def intialise_proxy_manager(options): """ Proxy Manager initialization. :param dict options: Proxy manager configuration parameters. """ proxy_manager = None if options['Botnet_mode'] is not None: proxy_manager = Proxy_manager() answer = "Yes" proxies = [] if options['Botnet_mode'][0] == "miner": miner = Proxy_Miner() proxies = miner.start_miner() if options['Botnet_mode'][0] == "list": # load proxies from list proxies = proxy_manager.load_proxy_list( options['Botnet_mode'][1] ) answer = raw_input( "[#] Do you want to check the proxy list? [Yes/no] : " ) if answer.upper() in ["", "YES", "Y"]: proxy_q = multiprocessing.Queue() proxy_checker = multiprocessing.Process( target=Proxy_Checker.check_proxies, args=(proxy_q, proxies,) )"Checking Proxies...") start_time = time.time() proxy_checker.start() proxies = proxy_q.get() proxy_checker.join() proxy_manager.proxies = proxies proxy_manager.number_of_proxies = len(proxies) if options['Botnet_mode'][0] == "miner":"Writing proxies to disk(~/.owtf/proxy_miner/proxies.txt)") miner.export_proxies_to_file("proxies.txt", proxies) if answer.upper() in ["", "YES", "Y"]: "Proxy Check Time: %s", time.strftime( '%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time() - start_time - 3600) ) ) cprint("Done") if proxy_manager.number_of_proxies is 0: ServiceLocator.get_component("error_handler").FrameworkAbort("No Alive proxies.") proxy = proxy_manager.get_next_available_proxy() # check proxy var... http:// sock:// options['OutboundProxy'] = [] options['OutboundProxy'].append(proxy["proxy"][0]) options['OutboundProxy'].append(proxy["proxy"][1])
def StartBotnetMode(self, options): self.Proxy_manager = None if options['Botnet_mode'] is not None: self.Proxy_manager = Proxy_manager() answer = "Yes" proxies = [] if options['Botnet_mode'][0] == "miner": miner = Proxy_Miner() proxies = miner.start_miner() if options['Botnet_mode'][0] == "list": # load proxies from list proxies = self.Proxy_manager.load_proxy_list( options['Botnet_mode'][1]) answer = raw_input( "[#] Do you want to check the proxy list? [Yes/no] : ") if answer.upper() in ["", "YES", "Y"]: proxy_q = multiprocessing.Queue() proxy_checker = multiprocessing.Process( target=Proxy_Checker.check_proxies, args=( proxy_q, proxies, ))"Checking Proxies...") start_time = time.time() proxy_checker.start() proxies = proxy_q.get() proxy_checker.join() self.Proxy_manager.proxies = proxies self.Proxy_manager.number_of_proxies = len(proxies) if options['Botnet_mode'][0] == "miner": "Writing proxies to disk(~/.owtf/proxy_miner/proxies.txt)") miner.export_proxies_to_file("proxies.txt", proxies) if answer.upper() in ["", "YES", "Y"]: "Proxy Check Time: %s", time.strftime( '%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time() - start_time - 3600))) cprint("Done") if self.Proxy_manager.number_of_proxies is 0: self.Error.FrameworkAbort("No Alive proxies.") proxy = self.Proxy_manager.get_next_available_proxy() # check proxy var... http:// sock:// options['OutboundProxy'] = [] options['OutboundProxy'].append(proxy["proxy"][0]) options['OutboundProxy'].append(proxy["proxy"][1])
def StartBotnetMode(self, Options): self.Proxy_manager = None if Options['Botnet_mode'] != None: self.Proxy_manager = Proxy_manager() answer = "Yes" proxies = [] if Options['Botnet_mode'][0] == "miner": miner = Proxy_Miner() proxies = miner.start_miner() if Options['Botnet_mode'][0] == "list": # load proxies from list proxies = self.Proxy_manager.load_proxy_list( Options['Botnet_mode'][1]) answer = raw_input( "[#] Do you want to check the proxy list? [Yes/no] : ") if answer.upper() in ["", "YES", "Y"]: proxy_q = Queue() proxy_checker = Process(target=Proxy_Checker.check_proxies, args=( proxy_q, proxies, )) cprint("Checking Proxies...") #cprint("Start Time: " + time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()))) start_time = time.time() proxy_checker.start() proxies = proxy_q.get() proxy_checker.join() self.Proxy_manager.proxies = proxies self.Proxy_manager.number_of_proxies = len(proxies) if Options['Botnet_mode'][0] == "miner": print "Writing Proxies to disk(~/.owtf/proxy_miner/proxies.txt)" miner.export_proxies_to_file("proxies.txt", proxies) if answer.upper() in ["", "YES", "Y"]: cprint("Proxy Check Time: " +\ time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time() - start_time - 3600) ) ) cprint("Done") proxy = self.Proxy_manager.get_next_available_proxy() #check proxy var... http:// sock:// Options['OutboundProxy'] = [] Options['OutboundProxy'].append(proxy["proxy"][0]) Options['OutboundProxy'].append(proxy["proxy"][1])
def StartBotnetMode(self, Options): self.Proxy_manager = None if Options['Botnet_mode'] != None: self.Proxy_manager = Proxy_manager() answer = "Yes" proxies = [] if Options['Botnet_mode'][0] == "miner": miner = Proxy_Miner() proxies = miner.start_miner() if Options['Botnet_mode'][0] == "list": # load proxies from list proxies = self.Proxy_manager.load_proxy_list(Options['Botnet_mode'][1]) answer = raw_input("[#] Do you want to check the proxy list? [Yes/no] : ") if answer.upper() in ["", "YES", "Y"]: proxy_q = Queue() proxy_checker = Process( target=Proxy_Checker.check_proxies, args=(proxy_q, proxies,) ) cprint("Checking Proxies...") #cprint("Start Time: " + time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()))) start_time = time.time() proxy_checker.start() proxies = proxy_q.get() proxy_checker.join() self.Proxy_manager.proxies = proxies self.Proxy_manager.number_of_proxies = len(proxies) if Options['Botnet_mode'][0] == "miner": print "Writing Proxies to disk(~/.owtf/proxy_miner/proxies.txt)" miner.export_proxies_to_file("proxies.txt", proxies) if answer.upper() in ["", "YES", "Y"]: cprint("Proxy Check Time: " +\ time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time() - start_time - 3600) ) ) cprint("Done") proxy = self.Proxy_manager.get_next_available_proxy() #check proxy var... http:// sock:// Options['OutboundProxy'] = [] Options['OutboundProxy'].append(proxy["proxy"][0]) Options['OutboundProxy'].append(proxy["proxy"][1])
class Core: def __init__(self, RootDir, OwtfPid): self.CreateTempStorageDirs(OwtfPid) # Tightly coupled, cohesive framework components: self.Error = error_handler.ErrorHandler(self) self.Shell = blocking_shell.Shell( self ) # Config needs to find plugins via shell = instantiate shell first self.Config = config.Config(RootDir, OwtfPid, self) self.Config.Init( ) # Now the the config is hooked to the core, init config sub-components self.PluginHelper = plugin_helper.PluginHelper( self) # Plugin Helper needs access to automate Plugin tasks self.Random = random.Random() self.Reporter = reporter.Reporter( self) # Reporter needs access to Core to access Config, etc self.Selenium = selenium_handler.Selenium(self) self.InteractiveShell = interactive_shell.InteractiveShell(self) self.SET = set_handler.SETHandler(self) self.SMTP = smtp.SMTP(self) self.SMB = smb.SMB(self) self.messaging_admin = messaging_admin.message_admin(self) self.showOutput = True self.TOR_process = None # Create internal IPv4 regex following rfc1918 self.re_ipv4_internal = re.compile( r"(^128\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$)|" r"(^10\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$)|" r"(^192\.168\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$)|" r"(^172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})$") def CreateTempStorageDirs(self, OwtfPid): temp_storage = os.path.join("/tmp", "owtf", str(OwtfPid)) if not os.path.exists(temp_storage): os.makedirs(temp_storage) def CleanTempStorageDirs(self, OwtfPid): temp_storage = os.path.join("/tmp", "owtf", str(OwtfPid)) renamed_temp_storage = os.path.join("/tmp", "owtf", "old-" + str(OwtfPid)) if os.path.exists(temp_storage): os.rename(temp_storage, renamed_temp_storage) #wrapper to log function def log(self, *args): log(*args) def IsInScopeURL(self, URL): # To avoid following links to other domains ParsedURL = urlparse(URL) #URLHostName = URL.split("/")[2] for HostName in self.Config.GetAll( 'HOST_NAME'): # Get all known Host Names in Scope #if URLHostName == HostName: if ParsedURL.hostname == HostName: return True return False def CreateMissingDirs(self, Path): Dir = os.path.dirname(Path) if not