def retrieve_message(self, pop_meta, msg_num): incoming_mail = None try: self.validate_pop(pop_meta) msg = self.pop.retr(msg_num) self.latest_messages.append(b'\n'.join(msg[1])) except (TotalSizeExceededError, EmailTimeoutError): # propagate this error to break the loop self.errors = True raise except Exception, e: if self.has_login_limit_exceeded(e): self.errors = True raise LoginLimitExceeded, e else: # log performs rollback and logs error in scheduler log log("receive.get_messages", self.make_error_msg(msg_num, incoming_mail)) self.errors = True frappe.db.rollback() self.pop.dele(msg_num)
def retrieve_message(self, pop_meta, msg_num): incoming_mail = None try: self.validate_pop(pop_meta) msg = self.pop.retr(msg_num) incoming_mail = IncomingMail(b'\n'.join(msg[1])) frappe.db.begin() self.process_message(incoming_mail) frappe.db.commit() except (TotalSizeExceededError, EmailTimeoutError): # propagate this error to break the loop raise except: # log performs rollback and logs error in scheduler log log("receive.get_messages", self.make_error_msg(msg_num, incoming_mail)) self.errors = True frappe.db.rollback() self.pop.dele(msg_num) else: self.pop.dele(msg_num)
def receive(self, test_mails=None): """Called by scheduler to receive emails from this EMail account using POP3/IMAP.""" if self.enable_incoming: if frappe.local.flags.in_test: incoming_mails = test_mails else: email_server = self.get_server(in_receive=True) if not email_server: return incoming_mails = email_server.get_messages() exceptions = [] for raw in incoming_mails: try: communication = self.insert_communication(raw) except SentEmailInInbox: frappe.db.rollback() except Exception: frappe.db.rollback() log('email_account.receive') exceptions.append(frappe.get_traceback()) else: frappe.db.commit() attachments = [d.file_name for d in communication._attachments] # TODO fix bug where it sends emails to 'Adminsitrator' during testing communication.notify(attachments=attachments, fetched_from_email_account=True) if exceptions: raise Exception, frappe.as_json(exceptions)
def send_one(email, smtpserver=None, auto_commit=True, now=False): '''Send Email Queue with given smtpserver''' email = frappe.db.sql('''select name, status, communication, message, sender, recipient, reference_doctype from `tabEmail Queue` where name=%s for update''', email, as_dict=True)[0] if email.status != 'Not Sent': # rollback to release lock and return frappe.db.rollback() return frappe.db.sql("""update `tabEmail Queue` set status='Sending', modified=%s where name=%s""", (now_datetime(),, auto_commit=auto_commit) if email.communication: frappe.get_doc('Communication', email.communication).set_delivery_status(commit=auto_commit) try: if auto_commit: if not smtpserver: smtpserver = SMTPServer() smtpserver.setup_email_account(email.reference_doctype) smtpserver.sess.sendmail(email.sender, email.recipient, encode(email.message)) frappe.db.sql("""update `tabEmail Queue` set status='Sent', modified=%s where name=%s""", (now_datetime(),, auto_commit=auto_commit) if email.communication: frappe.get_doc('Communication', email.communication).set_delivery_status(commit=auto_commit) except (smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected, smtplib.SMTPConnectError, smtplib.SMTPHeloError, smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError, JobTimeoutException): # bad connection/timeout, retry later frappe.db.sql("""update `tabEmail Queue` set status='Not Sent', modified=%s where name=%s""", (now_datetime(),, auto_commit=auto_commit) if email.communication: frappe.get_doc('Communication', email.communication).set_delivery_status(commit=auto_commit) # no need to attempt further return except Exception, e: frappe.db.rollback() frappe.db.sql("""update `tabEmail Queue` set status='Error', error=%s where name=%s""", (unicode(e),, auto_commit=auto_commit) if email.communication: frappe.get_doc('Communication', email.communication).set_delivery_status(commit=auto_commit) if now: raise e else: # log to Error Log log('', unicode(e))
def send_one(email, smtpserver=None, auto_commit=True, now=False): '''Send Email Queue with given smtpserver''' email = frappe.db.sql('''select name, status, communication, message, sender, recipient, reference_doctype from `tabEmail Queue` where name=%s for update''', email, as_dict=True)[0] if email.status != 'Not Sent': # rollback to release lock and return frappe.db.rollback() return frappe.db.sql("""update `tabEmail Queue` set status='Sending', modified=%s where name=%s""", (now_datetime(),, auto_commit=auto_commit) if email.communication: frappe.get_doc('Communication', email.communication).set_delivery_status(commit=auto_commit) try: if auto_commit: if not smtpserver: smtpserver = SMTPServer() smtpserver.setup_email_account(email.reference_doctype) smtpserver.sess.sendmail(email.sender, email.recipient, encode(email.message)) frappe.db.sql("""update `tabEmail Queue` set status='Sent', modified=%s where name=%s""", (now_datetime(),, auto_commit=auto_commit) if email.communication: frappe.get_doc('Communication', email.communication).set_delivery_status(commit=auto_commit) except (smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected, smtplib.SMTPConnectError, smtplib.SMTPHeloError, smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError, JobTimeoutException): # bad connection/timeout, retry later frappe.db.sql("""update `tabEmail Queue` set status='Not Sent', modified=%s where name=%s""", (now_datetime(),, auto_commit=auto_commit) if email.communication: frappe.get_doc('Communication', email.communication).set_delivery_status(commit=auto_commit) # no need to attempt further return except Exception, e: frappe.db.rollback() frappe.db.sql("""update `tabEmail Queue` set status='Error', error=%s where name=%s""", (unicode(e),, auto_commit=auto_commit) if email.communication: frappe.get_doc('Communication', email.communication).set_delivery_status(commit=auto_commit) if now: raise e else: # log to scheduler log log('', unicode(e))
