예제 #1
def _SinglePosUpgradeToFormat2(self):
    if self.Format == 2: return self

    ret = ot.SinglePos()
    ret.Format = 2
    ret.Coverage = self.Coverage
    ret.ValueFormat = self.ValueFormat
    ret.Value = [self.Value for _ in ret.Coverage.glyphs]
    ret.ValueCount = len(ret.Value)

    return ret
예제 #2
def buildSinglePosSubtable(values, glyphMap):
    """{glyphName: otBase.ValueRecord} --> otTables.SinglePos"""
    self = ot.SinglePos()
    self.Coverage = buildCoverage(values.keys(), glyphMap)
    valueRecords = [values[g] for g in self.Coverage.glyphs]
    self.ValueFormat = 0
    for v in valueRecords:
        self.ValueFormat |= v.getFormat()
    if all(v == valueRecords[0] for v in valueRecords):
        self.Format = 1
        if self.ValueFormat != 0:
            self.Value = valueRecords[0]
            self.Value = None
        self.Format = 2
        self.Value = valueRecords
        self.ValueCount = len(self.Value)
    return self
예제 #3
def _Lookup_SinglePos_subtables_flatten(lst, font, min_inclusive_rec_format):
    glyphs, _ = _merge_GlyphOrders(font, [v.Coverage.glyphs for v in lst],
    num_glyphs = len(glyphs)
    new = ot.SinglePos()
    new.Format = 2
    new.ValueFormat = min_inclusive_rec_format
    new.Coverage = ot.Coverage()
    new.Coverage.glyphs = glyphs
    new.ValueCount = num_glyphs
    new.Value = [None] * num_glyphs
    for singlePos in lst:
        if singlePos.Format == 1:
            val_rec = singlePos.Value
            for gname in singlePos.Coverage.glyphs:
                i = glyphs.index(gname)
                new.Value[i] = copy.deepcopy(val_rec)
        elif singlePos.Format == 2:
            for j, gname in enumerate(singlePos.Coverage.glyphs):
                val_rec = singlePos.Value[j]
                i = glyphs.index(gname)
                new.Value[i] = copy.deepcopy(val_rec)
    return [new]
예제 #4
    def build(self):
        subtables = []

        # If multiple glyphs have the same ValueRecord, they can go into
        # the same subtable which saves space. Therefore, we first build
        # a reverse mapping from ValueRecord to glyph coverage.
        values = {}
        for glyph, valuerecord in self.mapping.items():
            values.setdefault(valuerecord, []).append(glyph)

        # For compliance with the OpenType specification,
        # we sort the glyph coverage by glyph ID.
        for glyphs in values.values():

        # Make a list of (glyphs, (otBase.ValueRecord, int valueFormat)).
        # Glyphs with the same otBase.ValueRecord are grouped into one item.
        values = [(glyphs, makeOpenTypeValueRecord(valrec))
                  for valrec, glyphs in values.items()]

        # Find out which glyphs should be encoded as SinglePos format 2.
        # Format 2 is more compact than format 1 when multiple glyphs
        # have different values but share the same integer valueFormat.
        format2 = {}  # valueFormat --> [(glyph, value), (glyph, value), ...]
        for glyphs, (value, valueFormat) in values:
            if len(glyphs) == 1:
                glyph = glyphs[0]
                format2.setdefault(valueFormat, []).append((glyph, value))

        # Only use format 2 if multiple glyphs share the same valueFormat.
        # Otherwise, format 1 is more compact.
        format2 = [(valueFormat, valueList)
                   for valueFormat, valueList in format2.items()
                   if len(valueList) > 1]
        format2Glyphs = set()  # {"A", "B", "C"}
        for _, valueList in format2:
            for (glyph, _) in valueList:
        for valueFormat, valueList in format2:
            valueList.sort(key=lambda x: self.font.getGlyphID(x[0]))
            st = otTables.SinglePos()
            st.Format = 2
            st.ValueFormat = valueFormat
            st.Coverage = otTables.Coverage()
            st.Coverage.glyphs = [glyph for glyph, _value in valueList]
            st.ValueCount = len(valueList)
            st.Value = [value for _glyph, value in valueList]

        # To make the ordering of our subtables deterministic,
        # we sort subtables by the first glyph ID in their coverage.
        # Not doing this would be OK for OpenType, but testing the
        # compiler would be harder with non-deterministic output.
        values.sort(key=lambda x: self.font.getGlyphID(x[0][0]))

        for glyphs, (value, valueFormat) in values:
            if len(glyphs) == 1 and glyphs[0] in format2Glyphs:
                continue  # already emitted as part of a format 2 subtable
            st = otTables.SinglePos()
            st.Format = 1
            st.Coverage = self.buildCoverage_(glyphs)
            st.Value, st.ValueFormat = value, valueFormat

        return self.buildLookup_(subtables)