예제 #1
    def get_task_status(self, url, params, request, response):
        """ Get task status.

            task: string
                task name.
            task_done: string
                task status.
                True is done, False is not yet.
        task = params.get_string('task', None)
        # check argument 'task'
        if not task:
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG,
                               str_data=("argument 'task' is need.", ))

        taskobj = g().get(task)
        # can't find task
        if not taskobj:
            return Response(success=False, err_msg="can't find task.")
        # some error occur
        if taskobj.error:
            return Response(success=False,
                            if taskobj.error_message else 'unhandle error')
        # return True: task done; False: not yet
        return Response(model_data={'task_done': taskobj.done})
예제 #2
    def add_count(self, url, params, request, response):
        """ Add user action count of choosen AV.

            url[0] : string.
                AV ID.
            type   : string.
                Action type.
        # API args
        av_id = url[0] if len(url) else None
        action_type = params.get_string('type', None)

        if not action_type or action_type not in [
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG, str_data=('type error.'))

        db_inst = PGClient(db='av')

        cur, rowcount = db_inst.query(table='video',
                                      condition=['id=%(id)s', {
                                          'id': av_id
        if not rowcount:
            raise RequestError(ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND)

        count, total = self._add_user_action(action_type=action_type,


        return Response(content={'count': count, 'total': total})
예제 #3
    def delete_addon(self, url, params, request, response):
        """ delete addon file.

            url[0] : string.
                Addon version of file to remove.
        # API args
        if len(url):
            version = url[0]
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG, str_data=('version error.'))

        db_inst = PGClient(db='file', timeout=False)
        # check data exist
        cur, rowcount = db_inst.query(
            condition=[u'version=%(version)s', {
                'version': version
        if not rowcount:
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG,
                               str_data=('data does not exist.'))

            condition=[u'version=%(version)s', {
                'version': version

        return Response({'version': version})
예제 #4
    def get_addon_version(self, url, params, request, response):
        """ Get addon version.
        # API args
        version = url[0] if len(url) else None

        db_inst = PGClient(db='file')
        if version:
            addons, rowcount = db_inst.query(
                fields=['version', 'md5sum'],
                condition=[u'version=%(version)s', {
                    'version': version
        else:  # latest version
            addons, rowcount = db_inst.query(
                fields=['version', 'md5sum'],
                else_sql='ORDER BY version DESC LIMIT 1')

        if not rowcount:
            raise RequestError(ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND)

        return Response({
            'version': addons[0]['version'],
            'md5sum': addons[0]['md5sum']
예제 #5
    def search_media(self, url, params, request, response):
        """ Search multimedia information.

            See _parse_args.
        args = self._parse_args(url, params)

        ret = {
            'detail': True,  # FIXME if this filed is not a common data.
            'media_type': args['media_type']

            search_inst = {
                'movies': search_movies,
                'karaokes': search_karaokes,
                'avs': search_avs,
                'tvs': search_tvs
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG, str_data=('media type error'))

        search_ret = search_inst(**args)

        return Response(model_data=ret)
예제 #6
    def search_index(self, url, params, request, response):
        """ Search multimedia index.

            Take Args: keyword, lang.
            See _parse_args.

            range  : list of string.
                Search range.
        args = self._parse_args(url, params)
        args['keyword'] = list(set(args['keyword']))

        inst_map = {
            'movies': m_total,
            'karaokes': k_total,
            'avs': a_total,
            'tvs': t_total

        # additional args
        search_range = params.get_list('range', inst_map.keys())

        ret = {}
        for key in search_range:
            ret[key] = inst_map[key](args['keyword'], args['lang'])

        return Response(content=ret)
예제 #7
    def get_movie_titles(self, url, params, request, response):
        """ Get movie titles of each source.

            url[0] : string.
                IMDB ID.
        # API args
        if not url:
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG, str_data=('format error.'))
        imdbid = url[0]

        db_inst = PGClient()

        condition = ['imdbid = %(imdbid)s', {'imdbid': imdbid}]
        rows, rowcount = db_inst.query(table='movies',
                                       fields=['source, title'],

        return Response(
                'titles': {
                    source2lang(row['source']): row['title']
                    for row in rows if source2lang(row['source']) is not None
예제 #8
    def patch_data(self, url, params, request, response):
        """ patch data to db

        create patcher by tablename and execute patch.