def connect_pop(self): #this method return pop connection try: if cint(self.settings.use_ssl): self.pop = Timed_POP3_SSL(, timeout=frappe.conf.get("pop_timeout")) else: self.pop = Timed_POP3(, timeout=frappe.conf.get("pop_timeout")) self.pop.user(self.settings.username) self.pop.pass_(self.settings.password) # connection established! return True except _socket.error: # log performs rollback and logs error in scheduler log log("receive.connect_pop") # Invalid mail server -- due to refusing connection frappe.msgprint(_('Invalid Mail Server. Please rectify and try again.')) raise except poplib.error_proto, e: if self.is_temporary_system_problem(e): return False else: frappe.msgprint(_('Invalid User Name or Support Password. Please rectify and try again.')) raise
def send_newsletter(site, newsletter, event): # hack! pass event="bulk_long" to queue in longjob queue try: frappe.connect(site=site) doc = frappe.get_doc("Newsletter", newsletter) doc.send_bulk() except: frappe.db.rollback() task_logger.error(site) task_logger.error(frappe.get_traceback()) # wasn't able to send emails :( doc.db_set("email_sent", 0) frappe.db.commit() log("send_newsletter") raise else: frappe.db.commit() finally: frappe.destroy()
def connect_pop(self): #this method return pop connection try: if cint(self.settings.use_ssl): self.pop = Timed_POP3_SSL(, timeout=frappe.conf.get("pop_timeout")) else: self.pop = Timed_POP3(, timeout=frappe.conf.get("pop_timeout")) self.pop.user(self.settings.username) self.pop.pass_(self.settings.password) # connection established! return True except _socket.error: # log performs rollback and logs error in Error Log log("receive.connect_pop") # Invalid mail server -- due to refusing connection frappe.msgprint( _('Invalid Mail Server. Please rectify and try again.')) raise except poplib.error_proto as e: if self.is_temporary_system_problem(e): return False else: frappe.msgprint( _('Invalid User Name or Support Password. Please rectify and try again.' )) raise
def receive(self, test_mails=None): """Called by scheduler to receive emails from this EMail account using POP3/IMAP.""" if self.enable_incoming: if frappe.local.flags.in_test: incoming_mails = test_mails else: email_server = self.get_server(in_receive=True) if not email_server: return incoming_mails = email_server.get_messages() exceptions = [] for raw in incoming_mails: try: communication = self.insert_communication(raw) except SentEmailInInbox: frappe.db.rollback() except Exception: frappe.db.rollback() log("email_account.receive") exceptions.append(frappe.get_traceback()) else: frappe.db.commit() attachments = [d.file_name for d in communication._attachments] # TODO fix bug where it sends emails to 'Adminsitrator' during testing communication.notify(attachments=attachments, fetched_from_email_account=True) if exceptions: raise Exception, frappe.as_json(exceptions)
def retrieve_message(self, message_meta, msg_num=None): incoming_mail = None try: self.validate_message_limits(message_meta) if cint(self.settings.use_imap): status, message = self.imap.uid('fetch', message_meta, '(RFC822)') self.latest_messages.append(message[0][1]) else: msg = self.pop.retr(msg_num) self.latest_messages.append(b'\n'.join(msg[1])) except (TotalSizeExceededError, EmailTimeoutError): # propagate this error to break the loop self.errors = True raise except Exception, e: if self.has_login_limit_exceeded(e): self.errors = True raise LoginLimitExceeded, e else: # log performs rollback and logs error in scheduler log log("receive.get_messages", self.make_error_msg(msg_num, incoming_mail)) self.errors = True frappe.db.rollback() if not cint(self.settings.use_imap): self.pop.dele(msg_num)
def order(*args, **kwargs): try: _order(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: error_message = frappe.get_traceback( ) + "\n\n Request Data: \n" + json.loads( log("WooCommerce Error", text_type(error_message)) raise
def receive(self, test_mails=None): """Called by scheduler to receive emails from this EMail account using POP3/IMAP.""" if self.enable_incoming: exceptions = [] if frappe.local.flags.in_test: incoming_mails = test_mails else: email_server = self.get_server(in_receive=True) if not email_server: return try: incoming_mails = email_server.get_messages() except Exception as e: frappe.db.sql("update `tabEmail Account` set no_remaining = NULL where name = %s",(, auto_commit=1) incoming_mails = [] for msg in incoming_mails: try: communication = self.insert_communication(msg) #self.notify_update() except SentEmailInInbox as e: frappe.db.rollback() if self.use_imap: self.handle_bad_emails(email_server, msg[1], msg[0], "sent email in inbox") except Exception as e: frappe.db.rollback() log('email_account.receive') if