class Sound(Command): def __init__(self, command_key, client): self.client = client super().__init__(command_key, "sound", """Plays a certain sound""", f"{command_key} sound <*list*|*sound name*>", []) self.args = Args(sound=Args.ANY_ARG) self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases) async def run(self, message, server): parse = self.args.parse(message.content) if parse: if if server: if not server.voice: vc = await server.voice = VoicePlayer(vc,, self.client) if if parse.get("sound") == "list": em = EmbedTemplate( title="Sounds", description="\n".join( sorted(server.voice.sounds.keys()))) await elif parse.get("sound") in server.voice.sounds.keys(): await server.voice.playFile( server.voice.sounds[parse.get("sound")]) else: server.voice = None await, server)
def __init__(self, command_key, client): self.client = client super().__init__(command_key, "shell", """Shell""", f"{command_key} shell *shell command*", ['bash', 'sh']) self.args = Args(shell=Args.ANY_ARG) self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases)
class WorldState(Command): UPDATED_MESSAGE_REGEX = "(?P<{}>nightwave|sorties|poe|invasions|fissures)" def __init__(self, command_key, database, client): self.client = client self.database = database super().__init__(command_key, "worldstate", """Creates an message where X thing is updated from Warframe Worldstate""", f"{command_key} worldstate *<nightwave|sorties|poe|invasions|fissures>*", ["worldstate"]) self.args = Args(message=WorldState.UPDATED_MESSAGE_REGEX) self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases) async def run(self, message, server): if parse = self.args.parse(message.content) if parse: em = EmbedTemplate(title="WorldState Message", description="Updating soon..") new_message = None msg_type = None msg = await if parse.get("message") == "nightwave": new_message = NightwaveMessage(msg) elif parse.get("message") == "sorties": new_message = SortieMessage(msg) elif parse.get("message") == "fissures": new_message = FissureMessage(msg, []) elif parse.get("message") == "poe": new_message = CetusMessage(msg, [], self.client) elif parse.get("message") == "invasions": new_message = InvasionMessage(msg, []) if new_message: msg_type = parse.get("message") await self.database.create_updated_message(server.server_id, msg_type,, server.updated_messages["name"][msg_type] = new_message server.updated_messages["id"][] = new_message
def __init__(self, command_key, client: discord.Client, database: DB_API): self.database = database self.client = client super().__init__(command_key, "createtable", """Create table""", f"{command_key} createtable *tablename*", []) self.args = Args(table_name=Args.STRING_ARG) self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases)
class ProductionDolls(Command): def __init__(self, command_key, client, database): self.client = client self.database = database super().__init__(command_key, "production", """Production Dolls""", f"{command_key} production", ["production", "prod", "pr"]) self.args = Args() self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases) async def run(self, message: discord.Message, server: Server): parsed = self.args.parse(message.content) if parsed: tmp = list(self.database.runtime["gfl"]["dolls"]["names"].values()) tmp = [x for x in tmp if x.production_timer] tmp_str = [] for doll in sorted(tmp, key=lambda x: x.production_timer): tmp_str.append( f"{datetime.timedelta(seconds=doll.production_timer)} {} {doll.doll_type}" ) lists = [tmp_str[i:i + 30] for i in range(0, len(tmp_str), 30)] em = EmbedTemplate(title="Production Dolls") for i in lists: em.add_field(name="PRODUCTION", value="\n".join(i), inline=True) await
def __init__(self, command_key, database, steam_api): self.database = database self.steam_api = steam_api super().__init__(command_key, "dotaprofile", """Testing""", f"{command_key} dotaprofile", []) self.args = Args(steamarg=SteamCommands.STEAM_URL_REGEX) self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases)