        :param url:
        :param params:
        :param request:
        :param response:
        tablename = params.get_string('tablename', None)
        # check tablename argument
        if not tablename:
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG,
                               str_data=("argument 'tablename' is need.", ))

        # check patchfile argument
        if 'patchfile' not in params:
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG,
                               str_data=("argument 'patchfile' is need.", ))

        # get patcher
        patcher = create_patcher(tablename)
        if not patcher:
            raise RequestError(
                str_data=("argument 'tablename' is incorrect.", ))
        # execute patch task
        patcher.patch(params['patchfile'], 'patch_data')
        # return message
        return Response(
                'message': "start to patch %s" % patcher.get_tablename()
예제 #9
    def get_metadata(self, url, params, request, response):
        """ Use TV id of any source to get all metadata.
            ids : list string.
                IDs of TVs to get metadata.
        # API args
        ids = params.get_list('ids', None)
        if not ids:
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG, str_data=('ids.'))

        resp = Response(content={'tvs': {}})

        db_inst = PGClient()

        # Get items with ids
        condition = ['id IN %(id)s', {'id': tuple(ids)}]
        tvs, rowcount = db_inst.query(table='drama',

        for tv in tvs:
            resp['tvs'][tv['id']] = {'dbid': tv['dbid'], 'metadata': {}}

            # Get metadata of each source.
            if tv['dbid']:
                condition = ['dbid = %(id)s', {'id': tv['dbid']}]
                rows, rowcount = db_inst.query(table='drama',
            else:  # only one record
                rows = [tv]

            for row in rows:
                resp['tvs'][tv['id']]['metadata'][row['source']] = {
                    'id': row['id'],
                    'source': row['source'],
                    'title': row['title'],
                    'akas': row['akas'],
                    'kind': row['kind'],
                    'genres': row['genres'],
                    'posterurl': tv['posterurl'],
                    'stars': row['stars'],
                    'year': row['year'],
                    'region': row['region'],
                    'description': row['description'],
                    'url': row['url'],
                    'update_eps': row['update_eps'],
                    'total_eps': row['total_eps'],
                    'completed': row['completed'],
                    'md5sum': row['md5sum']

        # patch up not found data.
        for missing_id in set(ids).difference(resp['tvs'].keys()):
            resp['tvs'][missing_id] = {}

        return resp
예제 #10
    def process_view(self, request, view_func, view_args, view_kwargs):
        """静态文件及有"notauth" 属性view_func 免认证

        # 获取原始代码的属性
        check_view_func = self.get_check_view_func(request, view_func)

        # 视图类没有权限设置,则使用path找出function检查
        if hasattr(check_view_func, 'as_view') and (
                not is_notauth(check_view_func) or not is_notcheck(check_view_func)
            if 'path' in view_kwargs:
                check_view_func = getattr(check_view_func, view_kwargs['path'], None) or check_view_func

        # 不需要登陆
        if is_notauth(check_view_func) or self.is_pass(view_func):  # 不需处理的函数不管
            is_allow = True

            if ((request.path_info.find('/login') == 0 or request.path_info.find(
                    '/phone_login') == 0) and request.method == 'POST'):
                request.user = request.admin = User()
                request.user.id = 0
                self.save_operate_log(request, '登录后台')

            user_id = request.session.get(SESSION_KEY, None)
            the_user = User.objects.filter(id=user_id, status__in=(User.Status.NORMAL, User.Status.NotActive)).first()
            request.user = request.admin = the_user
            if not request.user:
                if request.is_ajax() or request.is_json:
                    return Response(request=request, code=-1, msg=_('请重新登录'))
                login_url = settings.LOGIN_URL
                return HttpResponseRedirect('%s?from_url=%s' % (login_url, request.get_full_path()))

            request.allow = request.allow_menu = the_user.allow_menu
            is_allow = self.check_url_permsssion(request)

            if is_notcheck(check_view_func):
                is_allow = True

        if not is_allow:
            return Response(request=request, code=1, msg=_('没有权限'), template_name='myadmin/block.html')
예제 #11
    def add_count(self, url, params, request, response):
        """ Add user action count of choosen karaoke.

