def pay_online(request, payment_id, template_name='payments/stripe/payonline.html'): with transaction.atomic(): payment = get_object_or_404(Payment.objects.select_for_update(), pk=payment_id) form = StripeCardForm(request.POST or None) billing_info_form = BillingInfoForm(request.POST or None, instance=payment) currency = get_setting('site', 'global', 'currency') if not currency: currency = 'usd' if request.method == "POST": if form.is_valid(): # get stripe token and make a payment immediately stripe.api_key = getattr(settings, 'STRIPE_SECRET_KEY', '') token = request.POST.get('stripe_token') if billing_info_form.is_valid(): payment = # create the charge on Stripe's servers - this will charge the user's card params = { 'amount': math.trunc(payment.amount * 100), # amount in cents, again 'currency': currency, 'card': token, 'description': payment.description } try: charge_response = stripe.Charge.create(**params) # an example of response: #charge_response = simplejson.loads(charge) except Exception as e: charge_response = e.message # update payment status and object if not payment.is_approved: # if not already processed payment_update_stripe(request, charge_response, payment) payment_processing_object_updates(request, payment) # log an event log_payment(request, payment) # send payment recipients notification send_payment_notice(request, payment) # redirect to thankyou return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('stripe.thank_you', args=[])) return render_to_response(template_name, { 'form': form, 'billing_info_form': billing_info_form, 'payment': payment }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def pay_online(request, payment_id, template_name='payments/stripe/payonline.html'): with transaction.atomic(): payment = get_object_or_404(Payment.objects.select_for_update(), pk=payment_id) form = StripeCardForm(request.POST or None) billing_info_form = BillingInfoForm(request.POST or None, instance=payment) currency = get_setting('site', 'global', 'currency') if not currency: currency = 'usd' if request.method == "POST": if form.is_valid(): # get stripe token and make a payment immediately stripe.api_key = getattr(settings, 'STRIPE_SECRET_KEY', '') token = request.POST.get('stripe_token') if billing_info_form.is_valid(): payment = # determine if we need to create a stripe customer (for membership auto renew) customer = False obj_user = None membership = None obj = payment.invoice.get_object() if obj and hasattr(obj, 'memberships'): membership = obj.memberships()[0] if membership.auto_renew and not membership.has_rp(platform='stripe'): obj_user = membership.user else: membership = None if obj_user: try: # Create a Customer: customer = stripe.Customer.create(, description="For membership auto renew", source=token, ) except: customer = None # create the charge on Stripe's servers - this will charge the user's card params = { 'amount': math.trunc(payment.amount * 100), # amount in cents, again 'currency': currency, 'description': payment.description } if customer: params.update({'customer':}) else: params.update({'card': token}) try: charge_response = stripe.Charge.create(**params) # an example of response: #charge_response = simplejson.loads(charge) except stripe.error.CardError as e: # it's a decline json_body = e.json_body err = json_body and json_body['error'] code = err and err['code'] message = err and err['message'] charge_response = '{message} status={status}, code={code}'.format( message=message, status=e.http_status, code=code) except Exception as e: charge_response = e.message # add a rp entry now if hasattr(charge_response,'paid') and charge_response.paid: if customer and membership: kwargs = {'platform': 'stripe', 'customer_profile_id':, } membership.get_or_create_rp(request.user, **kwargs) # update payment status and object if not payment.is_approved: # if not already processed payment_update_stripe(request, charge_response, payment) payment_processing_object_updates(request, payment) # log an event log_payment(request, payment) # send payment recipients notification send_payment_notice(request, payment) # redirect to thankyou return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('stripe.thank_you', args=[])) return render_to_response(template_name, {'form': form, 'billing_info_form': billing_info_form, 'STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY': settings.STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY, 'payment': payment}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))