예제 #1
    def checkObject(self, obj, inbound):
        if type(obj) != bool:
            raise Violation("not a bool")

        if self.value != None:
            if obj != self.value:
                raise Violation("not %s" % self.value)
예제 #2
파일: tuple.py 프로젝트: byrgazov/foolscap
 def checkObject(self, obj, inbound):
     if not isinstance(obj, tuple):
         raise Violation("not a tuple")
     if len(obj) != len(self.constraints):
         raise Violation("wrong size tuple")
     for i in range(len(self.constraints)):
         self.constraints[i].checkObject(obj[i], inbound)
예제 #3
파일: root.py 프로젝트: pexip/os-foolscap
    def open(self, opentype):
        # called (by delegation) by the top Unslicer on the stack, regardless
        # of what kind of unslicer it is. This is only used for "internal"
        # objects: non-top-level nodes
        assert len(self.protocol.receiveStack) > 1

        if opentype[0] == 'copyable':
            if len(opentype) > 1:
                copyablename = opentype[1]
                    factory = copyable.CopyableRegistry[copyablename]
                except KeyError:
                    raise Violation("unknown RemoteCopy name '%s'" \
                                    % copyablename)
                child = factory()
                return child
            return None  # still waiting for copyablename

        for reg in self.openRegistries:
            opener = reg.get(opentype)
            if opener is not None:
                child = opener()
                return child

        raise Violation("unknown OPEN type %s" % (opentype, ))
예제 #4
 def openerCheckToken(self, typebyte, size, opentype):
     if typebyte == tokens.STRING:
         if len(opentype) == 0:
             if size > self.maxIndexLength:
                 why = "first opentype STRING token is too long, %d>%d" % \
                       (size, self.maxIndexLength)
                 raise Violation(why)
         if opentype == ("copyable", ):
             # TODO: this is silly, of course (should pre-compute maxlen)
             maxlen = reduce(max,
                             [len(cname) \
                              for cname in copyable.CopyableRegistry.keys()]
             if size > maxlen:
                 why = "copyable-classname token is too long, %d>%d" % \
                       (size, maxlen)
                 raise Violation(why)
     elif typebyte == tokens.VOCAB:
         # TODO: hack for testing
         raise Violation("index token 0x%02x not STRING or VOCAB" % \
         raise BananaError("index token 0x%02x not STRING or VOCAB" % \
예제 #5
    def checkAllArgs(self, args, kwargs, inbound):
        # first we map the positional arguments
        allargs = {}
        if len(args) > len(self.argumentNames):
            raise Violation("method takes %d positional arguments (%d given)" %
                            (len(self.argumentNames), len(args)))
        for i, argvalue in enumerate(args):
            allargs[self.argumentNames[i]] = argvalue
        for argname, argvalue in list(kwargs.items()):
            if argname in allargs:
                raise Violation(
                    "got multiple values for keyword argument '%s'" %
                    (argname, ))
            allargs[argname] = argvalue

        for argname, argvalue in list(allargs.items()):
            accept, constraint = self.getKeywordArgConstraint(argname)
            if not accept:
                # this argument will be ignored by the far end. TODO: emit a
                # warning
                constraint.checkObject(argvalue, inbound)
            except Violation as v:
                v.setLocation("%s=" % argname)

