예제 #1
파일: test_gen.py 프로젝트: aahlad/soar
    def test_heuristic_gen(self):
        root = self.gen_tree()
        pvar = pred_variance(root)
        max_var = 1.5 * max(pvar.values())
        pvar1 = dict((p, max_var - v) for p, v in pvar.items())
        pvar1s = sum(pvar1.values())
        weights = dict((p, root.num_occurrences(p) * v / pvar1s)
                       for p, v in pvar1.items())
        for p, w in weights.items():
            print '%s: %f' % (p, w)

        preds = list(root.get_all_predicates())
        weights = fmincon.run_fmincon(root)

        h = heuristic.Heuristic(dict(zip(preds, weights)))

        root.make_graphviz(open('temp.dot', 'w'))
        search = AStar(root, lambda x: h(x.preds))
        iter = search.gen
        iterations = 0
            while not iter.next():
                iterations += 1
        except StopIteration:
            print iterations
            print[''.join(s.preds) for s in search.solution]
예제 #2
	def test_heuristic_gen(self):
		root = self.gen_tree()
		pvar = pred_variance(root)
		max_var = 1.5 * max(pvar.values())
		pvar1 = dict((p, max_var - v) for p, v in pvar.items())
		pvar1s = sum(pvar1.values())
		weights = dict((p, root.num_occurrences(p) * v / pvar1s) for p, v in pvar1.items())
		for p, w in weights.items():
			print '%s: %f' % (p, w)
		preds = list(root.get_all_predicates())
		weights = fmincon.run_fmincon(root)

		h = heuristic.Heuristic(dict(zip(preds,weights)))

		root.make_graphviz(open('temp.dot', 'w'))
		search = AStar(root, lambda x: h(x.preds))
		iter = search.gen
		iterations = 0
			while not iter.next():
				iterations += 1
		except StopIteration:
			print iterations
			print [''.join(s.preds) for s in search.solution]
예제 #3
def test_goal_dist_heuristic():
	min_len = 4
	max_len = 10
	indicators = dict((d, ['I%d' % d]) for d in range(1, max_len))
	indicator_set = set(reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, indicators.values()))
	tree_gen = TreeGen()
	tree_gen.min_branch_len = min_len
	tree_gen.max_branch_len = max_len

	src_root = tree_gen.generate_indicators(indicators)
	tgt_root = src_root.deep_copy()
	# change all predicates in the target to be lowercase version of source

	src_preds = list(src_root.get_all_predicates())
	num_preds = len(src_preds)

	src_weights = fmincon.run_fmincon(src_root)

	# the heuristic for the source
	hs = heuristic.Heuristic(dict(zip(src_preds, src_weights)))
	#hs = heuristic.Heuristic(indicators)

	src_search = AStar(src_root, lambda x: hs(x.preds))
	iter = src_search.gen
	iterations = 0
		while not iter.next():
			iterations += 1
	except StopIteration:
		src_iters = iterations

	non_ind_preds = [p for p in src_preds if p not in indicator_set]
	data = []

	for n_ind, n_rest, mapping in ind_mapping_gen(indicator_set, non_ind_preds, num_preds, 100):
	#for n_matches, mapping in reg_mapping_gen(src_preds, 100):
		#print "The mapping is ..."
		#for s,t in mapping.items():
		#	print s, t
		tgt_preds2weights = {}
		for p,w in zip(src_preds, src_weights):
			if p in mapping:
				# we assign the weight of the source predicate to the target
				tgt_preds2weights[mapping[p]] = w

		ht = heuristic.Heuristic(tgt_preds2weights)
		tgt_search = AStar(tgt_root, lambda x: ht(x.preds))
		iter = tgt_search.gen
		iterations = 0
			while not iter.next():
				iterations += 1
		except StopIteration:
			tgt_iters = iterations

		#print 'The target problem takes %d iterations' % tgt_iters
		#print 'Solution is', [''.join(s.preds) for s in tgt_search.solution]

		data.append((n_ind, n_rest, tgt_iters))
		#data.append((n_matches, tgt_iters))
	n_preds = len(src_preds)
	return (n_preds, src_iters, data)
예제 #4
def test_goal_dist_heuristic():
    min_len = 4
    max_len = 10
    indicators = dict((d, ['I%d' % d]) for d in range(1, max_len))
    indicator_set = set(reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, indicators.values()))
    tree_gen = TreeGen()
    tree_gen.min_branch_len = min_len
    tree_gen.max_branch_len = max_len

    src_root = tree_gen.generate_indicators(indicators)
    src_root.make_graphviz(open('src_tree.dot', 'w'))
    tgt_root = src_root.deep_copy()
    # change all predicates in the target to be lowercase version of source
    tgt_root.make_graphviz(open('tgt_tree.dot', 'w'))

    src_preds = list(src_root.get_all_predicates())

    num_preds = len(src_preds)

    src_weights = fmincon.run_fmincon(src_root)

    # the heuristic for the source
    hs = heuristic.Heuristic(dict(zip(src_preds, src_weights)))
    #hs = heuristic.Heuristic(indicators)

    src_search = AStar(src_root, lambda x: hs(x.preds))
    iter = src_search.gen
    iterations = 0
        while not iter.next():
            iterations += 1
    except StopIteration:
        src_iters = iterations

    non_ind_preds = [p for p in src_preds if p not in indicator_set]

    data = []

    for n_ind, n_rest, mapping in ind_mapping_gen(indicator_set, non_ind_preds,
                                                  num_preds, 100):
        #for n_matches, mapping in reg_mapping_gen(src_preds, 100):
        #print "The mapping is ..."
        #for s,t in mapping.items():
        #	print s, t

        tgt_preds2weights = {}
        for p, w in zip(src_preds, src_weights):
            if p in mapping:
                # we assign the weight of the source predicate to the target
                tgt_preds2weights[mapping[p]] = w

        ht = heuristic.Heuristic(tgt_preds2weights)
        tgt_search = AStar(tgt_root, lambda x: ht(x.preds))
        iter = tgt_search.gen
        iterations = 0
            while not iter.next():
                iterations += 1
        except StopIteration:
            tgt_iters = iterations

        #print 'The target problem takes %d iterations' % tgt_iters
        #print 'Solution is', [''.join(s.preds) for s in tgt_search.solution]

        data.append((n_ind, n_rest, tgt_iters))
        #data.append((n_matches, tgt_iters))

    n_preds = len(src_preds)
    return (n_preds, src_iters, data)
예제 #5
파일: test_gen.py 프로젝트: aahlad/soar
    def test_all(self, nbins, split_prob):
        #src_root, src_rs, tgt_root, tgt_rs = self.gen_src_tgt_split(split_prob)
        src_root, src_rs, tgt_root, tgt_rs = self.gen_contradict()

        src_file = 'source.kif'
        tgt_file = 'target.kif'
        src_rs.make_kif(src_root.preds, open(src_file, 'w'))
        tgt_rs.make_kif(tgt_root.preds, open(tgt_file, 'w'))

        src_preds = list(src_root.get_all_predicates())
        src_weights = fmincon.run_fmincon(src_root)

        # the heuristic for the source
        hs = heuristic.Heuristic(dict(zip(src_preds, src_weights)))

        src_search = AStar(src_root, lambda x: hs(x.preds))
        iter = src_search.gen
        iterations = 0
            while not iter.next():
                iterations += 1
        except StopIteration:
            src_iters = iterations

        print 'The source problem takes %d iterations' % src_iters
        print 'Solution is', [''.join(s.preds) for s in src_search.solution]

        src_bins = dict((Predicate(p, Sentence.STATE, []), b)
                        for p, b in make_bins(src_preds, nbins).items())
        tgt_bins = dict(
            (Predicate(p.get_name().lower(), Sentence.STATE, []), b)
            for p, b in src_bins.items())

