예제 #1
def compact_class_pairs(font: TTFont, mode: str,
                        subtable: otTables.PairPos) -> List[otTables.PairPos]:
    from fontTools.otlLib.builder import buildPairPosClassesSubtable

    subtables = []
    classes1: DefaultDict[int, List[str]] = defaultdict(list)
    for g in subtable.Coverage.glyphs:
        classes1[subtable.ClassDef1.classDefs.get(g, 0)].append(g)
    classes2: DefaultDict[int, List[str]] = defaultdict(list)
    for g, i in subtable.ClassDef2.classDefs.items():
    all_pairs = {}
    for i, class1 in enumerate(subtable.Class1Record):
        for j, class2 in enumerate(class1.Class2Record):
            if is_really_zero(class2):
                       tuple(sorted(classes2[j])))] = (
                           getattr(class2, "Value1", None),
                           getattr(class2, "Value2", None),

    if len(mode) == 1 and mode in "123456789":
        grouped_pairs = cluster_pairs_by_class2_coverage_custom_cost(
            font, all_pairs, int(mode))
        for pairs in grouped_pairs:
                buildPairPosClassesSubtable(pairs, font.getReverseGlyphMap()))
        raise ValueError(f"Bad {GPOS_COMPACT_MODE_ENV_KEY}={mode}")
    return subtables
예제 #2
def compact_class_pairs(
    font: TTFont, level: int, subtable: otTables.PairPos
) -> List[otTables.PairPos]:
    from fontTools.otlLib.builder import buildPairPosClassesSubtable

    subtables = []
    classes1: DefaultDict[int, List[str]] = defaultdict(list)
    for g in subtable.Coverage.glyphs:
        classes1[subtable.ClassDef1.classDefs.get(g, 0)].append(g)
    classes2: DefaultDict[int, List[str]] = defaultdict(list)
    for g, i in subtable.ClassDef2.classDefs.items():
    all_pairs = {}
    for i, class1 in enumerate(subtable.Class1Record):
        for j, class2 in enumerate(class1.Class2Record):
            if is_really_zero(class2):
            all_pairs[(tuple(sorted(classes1[i])), tuple(sorted(classes2[j])))] = (
                getattr(class2, "Value1", None),
                getattr(class2, "Value2", None),
    grouped_pairs = cluster_pairs_by_class2_coverage_custom_cost(font, all_pairs, level)
    for pairs in grouped_pairs:
        subtables.append(buildPairPosClassesSubtable(pairs, font.getReverseGlyphMap()))
    return subtables
예제 #3
 def transCharByFont(self, font: TTFont, string: str):
     dict = font.getBestCmap()
     final_string = ''
     for char in string:  # 判断字符是否经过字体反爬
         unicode = ord(char)
         if unicode in dict:
             glyph = dict[unicode]
             char = font.getReverseGlyphMap()[glyph] - 1  # 通过对应关系找出原来值
         final_string += str(char)
     return final_string
예제 #4
    def check_font(self, fontname):
        """Checks if Glyph is included in given font"""

        font = TTFont(fontname)
        with silence():
            found_glyph = font.getReverseGlyphMap().get(self.glyph_code)

        # if found_glyph:
        #     __import__('pprint').pprint("Found glyph in {}".format(fontname))
        return bool(found_glyph)
예제 #5
def transCharByfont(font1: TTFont, string: str):