            url[0] : string.
                Karaoke ID.
            type   : string.
                Action type.
        # API args
        karaoke_id = url[0] if len(url) else None
        id_list = params.get_list('ids', [])
        action_type = params.get_string('type', None)

        if not action_type or action_type not in [USER_ACTION_VIEW, USER_ACTION_DOWNLOAD, USER_ACTION_PLAY]:
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG, str_data=('type error.'))

        if karaoke_id:
            id_list = [karaoke_id]
        elif not id_list:
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG, str_data=('id_list error.'))

        db_inst = PGClient(db='karaoke')

        cur, rowcount = db_inst.query(table='songs', condition=['keymd5 IN %(ids)s', {'ids': tuple(id_list)}])
        if rowcount != len(id_list):
            raise RequestError(ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND)
        resp = Response()

        for ID in id_list:
            count, total = self._add_user_action(action_type=action_type, karaoke_id=ID, db_inst=db_inst)
            resp[ID] = {
                'count': count,
                'total': total


        return resp.pop(karaoke_id) if karaoke_id else resp
예제 #12
    def get_play_list(self, url, params, request, response):
        """ Get play list.

            url[0] : string.
                Drama ID.
            source :
                Video source.
            since  : int string.
                Response rows start from.
            limit  : int string.
                Number of response rows to display.
        # API args
        drama_id = url[0] if len(url) else None
        source = params.get_string('source', None)
        since = params.get_int('since', 0)
        limit = params.get_limit('limit', 30)

        if not drama_id:
            raise RequestError(http_status=404)

        condition = ['id=%(id)s', {'id': drama_id}]

        if source in self.allow_display_play_source():
            fields = [
                    ARRAY(SELECT json_array_elements(play_urls->'%s'))
                )[%s:%s] AS play_list
            ''' % (
                    since + 1 if since > 0 else 1,
                    limit + since
                    if limit > 0 else "json_array_length(play_urls->'%s')" %
                    source  # limit it if need.
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG, str_data=('source.'))

        db_inst = PGClient()

        dramas, rowcount = db_inst.query(table='drama',

        if not rowcount:
            raise RequestError(http_status=404)

        return Response(model_data={'data': dramas[0]})
예제 #13
    def get_metadata(self, url, params, request, response):
        """ Use AV id of any source to get all metadata.
            ids : list string.
                IDs of AVs to get metadata.
        # API args
        ids = params.get_list('ids', None)
        if not ids:
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG, str_data=('ids.'))

        resp = Response(content={'avs': {}})

        db_inst = PGClient(db='av')

        condition = ['id IN %(id)s', {'id': tuple(ids)}]
        avs, rowcount = db_inst.query(table='video',

        for av in avs:
            resp['avs'][av['id']] = {'metadata': {}}

            resp['avs'][av['id']]['metadata'][DB_SRC_DMM] = {
                'id': av['id'],
                'source': DB_SRC_DMM,
                'title': av['title'],
                'posterurl': av['posterurl'],
                'duration': av['duration'],
                'stars': av['performer'],
                'genres': av['category'],
                'rating': av['rating'],
                'maker': av['maker'],
                'series': av['series'],
                'date': av['date']
                and av['date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
                'description': av['description'],
                'samples': av['samples'],
                'url': av['url'],
                'date2': av['date2']
                and av['date2'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
                'code': av['code'],
                'md5sum': av['md5sum']

        # patch up not found data.
        for missing_id in set(ids).difference(resp['avs'].keys()):
            resp['avs'][missing_id] = {}

        return resp
예제 #14
    def get_patch_columns(self, url, params, request, response):
        tablename = params.get_string('tablename', None)
        # check tablename argument
        if not tablename:
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG,
                               str_data=("argument 'tablename' is need.", ))