os.path.exists(Dir): os.makedirs(Dir) # Create any missing directories def DumpFile(self, Filename, Contents, Directory): SavePath = Directory + WipeBadCharsForFilename(Filename) self.CreateMissingDirs(Directory) with open(SavePath, 'wb') as file: file.write(Contents) return SavePath def get_child_pids(self, parent_pid): PsCommand = subprocess.Popen("ps -o pid --ppid %d --noheaders" % parent_pid, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output, error = PsCommand.communicate() return [int(child_pid) for child_pid in output.readlines("\n")[:-1]] def GetPartialPath(self, Path): #return MultipleReplace(Path, List2DictKeys(RemoveListBlanks(self.Config.GetAsList( [ 'HOST_OUTPUT', 'OUTPUT_PATH' ])))) #print str(self.Config.GetAsList( [ 'HOST_OUTPUT', 'OUTPUT_PATH' ] )) #print "Path before="+Path #Path = MultipleReplace(Path, List2DictKeys(RemoveListBlanks(self.Config.GetAsList( [ 'OUTPUT_PATH' ])))) #Need to replace URL OUTPUT first so that "View Unique as HTML" Matches on body links work Path = MultipleReplace( Path, List2DictKeys( RemoveListBlanks( self.Config.GetAsList(['HOST_OUTPUT', 'OUTPUT_PATH'])))) #print "Path after="+Path if '/' == Path[0]: # Stripping out leading "/" if present Path = Path[1:] return Path def GetCommand(self, argv): # Format command to remove directory and space-separate arguments return " ".join(argv).replace(argv[0], os.path.basename(argv[0])) def AnonymiseCommand(self, Command): for Host in self.Config.GetAll( 'HOST_NAME' ): # Host name setting value for all targets in scope if Host: # Value is not blank Command = Command.replace(Host, '') for ip in self.Config.GetAll('HOST_IP'): if ip: Command = Command.replace(ip, '') return Command def start_reporter(self): """ This function starts the reporting process """ self.reporting = reporting_process() self.reporting_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() self.reporting_process = multiprocessing.Process( target=self.reporting.start, args=(self, 60, self.reporting_queue)) self.reporting_process.start() def Start_TOR_Mode(self, Options): if Options['TOR_mode'] != None: #if Options['TOR_mode'][0] != "help": if tor_manager.TOR_manager.is_tor_running(): self.TOR_process = tor_manager.TOR_manager( self, Options['TOR_mode']) self.TOR_process = self.TOR_process.Run() else: tor_manager.TOR_manager.msg_start_tor(self) tor_manager.TOR_manager.msg_configure_tor() self.Error.FrameworkAbort("TOR Daemon is not running") #else: #tor_manager.TOR_manager.msg_configure_tor() #self.Error.FrameworkAbort("Configuration help is running") def StartBotnetMode(self, Options): self.Proxy_manager = None if Options['Botnet_mode'] != None: self.Proxy_manager = Proxy_manager() answer = "Yes" proxies = [] if Options['Botnet_mode'][0] == "miner": miner = Proxy_Miner() proxies = miner.start_miner() if Options['Botnet_mode'][0] == "list": # load proxies from list proxies = self.Proxy_manager.load_proxy_list( Options['Botnet_mode'][1]) answer = raw_input( "[#] Do you want to check the proxy list? [Yes/no] : ") if answer.upper() in ["", "YES", "Y"]: proxy_q = Queue() proxy_checker = Process(target=Proxy_Checker.check_proxies, args=( proxy_q, proxies, )) cprint("Checking Proxies...") #cprint("Start Time: " + time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()))) start_time = time.time() proxy_checker.start() proxies = proxy_q.get() proxy_checker.join() self.Proxy_manager.proxies = proxies self.Proxy_manager.number_of_proxies = len(proxies) if Options['Botnet_mode'][0] == "miner": print "Writing Proxies to disk(~/.owtf/proxy_miner/proxies.txt)" miner.export_proxies_to_file("proxies.txt", proxies) if answer.upper() in ["", "YES", "Y"]: cprint("Proxy Check Time: " +\ time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time() - start_time - 3600) ) ) cprint("Done") proxy = self.Proxy_manager.get_next_available_proxy() #check proxy var... http:// sock:// Options['OutboundProxy'] = [] Options['OutboundProxy'].append(proxy["proxy"][0]) Options['OutboundProxy'].append(proxy["proxy"][1]) #start running and recheck proxies #OutboundProxy': ['http', '', '8080'] #Options["OutboundProxy"]=['http', '', '8080'] #print Options #time.sleep(21) #self.Error.FrameworkAbort("Testing Run") def StartProxy(self, Options): # The proxy along with supporting processes are started if not self.Config.Get('SIMULATION'): # Check if port is in use try: temp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) temp_socket.bind((self.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY_IP'), int(self.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY_PORT')))) temp_socket.close() except Exception: self.Error.FrameworkAbort("Inbound proxy address " + self.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY') + " already in use") # If everything is fine self.ProxyProcess = proxy.ProxyProcess( self, Options['OutboundProxy'], Options['OutboundProxyAuth']) self.TransactionLogger = transaction_logger.TransactionLogger(self) cprint("Starting Inbound proxy at " + self.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY')) self.ProxyProcess.start() cprint("Starting Transaction logger process") self.TransactionLogger.start() self.Requester = requester.Requester(self, [ self.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY_IP'), self.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY_PORT') ]) cprint("Proxy transaction's log file at %s" % (self.Config.Get("PROXY_LOG"))) cprint("Visit http://" + self.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY') + "/proxy to use Plug-n-Hack standard") cprint( "Execution of OWTF is halted.You can browse through OWTF proxy) Press Enter to continue with OWTF" ) if Options["Interactive"]: raw_input() else: self.Requester = requester.Requester(self, Options['OutboundProxy']) def outputfunc(self, q): """This is the function/thread which writes on terminal. It takes the content from queue and if showOutput is true it writes to console. Otherwise it appends to a variable. If the next token is 'end' It simply writes to the console. """ t = "" #flags = fcntl.fcntl(sys.stdout, fcntl.F_GETFL) #fcntl.fcntl(sys.stdout, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags | os.O_NONBLOCK) while True: try: k = q.get() #print k except: continue if k == 'end': try: sys.stdout.write(t) except: pass return t = t + k if (self.showOutput): try: sys.stdout.write(t) t = "" except: pass def initlogger(self): """Init two loggers to output in logfile and stdout.""" #logger for output in console self.outputqueue = multiprocessing.Queue() result_queue = logQueue(self.outputqueue) log = logging.getLogger('general') infohandler = logging.StreamHandler(result_queue) log.setLevel(logging.INFO) infoformatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s") infohandler.setFormatter(infoformatter) log.addHandler(infohandler) self.outputthread = Thread(target=self.outputfunc, args=(self.outputqueue, )) self.outputthread.start() #logger for output in log file log = logging.getLogger('logfile') infohandler = logging.FileHandler(self.Config.Get("OWTF_LOG_FILE"), mode="w+") log.setLevel(logging.INFO) infoformatter = logging.Formatter( "%(type)s - %(asctime)s - %(processname)s - %(functionname)s - %(message)s" ) infohandler.setFormatter(infoformatter) log.addHandler(infohandler) def Start(self, Options): if self.initialise_framework(Options): return self.run_plugins() def initialise_framework(self, Options): self.ProxyMode = Options["ProxyMode"] cprint("Loading framework please wait..") self.Config.ProcessOptions(Options) self.initlogger() self.Timer = timer.Timer( self.Config.Get('DATE_TIME_FORMAT')) # Requires user config self.Timer.StartTimer('core') self.initialise_plugin_handler_and_params(Options) if Options['ListPlugins']: self.PluginHandler.ShowPluginList() self.exitOutput() return False # No processing required, just list available modules self.DB = db.DB( self ) # DB is initialised from some Config settings, must be hooked at this point self.DB.Init() self.messaging_admin.Init() Command = self.GetCommand(Options['argv']) self.DB.Run.StartRun(Command) # Log owtf run options, start time, etc if self.Config.Get('SIMULATION'): cprint( "WARNING: In Simulation mode plugins are not executed only plugin sequence is simulated" ) else: # Reporter process is not needed unless a real run self.start_reporter() self.StartBotnetMode(Options) #starting only if the Options are setted self.StartProxy(Options) # Proxy mode is started in that function self.Start_TOR_Mode( Options) # TOR mode will start only if the Options are set # Proxy Check ProxySuccess, Message = self.Requester.ProxyCheck() cprint(Message) if not ProxySuccess: # Regardless of interactivity settings if the proxy check fails = no point to move on self.Error.FrameworkAbort(Message) # Abort if proxy check failed # Each Plugin adds its own results to the report, the report is updated on the fly after each plugin completes (or before!) self.Error.SetCommand(self.AnonymiseCommand( Command)) # Set anonymised invoking command for error dump info return True def initialise_plugin_handler_and_params(self, Options): self.PluginHandler = plugin_handler.PluginHandler(self, Options) self.PluginParams = plugin_params.PluginParams(self, Options) def run_plugins(self): Status = self.PluginHandler.ProcessPlugins() if Status['AllSkipped']: self.Finish('Skipped') elif not Status['SomeSuccessful'] and Status['SomeAborted']: self.Finish('Aborted') return False elif not Status[ 'SomeSuccessful']: # Not a single plugin completed successfully, major crash or something self.Finish('Crashed') return False return True # Scan was successful def ReportErrorsToGithub(self): cprint( "Do you want to add any extra info to the bug report ? [Just press Enter to skip]" ) info = raw_input("> ") cprint( "Do you want to add your GitHub username to the report? [Press Enter to skip]" ) user = raw_input("Reported by @") if self.Error.AddGithubIssue(Info=info, User=user): cprint("Github issue added, Thanks for reporting!!") else: cprint("Unable to add github issue, but thanks for trying :D") def Finish(self, Status='Complete', Report=True): if self.TOR_process != None: self.TOR_process.terminate() if self.Config.Get('SIMULATION'): if hasattr(self, 'messaging_admin'): self.messaging_admin.finishMessaging() self.exitOutput() exit() else: try: self.DB.Run.EndRun(Status) cprint("Saving DBs") self.DB.SaveDBs() # Save DBs prior to producing the report :) if Report: cprint( "Finishing iteration and assembling report again (with updated run information)" ) #PreviousTarget = self.Config.GetTarget() #for Target in self.Config.GetTargets(): # We have to finish all the reports in this run to update run information # self.Config.SetTarget(Target) # Much save the report for each target #self.Reporter.ReportFinish() # Must save the report again at the end regarless of Status => Update Run info #self.Config.SetTarget(PreviousTarget) # Restore previous target cprint("OWTF iteration finished") if self.DB.ErrorCount( ) > 0: # Some error occurred (counter not accurate but we only need to know if sth happened) cprint('Errors saved to ' + self.Config.Get('ERROR_DB') + '. Would you like us to auto-report bugs ?') choice = raw_input("[Y/n] ") if choice != 'n' and choice != 'N': self.ReportErrorsToGithub() else: cprint( "We know that you are planning on submitting it manually ;)" ) #self.dbHandlerProcess.join() except AttributeError: # DB not instantiated yet! cprint("OWTF finished: No time to report anything! :P") finally: if self.ProxyMode: try: cprint( "Stopping inbound proxy processes and cleaning up, Please wait!" ) self.KillChildProcesses( self.ProxyProcess.terminate() # No signal is generated during closing process by terminate() os.kill(int(, signal.SIGINT) except: # It means the proxy was not started pass if hasattr(self, 'reporting_process'): self.reporting_queue.put("done") self.reporting_process.join() if hasattr(self, 'DB'): cprint("Saving DBs before stopping messaging") self.DB.SaveDBs( ) # So that detailed_report_register populated by reporting is saved :P if hasattr(self, 'messaging_admin'): self.messaging_admin.finishMessaging() self.exitOutput() #print self.Timer.GetElapsedTime('core') exit() def exitOutput(self): if hasattr(self, 'outputthread'): self.outputqueue.put('end') self.outputthread.join() if os.path.exists("owtf_review"): if os.path.exists("owtf_review/logfile"): data = open(self.Config.Get("OWTF_LOG_FILE")).read() AppendToFile("owtf_review/logfile", data) else: shutil.move(self.Config.Get("OWTF_LOG_FILE"), "owtf_review") def GetSeed(self): try: return self.DB.GetSeed() except AttributeError: # DB not instantiated yet return "" def is_ip_internal(self, ip): return len(self.re_ipv4_internal.findall(ip)) == 1 def IsTargetUnreachable(self, Target=''): if not Target: Target = self.Config.GetTarget() #print "Target="+Target+" in "+str(self.DB.GetData('UNREACHABLE_DB'))+"?? -> "+str(Target in self.DB.GetData('UNREACHABLE_DB')) return Target in self.DB.GetData('UNREACHABLE_DB') def GetFileAsList(self, FileName): return GetFileAsList(FileName) def KillChildProcesses(self, parent_pid, sig=signal.SIGINT): PsCommand = subprocess.Popen("ps -o pid --ppid %d --noheaders" % parent_pid, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) PsOutput = RetCode = PsCommand.wait() #assert RetCode == 0, "ps command returned %d" % RetCode for PidStr in PsOutput.split("\n")[:-1]: self.KillChildProcesses(int(PidStr), sig) #print PidStr try: os.kill(int(PidStr), sig) except: print("unable to kill it")
class Core(object): """ The glue which holds everything together """ def __init__(self, root_dir, owtf_pid): """ [*] Tightly coupled, cohesive framework components [*] Order is important + IO decorated so as to abort on any permission errors + Attach error handler and config + Required folders created + All other components are attached to core: shell, db etc... + Required booleans and attributes are initialised + If modules have Init calls, they are run Init procedures can exist only if the component can do some initialisation only after addition of all components """ # ------------------------ IO decoration ------------------------ # self.decorate_io() # ------------------------ Error & Config ------------------------ # self.Error = error_handler.ErrorHandler(self) self.Config = config.Config(root_dir, owtf_pid, self) # ----------------------- Directory creation ----------------------- # self.create_dirs() self.pnh_log_file() # <-- This is not supposed to be here # -------------------- Component attachment -------------------- # # (Order is important, if there is a dependency on some other # other component please mention in a comment) # Shell might be needed in some places self.Shell = blocking_shell.Shell(self) # As soon as you have config create logger for MainProcess self.enable_logging() # Plugin Helper needs access to automate Plugin tasks self.PluginHelper = plugin_helper.PluginHelper(self) # Reporter needs access to Core to access Config, etc self.Reporter = reporter.Reporter(self) self.Selenium = selenium_handler.Selenium(self) self.InteractiveShell = interactive_shell.InteractiveShell(self) self.SET = set_handler.SETHandler(self) self.SMTP = smtp.SMTP(self) self.SMB = smb.SMB(self) # DB needs Config for some settings self.DB = db.DB(self) self.DB.Init() # Seperate Init because of self reference # Timer requires DB self.Timer = timer.Timer(self.DB.Config.Get('DATE_TIME_FORMAT')) # Zest related components self.zest = zest.Zest(self) self.zap_api_handler = zap.ZAP_API(self) # -------------------- Booleans and attributes -------------------- # self.IsIPInternalRegexp = re.compile( "^127.\d{123}.\d{123}.\d{123}$|^10.\d{123}.\d{123}.\d{123}$|" "^192.168.\d{123}$|^172.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1]).[0-9]{123}.[0-9]{123}$" ) self.TOR_process = None # --------------------------- Init calls --------------------------- # # Nothing as of now self.health_check() def health_check(self): self.HealthCheck = health_check.HealthCheck(self) def create_dirs(self): """ Any directory which needs to be created at the start of owtf needs to be placed inside here. No hardcoding of paths please """ # Logs folder creation if not os.path.exists(self.Config.FrameworkConfigGetLogsDir()): self.CreateMissingDirs(self.Config.FrameworkConfigGetLogsDir()) # Temporary storage directories creation self.create_temp_storage_dirs() def create_temp_storage_dirs(self): """Create a temporary directory in /tmp with pid suffix.""" tmp_dir = os.path.join('/tmp', 'owtf') if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir): tmp_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, str(self.Config.OwtfPid)) if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir): self.makedirs(tmp_dir) def clean_temp_storage_dirs(self): """Rename older temporary directory to avoid any further confusions.""" curr_tmp_dir = os.path.join('/tmp', 'owtf', str(self.Config.OwtfPid)) new_tmp_dir = os.path.join( '/tmp', 'owtf', 'old-%d' % self.Config.OwtfPid) if os.path.exists(curr_tmp_dir) and os.access(curr_tmp_dir, os.W_OK): os.rename(curr_tmp_dir, new_tmp_dir) # wrapper to function def log(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):, *args, **kwargs) def CreateMissingDirs(self, path): if os.path.isfile(path): dir = os.path.dirname(path) else: dir = path if not os.path.exists(dir): self.makedirs(dir) # Create any missing directories. def pnh_log_file(self): self.path = self.Config.FrameworkConfigGet('PNH_EVENTS_FILE') self.mode = "w" try: if os.path.isfile(self.path): pass else: with, self.mode, owtf_clean=False): pass except IOError as e: self.log("I/O error ({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)) raise def write_event(self, content, mode): self.content = content self.mode = mode self.file_path = self.Config.FrameworkConfigGet('PNH_EVENTS_FILE') if (os.path.isfile(self.file_path) and os.access(self.file_path, os.W_OK)): try: with, self.mode, owtf_clean=False) as log_file: log_file.write(self.content) log_file.write("\n") return True except IOError: return False def DumpFile(self, filename, contents, directory): save_path = os.path.join(directory, WipeBadCharsForFilename(filename)) self.CreateMissingDirs(directory) with self.codecs_open(save_path, 'wb', 'utf-8') as f: f.write(contents.decode('utf-8', 'replace')) return save_path def get_child_pids(self, parent_pid): ps_command = subprocess.Popen( "ps -o pid --ppid %d --noheaders" % parent_pid, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output, error = ps_command.communicate() return [int(child_pid) for child_pid in output.readlines("\n")[:-1]] def GetCommand(self, argv): # Format command to remove directory and space-separate arguments. return " ".join(argv).replace(argv[0], os.path.basename(argv[0])) def AnonymiseCommand(self, command): # Host name setting value for all targets in scope. for host in self.DB.Target.GetAll('host_name'): if host: # Value is not blank command = command.replace(host, '') for ip in self.DB.Target.GetAll('host_ip'): if ip: command = command.replace(ip, '') return command def Start_TOR_Mode(self, options): if options['TOR_mode'] is not None: if options['TOR_mode'][0] != "help": if tor_manager.TOR_manager.is_tor_running(): self.TOR_process = tor_manager.TOR_manager( self, options['TOR_mode']) self.TOR_process = self.TOR_process.Run() else: tor_manager.TOR_manager.msg_start_tor(self) tor_manager.TOR_manager.msg_configure_tor(self) self.Error.FrameworkAbort("TOR Daemon is not running") else: tor_manager.TOR_manager.msg_configure_tor() self.Error.FrameworkAbort("Configuration help is running") def StartBotnetMode(self, options): self.Proxy_manager = None if options['Botnet_mode'] is not None: self.Proxy_manager = Proxy_manager() answer = "Yes" proxies = [] if options['Botnet_mode'][0] == "miner": miner = Proxy_Miner() proxies = miner.start_miner() if options['Botnet_mode'][0] == "list": # load proxies from list proxies = self.Proxy_manager.load_proxy_list( options['Botnet_mode'][1] ) answer = raw_input( "[#] Do you want to check the proxy list? [Yes/no] : " ) if answer.upper() in ["", "YES", "Y"]: proxy_q = multiprocessing.Queue() proxy_checker = multiprocessing.Process( target=Proxy_Checker.check_proxies, args=(proxy_q, proxies,) )"Checking Proxies...") start_time = time.time() proxy_checker.start() proxies = proxy_q.get() proxy_checker.join() self.Proxy_manager.proxies = proxies self.Proxy_manager.number_of_proxies = len(proxies) if options['Botnet_mode'][0] == "miner":"Writing proxies to disk(~/.owtf/proxy_miner/proxies.txt)") miner.export_proxies_to_file("proxies.txt", proxies) if answer.upper() in ["", "YES", "Y"]: "Proxy Check Time: %s", time.strftime( '%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time() - start_time - 3600) ) ) cprint("Done") if self.Proxy_manager.number_of_proxies is 0: self.Error.FrameworkAbort("No Alive proxies.") proxy = self.Proxy_manager.get_next_available_proxy() # check proxy var... http:// sock:// options['OutboundProxy'] = [] options['OutboundProxy'].append(proxy["proxy"][0]) options['OutboundProxy'].append(proxy["proxy"][1]) def StartProxy(self, options): # The proxy along with supporting processes are started if True: # Check if port is in use try: temp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) temp_socket.bind(( self.DB.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY_IP'), int(self.DB.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY_PORT')))) temp_socket.close() except socket.error: self.Error.FrameworkAbort( "Inbound proxy address " + self.DB.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY_IP') + ":" + self.DB.Config.Get("INBOUND_PROXY_PORT") + " already in use") # If everything is fine. self.ProxyProcess = proxy.ProxyProcess(self) self.ProxyProcess.initialize( options['OutboundProxy'], options['OutboundProxyAuth'] ) self.TransactionLogger = transaction_logger.TransactionLogger( self, cache_dir=self.DB.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY_CACHE_DIR') ) logging.warn( "%s:%s <-- HTTP(S) Proxy to which requests can be directed", self.DB.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY_IP'), self.DB.Config.Get("INBOUND_PROXY_PORT")) self.ProxyProcess.start() logging.debug("Starting Transaction logger process") self.TransactionLogger.start() self.Requester = requester.Requester( self, [ self.DB.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY_IP'), self.DB.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY_PORT')] ) logging.debug( "Proxy transaction's log file at %s", self.DB.Config.Get("PROXY_LOG")) else: self.Requester = requester.Requester( self, options['OutboundProxy']) def enable_logging(self, **kwargs): """ + process_name <-- can be specified in kwargs + Must be called from inside the process because we are kind of overriding the root logger + Enables both file and console logging """ process_name = kwargs.get( "process_name", multiprocessing.current_process().name ) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) file_handler = self.FileHandler( self.Config.FrameworkConfigGetLogPath(process_name), mode="w+" ) file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) file_handler.setFormatter(FileFormatter()) stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) stream_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) stream_handler.setFormatter(ConsoleFormatter()) # Replace any old handlers logger.handlers = [file_handler, stream_handler] def disable_console_logging(self, **kwargs): """ + Must be called from inside the process because we should remove handler for that root logger + Since we add console handler in the last, we can remove the last handler to disable console logging """ logger = logging.getLogger() logger.removeHandler(logger.handlers[-1]) def Start(self, options): if self.initialise_framework(options): return self.run_server() def initialise_framework(self, options): self.ProxyMode = options["ProxyMode"]"Loading framework please wait..") # self.initlogger() # No processing required, just list available modules. if options['ListPlugins']: self.PluginHandler.ShowPluginList() self.exit_output() return False self.Config.ProcessOptions(options) command = self.GetCommand(options['argv']) self.StartBotnetMode(options) self.StartProxy(options) # Proxy mode is started in that function. # Set anonymised invoking command for error dump info. self.Error.SetCommand(self.AnonymiseCommand(command)) self.initialise_plugin_handler_and_params(options) return True def initialise_plugin_handler_and_params(self, options): # The order is important here ;) self.PluginHandler = plugin_handler.PluginHandler(self, options) self.PluginParams = plugin_params.PluginParams(self, options) self.WorkerManager = worker_manager.WorkerManager(self) def run_server(self): """ This method starts the interface server """ self.FileServer = server.FileServer(self) self.FileServer.start() self.InterfaceServer = server.InterfaceServer(self) logging.warn( "http://%s:%s <-- Web UI URL", self.Config.FrameworkConfigGet("SERVER_ADDR"), self.Config.FrameworkConfigGet("UI_SERVER_PORT")) self.disable_console_logging()"Press Ctrl+C when you spawned a shell ;)") self.InterfaceServer.start() def ReportErrorsToGithub(self): cprint( "Do you want to add any extra info to the bug report? " "[Just press Enter to skip]") info = raw_input("> ") cprint( "Do you want to add your GitHub username to the report? " "[Press Enter to skip]") user = raw_input("Reported by @") if self.Error.AddGithubIssue(Info=info, User=user): cprint("Github issue added, Thanks for reporting!!") else: cprint("Unable to add github issue, but thanks for trying :D") def Finish(self, status='Complete', report=True): if getattr(self, "TOR_process", None) is not None: self.TOR_process.terminate() # TODO: Fix this for lions_2014 # if self.DB.Config.Get('SIMULATION'): # exit() try: self.KillChildProcesses(multiprocessing.current_process().pid) except: pass try: self.PluginHandler.CleanUp() except AttributeError: # DB not instantiated yet! pass finally: if getattr(self, "ProxyMode", None) is not None: try: cprint( "Stopping inbound proxy processes and " "cleaning up, Please wait!") self.KillChildProcesses( self.ProxyProcess.terminate() # No signal is generated during closing process by # terminate() self.TransactionLogger.poison_q.put('done') self.TransactionLogger.join() except: # It means the proxy was not started. pass exit() def IsIPInternal(self, IP): return len(self.IsIPInternalRegexp.findall(IP)) == 1 def KillChildProcesses(self, parent_pid, sig=signal.SIGINT): ps_command = subprocess.Popen( "ps -o pid --ppid %d --noheaders" % parent_pid, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) ps_output = for pid_str in ps_output.split("\n")[:-1]: self.KillChildProcesses(int(pid_str), sig) try: os.kill(int(pid_str), sig) except: cprint("unable to kill it") def decorate_io(self): """Decorate different I/O functions to ensure OWTF to properly quit.""" def catch_error(func): """Decorator on I/O functions. If an error is detected, force OWTF to quit properly. """ def io_error(*args, **kwargs): """Call the original function while checking for errors. If `owtf_clean` parameter is not explicitely passed or if it is set to `True`, it force OWTF to properly exit. """ owtf_clean = kwargs.pop('owtf_clean', True) try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except (OSError, IOError) as e: if owtf_clean: self.Error.FrameworkAbort( "Error when calling '%s'! %s." % (func.__name__, str(e))) raise e return io_error # Decorated functions = catch_error(open) self.codecs_open = catch_error( self.mkdir = catch_error(os.mkdir) self.makedirs = catch_error(os.makedirs) self.rmtree = catch_error(shutil.rmtree) self.FileHandler = catch_error(logging.FileHandler)
class Core: def __init__(self, RootDir, OwtfPid): self.CreateTempStorageDirs(OwtfPid) # Tightly coupled, cohesive framework components: self.Error = error_handler.ErrorHandler(self) self.Shell = blocking_shell.Shell(self) # Config needs to find plugins via shell = instantiate shell first self.Config = config.Config(RootDir, OwtfPid, self) self.Config.Init() # Now the the config is hooked to the core, init config sub-components self.PluginHelper = plugin_helper.PluginHelper(self) # Plugin Helper needs access to automate Plugin tasks self.Random = random.Random() self.Reporter = reporter.Reporter(self) # Reporter needs access to Core to access Config, etc self.Selenium = selenium_handler.Selenium(self) self.InteractiveShell = interactive_shell.InteractiveShell(self) self.SET = set_handler.SETHandler(self) self.SMTP = smtp.SMTP(self) self.SMB = smb.SMB(self) self.messaging_admin = messaging_admin.message_admin(self) self.showOutput=True self.TOR_process = None # Create internal IPv4 regex following rfc1918 self.re_ipv4_internal = re.compile( r"(^128\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$)|" r"(^10\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$)|" r"(^192\.168\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$)|" r"(^172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})$") def CreateTempStorageDirs(self, OwtfPid): temp_storage = os.path.join("/tmp", "owtf", str(OwtfPid)) if not os.path.exists(temp_storage): os.makedirs(temp_storage) def CleanTempStorageDirs(self, OwtfPid): temp_storage = os.path.join("/tmp", "owtf", str(OwtfPid)) renamed_temp_storage = os.path.join("/tmp", "owtf", "old-"+str(OwtfPid)) if os.path.exists(temp_storage): os.rename(temp_storage, renamed_temp_storage) #wrapper to log function def log(self,*args): log(*args) def IsInScopeURL(self, URL): # To avoid following links to other domains ParsedURL = urlparse(URL) #URLHostName = URL.split("/")[2] for HostName in self.Config.GetAll('HOST_NAME'): # Get all known Host Names in Scope #if URLHostName == HostName: if ParsedURL.hostname == HostName: return True return False def CreateMissingDirs(self, Path): Dir = os.path.dirname(Path) if not os.path.exists(Dir): os.makedirs(Dir) # Create any missing directories def DumpFile(self, Filename, Contents, Directory): SavePath=Directory+WipeBadCharsForFilename(Filename) self.CreateMissingDirs(Directory) with open(SavePath, 'wb') as file: file.write(Contents) return SavePath def get_child_pids(self, parent_pid): PsCommand = subprocess.Popen("ps -o pid --ppid %d --noheaders" % parent_pid, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output, error = PsCommand.communicate() return [int(child_pid) for child_pid in output.readlines("\n")[:-1]] def GetPartialPath(self, Path): #return MultipleReplace(Path, List2DictKeys(RemoveListBlanks(self.Config.GetAsList( [ 'HOST_OUTPUT', 'OUTPUT_PATH' ])))) #print str(self.Config.GetAsList( [ 'HOST_OUTPUT', 'OUTPUT_PATH' ] )) #print "Path before="+Path #Path = MultipleReplace(Path, List2DictKeys(RemoveListBlanks(self.Config.GetAsList( [ 'OUTPUT_PATH' ])))) #Need to replace URL OUTPUT first so that "View Unique as HTML" Matches on body links work Path = MultipleReplace(Path, List2DictKeys(RemoveListBlanks(self.Config.GetAsList( [ 'HOST_OUTPUT', 'OUTPUT_PATH' ])))) #print "Path after="+Path if '/' == Path[0]: # Stripping out leading "/" if present Path = Path[1:] return Path def GetCommand(self, argv): # Format command to remove directory and space-separate arguments return " ".join(argv).replace(argv[0], os.path.basename(argv[0])) def AnonymiseCommand(self, Command): for Host in self.Config.GetAll('HOST_NAME'): # Host name setting value for all targets in scope if Host: # Value is not blank Command = Command.replace(Host, '') for ip in self.Config.GetAll('HOST_IP'): if ip: Command = Command.replace(ip, '') return Command def start_reporter(self): """ This function starts the reporting process """ self.reporting = reporting_process() self.reporting_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() self.reporting_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.reporting.start, args=(self,60,self.reporting_queue)) self.reporting_process.start() def Start_TOR_Mode(self, Options): if Options['TOR_mode'] != None: #if Options['TOR_mode'][0] != "help": if tor_manager.TOR_manager.is_tor_running(): self.TOR_process = tor_manager.TOR_manager(self, Options['TOR_mode']) self.TOR_process = self.TOR_process.Run() else: tor_manager.TOR_manager.msg_start_tor(self) tor_manager.TOR_manager.msg_configure_tor() self.Error.FrameworkAbort("TOR Daemon is not running") #else: #tor_manager.TOR_manager.msg_configure_tor() #self.Error.FrameworkAbort("Configuration help is running") def StartBotnetMode(self, Options): self.Proxy_manager = None if Options['Botnet_mode'] != None: self.Proxy_manager = Proxy_manager() answer = "Yes" proxies = [] if Options['Botnet_mode'][0] == "miner": miner = Proxy_Miner() proxies = miner.start_miner() if Options['Botnet_mode'][0] == "list": # load proxies from list proxies = self.Proxy_manager.load_proxy_list(Options['Botnet_mode'][1]) answer = raw_input("[#] Do you want to check the