def create_base_accounts(self, env, fi): """ fi: a FreeIPA object """ import params rm = freeipa.RobotAdmin() fi.create_user_principal( rm.get_login(), groups=['admins'], password=freeipa.generate_random_password(), password_file=rm.get_password_file()) fi.set_user_shell(rm.get_login(), params.admin_user_shell) # Always create the hadoop group fi.create_group('hadoop', 'the hadoop user group') # Create ldap bind user expiry_date = ( + datetime.timedelta(weeks=52 * 10)).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ') File("/tmp/bind_user.ldif", content=Template("bind_user.ldif.j2", expiry_date=expiry_date), mode=0600 ) import kavecommon as kc _stat, _stdout, _stderr = kc.shell_call_wrapper( 'ldapsearch -x -D "cn=directory manager" -w %s "uid=%s"' % (params.directory_password, params.ldap_bind_user)) # is this user already added? if "dn: uid=" + params.ldap_bind_user not in _stdout: Execute('ldapadd -x -D "cn=directory manager" -w %s -f /tmp/bind_user.ldif' % params.directory_password) for group in params.ldap_bind_services: fi.create_group(group, group + ' user group', ['--nonposix'])
def install(self, env): import params env.set_params(params) import subprocess p0 = subprocess.Popen(["hostname", "-f"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) _hostname = p0.communicate()[0].strip() if p0.returncode: raise OSError("Failed to determine hostname!") import kavecommon as kc tos = kc.detect_linux_version() # Check that all known FreeIPA ports are available needed_ports = [88, 123, 389, 464, 636] if tos.lower() in ["centos7"]: needed_ports = [params.pki_secure_port, params.pki_insecure_port] + needed_ports for port in needed_ports: self.checkport(port) self.install_packages(env) for package in self.packages: Package(package) # Always generate new portchanges file for automated tests if not os.path.exists('/etc/kave'): Execute('mkdir -p /etc/kave') if not os.path.exists('/etc/kave/portchanges_new.json'): Execute('python ' + os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/ --create /etc/kave/portchanges_new.json --debug') File("/etc/kave/portchanges_static.json", content=Template(tos.lower() + "_server.json.j2"), mode=0600 ) # Always use static file Execute('python ' + os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/ --apply /etc/kave/portchanges_static.json --debug') admin_password = freeipa.generate_random_password() Logger.sensitive_strings[admin_password] = "[PROTECTED]" install_command = 'ipa-server-install -U --realm="%s" \ --ds-password="******" --admin-password="******" --hostname="%s"' \ % (params.realm, params.directory_password, admin_password, _hostname) # ipa-server install command. Currently --selfsign is mandatory because # of some anoying centos6.5 problems. The underling installer uses an # outdated method for the dogtag system which fails. # however, on centos7, this option does not exist! if tos.lower() in ["centos6"]: install_command += " --selfsign" if params.install_with_dns: if tos.lower() in ["centos7"]: Package("ipa-server-dns") install_command += ' --setup-dns --domain="%s"' % params.domain if params.forwarders: for forwarder in params.forwarders: install_command += ' --forwarder="%s"' % forwarder else: install_command += ' --no-forwarders' # Crude check to avoid reinstalling during debugging if not os.path.exists(self.admin_password_file): # patch for long domain names! if params.long_domain_patch: freeipa.sed_ca_longdomain_patch() # This is a time-consuming command, better to log the output Execute(install_command, logoutput=True) # write password file File("/root/admin-password", content=Template("admin-password.j2", admin_password=admin_password), mode=0600 ) # Ensure service is started before trying to interact with it! Execute('service ipa start') with freeipa.FreeIPA(self.admin_login, self.admin_password_file, False) as fi: # set the default shell fi.set_default_shell(params.default_shell) # Set the admin user shell fi.set_user_shell(self.admin_login, params.admin_user_shell) # make base accounts self.create_base_accounts(env, fi) # create initial users and groups if "Users" in params.initial_users_and_groups: for user in params.initial_users_and_groups["Users"]: if type(user) is str or