예제 #1
 def send_emails(self, request, form_for_form, form, entry, attachments):
     subject = form.email_subject
     if not subject:
         subject = "%s - %s" % (form.title, entry.entry_time)
     fields = []
     for (k, v) in form_for_form.fields.items():
         value = form_for_form.cleaned_data[k]
         if isinstance(value, list):
             value = ", ".join([i.strip() for i in value])
         fields.append((v.label, value))
     context = {
         "fields": fields,
         "message": form.email_message,
         "request": request,
     email_from = form.email_from or settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL
     email_to = form_for_form.email_to()
     if email_to and form.send_email:
         send_mail_template(subject, "form_response", email_from,
                            email_to, context=context,
     headers = None
     if email_to:
         headers = {"Reply-To": email_to}
     email_copies = split_choices(form.email_copies)
     if email_copies:
         send_mail_template(subject, "form_response_copies", email_from,
                            email_copies, context=context,
예제 #2
def form_detail(request, slug, template="forms/form_detail.html"):
    Display a built form and handle submission.
    published = Form.objects.published(for_user=request.user)
    form = get_object_or_404(published, slug=slug)
    if form.login_required and not request.user.is_authenticated():
        return redirect("%s?%s=%s" % (settings.LOGIN_URL, REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME,
    request_context = RequestContext(request)
    args = (form, request_context, request.POST or None, request.FILES or None)
    form_for_form = FormForForm(*args)
    if request.method == "POST":
        if not form_for_form.is_valid():
            form_invalid.send(sender=request, form=form_for_form)
            entry = form_for_form.save()
            subject = form.email_subject
            if not subject:
                subject = "%s - %s" % (form.title, entry.entry_time)
            fields = []
            for (k, v) in form_for_form.fields.items():
                value = form_for_form.cleaned_data[k]
                if isinstance(value, list):
                    value = ", ".join([i.strip() for i in value])
                fields.append((v.label, value))
            context = {
                "fields": fields,
                "message": form.email_message,
                "request": request,
            email_from = form.email_from or settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL
            email_to = form_for_form.email_to()
            if email_to and form.send_email:
                send_mail_template(subject, "form_response", email_from,
                                   email_to, context=context,
            email_copies = split_choices(form.email_copies)
            if email_copies:
                if email_to and SEND_FROM_SUBMITTER:
                    # Send from the email entered.
                    email_from = email_to
                attachments = []
                for f in form_for_form.files.values():
                    attachments.append((f.name, f.read()))
                send_mail_template(subject, "form_response", email_from,
                                   email_copies, context=context,
            form_valid.send(sender=request, form=form_for_form, entry=entry)
            return redirect(reverse("form_sent", kwargs={"slug": form.slug}))
    context = {"form": form}
    return render_to_response(template, context, request_context)
예제 #3
 def assemble_attachments(self, request, form_for_form, form):
     Prepaires the content of the email. Returns a list of assembled attachments.
     email_copies = split_choices(form.email_copies)
     attachments = []
     if email_copies:
         for f in form_for_form.files.values():
             attachments.append((f.name, f.read()))
     return attachments
예제 #4
 def send_emails(self, request, form_for_form, form, entry, attachments):
     subject = form.email_subject
     if not subject:
         subject = "%s - %s" % (form.title, entry.entry_time)
     fields = []
     for (k, v) in form_for_form.fields.items():
         value = form_for_form.cleaned_data[k]
         if isinstance(value, list):
             value = ", ".join([i.strip() for i in value])
         fields.append((v.label, value))
     context = {
         "fields": fields,
         "message": form.email_message,
         "request": request,
     email_from = form.email_from or settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL
     email_to = form_for_form.email_to()
     if email_to and form.send_email:
     headers = None
     if email_to:
         headers = {"Reply-To": email_to}
     email_copies = split_choices(form.email_copies)
     if email_copies:
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, form, context, *args, **kwargs):
        Dynamically add each of the form fields for the given form model
        instance and its related field model instances.
        self.form = form
        self.form_fields = form.fields.visible()
        initial = kwargs.pop("initial", {})
        # If a FormEntry instance is given to edit, stores it's field
        # values for using as initial data.
        field_entries = {}
        if kwargs.get("instance"):
            for field_entry in kwargs["instance"].fields.all():
                field_entries[field_entry.field_id] = field_entry.value
        super(FormForForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # Create the form fields.
        for field in self.form_fields:
            field_key = field.slug
            field_class = fields.CLASSES[field.field_type]
            field_widget = fields.WIDGETS.get(field.field_type)
            field_args = {
                "label": field.label,
                "required": field.required,
                "help_text": field.help_text
            arg_names = field_class.__init__.__code__.co_varnames
            if "max_length" in arg_names:
                field_args["max_length"] = settings.FIELD_MAX_LENGTH
            if "choices" in arg_names:
                choices = list(field.get_choices())
                if field.field_type == fields.SELECT and not (
                        field.required and field.default):
                    # The first OPTION with attr. value="" display only if...
                    #   1. ...the field is not required.
                    #   2. ...the field is required and the default is not set.
                    text = "" if field.placeholder_text is None else field.placeholder_text
                    choices.insert(0, ("", text))
                field_args["choices"] = choices
            if field_widget is not None:
                field_args["widget"] = field_widget
            #   Initial value for field, in order of preference:
            # - If a form model instance is given (eg we're editing a
            #   form response), then use the instance's value for the
            #   field.
            # - If the developer has provided an explicit "initial"
            #   dict, use it.
            # - The default value for the field instance as given in
            #   the admin.
            initial_val = None
                initial_val = field_entries[field.id]
            except KeyError:
                    initial_val = initial[field_key]
                except KeyError:
                    initial_val = Template(field.default).render(context)
            if initial_val:
                if field.is_a(*fields.MULTIPLE):
                    initial_val = split_choices(initial_val)
                if field.field_type == fields.CHECKBOX:
                    initial_val = initial_val != "False"
                self.initial[field_key] = initial_val
            self.fields[field_key] = field_class(**field_args)