        for argname in self.required:
            if argname not in allargs:
                raise Violation("missing required argument '%s'" % argname)
예제 #6
 def checkObject(self, obj, inbound):
     if not isinstance(obj, dict):
         raise Violation("'%s' (%s) is not a Dictionary" % (obj, type(obj)))
     if self.maxKeys != None and len(obj) > self.maxKeys:
         raise Violation("Dict keys=%d > maxKeys=%d" % (len(obj), self.maxKeys))
     for key, value in obj.items():
         self.keyConstraint.checkObject(key, inbound)
         self.valueConstraint.checkObject(value, inbound)
예제 #7
 def checkObject(self, obj, inbound):
     if not isinstance(obj, six.binary_type):
         raise Violation("'%r' is not a bytestring" % (obj, ))
     if self.maxLength != None and len(obj) > self.maxLength:
         raise Violation("string too long (%d > %d)" %
                         (len(obj), self.maxLength))
     if len(obj) < self.minLength:
         raise Violation("string too short (%d < %d)" %
                         (len(obj), self.minLength))
예제 #8
 def checkObject(self, obj, inbound):
     if not isinstance(obj, six.integer_types):
         raise Violation("'%r' is not a number" % (obj, ))
     if self.maxBytes == -1:
         if obj >= 2**31 or obj < -2**31:
             raise Violation("number too large")
     elif self.maxBytes != None:
         if abs(obj) >= 2**(8 * self.maxBytes):
             raise Violation("number too large")
예제 #9
파일: list.py 프로젝트: sajith/foolscap
 def checkObject(self, obj, inbound):
     if not isinstance(obj, list):
         raise Violation("not a list")
     if self.maxLength is not None and len(obj) > self.maxLength:
         raise Violation("list too long")
     if len(obj) < self.minLength:
         raise Violation("list too short")
     for o in obj:
         self.constraint.checkObject(o, inbound)
예제 #10
 def checkObject(self, obj, inbound):
     if not isinstance(obj, six.text_type):
         raise Violation("not a unicode object")
     if self.maxLength != None and len(obj) > self.maxLength:
         raise Violation("string too long (%d > %d)" %
                         (len(obj), self.maxLength))
     if len(obj) < self.minLength:
         raise Violation("string too short (%d < %d)" %
                         (len(obj), self.minLength))
     if self.regexp:
         if not self.regexp.search(obj):
             raise Violation("regexp failed to match")
예제 #11
파일: set.py 프로젝트: tpltnt/foolscap
 def checkObject(self, obj, inbound):
     if not isinstance(obj, (set, frozenset)):
         raise Violation("not a set")
     if (self.mutable == True and not isinstance(obj, set)):
         raise Violation("obj is a set, but not a mutable one")
     if (self.mutable == False and not isinstance(obj, frozenset)):
         raise Violation("obj is a set, but not an immutable one")
     if self.maxLength is not None and len(obj) > self.maxLength:
         raise Violation("set is too large")
     if self.constraint:
         for o in obj:
             self.constraint.checkObject(o, inbound)
예제 #12
 def checkObject(self, obj, inbound):
     if not isinstance(obj, str):
         raise Violation("'%r' is not a bytestring" % (obj, ))
     if self.maxLength != None and len(obj) > self.maxLength:
         raise Violation("string too long (%d > %d)" %
                         (len(obj), self.maxLength))
     if len(obj) < self.minLength:
         raise Violation("string too short (%d < %d)" %
                         (len(obj), self.minLength))
     if self.regexp:
         if not self.regexp.search(obj):
             raise Violation("regexp failed to match")
예제 #13
파일: root.py 프로젝트: pexip/os-foolscap
 def openerCheckToken(self, typebyte, size, opentype):
     if typebyte == tokens.STRING:
         if size > self.maxIndexLength:
             why = "STRING token is too long, %d>%d" % \
                   (size, self.maxIndexLength)
             raise Violation(why)
     elif typebyte == tokens.VOCAB:
         # TODO: hack for testing
         raise Violation("index token 0x%02x not STRING or VOCAB" % \
         raise BananaError("index token 0x%02x not STRING or VOCAB" % \
예제 #14
    def checkToken(self, typebyte, size):
        """Check the token type. Raise an exception if it is not accepted
        right now, or if the body-length limit is exceeded."""

        limit = self.taster.get(typebyte, "not in list")
        if limit == "not in list":
            if self.strictTaster:
                raise BananaError("invalid token type: %s" %
                raise Violation("%s token rejected by %s" %
                                (tokenNames[typebyte], self.name))
        if limit and size > limit:
            raise Violation("%s token too large: %d>%d" %
                            (tokenNames[typebyte], size, limit))
예제 #15
파일: root.py 프로젝트: pexip/os-foolscap
    def slicerForObject(self, obj):
        # could use a table here if you think it'd be faster than an
        # adapter lookup
        if self.debug: log.msg("slicerForObject(%s)" % type(obj))

        # do the adapter lookup first, so that registered adapters override
        # UnsafeSlicerTable's InstanceSlicer
        slicer = tokens.ISlicer(obj, None)
        if slicer:
            if self.debug: log.msg("got ISlicer %s" % slicer)
            return slicer

        # zope.interface doesn't do transitive adaptation, which is a shame
        # because we want to let people register ICopyable adapters for
        # third-party code, and there is an ICopyable->ISlicer adapter
        # defined in copyable.py, but z.i won't do the transitive
        #  ThirdPartyClass -> ICopyable -> ISlicer
        # so instead we manually do it here

        copier = copyable.ICopyable(obj, None)
        if copier:
            s = tokens.ISlicer(copier)
            return s