    unicode_to_glyph = font1.getBestCmap()
    true_string = ''
    for char in string:
        unicode = ord(char)
        if unicode in unicode_to_glyph:
            # 判断是否经过字体反扒处理
            glyph = unicode_to_glyph[unicode]
            char = str(font1.getReverseGlyphMap()[glyph] - 1)
        true_string += char
    return true_string
예제 #6
파일: parser.py 프로젝트: a625687551/Spyder
def parse_kw(content):
        url = TTF_PATTERN.findall(content)[0].strip()  # 提取 js 代码
        if url.startswith("//"):
            url = "http:" + url
        logger.info("TTF file url: %s" % url)
        urlretrieve(url, ttf_file.name, url)
        font = TTFont(ttf_file.name)
        bad_font = font.getReverseGlyphMap()
        chars = list(set(etree.HTML(content).xpath('//span[@style="font-family: myfont;"]/text()')))
        logger.info("Chars: %s" % map(hex, map(ord, chars)))
        # kw_content = {char: ttf_ocr(font, hex(ord(char)).upper().replace("0X", "uni")) for char in chars}
        kw_content = {char: font_dict.get(str(bad_font.get(char.upper().replace("&#X", "uni")))) for char in chars}
        return {}
    return kw_content
예제 #7
class TTVarCFont:
    def __init__(self, path, ttFont=None, hbFont=None):
        if ttFont is not None:
            assert hbFont is not None
            assert path is None
            self.ttFont = ttFont
            assert hbFont is None
            self.ttFont = TTFont(path, lazy=True)
        self.axes = {
            axis.axisTag: (axis.minValue, axis.defaultValue, axis.maxValue)
            for axis in self.ttFont["fvar"].axes
        if hbFont is not None:
            self.hbFont = hbFont
            with open(path, "rb") as f:
                face = hb.Face(f.read())
            self.hbFont = hb.Font(face)

    def keys(self):
        return self.ttFont.getGlyphNames()

    def __contains__(self, glyphName):
        return glyphName in self.ttFont.getReverseGlyphMap()

    def drawGlyph(self, pen, glyphName, location):
        normLocation = normalizeLocation(location, self.axes)
        fvarTable = self.ttFont["fvar"]
        glyfTable = self.ttFont["glyf"]
        varcTable = self.ttFont.get("VarC")
        if varcTable is not None:
            glyphData = varcTable.GlyphData
            glyphData = {}

        g = glyfTable[glyphName]
        varComponents = glyphData.get(glyphName)
        if g.isComposite():
            componentOffsets = instantiateComponentOffsets(
                self.ttFont, glyphName, normLocation
            if varComponents is not None:
                assert len(g.components) == len(varComponents)
                varcInstancer = VarStoreInstancer(
                    varcTable.VarStore, fvarTable.axes, normLocation
                for (x, y), gc, vc in zip(
                    componentOffsets, g.components, varComponents
                    componentLocation = unpackComponentLocation(vc.coord, varcInstancer)
                    transform = unpackComponentTransform(
                        vc.transform, varcInstancer, vc.numIntBitsForScale
                    tPen = TransformPen(pen, _makeTransform(x, y, transform))
                    self.drawGlyph(tPen, gc.glyphName, componentLocation)
                for (x, y), gc in zip(componentOffsets, g.components):
                    tPen = TransformPen(pen, (1, 0, 0, 1, x, y))
                    self.drawGlyph(tPen, gc.glyphName, {})
            glyphID = self.ttFont.getGlyphID(glyphName)
            self.hbFont.draw_glyph_with_pen(glyphID, pen)
예제 #8
def cluster_pairs_by_class2_coverage_custom_cost(
    font: TTFont,
    pairs: Pairs,
    compression: int = 5,
) -> List[Pairs]:
    if not pairs:
        # The subtable was actually empty?
        return [pairs]

    # Sorted for reproducibility/determinism
    all_class1 = sorted(set(pair[0] for pair in pairs))
    all_class2 = sorted(set(pair[1] for pair in pairs))

    # Use Python's big ints for binary vectors representing each line
    lines = [
        sum(1 << i if (class1, class2) in pairs else 0
            for i, class2 in enumerate(all_class2)) for class1 in all_class1

