# schema = schemas.CompletionParameterSchema(many=True) # class Completions(CompletionListResource): # """ All data for a list of completions """ # schema = schemas.CompletionParameterSchema(many=True) class Test(Completion10): def get(self) -> Tuple[Dict, int]: # type: ignore return request.args, 200 api.add_resource(Test, "/test") api.add_resource(Completions, "/") api.add_resource(Completion, "/<api>") api.add_resource(Completion10, "/api10/<api10>") api.add_resource(Completion14, "/api14/<api14>") if __name__ == "__main__": from fracfocus import create_app from config import get_active_config app = create_app() app.app_context().push() conf = get_active_config() api10s = ["4246140916"] Registry.completion_calcs(api10s=api10s) Registry.query.filter(Registry.api10.in_(api10s)).all()
""" Entrypoint for WSGI HTTP Server, usually gunicorn """ from gevent import monkey monkey.patch_all() from fracfocus import create_app # gunicorn expects the app object to appear under a variable named "application" application = create_app()