            if field.field_type == fields.DOB:
                now = datetime.now()
                years = list(range(now.year, now.year - 120, -1))
                self.fields[field_key].widget.years = years

            # Add identifying CSS classes to the field.
            css_class = field_class.__name__.lower()
            # Do not add the 'required' field to the CheckboxSelectMultiple because it will
            # mean that all checkboxes have to be checked instead of the usual use case of
            # "at least one".
            if field.required and (field_widget !=
                css_class += " required"
                if settings.USE_HTML5:
                    # Except Django version 1.10 this is necessary for all versions from 1.8 to 1.11.
                        "required"] = "required"

            self.fields[field_key].widget.attrs["class"] = css_class
            if field.placeholder_text and not field.default and field.field_type != fields.SELECT:
                # Attribute `placeholder` not allowed on element `select` at this point.
                # See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/select
                # or check the code in https://validator.w3.org.
                text = field.placeholder_text
                self.fields[field_key].widget.attrs["placeholder"] = text
예제 #6
# The filter function for each filter type
    lambda val, field: val.lower() in field.lower(),
    lambda val, field: val.lower() not in field.lower(),
    lambda val, field: val.lower() == field.lower(),
    lambda val, field: val.lower() != field.lower(),
    lambda val_from, val_to, field:
    ((not val_from or val_from <= field) and (not val_to or val_to >= field)),
    lambda val, field: set(val) & set(split_choices(field)),
    lambda val, field: set(val) == set(split_choices(field)),
    lambda val, field: not set(val) & set(split_choices(field)),
    lambda val, field: set(val) != set(split_choices(field)),

# Export form fields for each filter type grouping
text_filter_field = forms.ChoiceField(label=" ",
choice_filter_field = forms.ChoiceField(label=" ",
예제 #7
    def __init__(self, form, context, *args, **kwargs):
        Dynamically add each of the form fields for the given form model
        instance and its related field model instances.
        self.form = form
        self.form_fields = form.fields.visible()
        initial = kwargs.pop("initial", {})
        # If a FormEntry instance is given to edit, stores it's field
        # values for using as initial data.
        field_entries = {}
        if kwargs.get("instance"):
            for field_entry in kwargs["instance"].fields.all():
                field_entries[field_entry.field_id] = field_entry.value
        super(FormForForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # Create the form fields.
        for field in self.form_fields:
            field_key = field.slug
            field_class = fields.CLASSES[field.field_type]
            field_widget = fields.WIDGETS.get(field.field_type)
            field_args = {
                "label": field.label,
                "required": field.required,
                "help_text": field.help_text
            arg_names = field_class.__init__.__code__.co_varnames
            if "max_length" in arg_names:
                field_args["max_length"] = settings.FIELD_MAX_LENGTH
            if "choices" in arg_names:
                choices = list(field.get_choices())
                if (field.field_type == fields.SELECT
                        and field.default not in [c[0] for c in choices]):
                    choices.insert(0, ("", field.placeholder_text))
                field_args["choices"] = choices
            if field_widget is not None:
                field_args["widget"] = field_widget
            #   Initial value for field, in order of preference:
            # - If a form model instance is given (eg we're editing a
            #   form response), then use the instance's value for the
            #   field.
            # - If the developer has provided an explicit "initial"
            #   dict, use it.
            # - The default value for the field instance as given in
            #   the admin.
            initial_val = None
                initial_val = field_entries[field.id]
            except KeyError:
                    initial_val = initial[field_key]
                except KeyError:
                    initial_val = Template(field.default).render(context)
            if initial_val:
                if field.is_a(*fields.MULTIPLE):
                    initial_val = split_choices(initial_val)
                if field.field_type == fields.CHECKBOX:
                    initial_val = initial_val != "False"
                self.initial[field_key] = initial_val
            self.fields[field_key] = field_class(**field_args)

            if field.field_type == fields.DOB:
                now = datetime.now()
                years = list(range(now.year, now.year - 120, -1))
                self.fields[field_key].widget.years = years

            # Add identifying CSS classes to the field.
            css_class = field_class.__name__.lower()
            if field.required:
                css_class += " required"
                if (settings.USE_HTML5
                        and field.field_type != fields.CHECKBOX_MULTIPLE):
                    self.fields[field_key].widget.attrs["required"] = ""
            self.fields[field_key].widget.attrs["class"] = css_class
            if field.placeholder_text and not field.default:
                text = field.placeholder_text
                self.fields[field_key].widget.attrs["placeholder"] = text
예제 #8
    def __init__(self, form, context, *args, **kwargs):
        Dynamically add each of the form fields for the given form model
        instance and its related field model instances.
        self.form = form
        self.form_fields = form.fields.visible()
        initial = kwargs.pop("initial", {})
        # If a FormEntry instance is given to edit, stores it's field
        # values for using as initial data.
        field_entries = {}
        if kwargs.get("instance"):
            for field_entry in kwargs["instance"].fields.all():
                field_entries[field_entry.field_id] = field_entry.value
        super(FormForForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # Create the form fields.
        for field in self.form_fields:
            if field.field_type == fields.DYNAMIC:
                maximum_instances = field.get_max()
                for count in range(maximum_instances):
                    field_key = field.slug+str(count)
                    field_class = fields.CLASSES[field.field_type]
                    field_widget = fields.WIDGETS.get(field.field_type)
                    field_args = {"label": field.label, "required": field.required,
                                  "help_text": field.help_text}
                    arg_names = field_class.__init__.im_func.func_code.co_varnames
                    if "max_length" in arg_names:
                        field_args["max_length"] = settings.FIELD_MAX_LENGTH
                    if "choices" in arg_names:
                        field_args["choices"] = field.get_choices()
                    if field_widget is not None:
                        field_args["widget"] = field_widget
                    #   Initial value for field, in order of preference:
                    # - If a form model instance is given (eg we're editing a
                    #   form response), then use the instance's value for the
                    #   field.
                    # - If the developer has provided an explicit "initial"
                    #   dict, use it.
                    # - The default value for the field instance as given in
                    #   the admin.
                    initial_val = None
                        initial_val = field_entries[field.id]
                    except KeyError:
                            initial_val = initial[field_key]
                        except KeyError:
                            initial_val = Template(field.default).render(context)
                    if initial_val:
                        if field.is_a(*fields.MULTIPLE):
                            initial_val = split_choices(initial_val)
                        if field.field_type == fields.CHECKBOX:
                            initial_val = initial_val != "False"
                        self.initial[field_key] = initial_val
                    self.fields[field_key] = field_class(**field_args)

                    # Add identifying CSS classes to the field.
                    css_class = field_class.__name__.lower()
                    if field.required:
                        css_class += " required"
                        if (settings.USE_HTML5 and
                            field.field_type != fields.CHECKBOX_MULTIPLE):
                            self.fields[field_key].widget.attrs["required"] = ""
                    self.fields[field_key].widget.attrs["class"] = css_class
                    if field.placeholder_text and not field.default:
                        text = field.placeholder_text
                        self.fields[field_key].widget.attrs["placeholder"] = text

                field_key = field.slug
                field_class = fields.CLASSES[field.field_type]
                field_widget = fields.WIDGETS.get(field.field_type)
                field_args = {"label": field.label, "required": field.required,
                              "help_text": field.help_text}
                arg_names = field_class.__init__.im_func.func_code.co_varnames
                if "max_length" in arg_names:
                    field_args["max_length"] = settings.FIELD_MAX_LENGTH
                if "choices" in arg_names:
                    field_args["choices"] = field.get_choices()
                if field_widget is not None:
                    field_args["widget"] = field_widget
                #   Initial value for field, in order of preference:
                # - If a form model instance is given (eg we're editing a
                #   form response), then use the instance's value for the
                #   field.
                # - If the developer has provided an explicit "initial"
                #   dict, use it.
                # - The default value for the field instance as given in
                #   the admin.
                initial_val = None
                    initial_val = field_entries[field.id]
                except KeyError:
                        initial_val = initial[field_key]
                    except KeyError:
                        initial_val = Template(field.default).render(context)
                if initial_val:
                    if field.is_a(*fields.MULTIPLE):
                        initial_val = split_choices(initial_val)
                    if field.field_type == fields.CHECKBOX:
                        initial_val = initial_val != "False"
                    self.initial[field_key] = initial_val
                self.fields[field_key] = field_class(**field_args)

                if field.field_type == fields.DOB:
                    now = datetime.now()
                    years = range(now.year, now.year - 120, -1)
                    self.fields[field_key].widget.years = years

                # Add identifying CSS classes to the field.
                css_class = field_class.__name__.lower()
                if field.required:
                    css_class += " required"
                    if (settings.USE_HTML5 and
                        field.field_type != fields.CHECKBOX_MULTIPLE):
                        self.fields[field_key].widget.attrs["required"] = ""
                self.fields[field_key].widget.attrs["class"] = css_class
                if field.placeholder_text and not field.default:
                    text = field.placeholder_text
                    self.fields[field_key].widget.attrs["placeholder"] = text
예제 #9
        lambda val, field: val.lower() in field.lower(),
        lambda val, field: val.lower() not in field.lower(),
        lambda val, field: val.lower() == field.lower(),
        lambda val, field: val.lower() != field.lower(),
        lambda val_from, val_to, field: (
            (not val_from or val_from <= field) and
            (not val_to or val_to >= field)
        lambda val, field: set(val) & set(split_choices(field)),
        lambda val, field: set(val) == set(split_choices(field)),
        lambda val, field: not set(val) & set(split_choices(field)),
        lambda val, field: set(val) != set(split_choices(field)),

# Export form fields for each filter type grouping
text_filter_field = forms.ChoiceField(label=" ", required=False,
choice_filter_field = forms.ChoiceField(label=" ", required=False,
multiple_filter_field = forms.ChoiceField(label=" ", required=False,
예제 #10
    def __init__(self, form, context, *args, **kwargs):
        Dynamically add each of the form fields for the given form model
        instance and its related field model instances.
        self.form = form
        self.form_fields = form.fields.visible()
        initial = kwargs.pop("initial", {})
        # If a FormEntry instance is given to edit, stores it's field
        # values for using as initial data.
        field_entries = {}
        if kwargs.get("instance"):
            for field_entry in kwargs["instance"].fields.all():
                field_entries[field_entry.field_id] = field_entry.value
        super(FormForForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # Create the form fields.
        for field in self.form_fields:
            field_key = field.slug
            field_class = fields.CLASSES[field.field_type]
            field_widget = fields.WIDGETS.get(field.field_type)
            field_args = {"label": field.label, "required": field.required,
                          "help_text": field.help_text}
            arg_names = field_class.__init__.__code__.co_varnames
            if "max_length" in arg_names:
                field_args["max_length"] = settings.FIELD_MAX_LENGTH
            if "choices" in arg_names:
                choices = list(field.get_choices())
                if field.field_type == fields.SELECT and not (field.required and field.default):
                    # The first OPTION with attr. value="" display only if...
                    #   1. ...the field is not required.
                    #   2. ...the field is required and the default is not set.
                    text = "" if field.placeholder_text is None else field.placeholder_text
                    choices.insert(0, ("", text))
                field_args["choices"] = choices
            if field_widget is not None:
                field_args["widget"] = field_widget
            #   Initial value for field, in order of preference:
            # - If a form model instance is given (eg we're editing a
            #   form response), then use the instance's value for the
            #   field.
            # - If the developer has provided an explicit "initial"
            #   dict, use it.
            # - The default value for the field instance as given in
            #   the admin.
            initial_val = None
                initial_val = field_entries[field.id]
            except KeyError:
                    initial_val = initial[field_key]
                except KeyError:
                    initial_val = Template(field.default).render(context)
            if initial_val:
                if field.is_a(*fields.MULTIPLE):
                    initial_val = split_choices(initial_val)
                if field.field_type == fields.CHECKBOX:
                    initial_val = initial_val != "False"
                self.initial[field_key] = initial_val
            self.fields[field_key] = field_class(**field_args)