        # get patcher
        patcher = create_patcher(tablename)
        if not patcher:
            raise RequestError(
                str_data=("argument 'tablename' is incorrect.", ))
        # return patch columns
        return Response(model_data={'columns': patcher.get_columns()})
예제 #15
 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
         # lock
         # check background task status
         # if other task is running, return Response.
         if self.bg_task:
             return Response(success=False,
                             err_msg='other task is runing.')
             self.bg_task = taskname
             # if no other task run, execute func.
             return func(*args, **kwargs)
         # unlock
예제 #16
    def get_metadata(self, url, params, request, response):
        """ Use karaokes id of any source to get all metadata.
            ids : list string.
                IDs of karaokes to get metadata.
        # API args
        ids = params.get_list('ids', None)
        if not ids:
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG, str_data=('ids.'))

        resp = Response(content={'karaokes': {}})

        db_inst = PGClient(db='karaoke')

        condition = ['keymd5 IN %(id)s', {'id': tuple(ids)}]
        karaokes, rowcount = db_inst.query(table='songs', condition=condition, ret_type='all')

        for karaoke in karaokes:
            resp['karaokes'][karaoke['keymd5']] = {'metadata': {}}

            # Get content data.
            condition = ['keymd5 = %(id)s', {'id': karaoke['keymd5']}]
            rows, rowcount = db_inst.query(table='song_content', condition=condition, ret_type='all')
            content = rows[0] if rows else {}

            # Key name use lang instead of source name and we only have TCH data,
            # because TCH dad is composed of cashbox, holiday and youtube.
            resp['karaokes'][karaoke['keymd5']]['metadata'][LANG_TCH] = {
                'id': karaoke['keymd5'],
                'source': karaoke['source'],
                'title': karaoke['title'],
                'artist': karaoke['artist'],
                'song_lang': karaoke['lang'],
                # use content
                'posterurl': content['poster_url'],
                'description': content['description'],
                'play_url': content['play_url'],
                'md5sum': content['md5sum']

        # patch up not found data.
        for missing_id in set(ids).difference(resp['karaokes'].keys()):
            resp['karaokes'][missing_id] = {}

        return resp
예제 #17
    def rebuild_keyword(self, url, params, request, response):
        tablename = params.get_string('tablename', None)
        # check tablename argument
        if not tablename:
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG,
                               str_data=("argument 'tablename' is need.", ))

        # get builder
        builder = create_keyword_builder(tablename)
        if not builder:
            raise RequestError(
                str_data=("argument 'tablename' is incorrect.", ))
        # execute rebuild keyword task
        # return message
        return Response(
                'message': 'start to rebuild %s' % builder.get_tablename()
예제 #18
파일: main.py 프로젝트: codeguycool/CEC
def handle_error():
        Not catch Httpd code 3XX~4XX exception. These exception will just response to client. 
    excpetion_inst = _exc_info()[1]

    if isinstance(excpetion_inst, RequestError):
        cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        cherrypy.response.status = excpetion_inst.http_status
        resp = Response(success=False,
        cherrypy.response.body = json.dumps(resp)
    else:  # hide exception information
        cherrypy.response.show_tracebacks = False
        cherrypy.response.status = 500
        cherrypy.response.body = [
            "<html><body>%s</body></html>" % ERR_MSG[500]
예제 #19
    def get_covers(self, url, params, request, response):
        """ Get karaoke covers.

            song_langs : list string.
                Karaoke ID.
            list_type  : int string.

        song_langs = params.get_list('song_langs', [])
        song_langs = [v for v in song_langs if v in ARG_SONG_LANGS]
        if not song_langs:
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG, str_data=('song_langs.'))

        list_type = params.get_int('list_type', 1)
        if list_type not in xrange(1, 4):
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG, str_data=('list_type.'))