class ShellCommand(Command): def __init__(self, command_key, client): self.client = client super().__init__(command_key, "shell", """Shell""", f"{command_key} shell *shell command*", ['bash', 'sh']) self.args = Args(shell=Args.ANY_ARG) self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases) async def run(self, message, server): parse = self.args.parse(message.content) if parse: splitted = parse["shell"].split(" ") output =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, universal_newlines=True) if output.returncode == 0: if len(output.stdout) < 1975: await message.reply(f"""```{output.stdout}```""") else: fo = open("tmp.txt", "w+") fo.write(output.stdout) fo.close() await message.reply(file=discord.File("tmp.txt")) else: await message.reply( f"Error from shell command: {output.stderr}")
class Play(Command): YOUTUBE_REGEX = "(?P<{}>http[s]?:\/\/(www\.)?(youtube\.com|youtu\.be)\/(watch\?.*v=)?.*)" def __init__(self, command_key, client): self.client = client super().__init__(command_key, "play", """Play music, by giving URLs""", f"{command_key} play *<url>*", ["test"]) self.args = Args(url=Play.YOUTUBE_REGEX) self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases) async def run(self, message, server): parse = self.args.parse(message.content) if parse: if if server: if not server.voice: vc = await server.voice = VoicePlayer(vc,, self.client) if if parse.get("url"): await server.voice.handle(parse.get("url")) else: server.voice = None await, server)
def __init__(self, command_key, client): self.client = client super().__init__(command_key, "probability", """Calculates probability""", f"{command_key} probability", ["chances"]) self.args = Args() self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases)
def __init__(self, command_key: str, client: discord.Client, database: DB_API): self.client = client self.database = database super().__init__(command_key, "doll", """Info of dolls""", f"{command_key} doll", ["d", "tdoll"]) self.args = Args(doll=Args.ANY_ARG) self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases)
def __init__(self, command_key, client, database): self.client = client self.database = database super().__init__(command_key, "production", """Production Dolls""", f"{command_key} production", ["production", "prod", "pr"]) self.args = Args() self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases)
def __init__( self, command_key, ): super().__init__(command_key, "sfsim", """SF Capture sim""", f"{command_key} sfsim", ["sfcap"]) self.args = Args(banner=Args.STRING_ARG, amount=Args.OPTIONAL_INT_ARG) self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases)
def __init__(self, command_key: str, client: discord.Client, database: DB_API): self.client = client self.database = database super().__init__( command_key, "resourcesearch", """Search AK resources, their sanitycosts /per stage""", f"{command_key} resourcesearch", ["rs", "resource", "item"]) self.args = Args(resource=Args.ANY_ARG) self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases)
class ListRoles(Command): def __init__(self, command_key): super().__init__(command_key, "list", """Lists roles""", f"{command_key} list", []) self.args = Args() self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases) async def run(self, message, server): parse = self.args.parse(message.content) if parse: em = EmbedTemplate(title="Role list", description="\n".join(server.joinable_roles["name"].keys())) await
class DotaHeroProfile(Command): def __init__(self, command_key, database, steam_api): self.database = database self.steam_api = steam_api super().__init__(command_key, "dotaheroprofile", """Testing""", f"{command_key} dotaheroprofile", []) self.args = Args(steamarg=SteamCommands.STEAM_URL_REGEX, hero=Args.ANY_ARG) self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases) async def run(self, message, server): parse = self.args.parse(message.content) if parse: steam_32id = None steam_64id = None hero_name = parse.get("hero") hero_id = self.database.runtime["dota"]["heroes"]["name"].get( hero_name) if hero_id: vanity_url = parse.get("profile") steam_profile_id = parse.get("steamid") steam_id = parse.get("steamarg") if vanity_url is not None: if vanity_url[len(vanity_url) - 1] == '/': vanity_url = vanity_url[:len(vanity_url) - 1] steam_64id = await self.steam_api.resolve_vanity_url( vanity_url) steam_32id = self.steam_api.steam_64bit_id_to_32bit( steam_64id) elif steam_profile_id is not None: steam_32id = self.steam_api.steam_64bit_id_to_32bit( steam_profile_id) steam_64id = int(steam_profile_id) elif steam_id is not None: steam_32id = int( steam_id ) if steam_id < 76561197960265728 else self.steam_api.steam_32bit_id_to_64bit( steam_id) steam_64id = int( steam_id ) if steam_id > 76561197960265728 else self.steam_api.steam_64bit_id_to_32bit( steam_id) await message.reply("> Might take a while, sit tight") account, new_matches = await self.steam_api.get_complete_account( steam_64id, hero_id, True) for i in new_matches: await self.database.create_dota_match(i) em = EmbedTemplate(, description= f"Win rate: {account.win_rate()*100}%\nWins: {account.match_history.wins}\nLosses: {account.match_history.losses}\nTotal matches:{account.match_history.total_matches}" ) em.set_thumbnail(url=account.steam_profile.get_full_avatar()) await message.reply(embed=em)