self.use_imap: self.handle_bad_emails(email_server, msg[1], msg[0], frappe.get_traceback()) exceptions.append(frappe.get_traceback()) else: frappe.db.commit() attachments = [d.file_name for d in communication._attachments] if communication.message_id and not communication.timeline_hide: first = frappe.db.get_value("Communication", {"message_id": communication.message_id},["name"],order_by="creation",as_dict=1) if first: if != frappe.db.sql("""update tabCommunication set timeline_hide =%s where name = %s""",(,,auto_commit=1) if self.no_remaining == '0' and not frappe.local.flags.in_test: if communication.reference_doctype : if not communication.timeline_hide and not communication.unread_notification_sent: communication.notify(attachments=attachments, fetched_from_email_account=True) #notify if user is linked to account if len(incoming_mails)>0 and not frappe.local.flags.in_test: frappe.publish_realtime('new_email', {"account":self.email_account_name, "account_name":, "number":len(incoming_mails)}) if exceptions: raise Exception, frappe.as_json(exceptions)
def execute_job(site, method, event, job_name, kwargs, user=None, is_async=True, retry=0): '''Executes job in a worker, performs commit/rollback and logs if there is any error''' from frappe.utils.scheduler import log if is_async: frappe.connect(site) if os.environ.get('CI'): frappe.flags.in_test = True if user: frappe.set_user(user) if isinstance(method, string_types): method_name = method method = frappe.get_attr(method) else: method_name = cstr(method.__name__) frappe.monitor.start("job", method_name, kwargs) try: method(**kwargs) except (frappe.db.InternalError, frappe.RetryBackgroundJobError) as e: frappe.db.rollback() if (retry < 5 and (isinstance(e, frappe.RetryBackgroundJobError) or (frappe.db.is_deadlocked(e) or frappe.db.is_timedout(e)))): # retry the job if # 1213 = deadlock # 1205 = lock wait timeout # or RetryBackgroundJobError is explicitly raised frappe.destroy() time.sleep(retry+1) return execute_job(site, method, event, job_name, kwargs, is_async=is_async, retry=retry+1) else: log(method_name, message=repr(locals())) raise except: frappe.db.rollback() log(method_name, message=repr(locals())) raise else: frappe.db.commit() finally: frappe.monitor.stop() if is_async: frappe.destroy()
def execute_job(site, method, event, job_name, kwargs, user=None, is_async=True, retry=0): '''Executes job in a worker, performs commit/rollback and logs if there is any error''' from frappe.utils.scheduler import log if is_async: frappe.connect(site) if os.environ.get('CI'): frappe.flags.in_test = True if user: frappe.set_user(user) if isinstance(method, string_types): method_name = method method = frappe.get_attr(method) else: method_name = cstr(method.__name__) try: method(**kwargs) except (pymysql.InternalError, frappe.RetryBackgroundJobError) as e: frappe.db.rollback() if (retry < 5 and (isinstance(e, frappe.RetryBackgroundJobError) or e.args[0] in (ER.LOCK_DEADLOCK, ER.LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT))): # retry the job if # 1213 = deadlock # 1205 = lock wait timeout # or RetryBackgroundJobError is explicitly raised frappe.destroy() time.sleep(retry+1) return execute_job(site, method, event, job_name, kwargs, is_async=is_async, retry=retry+1) else: log(method_name, message=repr(locals())) raise except: frappe.db.rollback() log(method_name, message=repr(locals())) raise else: frappe.db.commit() finally: if is_async: frappe.destroy()
def scheduler_task(site, event, handler, now=False): from frappe.utils.scheduler import log traceback = ""'running {handler} for {site} for event: {event}'.format(handler=handler, site=site, event=event)) try: frappe.init(site=site) if not create_lock(handler): return if not now: frappe.connect(site=site) frappe.get_attr(handler)() except Exception: frappe.db.rollback() traceback = log(handler, "Method: {event}, Handler: {handler}".format(event=event, handler=handler)) task_logger.warn(traceback) raise else: frappe.db.commit() finally: delete_lock(handler) if not now: frappe.destroy()'ran {handler} for {site} for event: {event}'.format(handler=handler, site=site, event=event))
def scheduler_task(site, event, handler, now=False): from frappe.utils.scheduler import log traceback = ""'running {handler} for {site} for event: {event}'.format( handler=handler, site=site, event=event)) try: frappe.init(site=site) if not create_lock(handler): return if not now: frappe.connect(site=site) frappe.get_attr(handler)() except Exception: frappe.db.rollback() traceback = log( handler, "Method: {event}, Handler: {handler}".format(event=event, handler=handler)) task_logger.warn(traceback) raise else: frappe.db.commit() finally: delete_lock(handler) if not now: frappe.destroy()'ran {handler} for {site} for event: {event}'.format( handler=handler, site=site, event=event))
