예제 #1
def test_random_fractionally_isomorphic_graphs():
    G = graph_from_file('data/graph1.txt')
    seed = 123
    times = 3
    for H in random_fractionally_isomorphic_graphs(G, times=times, seed=seed):
        assert are_fractionally_isomorphic(G, H)

    G = graph_from_file('data/graph5.txt')
    from networkx import to_numpy_matrix
    for H in random_fractionally_isomorphic_graphs(G, times=times):
        assert are_fractionally_isomorphic(G, H)
예제 #2
def test_are_fractionally_isomorphic():
    # Test some graphs that are fractionally isomorphic but not isomorphic.

    # Test some graphs that are isomorphic, and therefore fractionally
    # isomorphic as well.
    G = graph_from_file('data/graph3.txt')
    H = graph_from_file('data/graph4.txt')
    _assert_fractionally_isomorphic(G, H)

    # Test for graphs that are not fractionally isomorphic.
    G = graph_from_file('data/graph4.txt')
    H = graph_from_file('data/graph5.txt')
    are_isomorphic, witness = are_fractionally_isomorphic(G, H)
    assert not are_isomorphic
    assert witness is None
예제 #3
def _assert_fractionally_isomorphic(G=None, H=None, algorithm='cep'):
    if G is None:
        G = graph_from_file('data/graph1.txt')
    if H is None:
        H = graph_from_file('data/graph2.txt')
    are_isomorphic, S = are_fractionally_isomorphic(G, H, algorithm=algorithm)
    assert are_isomorphic
    if algorithm == 'cep':
        partition1, partition2 = S
        assert is_valid_partition(G, partition1)
        assert is_valid_partition(H, partition2)
        assert is_partition_equitable(G, partition1)
        assert is_partition_equitable(H, partition2)
        assert are_common_partitions(G, partition1, H, partition2)
        assert verify_isomorphism(G, H, S)
예제 #4
def test_random_fractionally_isomorphic_graph():
    G = graph_from_file('data/graph1.txt')
    for seed in (123, 456, 789):
        H = random_fractionally_isomorphic_graph(G, seed=seed)
        assert are_fractionally_isomorphic(G, H)