class CreateTable(Command): def __init__(self, command_key, client: discord.Client, database: DB_API): self.database = database self.client = client super().__init__(command_key, "createtable", """Create table""", f"{command_key} createtable *tablename*", []) self.args = Args(table_name=Args.STRING_ARG) self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases) async def run(self, message: discord.Message, server: Server) -> None: def check_author(m: discord.Message): if == return True return False parse = self.args.parse(message.content) if parse: table_name = parse['table_name'] i = 1 columns = [] while True: em = EmbedTemplate( title=f"Column {i}", description= f"syntax: \*column name\*:\*column type\*:\*extra detail\*\nExtra detail is for example, PRIMARY, not null etc.\nType 'END;' to stop" ) em.add_field( name="Data types", value="") await msg = await self.client.wait_for('message', timeout=120.0, check=check_author) if msg: content = msg.content if content == 'END;': break splitted = content.split(":") merged = f"{' '.join(splitted)}" columns.append(merged) i += 1 else: break if columns: nl = ',\n' query = f"CREATE TABLE {table_name} IF NOT EXISTS (\n{f'{nl}'.join(columns)}\n);" sql = f"```sql\n{query}\n```" await await "Is this ok ? Y for Yes, anything for No") msg = await self.client.wait_for('message', timeout=60.0) if msg: if "y" in msg.content.lower(): await self.database.query(query)
class Rule34(Command): def __init__(self, command_key): super().__init__(command_key, "rule34", """Rule34 Search""", f"{command_key} rule34 *<tags>*", ["r34"]) self.args = Args(tags=Args.ANY_ARG) self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases) async def run(self, message, server): parse = self.args.parse(message.content) if parse: em = await NSFW.rule34XXX(parse["tags"]) await
class Probability(Command): def __init__(self, command_key, client): self.client = client super().__init__(command_key, "probability", """Calculates probability""", f"{command_key} probability", ["chances"]) self.args = Args() self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases) async def run(self, message, server): def is_number(s): try: float(s.content) return True except ValueError: return False try: parse = self.parser.parse(message.content) if parse: await title="Probability", description="Amount of trials")) trials = await self.client.wait_for('message', timeout=30.0, check=is_number) await title="Probability", description="Chance (in %)")) chance = await self.client.wait_for('message', timeout=30.0, check=is_number) await title="Probability", description="Wanted amount of successes")) successes = await self.client.wait_for('message', timeout=30.0, check=is_number) if trials and chance and successes: successes = int(successes.content) trials = int(trials.content) chance = float(chance.content) / 100 em = EmbedTemplate(title='Probability', description="Calculated probability") em.add_field(name="Trials", value=f"{trials}") em.add_field(name="Successes", value=f"{successes}") em.add_field(name="Chance", value=f"{chance}") em.add_field( name="Probability", value= f"{Math.exact_probability(trials, successes, chance)}") await except asyncio.TimeoutError: await title="Probability", description="Timed out"))
class Gelbooru(Command): def __init__(self, command_key): super().__init__(command_key, "gelbooru", """Gelbooru Search""", f"{command_key} gelbooru *<tags>*", ["gel"]) self.args = Args(tags=Args.ANY_ARG) self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases) async def run(self, message, server): parse = self.args.parse(message.content) if parse: em = await NSFW.gelbooru(parse["tags"]) await