def retrieve_message(self, message_meta, msg_num=None): incoming_mail = None try: self.validate_message_limits(message_meta) if cint(self.settings.use_imap): status, message = self.imap.uid( 'fetch', message_meta, '(BODY.PEEK[] BODY.PEEK[HEADER] FLAGS)') raw = message[0] self.get_email_seen_status(message_meta, raw[0]) self.latest_messages.append(raw[1]) else: msg = self.pop.retr(msg_num) self.latest_messages.append(b'\n'.join(msg[1])) except (TotalSizeExceededError, EmailTimeoutError): # propagate this error to break the loop self.errors = True raise except Exception as e: if self.has_login_limit_exceeded(e): self.errors = True raise LoginLimitExceeded(e) else: # log performs rollback and logs error in Error Log log("receive.get_messages", self.make_error_msg(msg_num, incoming_mail)) self.errors = True frappe.db.rollback() if not cint(self.settings.use_imap): self.pop.dele(msg_num) else: # mark as seen if email sync rule is UNSEEN (syncing only unseen mails) if self.settings.email_sync_rule == "UNSEEN": self.imap.uid('STORE', message_meta, '+FLAGS', '(\\SEEN)') else: if not cint(self.settings.use_imap): self.pop.dele(msg_num) else: # mark as seen if email sync rule is UNSEEN (syncing only unseen mails) if self.settings.email_sync_rule == "UNSEEN": self.imap.uid('STORE', message_meta, '+FLAGS', '(\\SEEN)')
def send_newsletter(newsletter): try: doc = frappe.get_doc("Newsletter", newsletter) doc.queue_all() except: frappe.db.rollback() # wasn't able to send emails :( doc.db_set("email_sent", 0) frappe.db.commit() log("send_newsletter") raise else: frappe.db.commit()
def sendmail(site, communication_name, print_html=None, print_format=None, attachments=None, recipients=None, cc=None, lang=None): try: frappe.connect(site=site) if lang: frappe.local.lang = lang # upto 3 retries for i in xrange(3): try: communication = frappe.get_doc("Communication", communication_name) communication._notify(print_html=print_html, print_format=print_format, attachments=attachments, recipients=recipients, cc=cc) except MySQLdb.OperationalError, e: # deadlock, try again if e.args[0] == 1213: frappe.db.rollback() time.sleep(1) continue else: raise else: break except: traceback = log( "frappe.tasks.sendmail", frappe.as_json({ "site": site, "communication_name": communication_name, "print_html": print_html, "print_format": print_format, "attachments": attachments, "recipients": recipients, "cc": cc, "lang": lang })) task_logger.warn(traceback) raise else: frappe.db.commit() finally: frappe.destroy()
def sendmail(communication_name, print_html=None, print_format=None, attachments=None, recipients=None, cc=None, bcc=None, lang=None, session=None): try: if lang: frappe.local.lang = lang if session: # hack to enable access to private files in PDF session['data'] = frappe._dict(session['data']) frappe.local.session.update(session) # upto 3 retries for i in range(3): try: communication = frappe.get_doc("Communication", communication_name) communication._notify(print_html=print_html, print_format=print_format, attachments=attachments, recipients=recipients, cc=cc, bcc=bcc) except pymysql.InternalError as e: # deadlock, try again if e.args[0] == ER.LOCK_DEADLOCK: frappe.db.rollback() time.sleep(1) continue else: raise else: break except: traceback = log( "", frappe.as_json({ "communication_name": communication_name, "print_html": print_html, "print_format": print_format, "attachments": attachments, "recipients": recipients, "cc": cc, "bcc": bcc, "lang": lang })) frappe.logger(__name__).error(traceback) raise
def execute_job(site, method, event, job_name, kwargs, method_name=None, user=None, is_async=True, retry=0, job_run_id=None): '''Executes job in a worker, performs commit/rollback and logs if there is any error''' from frappe.utils.scheduler import log if is_async: frappe.connect(site) if os.environ.get('CI'): frappe.flags.in_test = True if user: frappe.set_user(user) if not method_name: if isinstance(method, string_types): method_name = method method = frappe.get_attr(method) else: method_name = cstr(method.__name__) if job_run_id: set_job_status(job_run_id, 'Started') try: method(**kwargs) except: frappe.db.rollback() set_job_status(job_run_id, 'Failure') log(method_name, message=repr(locals())) raise else: set_job_status(job_run_id, 'Success') frappe.db.commit() finally: if is_async: frappe.destroy()
def retrieve_message(self, message_meta, msg_num=None): incoming_mail = None try: self.validate_message_limits(message_meta) if cint(self.settings.use_imap): status, message = self.imap.uid('fetch', message_meta, '(BODY.PEEK[] BODY.PEEK[HEADER] FLAGS)') raw = message[0] self.get_email_seen_status(message_meta, raw[0]) self.latest_messages.append(raw[1]) else: msg = self.pop.retr(msg_num) self.latest_messages.append(b'\n'.join(msg[1])) except (TotalSizeExceededError, EmailTimeoutError): # propagate this error to break the loop self.errors = True raise except Exception as e: if self.has_login_limit_exceeded(e): self.errors = True raise LoginLimitExceeded(e) else: # log performs rollback and logs error in Error Log log("receive.get_messages", self.make_error_msg(msg_num, incoming_mail)) self.errors = True frappe.db.rollback() if not cint(self.settings.use_imap): self.pop.dele(msg_num) else: # mark as seen if email sync rule is UNSEEN (syncing only unseen mails) if self.settings.email_sync_rule == "UNSEEN": self.imap.uid('STORE', message_meta, '+FLAGS', '(\\SEEN)') else: if not cint(self.settings.use_imap): self.pop.dele(msg_num) else: # mark as seen if email sync rule is UNSEEN (syncing only unseen mails) if self.settings.email_sync_rule == "UNSEEN": self.imap.uid('STORE', message_meta, '+FLAGS', '(\\SEEN)')