        slicerFactory = self.slicerTable.get(type(obj))
        if slicerFactory:
            if self.debug: log.msg(" got slicerFactory %s" % slicerFactory)
            return slicerFactory(obj)
        if issubclass(type(obj), types.InstanceType):
            name = str(obj.__class__)
            name = str(type(obj))
        if self.debug: log.msg("cannot serialize %s (%s)" % (obj, name))
        raise Violation("cannot serialize %s (%s)" % (obj, name))
예제 #16
파일: set.py 프로젝트: tpltnt/foolscap
 def receiveChild(self, obj, ready_deferred=None):
     if ready_deferred:
     if self.debug:
         log.msg("%s[%d].receiveChild(%s)" % (self, self.count, obj))
     # obj could be a primitive type, a Deferred, or a complex type like
     # those returned from an InstanceUnslicer. However, the individual
     # object has already been through the schema validation process. The
     # only remaining question is whether the larger schema will accept
     # it.
     if self.maxLength != None and len(self.set) >= self.maxLength:
         # this is redundant
         # (if it were a non-primitive one, it would be caught in doOpen)
         # (if it were a primitive one, it would be caught in checkToken)
         raise Violation("the set is full")
     if isinstance(obj, defer.Deferred):
         if self.debug:
             log.msg(" adding my update[%d] to %s" % (len(self.set), obj))
         # note: the placeholder isn't strictly necessary, but it will
         # help debugging to see a _Placeholder sitting in the set when it
         # shouldn't rather than seeing a set that is smaller than it
         # ought to be. If a remote method ever sees a _Placeholder, then
         # something inside Foolscap has broken.
         placeholder = _Placeholder()
         obj.addCallback(self.update, placeholder)
예제 #17
파일: set.py 프로젝트: tpltnt/foolscap
 def checkToken(self, typebyte, size):
     if self.maxLength != None and len(self.set) >= self.maxLength:
         # list is full, no more tokens accepted
         # this is hit if the max+1 item is a primitive type
         raise Violation("the set is full")
     if self.itemConstraint:
         self.itemConstraint.checkToken(typebyte, size)
예제 #18
    def receiveChild(self, obj, ready_deferred=None):
        if ready_deferred:

        if self.debug:
            log.msg("%s[%d].receiveChild(%s)" % (self, self.count, obj))

        # obj could be a primitive type, a Deferred, or a complex type like
        # those returned from an InstanceUnslicer. However, the individual
        # object has already been through the schema validation process. The
        # only remaining question is whether the larger schema will accept
        # it.

        if self.maxLength is not None and len(self.content) >= self.maxLength:
            # this is redundant
            # (if it were a non-primitive one, it would be caught in doOpen)
            # (if it were a primitive one, it would be caught in checkToken)
            raise Violation("the list is full")

        if isinstance(obj, Deferred):
            if self.debug:
                log.msg(" adding my update[%d] to %s" %
                        (len(self.content), obj))

            obj.addCallback(self.update, len(self.content))
            placeholder = "list placeholder for arg[%d], rd=%s" % (len(
                self.content), ready_deferred)

예제 #19
    def openerCheckToken(self, typebyte, size, opentype):
        if opentype == (b'copyable',) and typebyte in (tokens.STRING, tokens.SVOCAB):
            # TODO: this is silly, of course (should pre-compute maxlen)
            maxlen = reduce(max, map(len, copyable.CopyableRegistry.keys()))
            if maxlen < size:
                raise Violation('copyable-classname token is too long, {:d} > {:d}'\
                    .format(size, maxlen))

        elif typebyte == tokens.BYTES:
            if self.maxIndexLength < size:
                raise Violation('first opentype BYTES token is too long, {:d} > {:d}'\
                    .format(size, self.maxIndexLength))

        elif typebyte != tokens.BVOCAB:
            raise Violation('opentype not <copyable> ({!r}) and index token 0x{:02x} not BYTES or BVOCAB'\
                .format(opentype, ord(typebyte)))
예제 #20
    def checkOpentype(self, opentype):
        """Check the OPEN type (the tuple of Index Tokens). Raise an
        exception if it is not accepted.

        if self.opentypes == None:
        opentype = ensure_tuple_str(opentype)

        # shared references are always accepted. checkOpentype() is a defense
        # against resource-exhaustion attacks, and references don't consume
        # any more resources than any other token. For inbound method
        # arguments, the CallUnslicer will perform a final check on all
        # arguments (after these shared references have been resolved), and
        # that will get to verify that they have resolved to the correct
        # type.

