class Controls(ScoreScreen): def __init__(self): ScoreScreen.__init__(self) mixer.init() self.title = GameText("Controls", 94) self.title.centerx = SCREEN.width / 2 self.title.y = 48 self.title.color = COLOR.half_black self.title.create() = ASSET.controls self.state = STATE.controls self.select_sound = mixer.Sound(os.path.join("assets", "sfx", "sfx_twoTone.ogg")) self.select_sound.set_volume(0.5) def handle_events(self, event): self.state = STATE.controls if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_e or event.key == K_RETURN: self.state = elif event.type == JOYBUTTONDOWN: if self.controller.get_button(0): self.state = def update(self): self.title.update() def draw(self, screen): screen.fill( screen.blit(, (0, 0)) self.title.draw_to(screen)
def __init__(self): ScoreScreen.__init__(self) mixer.init() self.title = GameText("Controls", 94) self.title.centerx = SCREEN.width / 2 self.title.y = 48 self.title.color = COLOR.half_black self.title.create() = ASSET.controls self.state = STATE.controls self.select_sound = mixer.Sound(os.path.join("assets", "sfx", "sfx_twoTone.ogg")) self.select_sound.set_volume(0.5)
def __init__(self): pygame.init() pygame.font.init() pygame.mixer.init() os.environ["SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED"] = "1" self.screen = SCREEN.display self.fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock() self.fps = GAME.fps self.ticks = 0 self.firstrun = True = Music("mainmenu.ogg", 0.5, -1) self.menu_music = False self.game_music = False self.game_time = GameText("0", 24, True) self.game_time.font_file = FONT.default self.game_time.centerx = SCREEN.width/2 self.game_time.y = 18 self.game_time.color = COLOR.white self.game_time.create() self.timer_red = False self.flash_timer = 0 self.p1_score = GameText("0", 24, True) self.p1_score.font_file = FONT.default self.p1_score.left = 30 self.p1_score.y = 18 self.p1_score.color = COLOR.blue_sea self.p1_score.create() self.p2_score = GameText("0", 24, True) self.p2_score.font_file = FONT.default self.p2_score.right = SCREEN.width - 30 self.p2_score.y = 18 self.p2_score.color = COLOR.petal_green self.p2_score.create() self.bg_text = GameText("01", 72, True) self.bg_text.font_file = FONT.kenpixel_blocks self.bg_text.centerx = SCREEN.width/2 self.bg_text.centery = SCREEN.height/2 self.bg_text.color = COLOR.gray7 self.bg_text.create() self.state = STATE.logo self.stage_number = 1 self.stage = Stage(self.stage_number) self.hi_score = 0 self.splashscreen = SplashScreen(0, 0, SPLASHSCREEN.width, SPLASHSCREEN.height) self.logoscreen = LogoScreen(0, 0, LOGO.width, LOGO.height) self.timer = GAME.time self.totalscore = 0 self.p1_scores = {} self.p2_scores = {} = Camera(self.complex_camera, self.stage.level.width, self.stage.level.height) = self.screen_color = (choice(COLOR.colors)) = Menu(SCREEN.width, SCREEN.height, self.screen_color) self.score_screen = ScoreScreen() self.controls_screen = Controls() self.screen_number = 1 self.capture_video = False self.countdownOverlay = CountDownOverlay() self.intro = True self.intro_countdown = self.fps * 4 self.scanlines = ScanLines() self.controller_present = False try: self.player1_joy = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) self.player1_joy.init() self.controller_present = True except: pass
class GameEngine(object): def __init__(self): pygame.init() pygame.font.init() pygame.mixer.init() os.environ["SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED"] = "1" self.screen = SCREEN.display self.fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock() self.fps = GAME.fps self.ticks = 0 self.firstrun = True = Music("mainmenu.ogg", 0.5, -1) self.menu_music = False self.game_music = False self.game_time = GameText("0", 24, True) self.game_time.font_file = FONT.default self.game_time.centerx = SCREEN.width/2 self.game_time.y = 18 self.game_time.color = COLOR.white self.game_time.create() self.timer_red = False self.flash_timer = 0 self.p1_score = GameText("0", 24, True) self.p1_score.font_file = FONT.default self.p1_score.left = 30 self.p1_score.y = 18 self.p1_score.color = COLOR.blue_sea self.p1_score.create() self.p2_score = GameText("0", 24, True) self.p2_score.font_file = FONT.default self.p2_score.right = SCREEN.width - 30 self.p2_score.y = 18 