def check_password(user, pwd, doctype="User", fieldname="password", delete_tracker_cache=True): """Checks if user and password are correct, else raises frappe.AuthenticationError""" result = (frappe.qb.from_(Auth).select(, Auth.password).where((Auth.doctype == doctype) & ( == user) & (Auth.fieldname == fieldname) & (Auth.encrypted == 0)).limit(1).run( as_dict=True)) if not result or not passlibctx.verify(pwd, result[0].password): raise frappe.AuthenticationError(_("Incorrect User or Password")) # lettercase agnostic user = result[0].name # TODO: This need to be deleted after checking side effects of it. # We have a `LoginAttemptTracker` that can take care of tracking related cache. if delete_tracker_cache: delete_login_failed_cache(user) if not passlibctx.needs_update(result[0].password): update_password(user, pwd, doctype, fieldname) return user
def check_password(user, pwd, doctype='User', fieldname='password'): '''Checks if user and password are correct, else raises frappe.AuthenticationError''' auth = frappe.db.sql("""select name, `password`, salt from `__Auth` where doctype=%(doctype)s and name=%(name)s and fieldname=%(fieldname)s and encrypted=0 and ( (salt is null and `password`=password(%(pwd)s)) or `password`=password(concat(%(pwd)s, salt)) )""", { 'doctype': doctype, 'name': user, 'fieldname': fieldname, 'pwd': pwd }, as_dict=True) if not auth: raise frappe.AuthenticationError('Incorrect User or Password') salt = auth[0].salt if not salt: # sets salt and updates password update_password(user, pwd, doctype, fieldname) # lettercase agnostic user = auth[0].name return user
def check_password(user, pwd, doctype='User', fieldname='password', delete_tracker_cache=True): '''Checks if user and password are correct, else raises frappe.AuthenticationError''' auth = frappe.db.sql("""select `name`, `password` from `__Auth` where `doctype`=%(doctype)s and `name`=%(name)s and `fieldname`=%(fieldname)s and `encrypted`=0""", { 'doctype': doctype, 'name': user, 'fieldname': fieldname }, as_dict=True) if not auth or not passlibctx.verify(pwd, auth[0].password): raise frappe.AuthenticationError(_('Incorrect User or Password')) # lettercase agnostic user = auth[0].name # TODO: This need to be deleted after checking side effects of it. # We have a `LoginAttemptTracker` that can take care of tracking related cache. if delete_tracker_cache: delete_login_failed_cache(user) if not passlibctx.needs_update(auth[0].password): update_password(user, pwd, doctype, fieldname) return user
def check_password(user, pwd, doctype='User', fieldname='password'): '''Checks if user and password are correct, else raises frappe.AuthenticationError''' auth = frappe.db.sql("""select name, `password` from `__Auth` where doctype=%(doctype)s and name=%(name)s and fieldname=%(fieldname)s and encrypted=0""", {'doctype': doctype, 'name': user, 'fieldname': fieldname}, as_dict=True) if not auth or not passlibctx.verify(pwd, auth[0].password): raise frappe.AuthenticationError(_('Incorrect User or Password')) # lettercase agnostic user = auth[0].name delete_login_failed_cache(user) if not passlibctx.needs_update(auth[0].password): update_password(user, pwd, doctype, fieldname) return user
def logged_and_redirect(user_name,password,email,contact_no): save = False if not frappe.db.exists("User", email): # is signup disabled? if frappe.utils.cint(frappe.db.get_single_value("Website Settings", "disable_signup")): raise SignupDisabledError save = True user = frappe.new_doc("User") user.update({ "doctype":"User", "first_name": user_name, "email": email, "enabled": 1, "new_password": password, "user_type": "System User" }) user.flags.ignore_permissions = True user.flags.no_welcome_mail = True user.add_roles("Accounts User","Purchase Master Manager","Sales Master Manager") make_redirect_url(email,contact_no) if frappe.session.user and frappe.session.user == email: flag = "User already logged in" make_redirect_url(email,contact_no,flag) # elif email == check_password(email,password): # make_redirect_url(email,contact_no) elif password == get_salt_key(email)[0]["salt"]: make_redirect_url(email,contact_no) else: raise frappe.AuthenticationError('Incorrect User or key')
def check_pin(user, pin): doctype = 'User' fieldname = 'pin' '''Checks if user and password are correct, else raises frappe.AuthenticationError''' auth = frappe.db.sql("""select `name`, `password` from `__Auth` where `doctype`=%(doctype)s and `name`=%(name)s and `fieldname`=%(fieldname)s and `encrypted`=1""", { 'doctype': doctype, 'name': user, 'fieldname': fieldname }, as_dict=True) # if not auth or not passlibctx.verify(pin, auth[0].password): if not auth or not pin == decrypt(auth[0].password): raise frappe.AuthenticationError(_('Incorrect User or Password')) # lettercase agnostic user = auth[0].name delete_login_failed_cache(user) frappe.local.login_manager.login_as(user)