        # Take the cover of first row of each song lang as index cover.
        table = u'''
                SELECT   DISTINCT ON (lang)
                         keymd5, lang
                FROM     song_list
                WHERE    lang IN %(lang)s AND type=%(type)s
                ORDER BY lang, rank
            ) l
        fields = ['song_content.poster_url', 'l.lang']
        condition = [u'song_content.keymd5=l.keymd5', {'lang': tuple(song_langs), 'type': str(list_type)}]

        db_inst = PGClient(db='karaoke')

        rows, rowcount = db_inst.query(table=table, fields=fields, condition=condition, ret_type='all')
        covers = {row['lang']: row['poster_url'] for row in rows}

        return Response(content={
            'covers': {key: covers[key] if covers.has_key(key) else None for key in song_langs}
예제 #20
    def update_latest_movies(self, url, params, request, response):
        """ Update latest movies.

            imdbid_list: list
                The imdbid list to update latest table.
            rowcount: int
                The row count of 'movie_latest'.
        imdbid_list = params.get_list('imdbid_list', None)
        # check argument 'imdbid_list'
        if not imdbid_list:
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG,
                               str_data=("argument 'imdbid_list' is need.", ))

        values = ''
        for data in imdbid_list:
            # check imdbid pattern
            reslut = re.match('tt\d{7}', data[0])
            if reslut is None:
                raise RequestError(
                    str_data=('imdbid_list(%s) is not imdbid format.' %
                              data[0], ))
            values += "('%s', '%s')," % (data[0], data[1])
        values = values[:-1]

        # insert db
        db_inst = PGClient()
        db_inst.execute('truncate table movie_latest')
        db_inst.execute('insert into movie_latest values %s' % values)
        cur = db_inst.execute('select count(*) from movie_latest')
        rowcount = cur.fetchone()[0]

        return Response(model_data={'rowcount': rowcount})
예제 #21
    def suggest_keyword(self, url, params, request, response):
        """ Suggest keyword.

            media_type : string.
                Media type.
            media_id   : string.
                Target media ID.
            lang       : string.
                To choose display content.
        media_type = params.get_string('media_type', None)
        media_id = params.get_string('media_id', None)
        lang = params.get_string('lang', None)

        if not media_id or not media_type or not lang:
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG, str_data=('args missing'))

            search_inst = {'movies': m_keyword, 'avs': a_keyword}[media_type]
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG, str_data=('media_type error'))

        return Response(content={'keywords': search_inst(media_id, lang)})
예제 #22
    def get_last_timestamp(self, url, params, request, response):
        """ get last update timestamp

        create patcher by tablename and get timestamp.

        :param url:
        :param params:
        :param request:
        :param response:
        tablename = params.get_string('entity', None)
        # check entity argument
        if not tablename:
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG,
                               str_data=("argument 'entity' is need.", ))

        # get patcher
        patcher = create_patcher(tablename)
        if not patcher:
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG,
                               str_data=("argument 'entity' is incorrect.", ))

        return Response(model_data={'timestamp': patcher.get_timestamp()})
예제 #23
    def upload_addon(self, url, params, request, response):
        """ Upload addon file.

            url[0] : string.
                Addon version of this file.
            md5sum : string. (opt)
                md5sum of this file to check data is complete.
        # API args
        if len(url):
            version = url[0]
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG, str_data=('version error.'))

        if not params.has_key('file'):
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG, str_data=('file error.'))

        file_md5sum = params.get_string('md5sum', None)

        # check data exist
        db_inst = PGClient(db='file', timeout=False)
        cur, rowcount = db_inst.query(
            condition=[u'version=%(version)s', {
                'version': version
        if rowcount:
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG, str_data=('data existed.'))

        # handle updating file
        upload_file = params['file']
        tmp_file_path = '%s/%s' % (TMP_PATH, upload_file.filename)

            # save file
            md5 = hashlib.md5()
            with open(tmp_file_path, mode='wb') as fp:
                while True:
                    data = upload_file.file.read(8192)
                    if data:

            # compare md5sum
            md5sum = md5.hexdigest()
            if file_md5sum and md5sum != file_md5sum:
                raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG,
                                   str_data=('md5sum check error.'))