self.p2_score.color = COLOR.petal_green self.p2_score.create() self.bg_text = GameText("01", 72, True) self.bg_text.font_file = FONT.kenpixel_blocks self.bg_text.centerx = SCREEN.width/2 self.bg_text.centery = SCREEN.height/2 self.bg_text.color = COLOR.gray7 self.bg_text.create() self.state = STATE.logo self.stage_number = 1 self.stage = Stage(self.stage_number) self.hi_score = 0 self.splashscreen = SplashScreen(0, 0, SPLASHSCREEN.width, SPLASHSCREEN.height) self.logoscreen = LogoScreen(0, 0, LOGO.width, LOGO.height) self.timer = GAME.time self.totalscore = 0 self.p1_scores = {} self.p2_scores = {} = Camera(self.complex_camera, self.stage.level.width, self.stage.level.height) = self.screen_color = (choice(COLOR.colors)) = Menu(SCREEN.width, SCREEN.height, self.screen_color) self.score_screen = ScoreScreen() self.controls_screen = Controls() self.screen_number = 1 self.capture_video = False self.countdownOverlay = CountDownOverlay() self.intro = True self.intro_countdown = self.fps * 4 self.scanlines = ScanLines() self.controller_present = False try: self.player1_joy = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) self.player1_joy.init() self.controller_present = True except: pass def reset(self): self.stage_number += 1 if self.stage_number > self.stage.number_of_levels: self.stage_number = 1 self.state = self.score_screen = ScoreScreen() self.controls_screen = Controls() self.firstrun = True else: self.firstrun = False self.state = self.stage = Stage(self.stage_number) self.timer = GAME.time = Camera(self.complex_camera, self.stage.level.width, self.stage.level.height) self.screen_color = (choice(COLOR.colors)) = Menu(SCREEN.width, SCREEN.height, self.screen_color) self.countdownOverlay = CountDownOverlay() self.intro = True self.intro_countdown = self.fps * 4 def handle_events(self): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: self.state = if event.key == K_p: if not self.capture_video: self.capture_video = True # change to True and press p to capture screenshots else: self.capture_video = False if event.key == K_q: #self.stage.level.spawn_data() pass elif event.type == JOYBUTTONDOWN: if self.player1_joy.get_button(9) == 1: self.state = if self.state == if self.stage.level.timer == 0: self.stage.level.timer = pygame.time.get_ticks()/1000.0 self.stage.level.player1.handle_events(event) self.stage.level.player2.handle_events(event) elif self.state == self.state = elif self.state == STATE.controls: self.controls_screen.handle_events(event) self.state = self.controls_screen.state elif self.state == STATE.scorescreen: self.score_screen.handle_events(event) self.state = self.score_screen.state elif self.state == STATE.exit: pygame.quit() sys.exit() def update(self): if self.state == STATE.nextlevel: self.reset() return if self.capture_video: self.makeVideo() if self.timer == 0: self.state = STATE.scorescreen if self.state == STATE.logo: self.logoscreen.update() self.state = self.logoscreen.state if self.state == STATE.splashscreen: self.splashscreen.update() self.state = self.splashscreen.state elif self.state == STATE.controls: self.controls_screen.update() elif self.state == if self.game_music: self.game_music = False elif self.state == STATE.scorescreen: self.p1_scores[self.stage_number-1] = self.stage.level.p1_data self.p2_scores[self.stage_number-1] = self.stage.level.p2_data self.score_screen.p1_scores[self.stage_number-1].text = self.stage.level.p1_data self.score_screen.p2_scores[self.stage_number-1].text = self.stage.level.p2_data self.score_screen.update(self.stage_number, 1, self.hi_score) elif self.state == if not self.game_music:'assets', 'music', 'cyberspine.ogg')) self.game_music = True if self.intro_countdown <= GAME.fps: self.intro = False self.intro_countdown = 0 if self.intro: self.countdownOverlay.update(self.intro_countdown) self.intro_countdown -= 1 else: self.stage.level.update() if self.stage.level.intro: self.timer = GAME.time if self.ticks > self.fps: self.ticks = 0 self.timer -= 1 else: self.ticks += 1 display_time = self.format_timer(self.timer) self.game_time.text = display_time if self.timer_red: self.animate_flash() else: self.game_time.color = COLOR.white self.game_time.update() self.p1_score.text = str(self.stage.level.p1_data) self.p1_score.update() self.p2_score.text = str(self.stage.level.p2_data) self.p2_score.update() self.bg_text.text = "0" + str(self.stage_number) self.bg_text.update() def draw(self): self.screen.fill( if self.state == STATE.logo: self.logoscreen.draw(self.screen) elif self.state == STATE.splashscreen: self.splashscreen.draw(self.screen) elif self.state == STATE.scorescreen: self.score_screen.draw(self.screen) elif self.state == STATE.controls: self.controls_screen.draw(self.screen) elif self.state == self.screen.blit(, (0, 0)) self.bg_text.draw_to(self.screen) self.screen.blit(ASSET.score_bg, (0, 0)) self.stage.draw(self.screen) for particle in self.stage.level.particles: self.screen.blit(particle.image, self.game_time.draw_to(self.screen) self.p1_score.draw_to(self.screen) self.p2_score.draw_to(self.screen) if self.intro: self.countdownOverlay.draw(self.screen) elif self.state == if not self.firstrun: pass self.scanlines.draw(self.screen) def run_game(self, fps=30): self.fps = fps while True: self.handle_events() self.update() self.draw() pygame.display.update() pygame.display.set_caption("CleanerBots v0.1 - " + str(int(self.fpsClock.get_fps())) + " fps") self.fpsClock.tick(self.fps) def complex_camera(self, camera_rect, target_rect): x, y, dummy, dummy = target_rect dummy, dummy, w, h = camera_rect x, y = int(SCREEN.width/2)-x, int(SCREEN.height/2) - y x = min(0, x) x = max(-(camera_rect.width-SCREEN.width), x) y = max(-(camera_rect.height-SCREEN.height), y) y = min(0, y) return pygame.Rect(x, y, w, h) def format_timer(self, timer): self.timer_red = False minutes = timer/60 seconds = timer % 60 if minutes == 0 and seconds < 10: self.timer_red = True if seconds < 10: seconds = "0" + str(seconds) return str(minutes)+":"+str(seconds) def makeVideo(self):, os.path.join("screenshots", "screenshot%d.jpg" %self.screen_number)) self.screen_number += 1 def animate_flash(self): self.flash_timer += 1 if self.flash_timer < GAME.fps/4: self.game_time.color = COLOR.white elif self.flash_timer < GAME.fps/2: self.game_time.color = else: self.flash_timer = 0
def __init__(self): mixer.init() self.timer = 0 self.title = GameText("Scoreboard", 94) self.title.centerx = SCREEN.width / 2 self.title.y = 48 self.title.color = COLOR.half_black self.hi_score = GameText("Hi-score: 0", 38) self.hi_score.centerx = SCREEN.width / 2 self.hi_score.y = 172 self.hi_score.color = COLOR.light_gray self.p1 = GameText("P1", 24, True) self.p1.x = 92 self.p1.y = 280 self.p1.color = COLOR.blue_sea self.p2 = GameText("P2", 24, True) self.p2.x = 92 self.p2.y = 340 self.p2.color = COLOR.petal_green self.p1_scores = [] self.p2_scores = [] for i in xrange(5): p1_score = GameText("0", 24, True) p1_score.centerx = 92 + 144 + 96 * i p1_score.y = 280 p1_score.color = COLOR.gray7 self.p1_scores.append(p1_score) p2_score = GameText("0", 24, True) p2_score.centerx = 92 + 144 + 96 * i p2_score.y = 340 p2_score.color = COLOR.gray7 self.p2_scores.append(p2_score) self.p1_total = GameText("0", 24, True) self.p1_total.right = SCREEN.width - SCREEN.width / 4 self.p1_total.y = 280 self.p1_total.color = COLOR.blue_sea self.p2_total = GameText("0", 24, True) self.p2_total.right = SCREEN.width - SCREEN.width / 4 self.p2_total.y = 340 self.p2_total.color = COLOR.petal_green self.p1_results = GameText("", 24, True) self.p1_results.x = SCREEN.width - SCREEN.width / 4 + 64 self.p1_results.y = 280 self.p1_results.color = COLOR.burnt_orange self.p2_results = GameText("", 24, True) self.p2_results.x = SCREEN.width - SCREEN.width / 4 + 64 self.p2_results.y = 340 self.p2_results.color = COLOR.burnt_orange = MENU.scoreScreen self.state = STATE.scorescreen self.stage = 1 self.title.create() self.hi_score.create() self.p1.create() self.p2.create() for score in self.p1_scores: score.create() for score in self.p2_scores: score.create() self.p1_total.create() self.p2_total.create() self.p1_results.create() self.p2_results.create() self.controller = self.get_controller() self.select_sound = mixer.Sound(os.path.join("assets", "sfx", "sfx_twoTone.ogg")) self.select_sound.set_volume(0.5)
