예제 #1
 def _draw(self, pen, **kwargs):
     Subclasses may override this method.
     from fontTools.ufoLib.pointPen import PointToSegmentPen
     adapter = PointToSegmentPen(pen)
예제 #2
def interpol_glyph_glyph_ratioX_ratioY_scaleX_scaleY(g1, g2, ratio_x, ratio_y, scale_x, scale_y, f):
    glyphName = g1.name
    if glyphName not in f.keys():
        g = f.newGlyph(glyphName)
        return f[glyphName]
    pen = PointToSegmentPen(g.getPen())
    if not len(g1) == len(g2):
        return 0
    for c1, c2 in zip(g1.contours, g2.contours):
        if not len(c1) == len(c2):
            return 0
        for p1, p2 in zip(c1.points, c2.points):
            if not p1.type == p2.type:
                g.markColor = (1, 0, 0, 1)
                return 0
            px = (p1.x + ((p2.x - p1.x) * ratio_x)) * scale_x
            py = (p1.y + ((p2.y - p1.y) * ratio_y)) * scale_y
            ptype = p1.type if p1.type != 'offcurve' else None
            pen.addPoint((px, py), ptype)

    g.unicode = g1.unicode
    g.width = (g1.width + ((g2.width - g1.width) * ratio_x)) * scale_x
    # for c1, c, c2 in zip(g1, g, g2):
    #     box1x = ((c1.box[0] + ((c1.box[2] - c1.box[0])) ))
    #     box1y = ((c1.box[1] + ((c1.box[3] - c1.box[1])) ))
    #     boxx = (c.box[0] + ((c.box[2] - c.box[0])))
    #     boxy = (c.box[1] + ((c.box[3] - c.box[1])))
    #     box2x = ((c2.box[0] + ((c2.box[2] - c2.box[0])) ))
    #     box2y = ((c2.box[1] + ((c2.box[3] - c2.box[1])) ))
    #     middlex = (box1x+(box2x-box1x)* ratio_x)*scale_x
    #     middley = (box1y+(box2y-box1y)* ratio_y)*scale_y
    #     if not middlex-1 < boxx < middlex+1 or not middley-1 < boxy < middley+1:
    #         print('fail 4')
    #         return 0

    if not len(g1.components) == len(g2.components):
        return g
    for c1, c2 in zip(g1.components, g2.components):
        if not c1.baseGlyph == c2.baseGlyph:
            return g
        name = c1.baseGlyph
        interpol_glyph_glyph_ratioX_ratioY_scaleX_scaleY_toFont_glyphName(g1.getParent()[name], g2.getParent()[name], ratio_x, ratio_y, scale_x, scale_y, f, name)
        cOffsetX=(c1.offset[0] + ((c2.offset[0] - c1.offset[0]) * ratio_x)) * scale_x
        cOffsetY=(c1.offset[1] + ((c2.offset[1] - c1.offset[1]) * ratio_y)) * scale_y
        g.appendComponent(name, offset=(cOffsetX, cOffsetY))
    return g
def test_reverse_point_pen(contour, expected):
    from fontTools.ufoLib.pointPen import (ReverseContourPointPen,

    recpen = RecordingPen()
    pt2seg = PointToSegmentPen(recpen, outputImpliedClosingLine=True)
    revpen = ReverseContourPointPen(pt2seg)
    seg2pt = SegmentToPointPen(revpen)
    for operator, operands in contour:
        getattr(seg2pt, operator)(*operands)

    # for closed contours that have a lineTo following the moveTo,
    # and whose points don't overlap, our current implementation diverges
    # from the ReverseContourPointPen as wrapped by ufoLib's pen converters.
    # In the latter case, an extra lineTo is added because of
    # outputImpliedClosingLine=True. This is redundant but not incorrect,
    # as the number of points is the same in both.
    if (contour and contour[-1][0] == "closePath" and contour[1][0] == "lineTo"
            and contour[1][1] != contour[0][1]):
        expected = expected[:-1] + [("lineTo", contour[0][1])] + expected[-1:]

    assert recpen.value == expected
예제 #4
 def getReversePen(self):
     adapterPen = PointToSegmentPen(self.otherPen)
     reversePen = ReverseContourPointPen(adapterPen)
     return SegmentToPointPen(reversePen)
예제 #5
 def draw(self, pen):
     pointPen = PointToSegmentPen(pen)