computer=Computer(screen,width/2 ,height/2 ,100,(230,200,0)) joon2-=1 if joon2==0: running2 = False print "computer is game over" screen.blit(text_wWin,(200,285)) #*****************************************************************# #Food : #*****************************************************************# #dar in ghesmat barkhord be foodha chek mishavad dar sorat barkhord be food1 score 1 vahed va food2 score 3 vahed ziyad mishavad . elif food.check(worm.x,worm.y): score1 += 1 if score1 >=30: running2 = False running1 = False print 'worm is winner' screen.blit(text_wWin,(200,285)) print "Score1: %d" % score1 food.erase() food=Food(random.randint(50, width-50), random.randint(50, height-50),(158,0,0),screen,7) elif food.check(computer.x,computer.y): score2 += 1 if score2 >=30:
screen.fill(bgcolor) snake = Snake(screen,(width/3)+50 ,height/2 ,100,(255,255,255)) joon1-=1 if joon1==0: running1 = False print "worm is winner" screen.blit(text_wWin,(200,285)) #*****************************************************************# #Food : #*****************************************************************# #dar in ghesmat barkhord be foodha chek mishavad dar sorat barkhord be food1 score 1 vahed va food2 score 3 vahed ziyad mishavad . elif food.check(worm.x,worm.y): score2 += 1 if score2 >=30: running2 = False running1 = False print 'worm is winner' screen.blit(text_wWin,(200,285)) print "Score2: %d" % score2 food.erase() food=Food(random.randint(50, width-50), random.randint(50, height-50),(158,0,0),screen,7) elif food.check(snake.x,snake.y): score1 += 1 if score1 >=30: