예제 #1
	def Components_Manager_Ui_treeView_setModel( self ):
		This Method Sets The Components_Manager_Ui_treeView Model.
		Columns :
		Collections | Activated | Categorie | Rank | Version
		Rows :
		* Path : { _type : "Path" }
		** Component : { _type : "Component", _datas : profile }

		LOGGER.debug( "> Setting Up '{0}' Model !".format( "Components_Manager_Ui_treeView" ) )


		self._model.setHorizontalHeaderLabels( self._modelHeaders )
		self._model.setColumnCount( len( self._modelHeaders ) )

		for path in self._container.componentsManager.paths :
			components = [component for component in self._container.componentsManager.components if os.path.normpath( self._container.componentsManager.paths[path] ) in os.path.normpath( self._container.componentsManager.components[component].path )]

			if components :
				pathStandardItem = QStandardItem( QString( path ) )
				pathStandardItem._type = "Path"

				LOGGER.debug( "> Adding '{0}' Path To '{1}' Model.".format( path, "Components_Manager_Ui_treeView" ) )
				self._model.appendRow( pathStandardItem )

				for component in components :
					componentStandardItem = QStandardItem( QString( strings.getNiceName( self._container.componentsManager.components[component].module ) ) )
					iconPath = os.path.join( self._uiResources, "{0}{1}".format( strings.getNiceName( self._container.componentsManager.components[component].categorie ), self._uiCategorieAffixe ) )
					componentStandardItem.setIcon( QIcon( iconPath ) )

					componentActivationStandardItem = QStandardItem( QString( str( self._container.componentsManager.components[component].interface.activated ) ) )
					iconPath = self._container.componentsManager.components[component].interface.activated and os.path.join( self._uiResources, self._uiActivatedIcon ) or os.path.join( self._uiResources, self._uiDeactivatedIcon )
					componentActivationStandardItem.setIcon( QIcon( iconPath ) )

					componentCategorieStandardItem = QStandardItem( QString( self._container.componentsManager.components[component].categorie and strings.getNiceName( self._container.componentsManager.components[component].categorie ) or "" ) )
					componentCategorieStandardItem.setTextAlignment( Qt.AlignCenter )

					componentRankStandardItem = QStandardItem( QString( self._container.componentsManager.components[component].rank or "" ) )
					componentRankStandardItem.setTextAlignment( Qt.AlignCenter )

					componentVersionStandardItem = QStandardItem( QString( self._container.componentsManager.components[component].version or "" ) )
					componentVersionStandardItem.setTextAlignment( Qt.AlignCenter )

					componentStandardItem._datas = self._container.componentsManager.components[component]
					componentStandardItem._type = "Component"

					LOGGER.debug( "> Adding '{0}' Component To '{1}'.".format( component, "Components_Manager_Ui_treeView" ) )
					pathStandardItem.appendRow( [componentStandardItem, componentActivationStandardItem, componentCategorieStandardItem, componentRankStandardItem, componentVersionStandardItem] )

		self.emit( SIGNAL( "modelChanged()" ) )
예제 #2
	def setInterfaces(self, pattern=".*", flags=re.IGNORECASE):
		This method sets the Model interfaces.

		:param pattern: Interface name. ( String )
		:param flags: Regex filtering flags. ( Integer )
		:return: Method success. ( Boolean )

			pattern = re.compile(pattern, flags)
		except Exception:


		for name, module in self.__modulesManager:
			if not module.interfaces:

			for interface in module.interfaces:
				name = strings.getNiceName(self.getMethodName(interface))
				if re.search(pattern, name):
					self.__model.registerInterface(Interface(name=name, attribute=interface, module=module))
		return True
예제 #3
	def testGetNiceName(self):
		This method tests :func:`foundations.strings.getNiceName` definition.