    # Map glyph names to ids and work with ints throughout for ClassDef formats
    name_to_id = font.getReverseGlyphMap()
    # Each entry in the arrays below is (range_count, min_glyph_id, max_glyph_id)
    all_class1_data = [
        _getClassRanges(name_to_id[name] for name in cls) for cls in all_class1
    all_class2_data = [
        _getClassRanges(name_to_id[name] for name in cls) for cls in all_class2

    format1 = 0
    format2 = 0
    for pair, value in pairs.items():
        format1 |= value[0].getEffectiveFormat() if value[0] else 0
        format2 |= value[1].getEffectiveFormat() if value[1] else 0
    valueFormat1_bytes = bit_count(format1) * 2
    valueFormat2_bytes = bit_count(format2) * 2

    ctx = ClusteringContext(

    cluster_cache: Dict[int, Cluster] = {}

    def make_cluster(indices: int) -> Cluster:
        cluster = cluster_cache.get(indices, None)
        if cluster is not None:
            return cluster
        cluster = Cluster(ctx, indices)
        cluster_cache[indices] = cluster
        return cluster

    def merge(cluster: Cluster, other: Cluster) -> Cluster:
        return make_cluster(cluster.indices_bitmask | other.indices_bitmask)

    # Agglomerative clustering by hand, checking the cost gain of the new
    # cluster against the previously separate clusters
    # Start with 1 cluster per line
    # cluster = set of lines = new subtable
    clusters = [make_cluster(1 << i) for i in range(len(lines))]

    # Cost of 1 cluster with everything
    # `(1 << len) - 1` gives a bitmask full of 1's of length `len`
    cost_before_splitting = make_cluster((1 << len(lines)) - 1).cost
    log.debug(f"        len(clusters) = {len(clusters)}")

    while len(clusters) > 1:
        lowest_cost_change = None
        best_cluster_index = None
        best_other_index = None
        best_merged = None
        for i, cluster in enumerate(clusters):
            for j, other in enumerate(clusters[i + 1:]):
                merged = merge(cluster, other)
                cost_change = merged.cost - cluster.cost - other.cost
                if lowest_cost_change is None or cost_change < lowest_cost_change:
                    lowest_cost_change = cost_change
                    best_cluster_index = i
                    best_other_index = i + 1 + j
                    best_merged = merged
        assert lowest_cost_change is not None
        assert best_cluster_index is not None
        assert best_other_index is not None
        assert best_merged is not None

        # If the best merge we found is still taking down the file size, then
        # there's no question: we must do it, because it's beneficial in both
        # ways (lower file size and lower number of subtables).  However, if the
        # best merge we found is not reducing file size anymore, then we need to
        # look at the other stop criteria = the compression factor.
        if lowest_cost_change > 0:
            # Stop critera: check whether we should keep merging.
            # Compute size reduction brought by splitting
            cost_after_splitting = sum(c.cost for c in clusters)
            # size_reduction so that after = before * (1 - size_reduction)
            # E.g. before = 1000, after = 800, 1 - 800/1000 = 0.2
            size_reduction = 1 - cost_after_splitting / cost_before_splitting

            # Force more merging by taking into account the compression number.
            # Target behaviour: compression number = 1 to 9, default 5 like gzip
            #   - 1 = accept to add 1 subtable to reduce size by 50%
            #   - 5 = accept to add 5 subtables to reduce size by 50%
            # See https://github.com/harfbuzz/packtab/blob/master/Lib/packTab/__init__.py#L690-L691
            # Given the size reduction we have achieved so far, compute how many
            # new subtables are acceptable.
            max_new_subtables = -log2(1 - size_reduction) * compression
                f"            len(clusters) = {len(clusters):3d}    size_reduction={size_reduction:5.2f}    max_new_subtables={max_new_subtables}",
            if compression == 9:
                # Override level 9 to mean: create any number of subtables
                max_new_subtables = len(clusters)

            # If we have managed to take the number of new subtables below the
            # threshold, then we can stop.
            if len(clusters) <= max_new_subtables + 1:

        # No reason to stop yet, do the merge and move on to the next.
        del clusters[best_other_index]
        clusters[best_cluster_index] = best_merged

    # All clusters are final; turn bitmasks back into the "Pairs" format
    pairs_by_class1: Dict[Tuple[str, ...], Pairs] = defaultdict(dict)
    for pair, values in pairs.items():
        pairs_by_class1[pair[0]][pair] = values
    pairs_groups: List[Pairs] = []
    for cluster in clusters:
        pairs_group: Pairs = dict()
        for i in cluster.indices:
            class1 = all_class1[i]
    return pairs_groups