예제 #1
def view_user(request):
    # TODO
    # Add in auth tokens (if exists) and access tokens (if exists)
    session = DBSession()
    matchdict = request.matchdict
    if (request.logged_in != int(matchdict["user_id"])):
        return HTTPForbidden(_("You are not allowed to view information about a user other than yourself."))

    user = session.query(User).join(User.groups).join(Group.group_info).filter(User.id == matchdict["user_id"]).one()

    request_key_url = ""
    key = ""
    secret = ""
    token = ""
    token_secret = ""

    keySecret = ConsumerKeySecret.getByUserID(request.logged_in)
    if (keySecret):
        key = keySecret.consumer_key
        secret = keySecret.consumer_secret

        tokenData = Token.getTokenByConsumerID(keySecret.id)
        if (tokenData):
            token = tokenData.token
            token_secret = tokenData.token_secret

        request_key_url = route_url("api_request_key", request)

    return dict(username = user.username, homepage = user.homepage, title = _("Viewing ") + " " + user.username, key = key, secret = secret, token = token, token_secret = token_secret, request_key_url = request_key_url)
예제 #2
def api_nexus_message_nonce(request):
    session = DBSession()
    auth_header = {}

    if ('Authorization' in request.headers):
        auth_header = {'Authorization': request.headers['Authorization']}
    # make temp request to get our header parameters
    req = oauth2.Request.from_request(
        headers = auth_header,
        parameters = dict([(k,v) for k,v in request.params.iteritems()]))

    consumer = ConsumerKeySecret.getByConsumerKey(req.get("oauth_consumer_key"))

    if (consumer is False):
        return {"Error": "No record for the key and secret found."}

    token = Token.getByToken(req.get("oauth_token"))
    if (token is False):
        return {"Error": "No record for the token key and token secret found."}

    req = oauth2.Request.from_consumer_and_token(consumer, 
        token = token, 
        http_method = request.method, 
        http_url = request.url, 
        parameters = dict([(k, v) for k,v in req.iteritems()]))

        oauth_server.verify_request(req, consumer, token)
    except oauth2.Error, e:
        return {"Oauth error": str(e)}
예제 #3
def api_access_token(request):
    session = DBSession()

    if (not request.logged_in):
        request.session.flash(_("You must be logged in."))
        return HTTPFound(location = route_url("home", request))

    consumer = ConsumerKeySecret.getByUserID(request.logged_in)

    if (not consumer):
        return HTTPFound(location = route_url("api_request_key", request))

    token = Token.getByConsumerID(consumer.id)

    if (not token):
        request.session.flash(_("Attempt to retrieve an access token that does not belong to you."))
        return HTTPFound(location = route_url("home", request))

    return dict(title = _("Your token and token secret"), token = token.token, token_secret = token.token_secret)
예제 #4
def api_do_authorize_token(request):
    session = DBSession()

    matchdict = request.matchdict
    appType = matchdict.get("appType", "")

    # First check that the logged in user is the holder of this token
    given_token = request.params.get("token")
    token = Token.getByToken(given_token)
    consumer = ConsumerKeySecret.getByConsumerID(token.consumer_key_secret.id)

    if (not consumer):
        request.session.flash(_("Unable to find consumer key in the database; this should never happen!"))
        return HTTPFound(location = route_url("home", request))

    if (token):
        if (token.consumer_key_secret.user.id != request.logged_in):
            request.session.flash(_("Attempt to use an authorization token that does not belong to you."))
            return HTTPFound(location = route_url("home", request))
        request.session.flash(_("Malformed authorization token parameters."))
        return HTTPFound(location = route_url("home", request))

