예제 #1
    def selftest():
        tests = 0, 1  # fails: -1. 1.23
        tests += 12, 123, 1234, 12345, 123456, 1234567
        tests += 2**32, 2**100
        for test in tests:

        tests = 0, 1, -1, 1.23, 1., 1.2, 3.14159
        tests += 12.34, 12.344, 12.345, 12.346
        tests += 2**32, (2**32 + .2345)
        tests += 1.2345, 1.2, 0.2345
        tests += -1.2345, -1.2, -0.2345
        tests += -(2**32), -(2**32 + .2345)
        tests += (2**100), -(2**100)
        for test in tests:
            print('%s [%s]' % (money(test, 17), test))
예제 #2
from __future__ import print_function  # 2.X
from formats import money
X = 54321.987

print(money(X), money(X, 0, ''))
print(money(X, currency=u'\xA3'), money(X, currency=u'\u00A5'))
print(money(X, currency=b'\xA3'.decode('latin-1')))

print(money(X, currency=u'\u20AC'), money(X, 0, b'\xA4'.decode('iso-8859-15')))
print(money(X, currency=b'\xA4'.decode('latin-1')))
예제 #3
# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
from formats import money
X = 54321.987

print(money(X), money(X, 10, ''))   
result = "'$54,321.99', ' 54,321.99'"

print(money(X, currency=u'\xA3'), money(X, currency=u'\u00A5'))
   # '�,321.99', '�,321.99'
result = "'�,321.99', '�,321.99'"

print(money(X, currency=b'\xA3'.decode('latin-1')))
   # '�,321.99'

#print(money(X, currency=u'\u20AC'), money(X, currency=b'\xA4'.decode('iso-8859-15')))
   # '�54,321.99', '�54,321.99'

예제 #4
from formats import money

x = 54321.987

print(money(x), money(x, 0, ''))
print(money(x, currency=u'\xa3'), money(x, currency=u'\u00a5'))
print(money(x, currency=b'\xa3'.decode('latin-1')))

print(money(x, currency=u'\u20ac'), money(x, 0, b'\xa4'.decode('iso-8859-15')))
print(money(x, currency=b'\xa4'.decode('latin-1')))
예제 #5
        tests = 0, 1, -1, 1.23, 1., 1.2, 3.14159
        tests += 12.34, 12.344, 12.345, 12.346
        tests += 2**32, (2**32 + .2345)
        tests += 1.2345, 1.2, 0.2345
        tests += -1.2345, -1.2, -0.2345
        tests += -(2**32), -(2**32 + .2345)
        tests += (2**100), -(2**100)
        for test in tests:
            print('%s [%s]' % (money(test, 17), test))

    import sys
    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
        print(money(float(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[2])))

# python formats.py
# 01
# 12
# 123
# 1,234
# 12,345
# 123,456
# 1,234,567
# ...등등...

# python formats.py 999999999 0
# $999,999,999.00
# python formats.py -999999999 0
# $-999,999,999.00
print('%e, %.3e, %g' % (3.14159, 3.14159, 3.14159))
print('%f, %.2f, %06.2f' % (3.14159, 3.14159, 3.14159))

# Hex and octal, but not binary (see ahead)
print('#' * 52 + ' Hex and octal, but not binary (see ahead)')
print('%x, %o' % (255, 255))

# Hardcoded references in both
print('#' * 52 + ' Hardcoded references in both')
import sys
print('My {1[kind]:<8} runs {0.platform:>8}'.format(sys, {'kind': 'laptop'}))
print('My %(kind)-8s runs %(plat)8s' % dict(kind='laptop', plat=sys.platform))

# Building data ahead of time in both
print('#' * 52 + ' Building data ahead of time in both')
data = dict(platform=sys.platform, kind='laptop')
print('My {kind:<8} runs {platform:>8}'.format(**data))
print('My %(kind)-8s runs %(platform)8s' % data)
print('{:,d} {:,d}'.format(9999999, 8888888))
from formats import commas, money
print('%s' % commas(999999999999))
print('%s %s' % (commas(9999999), commas(8888888)))
print('%s' % money(296999.2567))
print([commas(x) for x in (9999999, 8888888)])
print('%s %s' % tuple(commas(x) for x in (9999999, 8888888)))
print(''.join(commas(x) for x in (9999999, 8888888)))
from __future__ import print_function # 2.X
from formats import money
X = 54321.987

print(money(X), money(X, 0, ''))   
print(money(X, currency=u'\xA3'), money(X, currency=u'\u00A5'))
print(money(X, currency=b'\xA3'.decode('latin-1')))

print(money(X, currency=u'\u20AC'), money(X, 0, b'\xA4'.decode('iso-8859-15')))
print(money(X, currency=b'\xA4'.decode('latin-1')))
예제 #8
# 파이썬 3.1과 2.7에서 문자열 포맷 메서드 개선 사항들

# '999999999999'
# '999,999,999,999'

# '999,999,999,999'
'{:,d} {:,d}'.format(9999999, 8888888)
# '9,999,999 8,888,888'
# '296,999.26'

from formats import commas, money
'%s' % commas(999999999999)
# '999,999,999,999'
'%s %s' % (commas(9999999), commas(8888888))
# '9,999,999 8,888,888'
'%s' % money(296999.2567)
# '$296,999.26'

[commas(x) for x in (9999999, 8888888)]
# ['9.999.999', '8,888,888']
'%s %s' % tuple(commas(x) for x in (9999999, 8888888))
# '9,999,999 8,888,888'
''.join(commas(x) for x in (9999999, 8888888))
# '9,999,999 8,888,888'
예제 #9
from formats import money, commas
print(money(123.456, 0, u'\xa3'))
print(money(123.456, 0, u'\u00a3'))
print(money(-9999999.99, 15))
X = 99999999999999999999
print('%s (%s)' % (commas(X), X))
예제 #10
from formats import money, commas

print(money(-9999999.99, 15))
X = 99999999999999999999999
print('%s (%s)' % (commas(X), X))