def sub_sfms(ax_M, galaxies, clrs, markers): """ Generate a SF vs. M* plot on top of PRIMUS galaxies Args: ax_M (matplotlib.axis): galaxies (list): List of FRB.galaxies.frbgalaxy.FRBGalaxy objects clrs (list): List of matplotlib colors markers (list): List of matplotlib marker types """ utils.set_mplrc() # Load up primus_zcat = os.path.join(primus_path, 'PRIMUS_2013_zcat_v1.fits.gz')) primus_mass = os.path.join(primus_path, 'PRIMUS_2014_mass_v1.fits.gz')) gdz = (primus_zcat['Z'] > 0.2) & (primus_zcat['Z'] < 0.4) gd_mag = primus_zcat['SDSS_ABSMAG'][:, 0] != 0. good_mass = primus_mass['ISGOOD'] == 1 # PRIMUS # Photometry gd_color = gdz & gd_mag u_r = primus_zcat['SDSS_ABSMAG'][gd_color, 0] - primus_zcat['SDSS_ABSMAG'][gd_color, 2] rmag = primus_zcat['SDSS_ABSMAG'][gd_color, 2] # Mass/SFR gd_msfr = good_mass & gdz mass = primus_mass['MASS'][gd_msfr] sfr = primus_mass['SFR'][gd_msfr] # Plot ms = 22. # Histogram xbins = 50 ybins = 50 counts, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(mass, sfr, bins=(xbins, ybins)) #cm = plt.get_cmap('Reds') cm = plt.get_cmap('Greys') # SF mplt = ax_M.pcolormesh(xedges, yedges, counts.transpose(), cmap=cm) # Relation logm_star = np.linspace(8, 12) logsfr = lambda logm_star: -0.49 + 0.65 * (logm_star - 10) + 1.07 * (0.35 - 0.1) ax_M.plot(logm_star, logsfr(logm_star), "k--", lw=3) #, label="Moustakas et al 2013") # Galaxies for kk, galaxy in enumerate(galaxies): # M* if 'Mstar' in galaxy.derived.keys(): logM, sig_logM = utils.log_me(galaxy.derived['Mstar'], galaxy.derived['Mstar_err']) elif 'Mstar_spec' in galaxy.derived.keys(): logM, sig_logM = np.log10(galaxy.derived['Mstar_spec']), 0.3 else: continue # SFR if 'SFR_nebular_err' in galaxy.derived.keys(): logS, sig_logS = utils.log_me(galaxy.derived['SFR_nebular'], galaxy.derived['SFR_nebular_err']) else: logS, sig_logS = utils.log_me(galaxy.derived['SFR_nebular'], 0.3 * galaxy.derived['SFR_nebular']) # Plot ax_M.errorbar([logM], [logS], xerr=sig_logM, yerr=sig_logS, color=clrs[kk], marker=markers[kk], markersize="12", capsize=3, if sig_logS is None: # Down arrow plt.arrow(logM, logS, 0., -0.2, fc=clrs[kk], ec=clrs[kk], head_width=0.02 * 4, head_length=0.05 * 2) ax_M.annotate(r"\textbf{Star forming}", (8.5, 0.8), fontsize=13.) ax_M.annotate(r"\textbf{Quiescent}", (11, -0.9), fontsize=13.) ax_M.set_xlabel("$\log \, (M_*/M_\odot)$") ax_M.set_ylabel("$\log \, SFR (M_\odot$/yr)") ax_M.legend(loc='lower left') ax_M.set_xlim(7.5, 11.8) ax_M.set_ylim(-2.5, 1.2)
def sub_bpt(ax_BPT, galaxies, clrs, markers, show_kewley=True, SDSS_clr='BuGn', show_legend=True, bptdat=None): """ Generate a BPT diagram To use this code, you must download the SDSS_BPT_stellar_mass.fits file from and put it in data/Public/SDSS Args: ax_BPT (matplotlib.Axis): galaxies (list): List of FRBGalaxy objects clrs (list): List of colors markers (list): List of markers show_kewley (bool, optional): Show the BPT lines? SDSS_clr (str, optional): Set the color map for SDSS show_legend (bool, optional): Show a legend bptdat (Table like): SDSS BPT data Returns: ax_BPT is modified in place """ # Read in data if bptdat is None: sdss_file = os.path.join(resource_filename('frb', 'data'), 'Public', 'SDSS', 