def light(x, y, brightness, r=1., g=1., b=1., light_map=None): if '--no-fx' in sys.argv: return if light_map: _active_light_maps = zones.get_active_light_maps() _light_map = _active_light_maps[light_map] else: _light_map = post_processing.get_light_map() _width, _height = zones.get_active_size() for _x, _y in, y, brightness): if _x < 0 or _x >= _width or _y < 0 or _y >= _height: continue _brightness = 1 - ((numbers.float_distance((x, y), (_x, _y)) - 1.0) / float(brightness)) _r = numbers.clip(2 * (_brightness * r), 1, 4) _g = numbers.clip(2 * (_brightness * g), 1, 4) _b = numbers.clip(2 * (_brightness * b), 1, 4) _min_r = min(_light_map[0][_y, _x], _r) _max_r = max(_light_map[0][_y, _x], _r) _min_g = min([_light_map[1][_y, _x], _g]) _max_g = max([_light_map[1][_y, _x], _g]) _min_b = min([_light_map[2][_y, _x], _b]) _max_b = max([_light_map[2][_y, _x], _b]) _light_map[0][_y, _x] = numbers.interp(_min_r, _max_r, .5) _light_map[1][_y, _x] = numbers.interp(_min_g, _max_g, .5) _light_map[2][_y, _x] = numbers.interp(_min_b, _max_b, .5)
def explosion(x, y, size): _solids = zones.get_active_solids({}, no_life=True) for pos in shapes.circle_smooth(x, y, size + .1, 0.05): _c_mod = 1 - (numbers.float_distance((x, y), pos) / size) _c_mod_clip = numbers.clip(1 - numbers.float_distance((x, y), pos) / size, random.uniform(.3, .45), 1) if pos in _solids or set(shapes.line((x, y), (int(round(pos[0])), int(round(pos[1]))))) & _solids: continue smoke(pos[0], pos[1], _c_mod_clip) if random.uniform(0, 1) < numbers.clip(_c_mod, 0, .75) and not pos in _solids: fire(pos[0], pos[1], _c_mod) for i in range(random.randint(2 * size, 3*size)): smoke_shooter(x, y, random.randint(0, 359)) light(x, y, random.randint(7, 9), r=2.5, g=1.5, b=1.5) light(x, y, random.randint(13, 15), r=1.3, g=1.3, b=1.3)
def generate_shadow_map(width, height, solids, trees, inside): global SHADOWS SHADOWS = display.create_shader(width, height) SHADOWS[0] += 1 SHADOWS[1] += 1 SHADOWS[2] += 1 _taken = set() for x, y in solids: if (x, y) in trees: continue for y1 in range(-3, 4): for x1 in range(-3, 4): if (x + x1, y + y1) in solids or (x + x1, y + y1) in inside or ( x + x1, y + y1 ) in _taken or x + x1 >= width or y + y1 >= height: continue _shadow = numbers.clip( numbers.distance((x, y), (x + x1, y + y1)) / 5.0, .25, .6) + .25 if _shadow < SHADOWS[0][y + y1][x + x1]: SHADOWS[0][y + y1][x + x1] = _shadow SHADOWS[1][y + y1][x + x1] = _shadow SHADOWS[2][y + y1][x + x1] = _shadow _taken = set() for _x, _y in trees.keys(): _tree_size = float(trees[_x, _y]) for x, y in, _y, int(_tree_size)): if (x, y) in solids or x >= width or y >= height or x < 0 or y < 0: continue _distance = numbers.float_distance((x, y), (_x, _y)) * 1.25 _shadow = numbers.clip(1 - ((_distance / _tree_size) + .25), .1, .9) SHADOWS[0][y][x] = numbers.clip(SHADOWS[0][y][x] - _shadow, .45, 1) SHADOWS[1][y][x] = numbers.clip(SHADOWS[1][y][x] - _shadow, .45, 1) SHADOWS[2][y][x] = numbers.clip(SHADOWS[2][y][x] - _shadow, .45, 1) return SHADOWS