            if field.field_type == fields.DOB:
                now = datetime.now()
                years = list(range(now.year, now.year - 120, -1))
                self.fields[field_key].widget.years = years

            # Add identifying CSS classes to the field.
            css_class = field_class.__name__.lower()
            # Do not add the 'required' field to the CheckboxSelectMultiple because it will 
            # mean that all checkboxes have to be checked instead of the usual use case of
            # "at least one".  
            if field.required and (field_widget != forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple):
                css_class += " required"
                if settings.USE_HTML5:
                    # Except Django version 1.10 this is necessary for all versions from 1.8 to 1.11.
                    self.fields[field_key].widget.attrs["required"] = "required"

            self.fields[field_key].widget.attrs["class"] = css_class
            if field.placeholder_text and not field.default and field.field_type != fields.SELECT:
                # Attribute `placeholder` not allowed on element `select` at this point.
                # See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/select
                # or check the code in https://validator.w3.org.
                text = field.placeholder_text
                self.fields[field_key].widget.attrs["placeholder"] = text
예제 #11
    def __init__(self, form, context, *args, **kwargs):
        Dynamically add each of the form fields for the given form model
        instance and its related field model instances.
        self.fieldsets = []  # supported by the fieldsetMixin
        self.form = form
        self.form_fields = form.fields.visible()
        initial = kwargs.pop("initial", {})
        # If a FormEntry instance is given to edit, stores it's field
        # values for using as initial data.
        field_entries = {}
        if kwargs.get("instance"):
            for field_entry in kwargs["instance"].fields.all():
                field_entries[field_entry.field_id] = field_entry.value
        super(FormForForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        from pprint import pprint
        print "initial fieldsets:"
        #self._tmpl_p[0] = u'<div class="fieldset" >%(title)s%(description)s%(fields)s</div>'
        mutable = list(self._tmpl_p)
            0] = u'<div class="fieldset" >%(title)s%(description)s%(fields)s</div>'
        self._tmpl_p = tuple(mutable)

        # Create the form fields.
        for field in self.form_fields:
            if not field.page:
                print "Field", field, "has no page assignment"
                #                       our fieldset    page name                               page description,       field name
                #add_field_to_fieldsets( self.fieldsets, 'Questions',                           ' ',                     field.slug) #).replace(' ', '_') )
                print "adding", field.slug, "to", field.page.name
                    self.fieldsets, field.page.name, field.page.description,
                    field.slug)  #str(field).replace(' ', '_') )
            field_key = field.slug
            field_class = fields.CLASSES[field.field_type]
            field_widget = fields.WIDGETS.get(field.field_type)
            field_args = {
                "label": field.label,
                "required": field.required,
                "help_text": field.help_text
            arg_names = field_class.__init__.im_func.func_code.co_varnames
            if "max_length" in arg_names:
                field_args["max_length"] = settings.FIELD_MAX_LENGTH
            if "choices" in arg_names:
                field_args["choices"] = field.get_choices()
            if field_widget is not None:
                field_args["widget"] = field_widget
            #   Initial value for field, in order of preference:
            # - If a form model instance is given (eg we're editing a
            #   form response), then use the instance's value for the
            #   field.
            # - If the developer has provided an explicit "initial"
            #   dict, use it.
            # - The default value for the field instance as given in
            #   the admin.
            initial_val = None
                initial_val = field_entries[field.id]
            except KeyError:
                    initial_val = initial[field_key]
                except KeyError:
                    initial_val = Template(field.default).render(context)
            if initial_val:
                if field.is_a(*fields.MULTIPLE):
                    initial_val = split_choices(initial_val)
                if field.field_type == fields.CHECKBOX:
                    initial_val = initial_val != "False"
                self.initial[field_key] = initial_val
            self.fields[field_key] = field_class(**field_args)

            if field.field_type == fields.DOB:
                now = datetime.now()
                years = range(now.year, now.year - 120, -1)
                self.fields[field_key].widget.years = years