class Purge(Command): def __init__(self, command_key): super().__init__(command_key, "purge", """Purge channel of X amount of messages""", f"{command_key} purge *<1-99>*", ["empty"]) self.args = Args(limit=Args.INT_ARG) self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases) async def run(self, message, server): parse = self.parse(message.content) if parse: await message.delete() await["limit"]))
class RelicSearch(Command): def __init__(self, command_key, droptables, client): self.client = client self.droptables = droptables super().__init__(command_key, "relic", """Relic search""", f"{command_key} relic *<relic name>*", ["relicsearch"]) self.args = Args(relic=Args.ANY_ARG) self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases) async def run(self, message, server): parse = self.args.parse(message.content) xx = time.time() if parse: if not or xx-self.droptables.timeupdated > self.droptables.interval: await self.droptables.getData() await"relic")))
class DBQuery(Command): def __init__(self, command_key: str, database: DB_API): self.database = database super().__init__(command_key, "dbquery", """Query to DB""", f"{command_key} dbquery *query*", ["query"]) self.args = Args(query=Args.ANY_ARG) self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases) async def run(self, message: discord.Message, server: Server) -> None: parse = self.args.parse(message.content) if parse: qr = parse['query'] data = await self.database.query(qr) await"{data}")
class ResourceSearch(Command): def __init__(self, command_key: str, client: discord.Client, database: DB_API): self.client = client self.database = database super().__init__( command_key, "resourcesearch", """Search AK resources, their sanitycosts /per stage""", f"{command_key} resourcesearch", ["rs", "resource", "item"]) self.args = Args(resource=Args.ANY_ARG) self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases) async def run(self, message: discord.Message, server: Server): parsed = self.args.parse(message.content) if parsed: res = dict_search(self.database["arknights"]["items"]["names"], parsed["resource"]) if res: if isinstance(res, str): em = self.database["arknights"]["items"]["names"][ res].get_embed() await elif isinstance(res, list): em = EmbedTemplate(title="Did you mean?", description="\n".join([ f"{i}. {res[i-1]}" for i in range(1, len(res) + 1) ])) await msg = await self.client.wait_for( 'message', check=lambda x: ==, timeout=30) if msg: if msg.content.isdigit(): tmp = int(msg.content) if 1 <= tmp <= len(res): em = self.database["arknights"]["items"][ "names"][res[tmp - 1]].get_embed() await else: em = EmbedTemplate( title="Not found", description= "Resource wasn't found in the database, if you think this is an error, contact bot owner." ) await
class Add(Command): def __init__(self, command_key, database): self.database = database super().__init__(command_key, "add", """Adds X role""", f"{command_key} add *<role mention>*", []) self.args = Args(role=Args.ANY_ARG) self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases) async def run(self, message, server): if parse = self.args.parse(message.content) if parse: for i in message.role_mentions: if i not in server.joinable_roles["set"]: await self.database.create_joinable_role(, server.server_id) server.joinable_roles["set"].add(i) server.joinable_roles["id"][] = i server.joinable_roles["name"][] = i
class Leave(Command): def __init__(self, command_key): super().__init__(command_key, "leave", """Leaves X role""", f"{command_key} leave *<role name>*", []) self.args = Args(role=Args.ANY_ARG) self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases) async def run(self, message, server): parse = self.args.parse(message.content) if parse: if message.role_mentions: for i in message.role_mentions: if i in server.joinable_roles["set"]: await elif parse["role"] in server.joinable_roles["name"]: await["name"][parse["role"]]) elif parse["role"] in server.joinable_roles["id"]: await["id"][parse["role"]])
class Remove(Command): def __init__(self, command_key, database): self.database = database super().__init__(command_key, "remove", """Removes X role""", f"{command_key} remove *<role mention>*", []) self.args = Args(role=Args.ANY_ARG) self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases) async def run(self, message, server): if parse = self.args.parse(message.content) if parse: for i in message.role_mentions: if i in server.joinable_roles["set"]: await self.database.delete_joinable_role( server.joinable_roles["set"].remove(i) del server.joinable_roles["id"][] del server.joinable_roles["name"][]