    # Generate a new token to replace this now non-useful authorization token
    randomData = hashlib.sha1(str(random.random())).hexdigest()
    key = generateRandomKey()
    secret = generateRandomKey()

    token.token = key
    token.token_secret = secret
    token.consumer_id = consumer.id
    token.timestamp = time.time()

    if (appType == "android"):
        token.callback_url = token.callback_url + "?oauth_token=%s&oauth_token_secret=%s" % (token.token, token.token_secret)

    return HTTPFound(location = token.callback_url)
예제 #5
def api_authorize_token(request):
    session = DBSession()

    matchdict = request.matchdict
    appType = matchdict.get("appType", "")

    # First check that the logged in user is the holder of this token
    token = Token.getByToken(request.params.get("oauth_token"))
    consumer = ConsumerKeySecret.getByConsumerKey(request.params.get("oauth_consumer_key"))

    if (token):
        if (token.consumer_key_secret.user.id != request.logged_in):
            request.session.flash(_("Attempt to use an authorization token that does not belong to you."))
            return HTTPFound(location = route_url("home", request))
        request.session.flash(_("Malformed authorization token parameters."))
        return HTTPFound(location = route_url("home", request))

    #fs = AuthorizeTokenFieldSet().bind(token, session = session, data = request.POST or None)

    return dict(title = _("Authorization application to post to Nexus"), token = token.token, token_secret = token.token_secret, callback_url = token.callback_url, appType = appType)
예제 #6
def api_request_key(request):
    session = DBSession()

    if (not request.logged_in):
        request.session.flash(_("You must be registered and logged in to request a consumer key and secret."))
        return HTTPForbidden(location = route_url("home", request))
    keySecret = ConsumerKeySecret.getByUserID(request.logged_in)
    if (keySecret):
        key = keySecret.consumer_key
        secret = keySecret.consumer_secret
        # generate a consumer key and secret
        randomData = hashlib.sha1(str(random.random())).hexdigest()
        keySecret = ConsumerKeySecret()
        key = generateRandomKey()
        secret = generateRandomKey()
        keySecret.consumer_key = key
        keySecret.consumer_secret = secret
        keySecret.user_id = request.logged_in

    return dict(key = key, secret = secret, title = _("Fluid Nexus Key and Secret"))
예제 #7
def api_request_token(request):
    session = DBSession()
    auth_header = {}
    matchdict = request.matchdict
    appType = matchdict.get("appType", False)

    if ('Authorization' in request.headers):
        auth_header = {'Authorization': request.headers['Authorization']}
    req = oauth2.Request.from_request(
        headers = auth_header,
        parameters = dict([(k,v) for k,v in request.params.iteritems()]))

    consumer = ConsumerKeySecret.getByConsumerKey(req.get("oauth_consumer_key"))

    #if (request.logged_in != consumer.id):
    #    request.session.flash(_("You are trying to request a token using credentials that do not belong to you."))
    #    return HTTPForbidden(location = route_url("home", request))

        oauth_server.verify_request(req, consumer, None)

        # Check that this user doesn't already have an access token
        consumerToken = Token.getByConsumerID(consumer.id)
        if consumerToken:
            if (consumerToken.token_type == consumerToken.ACCESS):
                return Response(simplejson.dumps({'result': route_url('api_access_token', request)}))
            elif (consumerToken.token_type == consumerToken.AUTHORIZATION):
                # TODO
                # Check that the token hasn't already expired
                token = oauth2.Token(consumerToken.token, consumerToken.token_secret)
                if (appType == "android"):
                    return Response(token.to_string())
                    return Response(simplejson.dumps({'result': route_url('api_authorize_token', request, appType = appType) + '?' + token.to_string()}))

        nonce = ConsumerNonce.getByNonce(req.get("oauth_nonce"))
        if (nonce):
            return simplejson.dumps({"error": "Nonce is already registered for an authorization token; please generate another request token, or wait five minutes and try again."})
            nonce = ConsumerNonce()
            nonce.consumer_id = consumer.id
            nonce.timestamp = req.get("oauth_timestamp")
            nonce.nonce = req.get("oauth_nonce")