class ScoreScreen(object): def __init__(self): mixer.init() self.timer = 0 self.title = GameText("Scoreboard", 94) self.title.centerx = SCREEN.width / 2 self.title.y = 48 self.title.color = COLOR.half_black self.hi_score = GameText("Hi-score: 0", 38) self.hi_score.centerx = SCREEN.width / 2 self.hi_score.y = 172 self.hi_score.color = COLOR.light_gray self.p1 = GameText("P1", 24, True) self.p1.x = 92 self.p1.y = 280 self.p1.color = COLOR.blue_sea self.p2 = GameText("P2", 24, True) self.p2.x = 92 self.p2.y = 340 self.p2.color = COLOR.petal_green self.p1_scores = [] self.p2_scores = [] for i in xrange(5): p1_score = GameText("0", 24, True) p1_score.centerx = 92 + 144 + 96 * i p1_score.y = 280 p1_score.color = COLOR.gray7 self.p1_scores.append(p1_score) p2_score = GameText("0", 24, True) p2_score.centerx = 92 + 144 + 96 * i p2_score.y = 340 p2_score.color = COLOR.gray7 self.p2_scores.append(p2_score) self.p1_total = GameText("0", 24, True) self.p1_total.right = SCREEN.width - SCREEN.width / 4 self.p1_total.y = 280 self.p1_total.color = COLOR.blue_sea self.p2_total = GameText("0", 24, True) self.p2_total.right = SCREEN.width - SCREEN.width / 4 self.p2_total.y = 340 self.p2_total.color = COLOR.petal_green self.p1_results = GameText("", 24, True) self.p1_results.x = SCREEN.width - SCREEN.width / 4 + 64 self.p1_results.y = 280 self.p1_results.color = COLOR.burnt_orange self.p2_results = GameText("", 24, True) self.p2_results.x = SCREEN.width - SCREEN.width / 4 + 64 self.p2_results.y = 340 self.p2_results.color = COLOR.burnt_orange = MENU.scoreScreen self.state = STATE.scorescreen self.stage = 1 self.title.create() self.hi_score.create() self.p1.create() self.p2.create() for score in self.p1_scores: score.create() for score in self.p2_scores: score.create() self.p1_total.create() self.p2_total.create() self.p1_results.create() self.p2_results.create() self.controller = self.get_controller() self.select_sound = mixer.Sound(os.path.join("assets", "sfx", "sfx_twoTone.ogg")) self.select_sound.set_volume(0.5) def get_controller(self): number_of_joysticks = pygame.joystick.get_count() if number_of_joysticks > 0: joystick = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) joystick.init() return joystick return None def handle_events(self, event): self.state = STATE.scorescreen if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_e or event.key == K_RETURN: self.state = STATE.nextlevel elif event.type == JOYBUTTONDOWN: if self.controller.get_button(0): self.state = STATE.nextlevel def update(self, stage, player, hi_score): score1 = 0 score2 = 0 for i in range(len(self.p1_scores)): score1 += int(self.p1_scores[i].text) score2 += int(self.p2_scores[i].text) self.p1_total.text = str(score1) self.p2_total.text = str(score2) self.title.update() self.p1.update() self.p2.update() for score in self.p1_scores: score.update() for score in self.p2_scores: score.update() self.p1_total.update() self.p2_total.update() self.p1_results.text = "" self.p2_results.text = "" if stage == 5: if int(self.p1_total.text) > int(self.p2_total.text): self.p1_results.text = elif int(self.p1_total.text) < int(self.p2_total.text): self.p2_results.text = else: self.p1_results.text = RESULT.draw self.p2_results.text = RESULT.draw self.p1_results.update() self.p2_results.update() self.stage = stage p1_total = int(self.p1_total.text) p2_total = int(self.p2_total.text) if p1_total > self.get_highscore(): self.set_highscore(p1_total) elif p2_total > self.get_highscore(): self.set_highscore(p2_total) self.hi_score.text = "Hi-score: " + str(self.get_highscore()) self.hi_score.update() self.animate_flash() def draw(self, screen): screen.fill( screen.blit(, (0, 0)) self.title.draw_to(screen) self.hi_score.draw_to(screen) self.p1.draw_to(screen) self.p2.draw_to(screen) for i in range(self.stage): self.p1_scores[i].draw_to(screen) self.p2_scores[i].draw_to(screen) self.p1_total.draw_to(screen) self.p2_total.draw_to(screen) self.p1_results.draw_to(screen) self.p2_results.draw_to(screen) def get_highscore(self): # d = # score = d['score'] # return int(score) score = config["score"] return int(score) def set_highscore(self, score): # d = # d['score'] = score # d.close() config["score"] = score def animate_flash(self): self.timer += 1 if self.timer < GAME.fps / 8: self.p1_results.color = COLOR.gray self.p2_results.color = COLOR.gray elif self.timer < GAME.fps / 4: self.p1_results.color = COLOR.burnt_orange self.p2_results.color = COLOR.burnt_orange else: self.timer = 0