            # insert data to db
            with open(tmp_file_path, mode='rb') as f:
                                   'version': version,
                                   'name': upload_file.filename,
                                   'data': Binary(f.read()),
                                   'md5sum': md5sum,
                                   'udate': datetime.utcnow().isoformat()

            # remove redundant data
            addons, rowcount = db_inst.query(table='addons',
                                             else_sql='ORDER BY version DESC')
            if rowcount > MAX_NUM_ADDONS:
                versions_to_remove = [
                    addons[-1 * index]['version']
                    for index in xrange(1, rowcount - MAX_NUM_ADDONS + 1)
                                   'version IN %(versions)s', {
                                       'versions': tuple(versions_to_remove)


            return Response({'version': version, 'md5sum': md5sum})
예제 #24
    def get_avs(self, url, params, request, response):
        """ Get AVs information.

            1) GET RESOURCE/${AV_ID}
                Get target AVs detail information.

            2) GET RESOURCE?type=${TYPE}
                Get custom information.

            url[0] : string.
                Song ID to find.
            type   : string.
                Information type.
            since  : int string.
                Response data start from.
            limit  : int string.
                Number of response rows to display.
            lang  : string.
                To choose display content.
        # API args
        av_id = url[0] if len(url) else None
        request_type = params.get_string('type', REQUEST_LATEST)
        since = params.get_int('since', None)
        lang = params.get_string('lang', None)

        fields = None
        condition = []
        ordering_sql = None

        if av_id:  # Get one AV information
            limit = 0
            condition = ['id=%(id)s', {'id': av_id}]

            limit = params.get_limit('limit', 20)

            if request_type == REQUEST_POPLAR:  # Get popular AVs information
                ordering_sql = 'ORDER BY total_count DESC NULLS LAST, date DESC NULLS LAST'
            elif request_type == REQUEST_LATEST:  # Get latest AVs information
                now_date = datetime.utcnow().isoformat().split('T')[0]
                condition = ['date <= %(date)s', {'date': now_date}]
                ordering_sql = 'ORDER BY date DESC NULLS LAST'
                raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG, str_data=('type.'))

        db_inst = PGClient(db='av')

        else_sql = '%s %s %s' % (ordering_sql if ordering_sql else '',
                                 'OFFSET %s' % since if since else '',
                                 'LIMIT %s' % limit if MAX_RESPONSE_ROWS >
                                 limit > 0 else 'LIMIT %s' % MAX_RESPONSE_ROWS)

        avs, rowcount = db_inst.query(table='video',

        if not rowcount and av_id:
            raise RequestError(http_status=404)

        return Response(model_data={
            'metadata': avs,
            'detail': True if av_id else False
예제 #25
    def get_TVs(self, url, params, request, response):
        """ Get TVs information.

            1) GET RESOURCE/${DRAMA_ID}
                Get target dramas detail information.

            2) GET RESOURCE?type=${TYPE}
                Get custom information.

            url[0] : string.
                Drama ID to find.
            since  : int string.
                Response data start from.
            limit  : int string.
                Number of response rows to display.
            lang  : string.
                To choose display content.
            drama_kind  : int string.
                To choose kind of dramas.
            type   : string.
                The type to display information.
        # API args
        drama_id = url[0] if len(url) else None
        request_type = params.get_string('type', REQUEST_LATEST)
        since = params.get_int('since', None)
        lang = params.get_string('lang', None)

        condition_sql = ''
        condition_data = {}
        ordering_sql = None

        if drama_id:  # Get one drama information
            limit = 0
            condition_sql = 'id=%(id)s'
            condition_data = {'id': drama_id}

        else:  # Get drama list information
            limit = params.get_limit('limit', 20)

            kind = params.get_int('drama_kind', 1)
            if kind not in xrange(0, 9):
                raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG, str_data=('drama_kind.'))

