def get_ugid(polygons=None, geom=None): """ returns geometry id of given polygon in a given shapefile. :param polygons: string or list of the region polygons :param geom: available shapefile. Possible entries: '50m_country', 'NUTS2' :returns list: ugids used by ocgis """ from ocgis import env, ShpCabinetIterator # from ocgis import env if polygons is None: result = None else: if type(polygons) != list: polygons = list([polygons]) env.DIR_SHPCABINET = config.shapefiles_path() sc_iter = ShpCabinetIterator(geom) result = [] if geom == 'countries': for row in sc_iter: for polygon in polygons: if row['properties']['ADM0_A3'] == polygon: result.append(row['properties']['UGID']) elif geom == 'extremoscope': for row in sc_iter: for polygon in polygons: if row['properties']['HASC_1'] == polygon: result.append(row['properties']['UGID']) elif geom == 'continents': for row in sc_iter: for polygon in polygons: if row['properties']['CONTINENT'] == polygon: result.append(row['properties']['UGID']) else: from ocgis import ShpCabinet sc = ShpCabinet(config.shapefiles_path()) LOGGER.debug( 'geom: %s not found in shape cabinet. Available geoms are: %s ', geom, sc) return result
def plot_polygons(regions, file_extension='png'): """ extract the polygon coordinate and plot it on a worldmap :param regions: list of ISO abreviations for polygons :return png: map_graphic.png """ from import Reader from cartopy.feature import ShapelyFeature from numpy import mean, append from flyingpigeon import config DIR_SHP = config.shapefiles_path() if type(regions) == str: regions = list([regions]) fname = join(DIR_SHP, "countries.shp") geos = Reader(fname).geometries() records = Reader(fname).records() central_latitude = [] central_longitude = [] for r in records: geo = if r.attributes['ISO_A3'] in regions: x, y = geo.centroid.coords.xy central_longitude.append(x[0]) central_latitude.append(y[0]) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) projection = ccrs.Orthographic(central_longitude=mean(central_longitude), central_latitude=mean(central_latitude), globe=None) # Robinson() ax = plt.axes(projection=projection) geos = Reader(fname).geometries() records = Reader(fname).records() for r in records: geo = if r.attributes['ISO_A3'] in regions: shape_feature = ShapelyFeature(geo, ccrs.PlateCarree(), edgecolor='black', color='coral') ax.add_feature(shape_feature) ax.coastlines() ax.gridlines() ax.stock_img() # ax.set_global() map_graphic = fig2plot(fig=fig, file_extension=file_extension) plt.close() return map_graphic
def get_shp_column_values(geom, columnname): """ returns a list of all entries the shapefile column name :param geom: name of the shapefile :param columnname: Column name to be intepreted returns list: column names """ from ocgis import env, ShpCabinetIterator # import ocgis env.DIR_SHPCABINET = config.shapefiles_path() sci = ShpCabinetIterator(geom) vals = [] for row in sci: vals.append(row['properties'][columnname]) return vals
def call(resource=[], variable=None, dimension_map=None, agg_selection=True, calc=None, calc_grouping=None, conform_units_to=None, crs=None, memory_limit=None, prefix=None, regrid_destination=None, regrid_options='bil', level_range=None, cdover='python', geom=None, output_format_options=None, search_radius_mult=2., select_nearest=False, select_ugid=None, spatial_wrapping=None, t_calendar=None, time_region=None, time_range=None, dir_output=None, output_format='nc'): ''' ocgis operation call :param resource: :param variable: variable in the input file to be picked :param dimension_map: dimension map in case of unconventional storage of data :param agg_selection: For aggregation of in case of mulitple polygons geoms :param calc: ocgis calc syntax for calculation partion :param calc_grouping: time aggregate grouping :param conform_units_to: :param crs: coordinate reference system :param memory_limit: limit the amount of data to be loaded into the memory at once \ if None (default) free memory is detected by birdhouse :param level_range: subset of given levels :param prefix: string for the file base name :param regrid_destination: file path with netCDF file with grid for output file :param geom: name of shapefile stored in birdhouse shape cabinet :param output_format_options: output options for netCDF e.g