def retrieve_message(self,email_meta,msg_num=None): incoming_mail = None try: #self.validate_pop(pop_meta) status,message = self.imap.uid('fetch', email_meta, '(RFC822)') self.latest_messages.append(message[0][1]) except (TotalSizeExceededError, EmailTimeoutError): # propagate this error to break the loop self.errors = True raise except Exception, e: if self.has_login_limit_exceeded(e): self.errors = True raise LoginLimitExceeded, e else: # log performs rollback and logs error in scheduler log log("receive.get_messages", self.make_error_msg(msg_num, incoming_mail)) self.errors = True frappe.db.rollback()
def retrieve_message(self, email_meta, msg_num=None): incoming_mail = None try: #self.validate_pop(pop_meta) status, message = self.imap.uid('fetch', email_meta, '(RFC822)') self.latest_messages.append(message[0][1]) except (TotalSizeExceededError, EmailTimeoutError): # propagate this error to break the loop self.errors = True raise except Exception, e: if self.has_login_limit_exceeded(e): self.errors = True raise LoginLimitExceeded, e else: # log performs rollback and logs error in scheduler log log("receive.get_messages", self.make_error_msg(msg_num, incoming_mail)) self.errors = True frappe.db.rollback()
def execute_job(site, method, event, job_name, kwargs): '''Executes job in a worker, performs commit/rollback and logs if there is any error''' from frappe.utils.scheduler import log frappe.connect(site) if isinstance(method, basestring): method_name = method method = frappe.get_attr(method) else: method_name = cstr(method) try: method(**kwargs) except: frappe.db.rollback() log(method_name) raise else: frappe.db.commit() finally: frappe.destroy()
def sendmail(site, communication_name, print_html=None, print_format=None, attachments=None, recipients=None, cc=None, lang=None, session=None,read_receipt=None): try: frappe.connect(site=site) if lang: frappe.local.lang = lang if session: # hack to enable access to private files in PDF session['data'] = frappe._dict(session['data']) frappe.local.session.update(session) # upto 3 retries for i in xrange(3): try: communication = frappe.get_doc("Communication", communication_name) if communication.sent_or_received == "Received": communication.message_id = None communication._notify(print_html=print_html, print_format=print_format, attachments=attachments, recipients=recipients, cc=cc) except MySQLdb.OperationalError, e: # deadlock, try again if e.args[0]==1213: frappe.db.rollback() time.sleep(1) continue else: raise else: break except: traceback = log("frappe.tasks.sendmail", frappe.as_json({ "site": site, "communication_name": communication_name, "print_html": print_html, "print_format": print_format, "attachments": attachments, "recipients": recipients, "cc": cc, "lang": lang })) task_logger.error(traceback) raise else: frappe.db.commit() finally: frappe.destroy()
def run(self, *args, **kwargs): from frappe.utils.scheduler import log site = kwargs.pop('site') if 'async' in kwargs: kwargs.pop('async') try: frappe.connect(site=site) self.execute(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: frappe.db.rollback() task_logger.error(site) task_logger.error(frappe.get_traceback()) log(self.__name__) else: frappe.db.commit() finally: frappe.destroy()
def sendmail(communication_name, print_html=None, print_format=None, attachments=None, recipients=None, cc=None, bcc=None, lang=None, session=None, print_letterhead=None): try: if lang: frappe.local.lang = lang if session: # hack to enable access to private files in PDF session['data'] = frappe._dict(session['data']) frappe.local.session.update(session) if print_letterhead: frappe.flags.print_letterhead = print_letterhead # upto 3 retries for i in range(3): try: communication = frappe.get_doc("Communication", communication_name) communication._notify(print_html=print_html, print_format=print_format, attachments=attachments, recipients=recipients, cc=cc, bcc=bcc) except pymysql.InternalError as e: # deadlock, try again if e.args[0] == ER.LOCK_DEADLOCK: frappe.db.rollback() time.sleep(1) continue else: raise else: break except: traceback = log("", frappe.as_json({ "communication_name": communication_name, "print_html": print_html, "print_format": print_format, "attachments": attachments, "recipients": recipients, "cc": cc, "bcc": bcc, "lang": lang })) frappe.logger(__name__).error(traceback) raise
def sendmail(site, communication_name, print_html=None, print_format=None, attachments=None, recipients=None, cc=None, lang=None): try: frappe.connect(site=site) if lang: frappe.local.lang = lang # upto 3 retries for i in xrange(3): try: communication = frappe.get_doc("Communication", communication_name) communication._notify(print_html=print_html, print_format=print_format, attachments=attachments, recipients=recipients, cc=cc) except MySQLdb.OperationalError, e: # deadlock, try again if e.args[0]==1213: frappe.db.rollback() time.sleep(1) continue else: raise else: break except: traceback = log("frappe.tasks.sendmail", frappe.as_json({ "site": site, "communication_name": communication_name, "print_html": print_html, "print_format": print_format, "attachments": attachments, "recipients": recipients, "cc": cc, "lang": lang })) task_logger.warn(traceback) raise else: frappe.db.commit() finally: frappe.destroy()
