예제 #1
    def make_cam_from_params(self, params):
        if 1:
            t = params[:3]
            rod = params[3:]
            rmat = rodrigues2matrix( rod )
            d = self.intrinsic_dict.copy()
            d['translation'] = t
            d['Q'] = rmat
            cam_model = CameraModel.from_dict(d)
            return cam_model

        C = params[:3]
        quat = params[3:]
        qmag = np.sqrt(np.sum(quat**2))
        quat = quat/qmag


        t = -np.dot(R, C)

        d = self.intrinsic_dict.copy()
        d['translation'] = t
        d['Q'] = R
        cam_model = CameraModel.from_dict(d)
        return cam_model
예제 #2
    def make_cam_from_params(self, params):
        if 1:
            t = params[:3]
            rod = params[3:]
            rmat = rodrigues2matrix(rod)
            d = self.intrinsic_dict.copy()
            d['translation'] = t
            d['Q'] = rmat
            cam_model = CameraModel.from_dict(d)
            return cam_model

        C = params[:3]
        quat = params[3:]
        qmag = np.sqrt(np.sum(quat**2))
        quat = quat / qmag

        R, rquat = get_rotation_matrix_and_quaternion(quat)

        t = -np.dot(R, C)

        d = self.intrinsic_dict.copy()
        d['translation'] = t
        d['Q'] = R
        cam_model = CameraModel.from_dict(d)
        return cam_model
예제 #3
def test_rodrigues_cv():
    for x in np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,5):
        for y in np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,5):
            for z in np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,5):
                rvec = np.array((x,y,z))
                rmat = cvnumpy.rodrigues2matrix(rvec)
                rmat_cv = cvnumpy.rodrigues2matrix_cv(rvec)
                assert np.allclose(rmat, rmat_cv)
예제 #4
def fit_extrinsics(base_cam,X3d,x2d,geom=None):
    assert x2d.ndim==2
    assert x2d.shape[1]==2

    assert X3d.ndim==2
    assert X3d.shape[1]==3

    if 0:
        fname = 'x2d_'+base_cam.name + '.png'
        fname = fname.replace('/','-')
        save_point_image(fname, (base_cam.width, base_cam.height), x2d )
        #print 'saved pt debug image to',fname

    ipts = np.array(x2d,dtype=np.float64)
    opts = np.array(X3d,dtype=np.float64)

    K = np.array(base_cam.get_K(), dtype=np.float64)
    dist_coeffs = np.array( base_cam.get_D(), dtype=np.float64)

    retval, rvec, tvec = cv2.solvePnP( opts, ipts,
    assert retval

    # we get two possible cameras back, figure out which one has objects in front
    rmata = rodrigues2matrix( rvec )
    intrinsics = base_cam.to_dict()
    del intrinsics['Q']
    del intrinsics['translation']
    del intrinsics['name']
    d = intrinsics.copy()
    d['translation'] = tvec
    d['Q'] = rmata
    d['name'] = base_cam.name
    cam_model_a = CameraModel.from_dict(d)
    mza = np.mean(cam_model_a.project_3d_to_camera_frame(X3d)[:,2])

    # don't bother with second - it does not have a valid rotation matrix

    if 1:
        founda = cam_model_a.project_3d_to_pixel(X3d)
        erra = np.mean(np.sqrt(np.sum((founda-x2d)**2, axis=1)))

        cam_model = cam_model_a

    if 1:
        found = cam_model.project_3d_to_pixel(X3d)
        orig = x2d
        reproj_error = np.sqrt(np.sum((found-orig)**2, axis=1))
        cum = np.mean(reproj_error)

        mean_cam_z = np.mean(cam_model.project_3d_to_camera_frame(X3d)[:,2])

    if (mean_cam_z < 0 or cum > 20) and 0:
        # hmm, we have a flipped view of the camera.
        print '-'*80,'HACK ON'
        center, lookat, up = cam_model.get_view()
        #cam2 = cam_model.get_view_camera( -center, lookat, -up )
        cam2 = cam_model.get_view_camera( center, lookat, up )
        return fit_extrinsics_iterative(cam2,X3d,x2d, geom=geom)

    result = dict(cam=cam_model,
                  mean_cam_z = mean_cam_z,
    return result
예제 #5
def fit_extrinsics(base_cam, X3d, x2d, geom=None):
    assert x2d.ndim == 2
    assert x2d.shape[1] == 2

    assert X3d.ndim == 2
    assert X3d.shape[1] == 3

    if 0:
        fname = 'x2d_' + base_cam.name + '.png'
        fname = fname.replace('/', '-')
        save_point_image(fname, (base_cam.width, base_cam.height), x2d)
        #print 'saved pt debug image to',fname

    ipts = np.array(x2d, dtype=np.float64)
    opts = np.array(X3d, dtype=np.float64)

    K = np.array(base_cam.get_K(), dtype=np.float64)
    dist_coeffs = np.array(base_cam.get_D(), dtype=np.float64)

    retval, rvec, tvec = cv2.solvePnP(opts, ipts, K, dist_coeffs)
    assert retval

    # we get two possible cameras back, figure out which one has objects in front
    rmata = rodrigues2matrix(rvec)
    intrinsics = base_cam.to_dict()
    del intrinsics['Q']
    del intrinsics['translation']
    del intrinsics['name']
    d = intrinsics.copy()
    d['translation'] = tvec
    d['Q'] = rmata
    d['name'] = base_cam.name
    cam_model_a = CameraModel.from_dict(d)
    mza = np.mean(cam_model_a.project_3d_to_camera_frame(X3d)[:, 2])

    # don't bother with second - it does not have a valid rotation matrix

    if 1:
        founda = cam_model_a.project_3d_to_pixel(X3d)
        erra = np.mean(np.sqrt(np.sum((founda - x2d)**2, axis=1)))

        cam_model = cam_model_a

    if 1:
        found = cam_model.project_3d_to_pixel(X3d)
        orig = x2d
        reproj_error = np.sqrt(np.sum((found - orig)**2, axis=1))
        cum = np.mean(reproj_error)

        mean_cam_z = np.mean(cam_model.project_3d_to_camera_frame(X3d)[:, 2])

    if (mean_cam_z < 0 or cum > 20) and 0:
        # hmm, we have a flipped view of the camera.
        print '-' * 80, 'HACK ON'
        center, lookat, up = cam_model.get_view()
        #cam2 = cam_model.get_view_camera( -center, lookat, -up )
        cam2 = cam_model.get_view_camera(center, lookat, up)
        cam2.name = base_cam.name
        return fit_extrinsics_iterative(cam2, X3d, x2d, geom=geom)

    result = dict(
    return result