'SDSS_BPT_stellar_mass.fits') if not os.path.isfile(sdss_file): print("See the method notes to download the SDSS data!") return hdulist = bptdat = hdulist[1].data # Select only non zero entries and SNR over 5 lines = np.array(bptdat.names)[[("flux" in name) & ("err" not in name) for name in bptdat.names]] line_err = np.array( bptdat.names)[["flux_err" in name for name in bptdat.names]] select = {} for line, err in zip(lines, line_err): select[line] = bptdat[line] / bptdat[err] >= 5 # SDSS bpt1 = select['oiii_5007_flux'] & select['h_beta_flux'] & select[ 'nii_6584_flux'] & select['h_alpha_flux'] y = bptdat['oiii_5007_flux'][bpt1] / bptdat['h_beta_flux'][bpt1] x = bptdat['nii_6584_flux'][bpt1] / bptdat['h_alpha_flux'][bpt1] xbins = 100 ybins = 100 # Plot counts, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(np.log10(x), np.log10(y), bins=(xbins, ybins)) cm = plt.get_cmap(SDSS_clr) mplt = ax_BPT.pcolormesh(xedges, yedges, np.log10(counts.transpose()), cmap=cm) # Loop on the Galaxies for kk, galaxy in enumerate(galaxies): # Parse the emission lines NII, NII_err = galaxy.calc_nebular_lum('[NII] 6584') Ha, Ha_err = galaxy.calc_nebular_lum('Halpha') Hb, Hb_err = galaxy.calc_nebular_lum('Hbeta') try: OIII, OIII_err = galaxy.calc_nebular_lum('[OIII] 5007') except: import pdb pdb.set_trace() # x0 = (NII / Ha).decompose().value y0 = (OIII / Hb).decompose().value x0_err = x0 * np.sqrt((NII_err / NII).decompose().value**2 + (Ha_err / Ha).decompose().value**2) y0_err = y0 * np.sqrt((OIII_err / OIII).decompose().value**2 + (Hb_err / Hb).decompose().value**2) # Require at least 20% error x0_err = max(x0_err, 0.2 * x0) y0_err = max(y0_err, 0.2 * y0) logx, xerr = utils.log_me(x0, x0_err) logy, yerr = utils.log_me(y0, y0_err) # Upper limit on [NII]/Ha? if NII_err.value < 0.: xerr = None # Left arrow plt.arrow(logx, logy, -0.05, 0., fc=clrs[kk], ec=clrs[kk], head_width=0.02, head_length=0.05) # Plot ax_BPT.errorbar([logx], [logy], xerr=xerr, yerr=yerr, color=clrs[kk], marker=markers[kk], markersize="8", capsize=3, # Standard curves demarc = lambda x: 0.61 / ( x - 0.05 ) + 1.3 # Kauffman et al 2003, MNRAS, 346, 4, pp. 1055-1077. Eq 1 demarc_kewley = lambda x: 0.61 / ( x - 0.47 ) + 1.19 # Kewley F., Dopita M., Sutherland R., Heisler C., Trevena J., 2001, ApJ, 556,121 demarc_liner = lambda x: 1.01 * x + 0.48 # Cid Fernandes et al 2010, MNRAS, 403,1036 Eq 10 ax_BPT.plot(np.linspace(-2, 0), demarc(np.linspace(-2, 0)), "k-", lw=2) #, label="Kauffman et al 2003") if show_kewley: ax_BPT.plot(np.linspace(-2, 0.25), demarc_kewley(np.linspace(-2, 0.25)), "k--", lw=2) #, label="Kewley et al 2001") ax_BPT.plot(np.linspace(-0.43, 0.5), demarc_liner(np.linspace(-0.43, 0.5)), "k--", lw=2) #, label="Cid Fernandes et al 2010") # Labels lsz = 13. ax_BPT.annotate(r"\textbf{Star-forming}", (-1.30, 0), fontsize=lsz) ax_BPT.annotate(r"\textbf{LINER}", (0.23, 0), fontsize=lsz) ax_BPT.annotate(r"\textbf{Seyfert}", (-0.5, 1), fontsize=lsz) # Legend if show_legend: ax_BPT.legend(loc="lower left") # Axes ax_BPT.set_xlabel(r"$\log \, ({\rm [N\textsc{ii}]/H\,\alpha)}$") ax_BPT.set_ylabel(r"$\log \, ({\rm [O\textsc{iii}]/H\,\beta)}$") ax_BPT.set_xlim(-1.5, 0.5) ax_BPT.set_ylim(-1, 1.2) utils.set_fontsize(ax_BPT, 13.)