def scheduler_task(site, event, handler, now=False): from frappe.utils.scheduler import log traceback = ""'running {handler} for {site} for event: {event}'.format( handler=handler, site=site, event=event)) try: if site not in ['', 'testfirst']: exec_cmd("../env/bin/frappe --use %s" % (site), cwd="/home/erpnext/admin_site/frappe-bench/sites") frappe.init(site=site) if not create_lock(handler): return if not now: frappe.connect(site=site) frappe.get_attr(handler)() except Exception: frappe.db.rollback() traceback = log( handler, "Method: {event}, Handler: {handler}".format(event=event, handler=handler)) task_logger.warn(traceback) raise else: frappe.db.commit() finally: delete_lock(handler) if not now: frappe.destroy()'ran {handler} for {site} for event: {event}'.format( handler=handler, site=site, event=event))
def receive(self, test_mails=None): """Called by scheduler to receive emails from this EMail account using POP3/IMAP.""" def get_seen(status): if not status: return None seen = 1 if status == "SEEN" else 0 return seen if self.enable_incoming: uid_list = [] exceptions = [] seen_status = [] uid_reindexed = False if frappe.local.flags.in_test: incoming_mails = test_mails else: email_sync_rule = self.build_email_sync_rule() email_server = None try: email_server = self.get_incoming_server( in_receive=True, email_sync_rule=email_sync_rule) except Exception: frappe.log_error( title=_("Error while connecting to email account {0}" ).format( if not email_server: return emails = email_server.get_messages() if not emails: return incoming_mails = emails.get("latest_messages", []) uid_list = emails.get("uid_list", []) seen_status = emails.get("seen_status", []) uid_reindexed = emails.get("uid_reindexed", False) for idx, msg in enumerate(incoming_mails): uid = None if not uid_list else uid_list[idx] self.flags.notify = True try: args = { "uid": uid, "seen": None if not seen_status else get_seen( seen_status.get(uid, None)), "uid_reindexed": uid_reindexed } communication = self.insert_communication(msg, args=args) except SentEmailInInbox: frappe.db.rollback() except Exception: frappe.db.rollback() log('email_account.receive') if self.use_imap: self.handle_bad_emails(email_server, uid, msg, frappe.get_traceback()) exceptions.append(frappe.get_traceback()) else: frappe.db.commit() if communication and self.flags.notify: # If email already exists in the system # then do not send notifications for the same email. attachments = [] if hasattr(communication, '_attachments'): attachments = [ d.file_name for d in communication._attachments ] communication.notify(attachments=attachments, fetched_from_email_account=True) #notify if user is linked to account if len(incoming_mails) > 0 and not frappe.local.flags.in_test: frappe.publish_realtime( 'new_email', { "account": self.email_account_name, "number": len(incoming_mails) }) if exceptions: raise Exception(frappe.as_json(exceptions))
def send_one(email, smtpserver=None, auto_commit=True, now=False, from_test=False): '''Send Email Queue with given smtpserver''' email = frappe.db.sql('''select name, status, communication, message, sender, reference_doctype, reference_name, unsubscribe_param, unsubscribe_method, expose_recipients, show_as_cc, add_unsubscribe_link, attachments from `tabEmail Queue` where name=%s for update''', email, as_dict=True)[0] recipients_list = frappe.db.sql('''select name, recipient, status from `tabEmail Queue Recipient` where parent=%s''',, as_dict=1) if frappe.are_emails_muted(): frappe.msgprint(_("Emails are muted")) return if cint(frappe.defaults.get_defaults().get("hold_queue")) == 1: return if email.status not in ('Not Sent', 'Partially Sent'): # rollback to release lock and return frappe.db.rollback() return frappe.db.sql( """update `tabEmail Queue` set status='Sending', modified=%s where name=%s""", (now_datetime(),, auto_commit=auto_commit) if email.communication: frappe.get_doc( 'Communication', email.communication).set_delivery_status(commit=auto_commit) try: if not frappe.flags.in_test: if not smtpserver: smtpserver = SMTPServer() smtpserver.setup_email_account(email.reference_doctype, sender=email.sender) for recipient in recipients_list: if recipient.status != "Not Sent": continue message = prepare_message(email, recipient.recipient, recipients_list) if not frappe.flags.in_test: smtpserver.sess.sendmail(email.sender, recipient.recipient, encode(message)) recipient.status = "Sent" frappe.db.sql( """update `tabEmail Queue Recipient` set status='Sent', modified=%s where name=%s""", (now_datetime(),, auto_commit=auto_commit) #if all are sent set status if any("Sent" == s.status for s in recipients_list): frappe.db.sql( """update `tabEmail Queue` set status='Sent', modified=%s where name=%s""", (now_datetime(),, auto_commit=auto_commit) else: frappe.db.sql( """update `tabEmail Queue` set status='Error', error=%s where name=%s""", ("No recipients to send to",, auto_commit=auto_commit) if frappe.flags.in_test: frappe.flags.sent_mail = message return if email.communication: frappe.get_doc( 'Communication', email.communication).set_delivery_status(commit=auto_commit) except (smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected, smtplib.SMTPConnectError, smtplib.SMTPHeloError, smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError, JobTimeoutException): # bad connection/timeout, retry later if any("Sent" == s.status for s in recipients_list): frappe.db.sql( """update `tabEmail Queue` set status='Partially Sent', modified=%s where name=%s""", (now_datetime(),, auto_commit=auto_commit) else: frappe.db.sql( """update `tabEmail Queue` set status='Not Sent', modified=%s where name=%s""", (now_datetime(),, auto_commit=auto_commit) if email.communication: frappe.get_doc( 'Communication', email.communication).set_delivery_status(commit=auto_commit) # no need to attempt further return except Exception as e: frappe.db.rollback() if any("Sent" == s.status for s in recipients_list): frappe.db.sql( """update `tabEmail Queue` set status='Partially Errored', error=%s where name=%s""", (text_type(e),, auto_commit=auto_commit) else: frappe.db.sql( """update `tabEmail Queue` set status='Error', error=%s where name=%s""", (text_type(e),, auto_commit=auto_commit) if email.communication: frappe.get_doc( 'Communication', email.communication).set_delivery_status(commit=auto_commit) if now: print(frappe.get_traceback()) raise e else: # log to Error Log log('', text_type(e))