compression level() :param regrid_destination: file containing the targed grid (griddes.txt or netCDF file) :param regrid_options: methods for regridding: 'bil' = Bilinear interpolation 'bic' = Bicubic interpolation 'dis' = Distance-weighted average remapping 'nn' = nearest neighbour 'con' = First-order conservative remapping 'laf' = largest area fraction reamapping :param search_radius_mult: search radius for point geometries. All included gridboxes will be returned :param select_nearest: nearest neighbour selection for point geometries :param select_ugid: ugid for appropriate polygons :param spatial_wrapping: how to handle coordinates in case of subsets, options: None (default), 'wrap', 'unwrap' :param time_region: select single month :param time_range: sequence of two datetime.datetime objects to mark start and end point :param dir_output (default= curdir): :param output_format: :return: output file path ''''Start ocgis module call function') from ocgis import OcgOperations, RequestDataset, env, DimensionMap, crs from ocgis.util.large_array import compute from datetime import datetime as dt from datetime import date as dd from datetime import time as dt_time import uuid # prepare the environment env.DIR_SHPCABINET = config.shapefiles_path() env.OVERWRITE = True # env.DIR_OUTPUT = dir_output # LOGGER.debug(' **** env.DIR_OUTPUT = %s ' % env.DIR_OUTPUT) if dir_output is None: dir_output = abspath(curdir) # check time_range format: if time_range is not None: try: LOGGER.debug('time_range type= %s , %s ' % (type(time_range[0]), type(time_range[1]))) LOGGER.debug('time_range= %s , %s ' % (time_range[0], time_range[1])) # if type(time_range[0] is ''): if (isinstance(time_range[0], dd) and not isinstance(time_range[0], dt)): time_range = [ dt.combine(time_range[0], dt.min.time()), dt.combine(time_range[1], dt.min.time()) ] # time_range = [dt.combine(time_range[0], dt_time(12,0)), # dt.combine(time_range[1], dt_time(12,0))] LOGGER.debug('time_range changed to type= %s , %s ' % (type(time_range[0]), type(time_range[1]))) LOGGER.debug('time_range changed to= %s , %s ' % (time_range[0], time_range[1])) except: LOGGER.exception('failed to confert data to datetime') if spatial_wrapping == 'wrap': spatial_reorder = True else: spatial_reorder = False LOGGER.debug('spatial_reorder: %s and spatial_wrapping: %s ' % (spatial_reorder, spatial_wrapping)) if prefix is None: prefix = str(uuid.uuid1()) env.PREFIX = prefix # # if output_format_options is False: # output_format_options = None # elif output_format_options is True: # output_format_options = {'data_model': 'NETCDF4', # NETCDF4_CLASSIC # 'variable_kwargs': {'zlib': True, 'complevel': 9}} # else: if output_format_options is not None:'output_format_options are set to %s ' % (output_format_options)) if type(resource) != list: resource = list([resource]) # execute ocgis'Execute ocgis module call function') # # needed for some AFR-44 data # dimension_map = DimensionMap() # dimension_map.set_variable('x', 'lon', dimension='rlon') # dimension_map.set_variable('y', 'lat', dimension='rlat') # dimension_map.set_variable('time', 'time', dimension='time') # crs=crs.Spherical() try: LOGGER.debug('call module curdir = %s ' % abspath(curdir)) rd = RequestDataset(resource, variable=variable, level_range=level_range, dimension_map=dimension_map, conform_units_to=conform_units_to, time_region=time_region, t_calendar=t_calendar, time_range=time_range) # , crs=crs) from ocgis.constants import DimensionMapKey rd.dimension_map.set_bounds(DimensionMapKey.TIME, None) ops = OcgOperations( dataset=rd, output_format_options=output_format_options, dir_output=dir_output, spatial_wrapping=spatial_wrapping, spatial_reorder=spatial_reorder, # regrid_destination=rd_regrid, # options=options, calc=calc, calc_grouping=calc_grouping, geom=geom, agg_selection=agg_selection, output_format=output_format, prefix=prefix, search_radius_mult=search_radius_mult, select_nearest=select_nearest, select_ugid=select_ugid, add_auxiliary_files=False)'OcgOperations set') except: LOGGER.exception('failed to setup OcgOperations') return None try:'ocgis module call as ops.execute()') geom_file = ops.execute() except: LOGGER.exception('failed to execute ocgis operation') return None # # try: # from numpy import sqrt # from