예제 #1
def test_new_kernel_file(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
    ''' Check that we write out the transformed kernel to the CWD. '''
    from fparser.two import Fortran2003, parser
    from fparser.common.readfortran import FortranFileReader
    # Ensure kernel-output directory is uninitialised
    config = Config.get()
    monkeypatch.setattr(config, "_kernel_output_dir", "")
    monkeypatch.setattr(config, "_kernel_naming", "multiple")
    # Change to temp dir (so kernel written there)
    old_cwd = tmpdir.chdir()
    psy, invoke = get_invoke("nemolite2d_alg_mod.f90", api="gocean1.0", idx=0)
    sched = invoke.schedule
    kern = sched.children[0].loop_body[0].loop_body[0]
    rtrans = ACCRoutineTrans()
    _, _ = rtrans.apply(kern)
    # Generate the code (this triggers the generation of a new kernel)
    code = str(psy.gen).lower()
    # Work out the value of the tag used to re-name the kernel
    tag = re.search('use continuity(.+?)_mod', code).group(1)
    assert ("use continuity{0}_mod, only: continuity{0}_code".format(tag)
            in code)
    assert "call continuity{0}_code(".format(tag) in code
    # The kernel and module name should have gained the tag just identified
    # and be written to the CWD
    filename = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), "continuity{0}_mod.f90".format(tag))
    assert os.path.isfile(filename)
    # Parse the new kernel file
    f2003_parser = parser.ParserFactory().create()
    reader = FortranFileReader(filename)
    prog = f2003_parser(reader)
    # Check that the module has the right name
    modules = walk_ast(prog.content, [Fortran2003.Module_Stmt])
    assert str(modules[0].items[1]) == "continuity{0}_mod".format(tag)
    # Check that the subroutine has the right name
    subs = walk_ast(prog.content, [Fortran2003.Subroutine_Stmt])
    found = False
    for sub in subs:
        if str(sub.items[1]) == "continuity{0}_code".format(tag):
            found = True
    assert found
    # Check that the kernel type has been re-named
    dtypes = walk_ast(prog.content, [Fortran2003.Derived_Type_Def])
    names = walk_ast(dtypes[0].content, [Fortran2003.Type_Name])
    assert str(names[0]) == "continuity{0}_type".format(tag)

    from gocean1p0_build import GOcean1p0Build
    # If compilation fails this will raise an exception

예제 #2
    def perform(self, targs):

        reader = readfortran.FortranFileReader(targs.data,

        parser = fortranparser.ParserFactory().create(std="f2008")

        tree = parser(reader)

        if targs.output:
            with open(targs.output, "wb") as f:
                synnode = Node(tree, None)
                pickle.dump(synnode, f)