            condition_sql = "kind='%s'" % kind
            condition_sql = "%s AND source='%s'" % (condition_sql,
            condition_sql = "%s AND '%s' && ARRAY(SELECT json_object_keys(play_urls))" % (
                condition_sql, self.sql_array_string())

            if request_type == REQUEST_POPLAR:  # Get popular drama information
                ordering_sql = "ORDER BY total_count DESC NULLS LAST, rdate DESC NULLS LAST"

            elif request_type == REQUEST_LATEST:  # Get latest drama information
                ordering_sql = 'ORDER BY rdate DESC NULLS LAST'
                raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG, str_data=('type.'))

        dramas_sql = u'''
            SELECT *
            FROM   drama
            WHERE  {0}
            {1} {2} {3}
            condition_sql, ordering_sql if ordering_sql else '',
            'OFFSET %s' % since if since else '', 'LIMIT %s' %
            limit if MAX_RESPONSE_ROWS > limit > 0 else 'LIMIT %s' %

        db_inst = PGClient()

        cur = db_inst.execute(cmd=gen_fetch_dramas_sql(dramas_sql=dramas_sql),

        if not cur.rowcount and drama_id:
            raise RequestError(http_status=404)

        return Response(model_data={
            'data': cur.fetchall(),
            'detail': False if drama_id else True
예제 #26
    def get_movies(self, url, params, request, response):
        """ Get movies information.

            1) GET RESOURCE/${MOVIE_ID}
                Get target movie detail information.

            2) GET RESOURCE?type=${TYPE}
                Get custom information.

            3) GET RESOURCE
                Get all movie information.

            url[0] : string.
                Movie ID to find.
            type   : string.
                Information type.
            since  : int string.
                Response data start from.
            limit  : int string.
                Number of response rows to display.
            lang  : string.
                To choose display content.
        # API args
        movie_id = url[0] if len(url) else None
        request_type = params.get_string('type', REQUEST_LATEST)
        since = params.get_int('since', None)
        lang = params.get_string('lang', None)

        table = 'movies'
        fields = None
        condition = ['source=%(source)s', {'source': lang2source(lang)}]
        ordering_sql = None

        if movie_id:  # Get one moive information
            limit = 0
            condition = ['id=%(id)s', {'id': movie_id}]

        elif request_type:
            limit = params.get_limit('limit', 20)

            constraint_sql = """title!='' AND (posterurl is not null OR thumbnailurl is not null) AND
                directors!='{}' AND writers!='{}' AND stars!='{}' AND description is not null"""
            condition[0] = '%s AND %s' % (condition[0], constraint_sql)

            if request_type == REQUEST_POPLAR:  # Get popular moive information
                ordering_sql = "ORDER BY total_count DESC NULLS LAST, releasedate->>'Default' DESC NULLS LAST"

            elif request_type == REQUEST_LATEST:  # Get latest moive information
                table = 'movies, movie_latest'
                    0] = 'movies.imdbid = movie_latest.imdbid AND %s' % condition[
                ordering_sql = 'ORDER BY movie_latest.rdate DESC'
                raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG, str_data=('type.'))

        else:  # Get all moive information
            limit = params.get_limit('limit', 20)
            ordering_sql = 'ORDER BY year DESC'

        db_inst = PGClient()

        else_sql = '%s %s %s' % (ordering_sql if ordering_sql else '',
                                 'OFFSET %s' % since if since else '',
                                 'LIMIT %s' % limit if MAX_RESPONSE_ROWS >
                                 limit > 0 else 'LIMIT %s' % MAX_RESPONSE_ROWS)

        movies, rowcount = db_inst.query(table=table,

        if not rowcount and movie_id:
            raise RequestError(http_status=404)

        content = get_movies_content(movies_row=movies, db_inst=db_inst)

        return Response(
                'metadata': movies,
                'content': content,
                'detail': True if movie_id else False
예제 #27
async def handler(request):
    username = request.match_info['username']
    if username not in request.app.db:
        raise HTTPNotFound(reason=f'No such user with as {username} :(')

    return Response(f'Welcome, {username}')
예제 #28
    def get_metadata(self, url, params, request, response):
        """ Use movie id of any source to get all metadata.
            ids : list string.
                IDs of movies to get metadata.
        # API args
        ids = params.get_list('ids', None)
        if not ids:
            raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG, str_data=('ids.'))