flyingpigeon.utils import FreeMemory # # if memory_limit is None: # f = FreeMemory() # mem_kb = f.user_free # mem_mb = mem_kb / 1024. # mem_limit = mem_mb / 2. # set limit to half of the free memory # else: # mem_limit = memory_limit # # if mem_limit >= 1024. * 4: # mem_limit = 1024. * 4 # # 475.0 MB for openDAP # #'memory_limit = %s Mb' % (mem_limit)) # # data_kb = ops.get_base_request_size()['total'] # data_mb = data_kb / 1024. # # # data_kb = size['total']/reduce(lambda x,y: x*y,size['variables'][variable]['value']['shape']) #'data_mb = %s Mb' % (data_mb)) # # if data_mb <= mem_limit: # input is smaler than the half of free memory size # try: #'ocgis module call as ops.execute()') # geom_file = ops.execute() # except Exception as e: # LOGGER.debug('failed to execute ocgis operation') # raise # return None # # else: # ########################## # # calcultion of chunk size # ########################## # try: # size = ops.get_base_request_size() # nb_time_coordinates_rd = size['variables'][variable]['temporal']['shape'][0] # element_in_kb = size['total']/reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, size['variables'][variable]['value']['shape']) # element_in_mb = element_in_kb / 1024. # tile_dim = sqrt(mem_limit/(element_in_mb*nb_time_coordinates_rd)) # maximum chunk size # #'ocgis module call compute with chunks') # if calc is None: # calc = '%s=%s*1' % (variable, variable) #'calc set to = %s ' % calc) # ops = OcgOperations(dataset=rd, # output_format_options=output_format_options, # dir_output=dir_output, # spatial_wrapping=spatial_wrapping, # spatial_reorder=spatial_reorder, # # regrid_destination=rd_regrid, # # options=options, # calc=calc, # calc_grouping=calc_grouping, # geom=geom, # output_format=output_format, # prefix=prefix, # search_radius_mult=search_radius_mult, # select_nearest=select_nearest, # select_ugid=select_ugid, # add_auxiliary_files=False) # geom_file = compute(ops, tile_dimension=int(tile_dim), verbose=True) # print 'ocgis calculated' # except Exception as e: # LOGGER.debug('failed to compute ocgis with chunks') # raise # return None #'Succeeded with ocgis module call function') # except: # LOGGER.exception('failed to compare dataload with free memory, calling as execute instead') ############################################ # remapping according to regrid informations ############################################ if regrid_destination is not None: try: if (cdover == 'system'): from os import system remap = 'remap%s' % regrid_options output = '' % uuid.uuid1() comcdo = 'cdo -O %s,%s %s %s' % (remap, regrid_destination, geom_file, output) system(comcdo) # need to substitute by subprocess call else: from tempfile import mkstemp from cdo import Cdo cdo = Cdo() output = '' % uuid.uuid1() remap = 'remap%s' % regrid_options call = [op for op in dir(cdo) if remap in op] cmd = "output = cdo.%s('%s',input='%s', output='%s')" \ % (str(call[0]), regrid_destination, geom_file, output) exec cmd except Exception as e: LOGGER.debug('failed to remap') raise return None else: output = geom_file # try: # from flyingpigeon.utils import unrotate_pole # lat, lon = unrotate_pole(output) # except: # LOGGER.exception('failed to unrotate pole') return output
import ocgis from shapely.ops import cascaded_union from flyingpigeon.config import shapefiles_path from os.path import join from os import listdir p = '/home/nils/birdhouse/var/lib/pywps/cache/flyingpigeon/' PATH_NC = [join(p, nc) for nc in listdir(p)] PATH_NC.sort() SH_PATH = shapefiles_path() GEOM_PATH = join(SH_PATH, 'countries.shp') # GEOM_PATH = '/home/benkoziol/l/project/ocg/bin/shp/world_countries/world_countries.shp' ocgis.env.DIR_OUTPUT = '/home/nils/data/' ocgis.env.OVERWRITE = True rd = ocgis.RequestDataset(PATH_NC) # We do not want to update the coordinate system from WGS84 to Spherical. This causes issues with wrapping for unknown # reasons. We also need to union the geometries to remove other inconsistencies requiring the unwrapping occur outside # the operations call. gc = ocgis.GeomCabinetIterator(path=GEOM_PATH, select_sql_where="ADMIN = 'Russia'", as_field=True) subset_field = list(gc)[0] shapely_geom = subset_field.geom.get_value()[0] wrapper = ocgis.spatial.wrap.GeometryWrapper() unwrapped = wrapper.unwrap(shapely_geom)