proxy list? [Yes/no] : ") if answer.upper() in ["", "YES", "Y"]: proxy_q = Queue() proxy_checker = Process( target=Proxy_Checker.check_proxies, args=(proxy_q, proxies,) ) cprint("Checking Proxies...") #cprint("Start Time: " + time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()))) start_time = time.time() proxy_checker.start() proxies = proxy_q.get() proxy_checker.join() self.Proxy_manager.proxies = proxies self.Proxy_manager.number_of_proxies = len(proxies) if Options['Botnet_mode'][0] == "miner": print "Writing Proxies to disk(~/.owtf/proxy_miner/proxies.txt)" miner.export_proxies_to_file("proxies.txt", proxies) if answer.upper() in ["", "YES", "Y"]: cprint("Proxy Check Time: " +\ time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time() - start_time - 3600) ) ) cprint("Done") proxy = self.Proxy_manager.get_next_available_proxy() #check proxy var... http:// sock:// Options['OutboundProxy'] = [] Options['OutboundProxy'].append(proxy["proxy"][0]) Options['OutboundProxy'].append(proxy["proxy"][1]) #start running and recheck proxies #OutboundProxy': ['http', '', '8080'] #Options["OutboundProxy"]=['http', '', '8080'] #print Options #time.sleep(21) #self.Error.FrameworkAbort("Testing Run") def StartProxy(self, Options): # The proxy along with supporting processes are started if not self.Config.Get('SIMULATION'): # Check if port is in use try: temp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) temp_socket.bind((self.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY_IP'), int(self.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY_PORT')))) temp_socket.close() except Exception: self.Error.FrameworkAbort("Inbound proxy address " + self.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY') + " already in use") # If everything is fine self.ProxyProcess = proxy.ProxyProcess( self, Options['OutboundProxy'], Options['OutboundProxyAuth'] ) self.TransactionLogger = transaction_logger.TransactionLogger(self) cprint("Starting Inbound proxy at " + self.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY')) self.ProxyProcess.start() cprint("Starting Transaction logger process") self.TransactionLogger.start() self.Requester = requester.Requester(self, [self.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY_IP'), self.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY_PORT')]) cprint("Proxy transaction's log file at %s"%(self.Config.Get("PROXY_LOG"))) cprint("Visit http://" + self.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY') + "/proxy to use Plug-n-Hack standard") cprint("Execution of OWTF is halted.You can browse through OWTF proxy) Press Enter to continue with OWTF") if Options["Interactive"]: raw_input() else: self.Requester = requester.Requester(self, Options['OutboundProxy']) def outputfunc(self,q): """This is the function/thread which writes on terminal. It takes the content from queue and if showOutput is true it writes to console. Otherwise it appends to a variable. If the next token is 'end' It simply writes to the console. """ t="" #flags = fcntl.fcntl(sys.stdout, fcntl.F_GETFL) #fcntl.fcntl(sys.stdout, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags | os.O_NONBLOCK) while True: try: k = q.get() #print k except: continue if k=='end': try: sys.stdout.write(t) except: pass return t = t+k if(self.showOutput): try: sys.stdout.write(t) t="" except: pass def initlogger(self): """Init two loggers to output in logfile and stdout.""" #logger for output in console self.outputqueue = multiprocessing.Queue() result_queue = logQueue(self.outputqueue) log = logging.getLogger('general') infohandler = logging.StreamHandler(result_queue) log.setLevel(logging.INFO) infoformatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s") infohandler.setFormatter(infoformatter) log.addHandler(infohandler) self.outputthread =Thread(target=self.outputfunc, args=(self.outputqueue,)) self.outputthread.start() #logger for output in log file log = logging.getLogger('logfile') infohandler = logging.FileHandler(self.Config.Get("OWTF_LOG_FILE"),mode="w+") log.setLevel(logging.INFO) infoformatter = logging.Formatter("%(type)s - %(asctime)s - %(processname)s - %(functionname)s - %(message)s") infohandler.setFormatter(infoformatter) log.addHandler(infohandler) def Start(self, Options): if self.initialise_framework(Options): return self.run_plugins() def initialise_framework(self, Options): self.ProxyMode = Options["ProxyMode"] cprint("Loading framework please wait..") self.Config.ProcessOptions(Options) self.initlogger() self.Timer = timer.Timer(self.Config.Get('DATE_TIME_FORMAT')) # Requires user config self.Timer.StartTimer('core') self.initialise_plugin_handler_and_params(Options) if Options['ListPlugins']: self.PluginHandler.ShowPluginList() self.exitOutput() return False # No processing required, just list available modules self.DB = db.DB(self) # DB is initialised from some Config settings, must be hooked at this point self.DB.Init() self.messaging_admin.Init() Command = self.GetCommand(Options['argv']) self.DB.Run.StartRun(Command) # Log owtf run options, start time, etc if self.Config.Get('SIMULATION'): cprint("WARNING: In Simulation mode plugins are not executed only plugin sequence is simulated") else: # Reporter process is not needed unless a real run self.start_reporter() self.StartBotnetMode(Options)#starting only if the Options are setted self.StartProxy(Options) # Proxy mode is started in that function self.Start_TOR_Mode(Options)# TOR mode will start only if the Options are set # Proxy Check ProxySuccess, Message = self.Requester.ProxyCheck() cprint(Message) if not ProxySuccess: # Regardless of interactivity settings if the proxy check fails = no point to move on self.Error.FrameworkAbort(Message) # Abort if proxy check failed # Each Plugin adds its own results to the report, the report is updated on the fly after each plugin completes (or before!) self.Error.SetCommand(self.AnonymiseCommand(Command)) # Set anonymised invoking command for error dump info return True def initialise_plugin_handler_and_params(self, Options): self.PluginHandler = plugin_handler.PluginHandler(self, Options) self.PluginParams = plugin_params.PluginParams(self, Options) def run_plugins(self): Status = self.PluginHandler.ProcessPlugins() if Status['AllSkipped']: self.Finish('Skipped') elif not Status['SomeSuccessful'] and Status['SomeAborted']: self.Finish('Aborted') return False elif not Status['SomeSuccessful']: # Not a single plugin completed successfully, major crash or something self.Finish('Crashed') return False return True # Scan was successful def ReportErrorsToGithub(self): cprint("Do you want to add any extra info to the bug report ? [Just press Enter to skip]") info = raw_input("> ") cprint("Do you want to add your GitHub username to the report? [Press Enter to skip]") user = raw_input("Reported by @") if self.Error.AddGithubIssue(Info=info, User=user): cprint("Github issue added, Thanks for reporting!!") else: cprint("Unable to add github issue, but thanks for trying :D") def Finish(self, Status = 'Complete', Report = True): if self.TOR_process != None: self.TOR_process.terminate() if self.Config.Get('SIMULATION'): if hasattr(self,'messaging_admin'): self.messaging_admin.finishMessaging() self.exitOutput() exit() else: try: self.DB.Run.EndRun(Status) cprint("Saving DBs") self.DB.SaveDBs() # Save DBs prior to producing the report :) if Report: cprint("Finishing iteration and assembling report again (with updated run information)") #PreviousTarget = self.Config.GetTarget() #for Target in self.Config.GetTargets(): # We have to finish all the reports in this run to update run information # self.Config.SetTarget(Target) # Much save the report for each target #self.Reporter.ReportFinish() # Must save the report again at the end regarless of Status => Update Run info #self.Config.SetTarget(PreviousTarget) # Restore previous target cprint("OWTF iteration finished") if self.DB.ErrorCount() > 0: # Some error occurred (counter not accurate but we only need to know if sth happened) cprint('Errors saved to ' + self.Config.Get('ERROR_DB') + '. Would you like us to auto-report bugs ?') choice = raw_input("[Y/n] ") if choice != 'n' and choice != 'N': self.ReportErrorsToGithub() else: cprint("We know that you are planning on submitting it manually ;)") #self.dbHandlerProcess.join() except AttributeError: # DB not instantiated yet! cprint("OWTF finished: No time to report anything! :P") finally: if self.ProxyMode: try: cprint("Stopping inbound proxy processes and cleaning up, Please wait!") self.KillChildProcesses( self.ProxyProcess.terminate() # No signal is generated during closing process by terminate() os.kill(int(, signal.SIGINT) except: # It means the proxy was not started pass if hasattr(self,'reporting_process'): self.reporting_queue.put("done") self.reporting_process.join() if hasattr(self, 'DB'): cprint("Saving DBs before stopping messaging") self.DB.SaveDBs() # So that detailed_report_register populated by reporting is saved :P if hasattr(self,'messaging_admin'): self.messaging_admin.finishMessaging() self.exitOutput() #print self.Timer.GetElapsedTime('core') exit() def exitOutput(self): if hasattr(self,'outputthread'): self.outputqueue.put('end') self.outputthread.join() if os.path.exists("owtf_review"): if os.path.exists("owtf_review/logfile"): data = open(self.Config.Get("OWTF_LOG_FILE")).read() AppendToFile("owtf_review/logfile", data) else: shutil.move(self.Config.Get("OWTF_LOG_FILE"), "owtf_review") def GetSeed(self): try: return self.DB.GetSeed() except AttributeError: # DB not instantiated yet return "" def is_ip_internal(self, ip): return len(self.re_ipv4_internal.findall(ip)) == 1 def IsTargetUnreachable(self, Target = ''): if not Target: Target = self.Config.GetTarget() #print "Target="+Target+" in "+str(self.DB.GetData('UNREACHABLE_DB'))+"?? -> "+str(Target in self.DB.GetData('UNREACHABLE_DB')) return Target in self.DB.GetData('UNREACHABLE_DB') def GetFileAsList(self, FileName): return GetFileAsList(FileName) def KillChildProcesses(self, parent_pid, sig=signal.SIGINT): PsCommand = subprocess.Popen("ps -o pid --ppid %d --noheaders" % parent_pid, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) PsOutput = RetCode = PsCommand.wait() #assert RetCode == 0, "ps command returned %d" % RetCode for PidStr in PsOutput.split("\n")[:-1]: self.KillChildProcesses(int(PidStr),sig) #print PidStr try: os.kill(int(PidStr), sig) except: print("unable to kill it")
class Core(object): """ The glue which holds everything together """ def __init__(self, root_dir, owtf_pid): """ [*] Tightly coupled, cohesive framework components [*] Order is important + IO decorated so as to abort on any permission errors + Attach error handler and config + Required folders created + All other components are attached to core: shell, db etc... + Required booleans and attributes are initialised + If modules have Init calls, they are run Init procedures can exist only if the component can do some initialisation only after addition of all components """ # ------------------------ IO decoration ------------------------ # self.decorate_io() # ------------------------ Error & Config ------------------------ # self.Error = error_handler.ErrorHandler(self) self.Config = config.Config(root_dir, owtf_pid, self) # ----------------------- Directory creation ----------------------- # self.create_dirs() self.pnh_log_file() # <-- This is not supposed to be here # -------------------- Component attachment -------------------- # # (Order is important, if there is a dependency on some other # other component please mention in a comment) # Shell might be needed in some places self.Shell = blocking_shell.Shell(self) # As soon as you have config create logger for MainProcess self.enable_logging() # Plugin Helper needs access to automate Plugin tasks self.PluginHelper = plugin_helper.PluginHelper(self) # Reporter needs access to Core to access Config, etc self.Reporter = reporter.Reporter(self) self.Selenium = selenium_handler.Selenium(self) self.InteractiveShell = interactive_shell.InteractiveShell(self) self.SET = set_handler.SETHandler(self) self.SMTP = smtp.SMTP(self) self.SMB = smb.SMB(self) # DB needs Config for some settings self.DB = db.DB(self) self.DB.Init() # Seperate Init because of self reference # Timer requires DB self.Timer = timer.Timer(self.DB.Config.Get('DATE_TIME_FORMAT')) # Zest related components self.zest = zest.Zest(self) self.zap_api_handler = zap.ZAP_API(self) # -------------------- Booleans and attributes -------------------- # self.IsIPInternalRegexp = re.compile( "^127.\d{123}.\d{123}.\d{123}$|^10.\d{123}.\d{123}.\d{123}$|" "^192.168.\d{123}$|^172.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1]).[0-9]{123}.[0-9]{123}$" ) self.TOR_process = None # --------------------------- Init calls --------------------------- # # Nothing as of now self.health_check() def health_check(self): self.HealthCheck = health_check.HealthCheck(self) def create_dirs(self): """ Any directory which needs to be created at the start of owtf needs to be placed inside here. No hardcoding of paths please """ # Logs folder creation if not os.path.exists(self.Config.FrameworkConfigGetLogsDir()): self.CreateMissingDirs(self.Config.FrameworkConfigGetLogsDir()) # Temporary storage directories creation self.create_temp_storage_dirs() def create_temp_storage_dirs(self): """Create a temporary directory in /tmp with pid suffix.""" tmp_dir = os.path.join('/tmp', 'owtf') if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir): tmp_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, str(self.Config.OwtfPid)) if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir): self.makedirs(tmp_dir) def clean_temp_storage_dirs(self): """Rename older temporary directory to avoid any further confusions.""" curr_tmp_dir = os.path.join('/tmp', 'owtf', str(self.Config.OwtfPid)) new_tmp_dir = os.path.join('/tmp', 'owtf', 'old-%d' % self.Config.OwtfPid) if os.path.exists(curr_tmp_dir) and os.access(curr_tmp_dir, os.W_OK): os.rename(curr_tmp_dir, new_tmp_dir) # wrapper to function def log(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):, *args, **kwargs) def CreateMissingDirs(self, path): if os.path.isfile(path): dir = os.path.dirname(path) else: dir = path if not os.path.exists(dir): self.makedirs(dir) # Create any missing directories. def pnh_log_file(self): self.path = self.Config.FrameworkConfigGet('PNH_EVENTS_FILE') self.mode = "w" try: if os.path.isfile(self.path): pass else: with, self.mode, owtf_clean=False): pass except IOError as e: self.log("I/O error ({0}): {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)) raise def write_event(self, content, mode): self.content = content self.mode = mode self.file_path = self.Config.FrameworkConfigGet('PNH_EVENTS_FILE') if (os.path.isfile(self.file_path) and os.access(self.file_path, os.W_OK)): try: with, self.mode, owtf_clean=False) as log_file: log_file.write(self.content) log_file.write("\n") return True except IOError: return False def DumpFile(self, filename, contents, directory): save_path = os.path.join(directory, WipeBadCharsForFilename(filename)) self.CreateMissingDirs(directory) with self.codecs_open(save_path, 'wb', 'utf-8') as f: f.write(contents.decode('utf-8', 'replace')) return save_path def get_child_pids(self, parent_pid): ps_command = subprocess.Popen("ps -o pid --ppid %d --noheaders" % parent_pid, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output, error = ps_command.communicate() return [int(child_pid) for child_pid in output.readlines("\n")[:-1]] def GetCommand(self, argv): # Format command to remove directory and space-separate arguments. return " ".join(argv).replace(argv[0], os.path.basename(argv[0])) def AnonymiseCommand(self, command): # Host name setting value for all targets in scope. for host in self.DB.Target.GetAll('host_name'): if host: # Value is not blank command = command.replace(host, '') for ip in self.DB.Target.GetAll('host_ip'): if ip: command = command.replace(ip, '') return command def Start_TOR_Mode(self, options): if options['TOR_mode'] is not None: if options['TOR_mode'][0] != "help": if tor_manager.TOR_manager.is_tor_running(): self.TOR_process = tor_manager.TOR_manager( self, options['TOR_mode']) self.TOR_process = self.TOR_process.Run() else: tor_manager.TOR_manager.msg_start_tor(self) tor_manager.TOR_manager.msg_configure_tor(self) self.Error.FrameworkAbort("TOR Daemon is not