        mapping = rule_mapper2.map_kifs(src_file, tgt_file, src_bins, tgt_bins)
        str_mapping = dict(
            (s.get_name(), t.get_name()) for s, t in mapping.items())
        print "The mapping is ..."
        for s, t in str_mapping.items():
            print s, t

        num_correct = 0
        num_correct_inds = 0
        for s, t in str_mapping.items():
            if s.lower() == t:
                num_correct += 1
                if s[0] == 'I' and s[-1] in '0123456789':
                    num_correct_inds += 1

        print "Number of correct predicates:", num_correct

        tgt_preds = []
        tgt_weights = []
        for p, w in zip(src_preds, src_weights):
            if p in str_mapping:
                # we assign the weight of the source predicate to the target

        ht = heuristic.Heuristic(dict(zip(tgt_preds, tgt_weights)))
        tgt_search = AStar(tgt_root, lambda x: ht(x.preds))
        iter = tgt_search.gen
            while not iter.next():
                iterations += 1
        except StopIteration:
            tgt_iters = iterations

        print 'The target problem takes %d iterations' % tgt_iters
        print 'Solution is', [''.join(s.preds) for s in tgt_search.solution]


        ret_labels = [
            'len(src_preds)', 'num_correct', 'num_correct_inds', 'src_iters',
        ret_vals = eval('[%s]' % ','.join(ret_labels))
        return (ret_labels, ret_vals)
예제 #6
	def test_all(self, nbins, split_prob):
		#src_root, src_rs, tgt_root, tgt_rs = self.gen_src_tgt_split(split_prob)
		src_root, src_rs, tgt_root, tgt_rs = self.gen_contradict()
		src_file = 'source.kif'
		tgt_file = 'target.kif'
		src_rs.make_kif(src_root.preds, open(src_file,'w'))
		tgt_rs.make_kif(tgt_root.preds, open(tgt_file,'w'))
		src_preds = list(src_root.get_all_predicates())
		src_weights = fmincon.run_fmincon(src_root)

		# the heuristic for the source
		hs = heuristic.Heuristic(dict(zip(src_preds, src_weights)))

		src_search = AStar(src_root, lambda x: hs(x.preds))
		iter = src_search.gen
		iterations = 0
			while not iter.next():
				iterations += 1
		except StopIteration:
			src_iters = iterations

		print 'The source problem takes %d iterations' % src_iters
		print 'Solution is', [''.join(s.preds) for s in src_search.solution]
		src_bins = dict((Predicate(p, Sentence.STATE, []), b) for p,b in make_bins(src_preds, nbins).items())
		tgt_bins = dict((Predicate(p.get_name().lower(), Sentence.STATE, []), b) for p, b in src_bins.items())

		mapping = rule_mapper2.map_kifs(src_file, tgt_file, src_bins, tgt_bins)
		str_mapping = dict((s.get_name(), t.get_name()) for s,t in mapping.items())
		print "The mapping is ..."
		for s,t in str_mapping.items():
			print s, t
		num_correct = 0
		num_correct_inds = 0
		for s, t in str_mapping.items():
			if s.lower() == t:
				num_correct += 1
				if s[0] == 'I' and s[-1] in '0123456789':
					num_correct_inds += 1

		print "Number of correct predicates:", num_correct

		tgt_preds = []
		tgt_weights = []
		for p,w in zip(src_preds, src_weights):
			if p in str_mapping:
				# we assign the weight of the source predicate to the target

		ht = heuristic.Heuristic(dict(zip(tgt_preds, tgt_weights)))
		tgt_search = AStar(tgt_root, lambda x: ht(x.preds))
		iter = tgt_search.gen
			while not iter.next():
				iterations += 1
		except StopIteration:
			tgt_iters = iterations

		print 'The target problem takes %d iterations' % tgt_iters
		print 'Solution is', [''.join(s.preds) for s in tgt_search.solution]

		ret_labels = ['len(src_preds)', 'num_correct', 'num_correct_inds', 'src_iters', 'tgt_iters' ]
		ret_vals = eval('[%s]' % ','.join(ret_labels))
		return (ret_labels, ret_vals)