        resp = Response(content={'movies': {}})

        db_inst = PGClient()

        # Get items with ids
        condition = ['id IN %(id)s', {'id': tuple(ids)}]
        movies, rowcount = db_inst.query(table='movies',

        for movie in movies:
            resp['movies'][movie['id']] = {
                'imdbid': movie['imdbid'],
                'metadata': {}

            # Get metadata of each source.
            if movie['imdbid']:
                condition = [
                    'imdbid = %(imdbid)s', {
                        'imdbid': movie['imdbid']
                rows, rowcount = db_inst.query(table='movies',
                rows = [movie]

            for row in rows:
                resp['movies'][movie['id']]['metadata'][row['source']] = {
                    'id': row['id'],
                    'source': row['source'],
                    'title': row['title'],
                    'akas': row['akas'],
                    'genres': row['genres'],
                    'rating': row['rating'],
                    'posterurl': row['posterurl'],
                    'directors': row['directors'],
                    'stars': row['stars'],
                    'releasedate': row['releasedate'],
                    'countries': row['countries'],
                    'description': row['description'],
                    'url': row['url'],
                    'md5sum': row['md5sum'],
                    'thumbnailurl': row['thumbnailurl']

        # patch up not found data.
        for missing_id in set(ids).difference(resp['movies'].keys()):
            resp['movies'][missing_id] = {}

        return resp
예제 #29
    def get_karaokes(self, url, params, request, response):
        """ Get karaokes information.

            1) GET RESOURCE/${KARAOKE_ID}
                Get target karaokes detail information.

            2) GET RESOURCE?type=${TYPE}
                Get custom information.

            url[0] : string.
                Song ID to find.
            since  : int string.
                Response data start from.
            limit  : int string.
                Number of response rows to display.
            lang  : string.
                To choose display content.
            song_lang  : string.
                To choose language type of songs.
            list_type  : int string.
                To choose songs list type.
        # API args
        karaoke_id = url[0] if len(url) else None
        since = params.get_int('since', None)
        lang = params.get_string('lang', None)

        table = 'songs'
        fields = None
        condition = []
        ordering_sql = None

        if karaoke_id:  # Get one song information
            limit = 0
            condition = ['keymd5=%(id)s', {'id': karaoke_id}]

        else:  # Get song list information
            limit = params.get_limit('limit', 20)

            song_lang = params.get_string('song_lang', 'M')
            if song_lang not in ARG_SONG_LANGS:
                raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG, str_data=('song_lang.'))

            list_type = params.get_int('list_type', 1)
            if list_type not in xrange(1, 4):
                raise RequestError(ERR_REQUEST_ARG, str_data=('list_type.'))

            table = 'songs, song_list'
            fields = ['songs.*', 'song_list.udate AS list_udate']
            condition = [
                'songs.keymd5=song_list.keymd5 AND (song_list.lang=%(lang)s AND song_list.type=%(type)s)',
                {'lang': song_lang, 'type': str(list_type)}
            ordering_sql = 'ORDER BY song_list.rank'

        db_inst = PGClient(db='karaoke')

        else_sql = '%s %s %s' % (
            ordering_sql if ordering_sql else '',
            'OFFSET %s' % since if since else '',
            'LIMIT %s' % limit if MAX_RESPONSE_ROWS > limit > 0 else 'LIMIT %s' % MAX_RESPONSE_ROWS

        songs, rowcount = db_inst.query(
            table=table, fields=fields, condition=condition, ret_type='all', else_sql=else_sql

        if not rowcount and karaoke_id:
            raise RequestError(http_status=404)

        content = get_karaokes_content(karaokes_row=songs, db_inst=db_inst)

        return Response(model_data={
            'metadata': songs,
            'content': content,
            'detail': True if karaoke_id else False