def generate_shadow_map(width, height, solids, trees, inside): global SHADOWS SHADOWS = display.create_shader(width, height) SHADOWS[0] += 1 SHADOWS[1] += 1 SHADOWS[2] += 1 _taken = set() for x, y in solids: if (x, y) in trees: continue for y1 in range(-3, 4): for x1 in range(-3, 4): if (x+x1, y+y1) in solids or (x+x1, y+y1) in inside or (x+x1, y+y1) in _taken or x+x1 >= width or y+y1 >= height: continue _shadow = numbers.clip(numbers.distance((x, y), (x+x1, y+y1))/5.0, .25, .6) + .25 if _shadow < SHADOWS[0][y+y1][x+x1]: SHADOWS[0][y+y1][x+x1] = _shadow SHADOWS[1][y+y1][x+x1] = _shadow SHADOWS[2][y+y1][x+x1] = _shadow _taken = set() for _x, _y in trees.keys(): _tree_size = float(trees[_x, _y]) for x, y in, _y, int(_tree_size)): if (x, y) in solids or x >= width or y >= height or x < 0 or y <0: continue _distance = numbers.float_distance((x, y), (_x, _y))*1.25 _shadow = numbers.clip(1 - ((_distance / _tree_size) + .25), .1, .9) SHADOWS[0][y][x] = numbers.clip(SHADOWS[0][y][x]-_shadow, .45, 1) SHADOWS[1][y][x] = numbers.clip(SHADOWS[1][y][x]-_shadow, .45, 1) SHADOWS[2][y][x] = numbers.clip(SHADOWS[2][y][x]-_shadow, .45, 1) return SHADOWS
def create_map(): _grid = world_strategy.MAP['grid'] _color_map = world_strategy.MAP['color_map'] _ownable_plots = set() _banned_plots = set() #Mountains _noise = tcod.noise_new(3) _zoom = 1.25 _c_pos = constants.STRAT_MAP_WIDTH/2, constants.STRAT_MAP_HEIGHT/2 _solids = set() for y in range(0, constants.STRAT_MAP_HEIGHT): for x in range(0, constants.STRAT_MAP_WIDTH): _m_x = x / constants.MAP_CELL_SPACE _m_y = y / constants.MAP_CELL_SPACE _m_x = numbers.clip(_m_x, 1, (constants.STRAT_MAP_WIDTH/constants.MAP_CELL_SPACE) - 2) _m_y = numbers.clip(_m_y, 1, (constants.STRAT_MAP_HEIGHT/constants.MAP_CELL_SPACE) - 2) _c_mod = numbers.float_distance(_c_pos, (x, y))/max([constants.STRAT_MAP_WIDTH/2, constants.STRAT_MAP_HEIGHT/2]) _noise_values = [(_zoom * x / (constants.STRAT_MAP_WIDTH)), (_zoom * y / (constants.STRAT_MAP_HEIGHT))] _height = tcod.noise_get_turbulence(_noise, _noise_values, tcod.NOISE_SIMPLEX) * _c_mod _char = ' ' #Mountain if _height > .55: _color_map[x, y] = random.choice([constants.DARKER_GRAY_1, constants.DARKER_GRAY_2, constants.DARKER_GRAY_3]) _grid[_m_x, _m_y]['is_ownable'] = False _banned_plots.add((_m_x, _m_y)) _c_1 = int(round(_color_map[x, y][0] * (1.8 * _height))) _c_2 = int(round(_color_map[x, y][1] * (1.8 * _height))) _c_3 = int(round(_color_map[x, y][2] * (1.8 * _height))) else: _color_map[x, y] = random.choice([constants.FOREST_GREEN_1, constants.FOREST_GREEN_2, constants.FOREST_GREEN_3]) _ownable_plots.add((_m_x, _m_y)) if _height <= .2: _char = random.choice([',', '.', '\'', ' ' * (1 + (20 * int(round(_height))))]) _height -= .1 _c_1 = int(round(_color_map[x, y][0] * (.7 + _height * 2.8))) _c_2 = int(round(_color_map[x, y][1] * (1.0 + _height * .9))) _c_3 = int(round(_color_map[x, y][2] * (.75 + _height * 1.2))) display._set_char('map', x, y, _char, (int(round(_c_1 * .8)), int(round(_c_2 * .8)), int(round(_c_3 * .8))), (_c_1, _c_2, _c_3)) _solids = [(x, y) for x, y in list(_banned_plots)] world_strategy.MAP['astar_map'] = pathfinding.setup(constants.STRAT_MAP_WIDTH/constants.MAP_CELL_SPACE, constants.STRAT_MAP_HEIGHT/constants.MAP_CELL_SPACE, _solids) return list(_ownable_plots - _banned_plots)