		self.assertIsInstance(strings.getNiceName("testGetNiceName"), str)
		self.assertEqual(strings.getNiceName("testGetNiceName"), "Test Get Nice Name")
		self.assertEqual(strings.getNiceName("TestGetNiceName"), "Test Get Nice Name")
		self.assertEqual(strings.getNiceName("_testGetNiceName"), "_Test Get Nice Name")
		self.assertEqual(strings.getNiceName("Test Get NiceName"), "Test Get Nice Name")
		self.assertEqual(strings.getNiceName("testGetMeANiceName"), "Test Get Me A Nice Name")
예제 #4
	def Components_Manager_Ui_treeView_OnSelectionChanged( self, selectedItems, deselectedItems ):
		This Method Sets The Additional_Informations_textEdit Widget.
		@param selectedItems: Selected Items. ( QItemSelection )
		@param deselectedItems: Deselected Items. ( QItemSelection )

		LOGGER.debug( "> Initializing '{0}' Widget.".format( "Additional_Informations_textEdit" ) )

		content = []
		subContent = """
					<b>Categorie :</b> {1}
					<b>Author :</b> {2}
					<b>Email :</b> <a href="mailto:{3}"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#000000;">{3}</span></a>
					<b>Url :</b> <a href="{4}"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#000000;">{4}</span></a>
					<b>Description :</b> {5}

		selectedItems = self.getSelectedItems()
		for item in selectedItems :
			if item._type == "Component" :
				content.append( subContent.format( item._datas.name,
												strings.getNiceName( item._datas.categorie ),
												) )
				len( selectedItems ) == 1 and content.append( self._Components_Informations_textBrowser_defaultText )

		separator = len( content ) == 1 and "" or "<p><center>* * *<center/></p>"
		self.ui.Components_Informations_textBrowser.setText( separator.join( content ) )
예제 #5
	def setOptionsToolBox( self, section, tableWidget ) :
		This Method Defines And Sets Options TableWidgets.

		@param section: Section Attributes. ( Dictionary )
		@param tableWidget: Table Widget. ( QTableWidget )

		LOGGER.debug( "> Updating '{0}'.".format( tableWidget.objectName() ) )


		tableWidget.setRowCount( len( section ) )
		tableWidget.setColumnCount( len( self._optionsToolboxesHeaders ) )
		tableWidget.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection( True )
		tableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderLabels( self._optionsToolboxesHeaders )

		tableWidget.setMinimumHeight( len( section ) * self._tableWidgetRowHeight + self._tableWidgetHeaderHeight )

		palette = QPalette()
		palette.setColor( QPalette.Base, Qt.transparent )
		tableWidget.setPalette( palette )

		verticalHeaderLabels = []
		for row, attribute in enumerate( section.keys() ) :
			LOGGER.debug( "> Current Attribute : '{0}'.".format( attribute ) )
			attributeCompound = foundations.parser.getAttributeCompound( attribute, section[attribute] )
			if attributeCompound.name :
				verticalHeaderLabels.append( attributeCompound.alias )
				verticalHeaderLabels.append( strings.getNiceName( attributeCompound.name ) )

			LOGGER.debug( "> Attribute Type : '{0}'.".format( "Boolean" ) )
			if attributeCompound.type == "Boolean" :
				if attributeCompound.value == "1":
					item = Variable_QPushButton( True, ( self._uiLightGrayColor, self._uiDarkGrayColor ), ( "True", "False" ) )
					item.setChecked( True )
					item._datas = attributeCompound
					tableWidget.setCellWidget( row, 0, item )
				else :
					item = Variable_QPushButton( False, ( self._uiLightGrayColor, self._uiDarkGrayColor ), ( "True", "False" ) )
					item.setChecked( False )
					item._datas = attributeCompound
					tableWidget.setCellWidget( row, 0, item )
			elif attributeCompound.type == "Float" :
				item = QDoubleSpinBox()
				item.setMinimum( 0 )
				item.setMaximum( 65535 )
				item.setValue( float ( attributeCompound.value ) )
				item._datas = attributeCompound
				tableWidget.setCellWidget( row, 0, item )
			else :
				item = QTableWidgetItem( QString( attributeCompound.value ) )
				item.setTextAlignment( Qt.AlignCenter )
				item._datas = attributeCompound
				tableWidget.setItem( row, 0, item )

		tableWidget.setVerticalHeaderLabels ( verticalHeaderLabels )