def edit(id=0): setExits() id = cleanRecordID(id) if id < 0: flash("That is not a valid ID") return redirect(g.listURL) rec = None if id > 0: rec = Trip.query.get(id) if not rec: flash(printException("Could not edit that "+g.title + " record. ID="+str(id)+")",'error')) return redirect(g.listURL) form = TripForm(request.form, rec) ## choices need to be assigned before rendering the form # AND before attempting to validate it form.countEvent_ID.choices = getCountEventChoices() form.location_ID.choices = getLocationChoices() form.traveler_ID.choices = getTravelerChoices() form.turnDirection.choices = getTurnDirectionChoices() if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): if not rec: rec = Trip(,,,,,, db.session.add(rec) form.populate_obj(rec) db.session.commit() return redirect(g.listURL) return render_template('genericEditForm.html', rec=rec, form=form)
def edit_trip(trip_id): trip = Trip.query.get_or_404(trip_id) if current_user != trip.user: abort(403) form = TripForm(obj=trip) if form.validate_on_submit(): form.populate_obj(trip) db.session.commit() flash("Stored '{}'".format(trip.description)) return redirect(url_for('user', username=current_user.username)) return render_template('trip_form.html', form=form, title="Edit Trip")
def edit(id=0): setExits() id = cleanRecordID(id) if id < 0: flash("That is not a valid ID") return redirect(g.listURL) rec = None if id > 0: rec = Trip.query.get(id) if not rec: flash( printException( "Could not edit that " + g.title + " record. ID=" + str(id) + ")", 'error')) return redirect(g.listURL) form = TripForm(request.form, rec) ## choices need to be assigned before rendering the form # AND before attempting to validate it form.countEvent_ID.choices = getCountEventChoices() form.location_ID.choices = getLocationChoices() form.traveler_ID.choices = getTravelerChoices() form.turnDirection.choices = getTurnDirectionChoices() if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): if not rec: rec = Trip(,,,,,, db.session.add(rec) form.populate_obj(rec) db.session.commit() return redirect(g.listURL) return render_template('genericEditForm.html', rec=rec, form=form)