예제 #1
파일: views.py 프로젝트: 18dubu/MMS
def new_exp(request, experiment_id=None):
    def generate_sample_name(sample):

                naming standard:
                Example: A549.K1_2.EZH2_150nM.shON.T21.A
        sample_name = ".".join([sample.cell_model.CCLE_name, sample.shRNA_library.LibName])

        # if sample.pool_number is not None:
        # 	pool_str = '_P'
        # 	tmp = ''
        # for p in sample.pool_number():
        # 	tmp += '_'+p.description
        # pool_str += tmp[1:]
        # else:
        # 	pool_str = '_PNone'

        # sample_name = sample_name + pool_str

        if sample.treatment and sample.treatment_dose:
            treatment = "_".join([sample.treatment.compoundName, str(sample.treatment_dose)])
            sample_name = ".".join([sample_name, treatment])
        shrna = "shON"
        if not sample.shRNA_on:
            shrna = "shOFF"
        sample_name = ".".join([sample_name, shrna, "".join(["T", str(sample.time_in_days)]), sample.replicate])

        if sample.other_tag:
            sample_name = sample_name + "." + sample.other_tag
        return sample_name

    if experiment_id:
        experiment = get_object_or_404(Experiment, experiment_id=experiment_id)
        expform = ExperimentForm(instance=experiment)
        samforms = SampleFormSet(instance=experiment)
        # if experiment.user != request.user:
    # 		return HttpResponseForbidden()
        experiment = Experiment()  # (user=request.user)

    if request.POST:
        if "create_exp" in request.POST or "add_sample" in request.POST:
            expform = ExperimentForm(request.POST, instance=experiment)
            samforms = SampleFormSet(request.POST, instance=experiment)
            if expform.is_valid() and samforms.is_valid():
                new_exp = expform.save(commit=False)

                # automatic generate or modify fields
                # save modified form
                # sample forms
                samforms.instance = new_exp
                if samforms.has_changed():
                    for samform in samforms:
                        if samform.is_valid() and samform.has_changed() and (samform is not None):
                            new_sam = samform.save(commit=False)
                            # new_sam.pool_number = samform.cleaned_data['pool_number']
                            # new_sam.sample_id = experiment.sample_set.count() + 1
                            new_sam.sample_name = generate_sample_name(new_sam)
                            # 	new_sam.save()
                            # 	samform.save_m2m()
                    new_sam = samforms.save()
                return HttpResponseRedirect("/virtual/new/confirm/%s/" % new_exp.experiment_id)
        elif "delete_exp" in request.POST:
            exp2delete = get_object_or_404(Experiment, experiment_id=experiment.experiment_id).delete()
            # return HttpResponseRedirect('/virtual/delete/%s/' % experiment.experiment_id)
            return HttpResponseRedirect("/virtual/new/confirm/%s/" % experiment.experiment_id)
        expform = ExperimentForm(instance=experiment)
        samforms = SampleFormSet(instance=experiment)

    args = {}
    args["expform"] = expform
    args["samforms"] = samforms
    return render_to_response("newExpView/new.html", args)