def __init__(self, version='1', token=None, username=None, password=None, tenant_name=None, auth_url=None, session=None, endpoint=None, opts=None, project_name=None, user_domain_name=None, project_domain_name=None, cert=False, cacert=False, insecure=False): self.opts = opts # this creates a namespace for self.opts when the client is # created from other method rather than command line arguments. if self.opts is None: self.opts = utils.Namespace({}) if token: self.opts.os_token = token if username: self.opts.os_username = username if password: self.opts.os_password = password if tenant_name: self.opts.os_tenant_name = tenant_name if auth_url: self.opts.os_auth_url = auth_url if endpoint: self.opts.os_backup_url = endpoint if project_name: self.opts.os_project_name = project_name if user_domain_name: self.opts.os_user_domain_name = user_domain_name if project_domain_name: self.opts.os_project_domain_name = project_domain_name if insecure: self.verify = False elif cacert: # verify arg in keystone sessions could be True/False/Path to cert self.verify = cacert else: self.verify = True if cert: self.opts.os_cert = cert self._session = session self.version = version self.backups = backups.BackupsManager(self, verify=self.verify) self.registration = registration.RegistrationManager( self, verify=self.verify) = jobs.JobManager(self, verify=self.verify) self.actions = actions.ActionManager(self, verify=self.verify) self.sessions = sessions.SessionManager(self, verify=self.verify)
def setUp(self): self.mock_client = Mock() self.mock_client.endpoint = 'http://testendpoint:9999' self.mock_client.auth_token = 'testtoken' self.b = backups.BackupsManager(self.mock_client)