running") else: tor_manager.TOR_manager.msg_configure_tor() self.Error.FrameworkAbort("Configuration help is running") def StartBotnetMode(self, options): self.Proxy_manager = None if options['Botnet_mode'] is not None: self.Proxy_manager = Proxy_manager() answer = "Yes" proxies = [] if options['Botnet_mode'][0] == "miner": miner = Proxy_Miner() proxies = miner.start_miner() if options['Botnet_mode'][0] == "list": # load proxies from list proxies = self.Proxy_manager.load_proxy_list( options['Botnet_mode'][1]) answer = raw_input( "[#] Do you want to check the proxy list? [Yes/no] : ") if answer.upper() in ["", "YES", "Y"]: proxy_q = multiprocessing.Queue() proxy_checker = multiprocessing.Process( target=Proxy_Checker.check_proxies, args=( proxy_q, proxies, ))"Checking Proxies...") start_time = time.time() proxy_checker.start() proxies = proxy_q.get() proxy_checker.join() self.Proxy_manager.proxies = proxies self.Proxy_manager.number_of_proxies = len(proxies) if options['Botnet_mode'][0] == "miner": "Writing proxies to disk(~/.owtf/proxy_miner/proxies.txt)") miner.export_proxies_to_file("proxies.txt", proxies) if answer.upper() in ["", "YES", "Y"]: "Proxy Check Time: %s", time.strftime( '%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time() - start_time - 3600))) cprint("Done") if self.Proxy_manager.number_of_proxies is 0: self.Error.FrameworkAbort("No Alive proxies.") proxy = self.Proxy_manager.get_next_available_proxy() # check proxy var... http:// sock:// options['OutboundProxy'] = [] options['OutboundProxy'].append(proxy["proxy"][0]) options['OutboundProxy'].append(proxy["proxy"][1]) def StartProxy(self, options): # The proxy along with supporting processes are started if True: # Check if port is in use try: temp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) temp_socket.bind( (self.DB.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY_IP'), int(self.DB.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY_PORT')))) temp_socket.close() except socket.error: self.Error.FrameworkAbort( "Inbound proxy address " + self.DB.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY_IP') + ":" + self.DB.Config.Get("INBOUND_PROXY_PORT") + " already in use") # If everything is fine. self.ProxyProcess = proxy.ProxyProcess(self) self.ProxyProcess.initialize(options['OutboundProxy'], options['OutboundProxyAuth']) self.TransactionLogger = transaction_logger.TransactionLogger( self, cache_dir=self.DB.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY_CACHE_DIR')) logging.warn( "%s:%s <-- HTTP(S) Proxy to which requests can be directed", self.DB.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY_IP'), self.DB.Config.Get("INBOUND_PROXY_PORT")) self.ProxyProcess.start() logging.debug("Starting Transaction logger process") self.TransactionLogger.start() self.Requester = requester.Requester(self, [ self.DB.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY_IP'), self.DB.Config.Get('INBOUND_PROXY_PORT') ]) logging.debug("Proxy transaction's log file at %s", self.DB.Config.Get("PROXY_LOG")) else: self.Requester = requester.Requester(self, options['OutboundProxy']) def enable_logging(self, **kwargs): """ + process_name <-- can be specified in kwargs + Must be called from inside the process because we are kind of overriding the root logger + Enables both file and console logging """ process_name = kwargs.get("process_name", multiprocessing.current_process().name) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) file_handler = self.FileHandler( self.Config.FrameworkConfigGetLogPath(process_name), mode="w+") file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) file_handler.setFormatter(FileFormatter()) stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) stream_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) stream_handler.setFormatter(ConsoleFormatter()) # Replace any old handlers logger.handlers = [file_handler, stream_handler] def disable_console_logging(self, **kwargs): """ + Must be called from inside the process because we should remove handler for that root logger + Since we add console handler in the last, we can remove the last handler to disable console logging """ logger = logging.getLogger() logger.removeHandler(logger.handlers[-1]) def Start(self, options): if self.initialise_framework(options): return self.run_server() def initialise_framework(self, options): self.ProxyMode = options["ProxyMode"]"Loading framework please wait..") # self.initlogger() # No processing required, just list available modules. if options['ListPlugins']: self.PluginHandler.ShowPluginList() self.exit_output() return False self.Config.ProcessOptions(options) command = self.GetCommand(options['argv']) self.StartBotnetMode(options) self.StartProxy(options) # Proxy mode is started in that function. # Set anonymised invoking command for error dump info. self.Error.SetCommand(self.AnonymiseCommand(command)) self.initialise_plugin_handler_and_params(options) return True def initialise_plugin_handler_and_params(self, options): # The order is important here ;) self.PluginHandler = plugin_handler.PluginHandler(self, options) self.PluginParams = plugin_params.PluginParams(self, options) self.WorkerManager = worker_manager.WorkerManager(self) def run_server(self): """ This method starts the interface server """ self.FileServer = server.FileServer(self) self.FileServer.start() self.InterfaceServer = server.InterfaceServer(self) logging.warn("http://%s:%s <-- Web UI URL", self.Config.FrameworkConfigGet("SERVER_ADDR"), self.Config.FrameworkConfigGet("UI_SERVER_PORT")) self.disable_console_logging()"Press Ctrl+C when you spawned a shell ;)") self.InterfaceServer.start() def ReportErrorsToGithub(self): cprint("Do you want to add any extra info to the bug report? " "[Just press Enter to skip]") info = raw_input("> ") cprint("Do you want to add your GitHub username to the report? " "[Press Enter to skip]") user = raw_input("Reported by @") if self.Error.AddGithubIssue(Info=info, User=user): cprint("Github issue added, Thanks for reporting!!") else: cprint("Unable to add github issue, but thanks for trying :D") def Finish(self, status='Complete', report=True): if getattr(self, "TOR_process", None) is not None: self.TOR_process.terminate() # TODO: Fix this for lions_2014 # if self.DB.Config.Get('SIMULATION'): # exit() try: self.KillChildProcesses(multiprocessing.current_process().pid) except: pass try: self.PluginHandler.CleanUp() except AttributeError: # DB not instantiated yet! pass finally: if getattr(self, "ProxyMode", None) is not None: try: cprint("Stopping inbound proxy processes and " "cleaning up, Please wait!") self.KillChildProcesses( self.ProxyProcess.terminate() # No signal is generated during closing process by # terminate() self.TransactionLogger.poison_q.put('done') self.TransactionLogger.join() except: # It means the proxy was not started. pass exit() def IsIPInternal(self, IP): return len(self.IsIPInternalRegexp.findall(IP)) == 1 def KillChildProcesses(self, parent_pid, sig=signal.SIGINT): ps_command = subprocess.Popen("ps -o pid --ppid %d --noheaders" % parent_pid, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) ps_output = for pid_str in ps_output.split("\n")[:-1]: self.KillChildProcesses(int(pid_str), sig) try: os.kill(int(pid_str), sig) except: cprint("unable to kill it") def decorate_io(self): """Decorate different I/O functions to ensure OWTF to properly quit.""" def catch_error(func): """Decorator on I/O functions. If an error is detected, force OWTF to quit properly. """ def io_error(*args, **kwargs): """Call the original function while checking for errors. If `owtf_clean` parameter is not explicitely passed or if it is set to `True`, it force OWTF to properly exit. """ owtf_clean = kwargs.pop('owtf_clean', True) try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except (OSError, IOError) as e: if owtf_clean: self.Error.FrameworkAbort( "Error when calling '%s'! %s." % (func.__name__, str(e))) raise e return io_error # Decorated functions = catch_error(open) self.codecs_open = catch_error( self.mkdir = catch_error(os.mkdir) self.makedirs = catch_error(os.makedirs) self.rmtree = catch_error(shutil.rmtree) self.FileHandler = catch_error(logging.FileHandler)