class CreateRoleMessage(Command): def __init__(self, command_key, database, client): self.client = client self.database = database super().__init__(command_key, "rolemessage", """Assign role reaction to message or send new message to be reacted.""", f"{command_key} rolemessage *<channel mention>* *<role mention>*", []) self.args = Args(channel=Args.CHANNEL_MENTION_ARG, role=Args.MENTION_ARG) self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases) async def run(self, message, server): if parse = self.args.parse(message.content) if parse: if message.channel_mentions and message.role_mentions: channel = message.channel_mentions[0] role = message.role_mentions[0] try: await"> Which style") msg = await self.client.wait_for('message', check=lambda m: m.content in ['1', '2'] and == and ==, timeout=60.0) if msg and msg.content == '1': # Existing message to have role reaction await"> Message ID, please") messageid = await self.client.wait_for('message', check=lambda m: Utilities.is_int(m.content) and == and ==, timeout=60.0) if messageid: try: role_msg = await channel.fetch_message(int(messageid.content)) await"> Reaction to be assigned, react to this message.") reaction, user = await self.client.wait_for('reaction_add', check=lambda r, u: ==, timeout=60.0) if user and reaction: server.joinable_roles["reactions"][] = { "message" : role_msg, "emoji" : str(reaction.emoji), "role_id" : } await self.database.create_role_message(,,, str(reaction.emoji), server.server_id) await role_msg.add_reaction(reaction.emoji) except discord.NotFound: await"> Message couldn't be found") else: await"> Command execution failed, wrong input") elif msg and msg.content == '2': # New message to have role reaction pass else: await"> Command execution failed, wrong input") except asyncio.TimeoutError: await"> Too slow") else: await"> Command execution failed, wrong input")
class EvalCommand(Command): def __init__(self, command_key: str, client: discord.Client) -> None: self.client = client super().__init__(command_key, "eval", """Eval""", f"{command_key} eval *evaled statement*", ['ev']) self.args = Args(shell=Args.ANY_ARG) self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases) async def run(self, message: discord.Message, server: Server) -> None: parse = self.args.parse(message.content) if parse: output = str(eval(parse["shell"])) if len(output) < 1975: await message.reply(f"""```{output}```""") else: fo = open("tmp.txt", "w+") fo.write(output) fo.close() await message.reply(file=discord.File("tmp.txt"))
class CrissCross(Command): def __init__(self, command_key, client): self.client = client super().__init__(command_key, "crisscross", """Start a game of crisscross""", f"{command_key} crisscross *<challenged user>*", []) self.args = Args(mention=Args.MENTION_ARG, size=Args.OPTIONAL_INT_ARG) self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases) async def run(self, message, server): pattern = re.escape(self.prefix)+"\s("+"|".join(self.aliases)+")\s(?:<@!?(?:\d+)>)\s?(\d{1,2})?" parse = self.args.parse(message.content) if parse: if len(message.mentions) == 1: user = message.mentions[0] await"Would you like to accept this challenge ? (y) for yes, and anything to reject") response = await self.client.wait_for('message', timeout=30.0, check=lambda x: == user and == if "y" in response.content.lower(): size = int(parse.get("size")) or 3 game = CC(,, self.client, size) await game.StartGame( else: await"Challenge denied.") else: await"Only 1 user may be challenged at once.")
class GTANewswire(Command): def __init__(self, command_key, database, newswire): self.database = database self.newswire = newswire super().__init__(command_key, "gtanw", """GTA V newswire""", f"{command_key} gtanw", []) self.args = Args(message=Args.OPTIONAL_STRING_ARG) self.args.set_pattern(command_key, self.aliases) async def run(self, message, server): parse = self.args.parse(message.content) if parse: if parse.get("message") == "message": em = EmbedTemplate(title="GTANW Message", description="Updating soon..") msg = await nwmessage = NewswireMessage(msg) await self.database.create_updated_message(, "gtanw",, server.updated_messages["name"]["gtanw"] = nwmessage server.updated_messages["id"][] = nwmessage else: x = 5 posts = await self.newswire.getEmbeds(x) for i in posts: await x+=1