def test_rotate_02():
    """Test whether four consecutive rotations bring us back to the original."""
    for poem in poem_list:
        (F.regularize_line_length(F.clean_poem(poem)) ==
def test_regularize_line_length_01():
    """Test whether all lines now have the same length."""
    for poem in poem_list:
        poem = F.clean_poem(poem)
        section = F.regularize_line_length(poem[0])
        lengths = [len(line) for line in section]
        assert max(lengths) == min(lengths)
def test_rotate_01():
    """Test whether rotated poem-section matches expected form."""
    for poem, rotation in zip(poem_list, rotation_list):
        poem = F.clean_poem(poem)
        section = F.regularize_line_length(poem[0])
        assert F.rotate_lines(section) == rotation
def test_clean_01():
    for poem, cleaned in zip(poem_list, cleaned_list):
        assert F.clean_poem(poem) == cleaned