예제 #1
def test_map_tasks_only():
    def wf1(a: int):

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

        def wf2(a: typing.List[int]):
            return map_task(wf1)(a=a)

    lp = LaunchPlan.create("test", wf1)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

        def wf3(a: typing.List[int]):
            return map_task(lp)(a=a)
예제 #2

# %%
# Cron Expression
# ---------------
# Cron expression strings use the `AWS syntax <http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/events/ScheduledEvents.html#CronExpressions>`_.
# These are validated at launch plan registration time.
from flytekit import CronSchedule, LaunchPlan

# creates a launch plan that runs at 10am UTC every day.
cron_lp = LaunchPlan.create(
        # Note that kickoff_time_input_arg matches the workflow input we defined above: kickoff_time
        cron_expression="0 10 * * ? *",

# %%
# Fixed Rate
# ----------
# If you prefer to use an interval rather than the cron syntax to schedule your workflows, this is currently supported
# for Flyte deployments hosted on AWS.
# To run ``date_formatter_wf`` every 10 minutes read on below:

from datetime import timedelta

from flytekit import FixedRate, LaunchPlan
예제 #3
    return str(a * 2)

def int_doubler_wf(a: int) -> str:
    doubled = double_int_and_print(a=a)
    return doubled

# This launch plan triggers email notifications when the workflow execution it triggered reaches the phase `SUCCEEDED`.
int_doubler_wf_lp = LaunchPlan.create(
    default_inputs={"a": 4},

# %%
# Notifications shine when used for scheduled workflows to alert on failures:
from datetime import timedelta

from flytekit import FixedRate, PagerDuty

int_doubler_wf_scheduled_lp = LaunchPlan.create(
예제 #4
from datetime import datetime
from flytekit import LaunchPlan, task, workflow
from flytekit.models.common import AuthRole

def print_hello_world() -> str:
    print("Hello, World")

    return "Hello"

def hello_world(
  styx_parameter: datetime,
  styx_execution_id: str,
  styx_trigger_id: str,
  styx_trigger_type: str,
  styx_workflow_id: str
) -> str:
    hello = print_hello_world()

    return hello

lp = LaunchPlan.create("morning_greeting", hello_world, auth_role=AuthRole(kubernetes_service_account="e2e-test-sa"))
예제 #5
def square(val: int) -> int:
    return val * val

def my_wf(val: int) -> int:
    result = square(val=val)
    return result

default_lp = LaunchPlan.get_default_launch_plan(current_context(), my_wf)
square_3 = default_lp(val=3)

# %%
# The following shows how to specify a user-defined launch plan that defaults the value of 'val' to 4.
my_lp = LaunchPlan.create("default_4_lp", my_wf, default_inputs={"val": 4})
square_4 = my_lp()
square_5 = my_lp(val=5)

# %%
# In some cases you may want to **fix** launch plan inputs, such that they can't be overridden at execution call time.
my_fixed_lp = LaunchPlan.create("always_2_lp", my_wf, fixed_inputs={"val": 4})
square_2 = my_fixed_lp()
# error:
# square_1 = my_fixed_lp(val=1)

# %%
# Putting it all together
# #######################
# Default and fixed inputs can all be used in combination together to simplify individual executions