            # Add identifying CSS classes to the field.
            css_class = field_class.__name__.lower()
            if field.required:
                css_class += " required"
                if (settings.USE_HTML5
                        and field.field_type != fields.CHECKBOX_MULTIPLE):
                    self.fields[field_key].widget.attrs["required"] = ""
            self.fields[field_key].widget.attrs["class"] = css_class
            if field.placeholder_text and not field.default:
                text = field.placeholder_text
                self.fields[field_key].widget.attrs["placeholder"] = text
예제 #12
    def __init__(self, form, context, *args, **kwargs):
        Dynamically add each of the form fields for the given form model
        instance and its related field model instances.
        self.fieldsets = [] # supported by the fieldsetMixin
        self.form = form
        self.form_fields = form.fields.visible()
        initial = kwargs.pop("initial", {})
        # If a FormEntry instance is given to edit, stores it's field
        # values for using as initial data.
        field_entries = {}
        if kwargs.get("instance"):
            for field_entry in kwargs["instance"].fields.all():
                field_entries[field_entry.field_id] = field_entry.value
        super(FormForForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        from pprint import pprint
        print "initial fieldsets:"
        pprint( self.fieldsets )
        #self._tmpl_p[0] = u'<div class="fieldset" >%(title)s%(description)s%(fields)s</div>'
        mutable = list( self._tmpl_p )
        mutable[0] = u'<div class="fieldset" >%(title)s%(description)s%(fields)s</div>'
        self._tmpl_p = tuple( mutable )

        # Create the form fields.
        for field in self.form_fields:
            if not field.page:
                print "Field", field, "has no page assignment"
                #                       our fieldset    page name                               page description,       field name
                #add_field_to_fieldsets( self.fieldsets, 'Questions',                           ' ',                     field.slug) #).replace(' ', '_') )
                print "adding", field.slug, "to", field.page.name
                add_field_to_fieldsets( self.fieldsets, field.page.name, field.page.description, field.slug )#str(field).replace(' ', '_') )
            field_key = field.slug
            field_class = fields.CLASSES[field.field_type]
            field_widget = fields.WIDGETS.get(field.field_type)
            field_args = {"label": field.label, "required": field.required,
                          "help_text": field.help_text}
            arg_names = field_class.__init__.im_func.func_code.co_varnames
            if "max_length" in arg_names:
                field_args["max_length"] = settings.FIELD_MAX_LENGTH
            if "choices" in arg_names:
                field_args["choices"] = field.get_choices()
            if field_widget is not None:
                field_args["widget"] = field_widget
            #   Initial value for field, in order of preference:
            # - If a form model instance is given (eg we're editing a
            #   form response), then use the instance's value for the
            #   field.
            # - If the developer has provided an explicit "initial"
            #   dict, use it.
            # - The default value for the field instance as given in
            #   the admin.
            initial_val = None
                initial_val = field_entries[field.id]
            except KeyError:
                    initial_val = initial[field_key]
                except KeyError:
                    initial_val = Template(field.default).render(context)
            if initial_val:
                if field.is_a(*fields.MULTIPLE):
                    initial_val = split_choices(initial_val)
                if field.field_type == fields.CHECKBOX:
                    initial_val = initial_val != "False"
                self.initial[field_key] = initial_val
            self.fields[field_key] = field_class(**field_args)

            if field.field_type == fields.DOB:
                now = datetime.now()
                years = range(now.year, now.year - 120, -1)
                self.fields[field_key].widget.years = years

            # Add identifying CSS classes to the field.
            css_class = field_class.__name__.lower()
            if field.required:
                css_class += " required"
                if (settings.USE_HTML5 and
                    field.field_type != fields.CHECKBOX_MULTIPLE):
                    self.fields[field_key].widget.attrs["required"] = ""
            self.fields[field_key].widget.attrs["class"] = css_class
            if field.placeholder_text and not field.default:
                text = field.placeholder_text
                self.fields[field_key].widget.attrs["placeholder"] = text