type(user) is not dict: user = {"username": user} username = user["username"] password = None if username in params.initial_user_passwords: password = params.initial_user_passwords[username] firstname = username lastname = 'auto_generated' if 'firstname' in user: firstname = user['firstname'] if 'lastname' in user: lastname = user['lastname'] fi.create_user_principal(identity=username, firstname=firstname, lastname=lastname, password=password) if "email" in user: fi.set_user_email(username, user["email"]) if "Groups" in params.initial_users_and_groups: groups = params.initial_users_and_groups["Groups"] if type(groups) is dict: groups = [{"name": gname, "members": groups[gname]} for gname in groups] for group in groups: freeipa.create_group(group["name"]) for user in group["members"]: fi.group_add_member(group["name"], user) fi.create_sudorule('allsudo', **(params.initial_sudoers)) # create robot admin self.reset_robot_admin_expire_date(env) # if FreeIPA server is not started properly, then the clients will not install self.start(env)
def install(self, env): import params env.set_params(params) # Execute('/etc/init.d/ambari-server stop') # Execute('yum -y remove ambari-server') p0 = subprocess.Popen(["hostname", "-f"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) _hostname = p0.communicate()[0].strip() if p0.returncode: raise OSError("Failed to determine hostname!") import kavecommon as kc tos = kc.detect_linux_version() # Check that all known FreeIPA ports are available needed_ports = [88, 123, 389, 464, 636, 8080, 8443] for port in needed_ports: self.checkport(port) self.install_packages(env) for package in self.packages: Package(package) admin_password = freeipa.generate_random_password() Logger.sensitive_strings[admin_password] = "[PROTECTED]" # This should not be needed but somehow something reverts the v6 enable recipe. Execute("sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6=0; ifconfig | grep -q ::1; if [ $? = 1 ]; " "then ifconfig lo inet6 add ::1; fi") # Try to reload dbus configuration due to a bug in dbus Execute("systemctl stop dbus") Execute("systemctl start dbus") install_command = 'ipa-server-install -U --realm="%s" \ --ds-password="******" --admin-password="******" --hostname="%s"' \ % (params.realm, params.directory_password, admin_password, _hostname) # ipa-server install command. Currently --selfsign is mandatory because # of some anoying centos6.5 problems. The underling installer uses an # outdated method for the dogtag system which fails. # however, on centos7, this option does not exist! if params.install_with_dns: if tos.lower() in ["centos7"]: Package("ipa-server-dns") install_command += ' --setup-dns --domain="%s"' % params.domain # install_command += ' --setup-dns' if params.forwarders: for forwarder in params.forwarders: install_command += ' --forwarder="%s"' % forwarder else: install_command += ' --no-forwarders' p0 = subprocess.Popen(["ipactl", "status"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) p0.communicate() ipacheck = p0.returncode if ipacheck == 4 or ipacheck == 127: # This is a time-consuming command, better to log the output Execute(install_command, logoutput=True) # write password file File("/root/admin-password", content=Template("admin-password.j2", admin_password=admin_password), mode=0600 ) # Ensure service is started before trying to interact with it! Execute('systemctl start ipa') with freeipa.FreeIPA(self.admin_login, self.admin_password_file, False) as fi: # set the default shell fi.set_default_shell(params.default_shell) # Set the admin user shell fi.set_user_shell(self.admin_login, params.admin_user_shell) # make base accounts self.create_base_accounts(env, fi) # create initial users and groups if "Users" in params.initial_users_and_groups: for user in params.initial_users_and_groups["Users"]: if type(user) is str or type(user) is not dict: user = {"username": user} username = user["username"] password = None if username in params.initial_user_passwords: password = params.initial_user_passwords[username] firstname = username lastname = 'auto_generated' if 'firstname' in user: firstname = user['firstname'] if 'lastname' in user: lastname = user['lastname'] fi.create_user_principal(identity=username, firstname=firstname, lastname=lastname, password=password) if "email" in user: fi.set_user_email(username, user["email"]) if "Groups" in params.initial_users_and_groups: groups = params.initial_users_and_groups["Groups"] if type(groups) is dict: groups = [{"name": gname, "members": groups[gname]} for gname in groups] for group in groups: freeipa.create_group(group["name"]) for user in group["members"]: fi.group_add_member(group["name"], user) fi.create_sudorule('allsudo', **(params.initial_sudoers)) # create robot admin self.reset_robot_admin_expire_date(env) # Enable security options for Apache with open("/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf", "a") as httpd_conf: httpd_conf.write("TraceEnable Off\nServerSignature Off\nServerTokens Prod") Execute('systemctl restart httpd') # if FreeIPA server is not started properly, then the clients will not install self.start(env)
def install(self, env): import params env.set_params(params) # Execute('/etc/init.d/ambari-server stop') # Execute('yum -y remove ambari-server') p0 = subprocess.Popen(["hostname", "-f"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) _hostname = p0.communicate()[0].strip() if p0.returncode: raise OSError("Failed to determine hostname!") needed_ports = [88, 123, 389, 464, 636, 8080, 8443] self.install_packages(env) Package(self.packages) admin_password = freeipa.generate_random_password() Logger.sensitive_strings[admin_password] = "[PROTECTED]" install_command = 'ipa-server-install -U --realm="%s" \ --ds-password="******" --admin-password="******" --hostname="%s"' % ( params.realm, params.directory_password, admin_password, _hostname) # ipa-server install command. Currently --selfsign is mandatory because # of some anoying centos6.5 problems. The underling installer uses an # outdated method for the dogtag system which fails. # however, on centos7, this option does not exist! if params.install_with_dns: Package("ipa-server-dns") install_command += ' --setup-dns --domain="%s"' % params.domain # install_command += ' --setup-dns' if params.forwarders: for forwarder in params.forwarders: install_command += ' --forwarder="%s"' % forwarder else: install_command += ' --no-forwarders' p0 = subprocess.Popen(["ipactl", "status"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) p0.communicate() ipacheck = p0.returncode if ipacheck == 4 or ipacheck == 127: # This is a time-consuming command, better to log the output Execute(install_command, logoutput=True) # write password file File("/root/admin-password", content=Template("admin-password.j2", admin_password=admin_password), mode=0600) # Ensure service is started before trying to interact with it! Execute('service ipa start') with freeipa.FreeIPA(self.admin_login, self.admin_password_file, False) as fi: # set the default shell fi.set_default_shell(params.default_shell) # Set the admin user shell fi.set_user_shell(self.admin_login, params.admin_user_shell) # make base accounts self.create_base_accounts(env, fi) # create initial users and groups if "Users" in params.initial_users_and_groups: for user in params.initial_users_and_groups["Users"]: if type(user) is str or type(user) is not dict: user = {"username": user} username = user["username"] password = None if username in params.initial_user_passwords: password = params.initial_user_passwords[username] firstname = username lastname = 'auto_generated' if 'firstname' in user: firstname = user['firstname'] if 'lastname' in user: lastname = user['lastname'] fi.create_user_principal(identity=username, firstname=firstname, lastname=lastname, password=password) if "email" in user: fi.set_user_email(username, user["email"]) if "Groups" in params.initial_users_and_groups: groups = params.initial_users_and_groups["Groups"] if type(groups) is dict: groups = [{ "name": gname, "members": groups[gname] } for gname in groups] for group in groups: freeipa.create_group(group["name"]) for user in group["members"]: fi.group_add_member(group["name"], user) fi.create_sudorule('allsudo', **(params.initial_sudoers)) # create robot admin self.reset_robot_admin_expire_date(env) # if FreeIPA server is not started properly, then the clients will not install self.start(env)