        #if opentype == ReferenceSlicer.opentype:
        if opentype == ('reference', ):

        for o in self.opentypes:
            if len(o) == len(opentype):
                if o == opentype:
            if len(o) > len(opentype):
                # we might have a partial match: they haven't flunked yet
                if opentype == o[:len(opentype)]:
                    return  # still in the running

        raise Violation("unacceptable OPEN type: %s not in my list %s" %
                        (opentype, self.opentypes))
예제 #21
파일: bool.py 프로젝트: pexip/os-foolscap
 def receiveChild(self, obj, ready_deferred=None):
     assert not isinstance(obj, Deferred)
     assert ready_deferred is None
     assert type(obj) == int
     if self.constraint:
         if self.constraint.value != None:
             if bool(obj) != self.constraint.value:
                 raise Violation("This boolean can only be %s" % \
     self.value = bool(obj)
예제 #22
 def getPositionalArgConstraint(self, argnum):
     if argnum >= len(self.argumentNames):
         raise Violation("too many positional arguments: %d >= %d" %
                         (argnum, len(self.argumentNames)))
     argname = self.argumentNames[argnum]
     c = self.argConstraints.get(argname)
     assert c
     if isinstance(c, Optional):
         c = c.constraint
     return (True, c)
예제 #23
 def checkToken(self, typebyte, size):
     if self.maxKeys != None:
         if len(self.d) >= self.maxKeys:
             raise Violation("the dict is full")
     if self.gettingKey:
         if self.keyConstraint:
             self.keyConstraint.checkToken(typebyte, size)
         if self.valueConstraint:
             self.valueConstraint.checkToken(typebyte, size)
예제 #24
 def getKeywordArgConstraint(self, argname,
                             num_posargs=0, previous_kwargs=[]):
     previous_args = self.argumentNames[:num_posargs]
     for pkw in previous_kwargs:
         assert pkw not in previous_args
     if argname in previous_args:
         raise Violation("got multiple values for keyword argument '%s'"
                         % (argname,))
     c = self.argConstraints.get(argname)
     if c:
         if isinstance(c, Optional):
             c = c.constraint
         return (True, c)
     # what do we do with unknown arguments?
     if self.ignoreUnknown:
         return (False, None)
     if self.acceptUnknown:
         return (True, None)
     raise Violation("unknown argument '%s'" % argname)
예제 #25
 def checkObject(self, obj, inbound):
     ok = False
     for c in self.alternatives:
             c.checkObject(obj, inbound)
             ok = True
         except Violation:
     if not ok:
         raise Violation("object type %s does not satisfy any of %s" %
                         (type(obj), self.alternatives))
예제 #26
 def checkToken(self, typebyte, size):
     ok = False
     for c in self.alternatives:
             c.checkToken(typebyte, size)
             ok = True
         except (Violation, BananaError):
     if not ok:
         raise Violation("typebyte %s does not satisfy any of %s" %
                         (tokenNames[typebyte], self.alternatives))
예제 #27
 def testReject2(self):
     # answer a request with a result that violates the constraint
     req = TestRequest(12)
     u = self.newUnslicer()
     u.checkToken(INT, 0)
     self.assertRaises(Violation, u.checkToken, STRING, 42)
     # this does not yet errback the request
     # it gets errbacked when banana reports the violation
     v = Violation("icky")
     self.assertEqual(len(req.answers), 1)
     err = req.answers[0]
     f = err[1]
예제 #28
파일: vocab.py 프로젝트: pexip/os-foolscap
 def checkToken(self, typebyte, size):
     if self.maxKeys is not None and len(self.d) >= self.maxKeys:
         raise Violation("the table is full")
     if self.key is None:
         if typebyte != INT:
             raise BananaError("VocabUnslicer only accepts INT keys")
         if typebyte != STRING:
             raise BananaError("VocabUnslicer only accepts STRING values")
         if self.valueConstraint:
             self.valueConstraint.checkToken(typebyte, size)
예제 #29
파일: tuple.py 프로젝트: byrgazov/foolscap
 def doOpen(self, opentype):
     where = len(self.content)
     if self.constraints != None:
         if where >= len(self.constraints):
             raise Violation("the tuple is full")
     unslicer = self.open(opentype)
     if unslicer:
         if self.constraints != None:
     return unslicer
예제 #30
파일: test_pb.py 프로젝트: warner/foolscap
 def testReject2(self):
     # answer a request with a result that violates the constraint
     req = TestRequest(12)
     u = self.newUnslicer()
     u.checkToken(INT, 0)
     self.failUnlessRaises(Violation, u.checkToken, STRING, 42)
     # this does not yet errback the request
     # it gets errbacked when banana reports the violation
     v = Violation("icky")
     self.failUnlessEqual(len(req.answers), 1)
     err = req.answers[0]
     f = err[1]
예제 #31
파일: vocab.py 프로젝트: pexip/os-foolscap
 def checkToken(self, typebyte, size):
     if self.index is None:
         if typebyte != INT:
             raise BananaError("Vocab key must be an INT")
     elif self.value is None:
         if typebyte != STRING:
             raise BananaError("Vocab value must be a STRING")
         if self.valueConstraint:
             self.valueConstraint.checkToken(typebyte, size)
         raise Violation("add-vocab only accepts two values")