def generate(width, height): _weight_map, _tile_map, _solids, _node_grid = mapgen.create_map(width, height) _c_x, _c_y = width/2, height/2 _zoom = 1.2 _noise = tcod.noise_new(3) _possible_trees = set() for y in range(height): for x in range(width): _c_dist = numbers.float_distance((x, y), (_c_x, _c_y)) / float(max([width, height])) _noise_values = [(_zoom * x / (constants.MAP_VIEW_WIDTH)), (_zoom * y / (constants.MAP_VIEW_HEIGHT))] _noise_value = numbers.clip(tcod.noise_get_turbulence(_noise, _noise_values, tcod.NOISE_SIMPLEX) - .7, .5-_c_dist, 1) if _noise_value > .3: _tile = tiles.grass(x, y) _possible_trees.add((x, y)) elif _noise_value > .2: if random.uniform(.2, .3) + (_noise_value-.2) > .3: if _c_dist < .35: _tile = tiles.grass(x, y) _possible_trees.add((x, y)) else: _tile = tiles.grass(x, y) _possible_trees.add((x, y)) else: #TODO: Slowly dither in swamp water if _c_dist < .35: _tile = tiles.swamp_water(x, y) else: _tile = tiles.swamp_water(x, y) elif _noise_value >= 0: _r_val = random.uniform(0, .2) + (_noise_value) if _r_val > .2: _tile = tiles.swamp_water(x, y) else: if random.uniform(0, .2) + (_noise_value) > .2: _tile = tiles.swamp_water(x, y) else: _tile = tiles.tall_grass(x, y) elif _noise_value < 0: _tile = tiles.tall_grass(x, y) _possible_trees.add((x, y)) else: _tile = tiles.swamp(x, y) _tile_map[y][x] = _tile _weight_map[y][x] = _tile['w'] ############# #Trader camp# ############# _s_x, _s_y = ((width/2)-20, (height/2)-20) _building_space = set() _walls = set() #Building _width, _height = random.choice([(20, 20), (12, 20), (20, 12)]) _random_dir = random.randint(0, 3) if _random_dir == 1: _door_x = _width / 2 _door_y = 0 elif _random_dir == 2: _door_x = _width / 2 _door_y = _height elif _random_dir == 3: _door_x = 0 _door_y = _height / 2 else: _door_x = _width _door_y = _height / 2 if _width > _height: if _random_dir in [1, 3]: _mod = .75 else: _mod = .25 _trade_room_x = int(round(_width * _mod)) _trade_room_y = -1 _trade_window_x = _trade_room_x _trade_window_y = _height / 2 else: if _random_dir == 1: _mod = .75 else: _mod = .25 _trade_room_x = -1 _trade_room_y = int(round(_height * _mod)) _trade_window_x = _width / 2 _trade_window_y = _trade_room_y for y in range(_height+1): _y = _s_y+y for x in range(_width+1): _x = _s_x+x if (x, y) == (_door_x, _door_y): _tile = tiles.concrete(_x, _y) elif x == 0 or y == 0 or x == _width or y == _height: _tile = tiles.wooden_fence(_x, _y) _solids.add((_x, _y)) _walls.add((_x, _y)) else: if x == _trade_window_x and y == _trade_window_y: _tile = tiles.trade_window(_x, _y) elif x == _trade_room_x or y == _trade_room_y: _tile = tiles.wooden_fence(_x, _y) _solids.add((_x, _y)) _walls.add((_x, _y)) else: _tile = tiles.wood_floor(_x, _y) _weight_map[_y][_x] = _tile['w'] _tile_map[_y][_x] = _tile _building_space.add((_x, _y)) #Wall _width, _height = _width * 4, _height * 4 _ground_space = set() for y in range(_height + 1): _y = _s_y + y _yy = _y - int(round(_height * .4)) for x in range(_width + 1): _x = _s_x + x _xx = _x - int(round(_width * .4)) if random.uniform(0, 1) >= .75: continue if x == 0 or y == 0 or x == _width or y == _height: _tile = tiles.wooden_fence(_xx, _yy) else: if (_xx, _yy) in _building_space: continue _ground_space.add((_xx, _yy)) continue _weight_map[_yy][_xx] = _tile['w'] _tile_map[_yy][_xx] = _tile _solids.add((_xx, _yy)) #Ground: Inside wall - outside building _ground_seeds = random.sample(list(_ground_space - _building_space), 50) for x, y in _ground_seeds: _walker_x = x _walker_y = y _last_dir = -2, -2 for i in range(random.randint(80, 90)): _tile = tiles.concrete_striped(_walker_x, _walker_y) _weight_map[_walker_y][_walker_x] = _tile['w'] _tile_map[_walker_y][_walker_x] =_tile _dir = random.randint(-1, 1), random.randint(-1, 1) _n_x = _walker_x + _dir[0] _n_y = _walker_y + _dir[1] while (_n_x, _n_y) in _building_space or (_n_x, _n_y) in _solids or _last_dir == _dir: _dir = random.randint(-1, 1), random.randint(-1, 1) _n_x = _walker_x + _dir[0] _n_y = _walker_y + _dir[1] _last_dir = _dir[0] * -1, _dir[0] * -1 _walker_x = _n_x _walker_y = _n_y #Bushes around outside wall #Campfires """for room in _rooms: _build_doors = [] for plot_x, plot_y in room['plots']: _room = _building[(plot_x, plot_y)] _build_walls = ['north', 'south', 'east', 'west'] for n_plot_x, n_plot_y in [(plot_x-1, plot_y), (plot_x+1, plot_y), (plot_x, plot_y-1), (plot_x, plot_y+1)]: if ((n_plot_x, n_plot_y) == _room['door_plot']) or (not _build_doors and not (n_plot_x, n_plot_y) in room['plots'] and (n_plot_x, n_plot_y) in _building): if n_plot_x - plot_x == -1: _build_doors.append('west') if 'west' in _build_walls: _build_walls.remove('west') elif n_plot_x - plot_x == 1: _build_doors.append('east') if 'east' in _build_walls: _build_walls.remove('east') if n_plot_y - plot_y == -1: _build_doors.append('north') if 'north' in _build_walls: _build_walls.remove('north') elif n_plot_y - plot_y == 1: _build_doors.append('south') if 'south' in _build_walls: _build_walls.remove('south') if (n_plot_x, n_plot_y) in _building: if n_plot_x - plot_x == -1 and not _building[(n_plot_x, n_plot_y)]['type'] in buildinggen.ROOM_TYPES[room['type']]['avoid_rooms']: if 'west' in _build_walls: _build_walls.remove('west') elif n_plot_x - plot_x == 1 and not _building[(n_plot_x, n_plot_y)]['type'] in buildinggen.ROOM_TYPES[room['type']]['avoid_rooms']: if 'east' in _build_walls: _build_walls.remove('east') if n_plot_y - plot_y == -1 and not _building[(n_plot_x, n_plot_y)]['type'] in buildinggen.ROOM_TYPES[room['type']]['avoid_rooms']: if 'north' in _build_walls: _build_walls.remove('north') elif n_plot_y - plot_y == 1 and not _building[(n_plot_x, n_plot_y)]['type'] in buildinggen.ROOM_TYPES[room['type']]['avoid_rooms']: if 'south' in _build_walls: _build_walls.remove('south') _x, _y = (_s_x + (plot_x*_room_size)), (_s_y + (plot_y*_room_size)) for y in range(_y, _y+_room_size): for x in range(_x, _x+_room_size): if ((x-_x == 0 and 'west' in _build_walls) or (y-_y == 0 and 'north' in _build_walls) or (x-_x == _room_size-1 and 'east' in _build_walls) or (y-_y == _room_size-1 and 'south' in _build_walls)): _weight_map[y][x] = _tile['w'] _tile_map[y][x] = tiles.wooden_fence(x, y) _solids.add((x, y)) else: _tile_map[y][x] = buildinggen.ROOM_TYPES[room['type']]['tiles'](x, y) _building_space.add((x, y)) for y in range(_y, _y+_room_size): for x in range(_x-1, _x+_room_size+1): if (x-_x in [-1, 0] and 'west' in _build_doors and (y-_y<=2 or y-_y>=_room_size-3)) or (x-_x in [_room_size, _room_size+1] and 'east' in _build_doors and (y-_y<=2 or y-_y>=_room_size-3)): _weight_map[y][x] = _tile['w'] _tile_map[y][x] = tiles.wooden_fence(x, y) _solids.add((x, y)) for y in range(_y-1, _y+_room_size+1): for x in range(_x, _x+_room_size): if (y-_y in [-1, 0] and 'north' in _build_doors and (x-_x<=2 or x-_x>=_room_size-3)) or (y-_y in [_room_size, _room_size+1] and 'south' in _build_doors and (x-_x<=2 or x-_x>=_room_size-3)): _weight_map[y][x] = _tile['w'] _tile_map[y][x] = tiles.wooden_fence(x, y) _solids.add((x, y)) _last_plot_x, _last_plot_y = plot_x, plot_y #TODO: Make this into a function? _min_x, _max_x = (width, 0) _min_y, _max_y = (height, 0) for x, y in _building: _x, _y = (_s_x + (x*_room_size)), (_s_y + (y*_room_size)) if _x > _max_x: _max_x = _x if _x < _min_x: _min_x = _x if _y > _max_y: _max_y = _y if _y < _min_y: _min_y = _y""" _plot_pole_x, _plot_pole_y = _s_x, _s_y _tree_plots = _possible_trees - _solids _tree_plots = list(_tree_plots - _building_space) _trees = {} _used_trees = random.sample(_tree_plots, numbers.clip(int(round((width * height) * .001)), 0, len(_tree_plots))) _bush_plots = set(_tree_plots) - set(_used_trees) _used_bush = random.sample(_bush_plots, numbers.clip(int(round((width * height) * .003)), 0, len(_bush_plots))) _swamp_plots = set(_tree_plots) - set(_used_bush) _used_swamp = random.sample(_swamp_plots, numbers.clip(int(round((width * height) * .003)), 0, len(_swamp_plots))) for x, y in _used_trees: _size = random.randint(7, 12) _trees[x, y] = _size for w in range(random.randint(1, 2)): _walker_x = x _walker_y = y _walker_direction = random.randint(0, 359) for i in range(random.randint(_size/4, _size/2)): _actual_x, _actual_y = int(round(_walker_x)), int(round(_walker_y)) if _actual_x < 0 or _actual_y < 0 or _actual_x >= width or _actual_y >= height or (_actual_x, _actual_y) in _solids: break _center_mod = numbers.float_distance((_actual_x, _actual_y), (x, y)) / float(_size) _tile = tiles.tree(_actual_x, _actual_y) _weight_map[_actual_y][_actual_x] = _tile['w'] _tile_map[_actual_y][_actual_x] = _tile if random.randint(0, 3): _trees[_actual_x, _actual_y] = random.randint(1, _size) _solids.add((_actual_x, _actual_y)) _walker_direction += random.randint(-45, 45) _n_x, _n_y = numbers.velocity(_walker_direction, 1) _walker_x += _n_x _walker_y += _n_y for x, y in _used_bush: _center_mod = numbers.float_distance((x, y), (_plot_pole_x, _plot_pole_y)) / 60.0 _walker_x = x _walker_y = y for i in range(int(round(random.randint(44, 55) * _center_mod))): _tile = tiles.swamp_water(_walker_x, _walker_y) _weight_map[_walker_y][_walker_x] = _tile['w'] _tile_map[_walker_y][_walker_x] =_tile _walker_x += random.randint(-1, 1) _walker_y += random.randint(-1, 1) if _walker_x < 0 or _walker_y < 0 or _walker_x >= width or _walker_y >= height or (_walker_x, _walker_y) in _solids: break for x, y in _used_swamp: _center_mod = numbers.float_distance((x, y), (_plot_pole_x, _plot_pole_y)) / 120.0 _walker_x = x _walker_y = y for i in range(int(round(random.randint(44, 55) * (1-_center_mod)))): _tile = tiles.swamp(_walker_x, _walker_y) _weight_map[_walker_y][_walker_x] = _tile['w'] _tile_map[_walker_y][_walker_x] =_tile _walker_x += random.randint(-1, 1) _walker_y += random.randint(-1, 1) if _walker_x < 0 or _walker_y < 0 or _walker_x >= width or _walker_y >= height or (_walker_x, _walker_y) in _solids: break mapgen.build_node_grid(_node_grid, _solids) mapgen.add_plot_pole(_plot_pole_x, _plot_pole_y, 40, _solids) _fsl = {'Terrorists': {'bases': 1, 'squads': 0, 'trader': True, 'type': life.human_runner}, 'Militia': {'bases': 0, 'squads': 1, 'trader': False, 'type': life.human_bandit}} #'Wild Dogs': {'bases': 0, 'squads': 1, 'trader': False, 'type': life.wild_dog}} return width, height, _node_grid, mapgen.NODE_SETS.copy(), _weight_map, _tile_map, _solids, _fsl, _trees, _building_space - _walls
def smoke_cloud(x, y, size, start_alpha=.0, decay_amount=1.0): for pos in shapes.circle_smooth(x, y, size + .1, 0.1): _c_mod = numbers.clip(1 - numbers.float_distance((x, y), pos) / size, start_alpha, 1) smoke(pos[0], pos[1], 1, start_amount=_c_mod, decay_amount=decay_amount)