugins/commentsarea/commentsarea.html"
