예제 #1
def translated(gt, fl):
    srctxt = io.expand_pj('@/' + fl.name + '.src.txt')
    prorsp = io.expand_pj('@/' + fl.name + '.pro.rsp')

    if os.path.exists(srctxt):
        with open(srctxt, 'r') as f:
            fl.N = sum(1 for L in f)

    # WARNING: manually deleting lines in 'prorsp' allowed only from the end
    if os.path.exists(prorsp):
        with open(prorsp, 'r') as f:
            lst = f.readlines()
            proN = len(lst)
            if not hasattr(fl, 'N') or not fl.N:
                fl.N = proN
            for line in lst:
                yield line

    # ATTENTION: Will die if srctxt is non-existent/corrupted
    with open(srctxt, 'r') as f:
        lst = f.readlines()
        # Process only not cached part
        if 'proN' in locals():
            lst = lst[proN:]
        for line in lst:
            line = gt.translate(line)
            with open(prorsp, 'a') as rsp:
                rsp.write(line + '\n')
            yield line
예제 #2
def translated(gt, fl):
    srctxt = io.expand_pj('@/' + fl.name + '.src.txt')
    prorsp = io.expand_pj('@/' + fl.name + '.pro.rsp')

    if os.path.exists(srctxt):
        with open(srctxt, 'r') as f:
            fl.N = sum(1 for L in f)

    # WARNING: manually deleting lines in 'prorsp' allowed only from the end
    if os.path.exists(prorsp):
        with open(prorsp, 'r') as f:
            lst = f.readlines()
            proN = len(lst)
            if not hasattr(fl, 'N') or not fl.N:
                fl.N = proN
            for line in lst:
                yield line

    # ATTENTION: Will die if srctxt is non-existent/corrupted
    with open(srctxt, 'r') as f:
        lst = f.readlines()
        # Process only not cached part
        if 'proN' in locals():
            lst = lst[proN:]
        for line in lst:
            line = gt.translate(line)
            with open(prorsp, 'a') as rsp:
                rsp.write(line + '\n')
            yield line
예제 #3
def res(dom):
    print('> color-syntax.css')
    io.export_cache('fza/color-syntax.css', SynGenXHTML(dom).colors())

    print('> *.css')
    fnm = io.expand_pj([':', 'forestanza', 'ftype', 'xhtml.css'])
    with open(fnm) as f:
        io.export_cache('fza/color-theme-wood.css', f.read())

    print('> *.js')
    fnm = io.expand_pj([':', 'forestanza', 'ftype', 'xhtml.js'])
    with open(fnm) as f:
        io.export_cache('fza/scrollPos.js', f.read())
예제 #4
def res(dom):
    print('> color-syntax.css')
    io.export_cache('fza/color-syntax.css', SynGenXHTML(dom).colors())

    print('> *.css')
    fnm = io.expand_pj([':', 'forestanza', 'ftype', 'xhtml.css'])
    with open(fnm) as f:
        io.export_cache('fza/color-theme-wood.css', f.read())

    print('> *.js')
    fnm = io.expand_pj([':', 'forestanza', 'ftype', 'xhtml.js'])
    with open(fnm) as f:
        io.export_cache('fza/scrollPos.js', f.read())
예제 #5
def main(dom, fl):
    src = fl.name + '.src.html'
    io.export_cache(src, lambda: web.load(fl.url), keep=True)
    io.export_cache(fl.name + '.src.txt',
                    lambda: web.refine(io.expand_pj('@/' + src)), keep=True)

    fts = [fb2, fza, xhtml]
    exs = [t.Exporter(dom, author='Xz', title=fl.name) for t in fts]

    # Write main body
    lst = translated(google.Translator(), fl)
    for i, line in enumerate(lst):
        sec = google.ResponseParser(line)
        for e in exs:
            e.p_section(i+1, sec)
        progress_bar(i, fl.N)

    for t, e in zip(fts, exs):
        io.export_cache(fl.name + t.EXT, lambda: e.dump())
예제 #6
def main(dom, fl):
    src = fl.name + '.src.html'
    io.export_cache(src, lambda: web.load(fl.url), keep=True)
    io.export_cache(fl.name + '.src.txt',
                    lambda: web.refine(io.expand_pj('@/' + src)),

    fts = [fb2, fza, xhtml]
    exs = [t.Exporter(dom, author='Xz', title=fl.name) for t in fts]

    # Write main body
    lst = translated(google.Translator(), fl)
    for i, line in enumerate(lst):
        sec = google.ResponseParser(line)
        for e in exs:
            e.p_section(i + 1, sec)
        progress_bar(i, fl.N)

    for t, e in zip(fts, exs):
        io.export_cache(fl.name + t.EXT, lambda: e.dump())
예제 #7
 def _make_req(self, text, sl='ja', tl='en', hl='en'):
     cmd = (expand_pj(':/scripts/tk_hack.pl'), text)
     tk = check_output(cmd).decode('utf-8').rstrip()
     return REQ_GLETR + urllib.parse.urlencode([('sl', sl), ('tl', tl),
                                                ('hl', hl), ('tk', tk),
                                                ('q', text)])
예제 #8
 def _make_req(self, text, sl='ja', tl='en', hl='en'):
     cmd = (expand_pj(':/scripts/tk_hack.pl'), text)
     tk = check_output(cmd).decode('utf-8').rstrip()
     return REQ_GLETR + urllib.parse.urlencode(
         [('sl', sl), ('tl', tl), ('hl', hl), ('tk', tk), ('q', text)])
예제 #9
 def __init__(self, args, chapter):
     self.url = args.url.format(chapter)
     self.name = args.name.format(chapter)
     self.basepath = io.expand_pj('@/' + self.name)
예제 #10
 def __init__(self, args, chapter):
     self.url = args.url.format(chapter)
     self.name = args.name.format(chapter)
     self.basepath = io.expand_pj('@/' + self.name)