# 1213 = deadlock # 1205 = lock wait timeout # or RetryBackgroundJobError is explicitly raised frappe.destroy() time.sleep(retry + 1) return execute_job(site, method, event, job_name, kwargs, async=async, retry=retry + 1) else: log(method_name, message=repr(locals())) raise except: frappe.db.rollback() log(method_name, message=repr(locals())) raise else: frappe.db.commit() finally: if async: frappe.destroy()
def receive(self, test_mails=None): """Called by scheduler to receive emails from this EMail account using POP3/IMAP.""" def get_seen(status): if not status: return None seen = 1 if status == "SEEN" else 0 return seen if self.enable_incoming: uid_list = [] exceptions = [] seen_status = [] uid_reindexed = False if frappe.local.flags.in_test: incoming_mails = test_mails else: email_sync_rule = self.build_email_sync_rule() email_server = None try: email_server = self.get_incoming_server(in_receive=True, email_sync_rule=email_sync_rule) except Exception: frappe.log_error(title=_("Error while connecting to email account {0}").format( if not email_server: return emails = email_server.get_messages() if not emails: return incoming_mails = emails.get("latest_messages", []) uid_list = emails.get("uid_list", []) seen_status = emails.get("seen_status", []) uid_reindexed = emails.get("uid_reindexed", False) for idx, msg in enumerate(incoming_mails): uid = None if not uid_list else uid_list[idx] try: args = { "uid": uid, "seen": None if not seen_status else get_seen(seen_status.get(uid, None)), "uid_reindexed": uid_reindexed } communication = self.insert_communication(msg, args=args) except SentEmailInInbox: frappe.db.rollback() except Exception: frappe.db.rollback() log('email_account.receive') if self.use_imap: self.handle_bad_emails(email_server, uid, msg, frappe.get_traceback()) exceptions.append(frappe.get_traceback()) else: frappe.db.commit() if communication: attachments = [d.file_name for d in communication._attachments] communication.notify(attachments=attachments, fetched_from_email_account=True) #notify if user is linked to account if len(incoming_mails)>0 and not frappe.local.flags.in_test: frappe.publish_realtime('new_email', {"account":self.email_account_name, "number":len(incoming_mails)}) if exceptions: raise Exception(frappe.as_json(exceptions))
def send_one(email, smtpserver=None, auto_commit=True, now=False): status = frappe.db.sql( '''select status from `tabBulk Email` where name=%s for update''',[0][0] if status != 'Not Sent': # rollback to release lock and return frappe.db.rollback() return frappe.db.sql( """update `tabBulk Email` set status='Sending', modified=%s where name=%s""", (now_datetime(), email["name"]), auto_commit=auto_commit) if email.communication: frappe.get_doc( 'Communication', email.communication).set_delivery_status(commit=auto_commit) try: if auto_commit: if not smtpserver: smtpserver = SMTPServer() smtpserver.setup_email_account(email.reference_doctype) smtpserver.sess.sendmail(email["sender"], email["recipient"], encode(email["message"])) frappe.db.sql( """update `tabBulk Email` set status='Sent', modified=%s where name=%s""", (now_datetime(), email["name"]), auto_commit=auto_commit) if email.communication: frappe.get_doc( 'Communication', email.communication).set_delivery_status(commit=auto_commit) except (smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected, smtplib.SMTPConnectError, smtplib.SMTPHeloError, smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError): # bad connection, retry later frappe.db.sql( """update `tabBulk Email` set status='Not Sent', modified=%s where name=%s""", (now_datetime(), email["name"]), auto_commit=auto_commit) if email.communication: frappe.get_doc( 'Communication', email.communication).set_delivery_status(commit=auto_commit) # no need to attempt further return except Exception, e: frappe.db.sql("""update `tabBulk Email` set status='Error', error=%s where name=%s""", (unicode(e), email["name"]), auto_commit=auto_commit) if email.communication: frappe.get_doc( 'Communication', email.communication).set_delivery_status(commit=auto_commit) if now: raise else: # log to scheduler log log('', unicode(e))
frappe.db.rollback() if (retry < 5 and (isinstance(e, frappe.RetryBackgroundJobError) or e.args[0] in (1213, 1205))): # retry the job if # 1213 = deadlock # 1205 = lock wait timeout # or RetryBackgroundJobError is explicitly raised frappe.destroy() time.sleep(retry+1) return execute_job(site, method, event, job_name, kwargs, async=async, retry=retry+1) else: log(method_name, message=repr(locals())) raise except: frappe.db.rollback() log(method_name, message=repr(locals())) raise else: frappe.db.commit() finally: if async: frappe.destroy() def start_worker(queue=None):