        randomData = hashlib.sha1(str(random.random())).hexdigest()
        key = generateRandomKey()
        secret = generateRandomKey()
        token = oauth2.Token(key, secret)
        token.callback_confirmed = True

        tokenData = Token()
        tokenData.token = key
        tokenData.token_secret = secret
        tokenData.consumer_id = consumer.id
        tokenData.timestamp = time.time()
        tokenData.callback_url = req.get("oauth_callback")

        if (appType == "android"):
            return Response(token.to_string())
        elif (appType == "desktop"):
            result = {'result': route_url('api_authorize_token', request, appType = appType) + '?' + token.to_string()}
            return Response(simplejson.dumps(result))
    except oauth2.Error, e:
        return Response(simplejson.dumps({"oauth2 error": str(e)}))
예제 #8
def api_nexus_message_update(request):
    # TODO
    # add signed API call to request a nonce
    # and then in this call, check for nonce and for nonce time < 2 hours
    session = DBSession()

    if ("message" not in request.params):
        return {"error": _("No 'message' parameter found")}
        message = simplejson.loads(request.params["message"], encoding="utf-8")

        # Get the nonce
            nonce = message["message_nonce"]
        except KeyError:
            return {"error": "You think you can get in without following the rules?  No cookie for you!"}

        # Check the nonce
        if (not ConsumerNonce.checkNonce(nonce)):
            return {"error": "Nonce not correct."}
        # Get the consumer key
        consumer = ConsumerKeySecret.getByConsumerKey(message["message_key"])
        if ("message_title" not in message):
            return {"error": _("No 'message_title' found in POSTed message.")}
        elif ("message_content" not in message):
            return {"error": _("No 'message_content' found in POSTed message.")}
        elif ("message_hash" not in message):
            return {"error": _("No 'message_hash' found in POSTed message.")}
        elif ("message_time" not in message):
            return {"error": _("No 'message_time' found in POSTed message.")}
        elif ("message_type" not in message):
            return {"error": _("No 'message_type' found in POSTed message.")}

        computed_hash = hashlib.sha256(unicode(message["message_title"]).encode("utf-8") + unicode(message["message_content"]).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()

        if (computed_hash != message["message_hash"]):
            return {"error": _("The computed hash (%s) does not match the hash sent with the POST (%s)." % (computed_hash, message["message_hash"]))}

        if (NexusMessage.getByMessageHash(computed_hash)):
            return {"error": "The message with hash '%s' already exists in the Nexus" % message["message_hash"]}

        m = NexusMessage()
        m.title = message["message_title"]

        # Strip any potential HTML tags in the content
        m.content = re.sub(r'<[^>]*?>', '', message["message_content"]) 
        m.message_hash = message["message_hash"]
        m.message_type = message["message_type"]
        m.created_time = message["message_time"]
        m.priority = message["message_priority"]

        if (request.params.has_key("message_attachment")):
            attachment = request.params.get("message_attachment")

            if not hasattr(attachment, 'file'):
                raise TypeError("Not a valid file field")

            attachmentsDir = request.registry.settings["attachments.data_dir"]

            #attachmentDataBase64 = message["message_attachment"]
            #attachmentData = base64.b64decode(attachmentDataBase64)
            message_attachment_path = os.path.join(attachmentsDir, message["message_hash"])
            attachment_original_filename = message["message_attachment_original_filename"]

            fullPath, extension = os.path.splitext(attachment_original_filename)
            fp = open(message_attachment_path + extension, "wb")
            while True:
                data = attachment.file.read(8192)
                if not data:


            # Resize if an image
            if (m.message_type == 2):
                size = 200, 200
                    # Probably needs some validation here...
                    im = Image.open(message_attachment_path + extension)
                    im.save(message_attachment_path + "_tn" + extension)
                except IOError, e:

            m.attachment_original_filename = attachment_original_filename
            m.attachment_path = message_attachment_path