def receive(self, test_mails=None): """Called by scheduler to receive emails from this EMail account using POP3/IMAP.""" def get_seen(status): if not status: return None seen = 1 if status == "SEEN" else 0 return seen if self.enable_incoming: uid_list = [] exceptions = [] seen_status = [] uid_reindexed = False if frappe.local.flags.in_test: incoming_mails = test_mails else: email_sync_rule = self.build_email_sync_rule() email_server = self.get_incoming_server( in_receive=True, email_sync_rule=email_sync_rule) emails = email_server.get_messages() incoming_mails = emails.get("latest_messages") uid_list = emails.get("uid_list", []) seen_status = emails.get("seen_status", []) uid_reindexed = emails.get("uid_reindexed", False) for idx, msg in enumerate(incoming_mails): try: uid = None if not uid_list else uid_list[idx] args = { "uid": uid, "seen": None if not seen_status else get_seen( seen_status.get(uid, None)), "uid_reindexed": uid_reindexed } communication = self.insert_communication(msg, args=args) #self.notify_update() except SentEmailInInbox: frappe.db.rollback() except Exception: frappe.db.rollback() log('email_account.receive') if self.use_imap: self.handle_bad_emails(email_server, msg[1], msg[0], frappe.get_traceback()) exceptions.append(frappe.get_traceback()) else: frappe.db.commit() attachments = [ d.file_name for d in communication._attachments ] communication.notify(attachments=attachments, fetched_from_email_account=True) #notify if user is linked to account if len(incoming_mails) > 0 and not frappe.local.flags.in_test: frappe.publish_realtime( 'new_email', { "account": self.email_account_name, "number": len(incoming_mails) }) if exceptions: raise Exception, frappe.as_json(exceptions)
def send_one(email, smtpserver=None, auto_commit=True, now=False, from_test=False): '''Send Email Queue with given smtpserver''' email = frappe.db.sql('''select name, status, communication, message, sender, reference_doctype, reference_name, unsubscribe_param, unsubscribe_method, expose_recipients, show_as_cc, add_unsubscribe_link, attachments from `tabEmail Queue` where name=%s for update''', email, as_dict=True)[0] recipients_list = frappe.db.sql('''select name, recipient, status from `tabEmail Queue Recipient` where parent=%s''',,as_dict=1) if frappe.are_emails_muted(): frappe.msgprint(_("Emails are muted")) return if cint(frappe.defaults.get_defaults().get("hold_queue"))==1 : return if email.status not in ('Not Sent','Partially Sent') : # rollback to release lock and return frappe.db.rollback() return frappe.db.sql("""update `tabEmail Queue` set status='Sending', modified=%s where name=%s""", (now_datetime(),, auto_commit=auto_commit) if email.communication: frappe.get_doc('Communication', email.communication).set_delivery_status(commit=auto_commit) try: if not frappe.flags.in_test: if not smtpserver: smtpserver = SMTPServer() smtpserver.setup_email_account(email.reference_doctype, sender=email.sender) for recipient in recipients_list: if recipient.status != "Not Sent": continue message = prepare_message(email, recipient.recipient, recipients_list) if not frappe.flags.in_test: smtpserver.sess.sendmail(email.sender, recipient.recipient, encode(message)) recipient.status = "Sent" frappe.db.sql("""update `tabEmail Queue Recipient` set status='Sent', modified=%s where name=%s""", (now_datetime(),, auto_commit=auto_commit) #if all are sent set status if any("Sent" == s.status for s in recipients_list): frappe.db.sql("""update `tabEmail Queue` set status='Sent', modified=%s where name=%s""", (now_datetime(),, auto_commit=auto_commit) else: frappe.db.sql("""update `tabEmail Queue` set status='Error', error=%s where name=%s""", ("No recipients to send to",, auto_commit=auto_commit) if frappe.flags.in_test: frappe.flags.sent_mail = message return if email.communication: frappe.get_doc('Communication', email.communication).set_delivery_status(commit=auto_commit) except (smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected, smtplib.SMTPConnectError, smtplib.SMTPHeloError, smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError, JobTimeoutException): # bad connection/timeout, retry later if any("Sent" == s.status for s in recipients_list): frappe.db.sql("""update `tabEmail Queue` set status='Partially Sent', modified=%s where name=%s""", (now_datetime(),, auto_commit=auto_commit) else: frappe.db.sql("""update `tabEmail Queue` set status='Not Sent', modified=%s where name=%s""", (now_datetime(),, auto_commit=auto_commit) if email.communication: frappe.get_doc('Communication', email.communication).set_delivery_status(commit=auto_commit) # no need to attempt further return except Exception as e: frappe.db.rollback() if any("Sent" == s.status for s in recipients_list): frappe.db.sql("""update `tabEmail Queue` set status='Partially Errored', error=%s where name=%s""", (text_type(e),, auto_commit=auto_commit) else: frappe.db.sql("""update `tabEmail Queue` set status='Error', error=%s where name=%s""", (text_type(e),, auto_commit=auto_commit) if email.communication: frappe.get_doc('Communication', email.communication).set_delivery_status(commit=auto_commit) if now: print(frappe.get_traceback()) raise e else: # log to Error Log log('', text_type(e))