def export_sales_order(self, cursor): try: starttime = time() if self.verbosity > 0: print("Exporting expected delivery date of sales orders...") cursor.execute('''select demand.source, max(plandate) from demand left outer join out_demand on = out_demand.demand where demand.subcategory = 'openbravo' and status = 'open' group by source ''') count = 0 body = [ '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', '<ob:Openbravo xmlns:ob="">' ] for i in cursor.fetchall(): body.append('<OrderLine id="%s"><description>frePPLe planned delivery date: %s</description></OrderLine>' % i) count += 1 if self.verbosity > 0 and count % 500 == 1: print('.', end="") if self.verbosity > 0: print ('') body.append('</ob:Openbravo>') post_data( '\n'.join(body), '/openbravo/ws/dal/OrderLine', self.openbravo_host, self.openbravo_user, self.openbravo_password ) if self.verbosity > 0: print("Updated %d sales orders in %.2f seconds" % (count, (time() - starttime))) except Exception as e: raise CommandError("Error updating sales orders: %s" % e)
def export_work_order(self, cursor): if self.filteredexport: filter_expression = 'and (%s) ' % Parameter.getValue('openbravo.filter_export_manufacturing_order', self.database, "") else: filter_expression = "" try: starttime = time() if self.verbosity > 0: print("Exporting work orders...") cursor.execute(''' select operation.source, out_operationplan.quantity, startdate, enddate from out_operationplan inner join operation on out_operationplan.operation = and operation.type = 'routing' where operation like 'Process%' %s ''' % filter_expression) count = 0 body = [ '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', '<ob:Openbravo xmlns:ob="">' ] for i in cursor.fetchall(): # TODO generate documentno? <documentNo>10000000</documentNo> body.append('''<ManufacturingWorkRequirement> <organization id="%s" entity-name="Organization"/> <active>true</active> <processPlan id="%s" entity-name="ManufacturingProcessPlan"/> <quantity>%s</quantity> <startingDate>%s.0Z</startingDate> <endingDate>%s.0Z</endingDate> <closed>false</closed> <insertProductsAndorPhases>true</insertProductsAndorPhases> <includePhasesWhenInserting>true</includePhasesWhenInserting> <processed>false</processed> </ManufacturingWorkRequirement> ''' % (self.organization_id, i[0], i[1], i[2].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), i[3].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") )) count += 1 if self.verbosity > 0 and count % 500 == 1: print('.', end="") if self.verbosity > 0: print('') body.append('</ob:Openbravo>') post_data( '\n'.join(body), '/openbravo/ws/dal/ManufacturingWorkRequirement', self.openbravo_host, self.openbravo_user, self.openbravo_password ) if self.verbosity > 0: print("Updated %d work orders in %.2f seconds" % (count, (time() - starttime))) except Exception as e: raise CommandError("Error updating work orders: %s" % e)
def export_work_order(self, cursor): try: starttime = time() if self.verbosity > 0: print("Exporting work orders...") cursor.execute(''' select operation.source, out_operationplan.quantity, startdate, enddate from out_operationplan inner join operation on out_operationplan.operation = and operation.type = 'routing' where operation like 'Process%' ''') count = 0 body = [ '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', '<ob:Openbravo xmlns:ob="">' ] for i in cursor.fetchall(): # TODO generate documentno? <documentNo>10000000</documentNo> body.append('''<ManufacturingWorkRequirement> <organization id="%s" entity-name="Organization"/> <active>true</active> <processPlan id="%s" entity-name="ManufacturingProcessPlan"/> <quantity>%s</quantity> <startingDate>%s.0Z</startingDate> <endingDate>%s.0Z</endingDate> <closed>false</closed> <insertProductsAndorPhases>true</insertProductsAndorPhases> <includePhasesWhenInserting>true</includePhasesWhenInserting> <processed>false</processed> </ManufacturingWorkRequirement> ''' % (self.organization_id, i[0], i[1], i[2].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), i[3].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") )) count += 1 if self.verbosity > 0 and count % 500 == 1: print('.', end="") if self.verbosity > 0: print('') body.append('</ob:Openbravo>') post_data( '\n'.join(body), '/openbravo/ws/dal/ManufacturingWorkRequirement', self.openbravo_host, self.openbravo_user, self.openbravo_password ) if self.verbosity > 0: print("Updated %d work orders in %.2f seconds" % (count, (time() - starttime))) except Exception as e: raise CommandError("Error updating work orders: %s" % e)
def Upload(request): ''' TODO we are doing lots of round trips to the database and openbravo to read the configuration. There is considerable overhead in this. ''' # Decode the data received from the client data = json.loads(request.body.decode('utf-8')) # Validate records which exist in the database cleaned_records = [] for rec in data: try: if rec['type'] == 'PO': obj = PurchaseOrder.objects.using(request.database).get(id=rec['id']) obj.supplier = Supplier.objects.using(request.database).get(name=rec.get('origin') or rec.get('supplier')) if not obj.supplier.source: continue else: obj = DistributionOrder.objects.using(request.database).get(id=rec['id']) #obj.destination = Location.objects.using(request.database).get(name=rec['destination']) #obj.origin = Location.object.using(request.database).get(name=rec['origin']) if != rec['item']: obj.item = Item.objects.using(request.database).get(name=rec['item']) if obj.status == 'proposed' and obj.item.source: # Copy edited values on the database object. Changes aren't saved yet. obj.startdate = datetime.strptime(rec['startdate'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") obj.enddate = datetime.strptime(rec['enddate'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") obj.quantity = abs(float(rec['quantity'])) obj.status = 'approved' cleaned_records.append(obj) except: pass if not cleaned_records: return HttpResponse(content=_("No proposed data records selected"), status=500) # Read the configuration data from the database. openbravo_user = Parameter.getValue("openbravo.user", request.database) # Passwords in djangosettings file are preferably used if settings.OPENBRAVO_PASSWORDS.get(request.database) == '': openbravo_password = Parameter.getValue("openbravo.password", request.database) else: openbravo_password = settings.OPENBRAVO_PASSWORDS.get(request.database) openbravo_host = Parameter.getValue("", request.database) openbravo_organization = Parameter.getValue("openbravo.organization", request.database) exportPurchasingPlan = Parameter.getValue("openbravo.exportPurchasingPlan", request.database, default="false") # Look up the id of the Openbravo organization id if request.database not in openbravo_organization_ids: query = urllib.parse.quote("name='%s'" % openbravo_organization) data = get_data( "/openbravo/ws/dal/Organization?where=%s&includeChildren=false" % query, openbravo_host, openbravo_user, openbravo_password ) conn = iterparse(StringIO(data), events=('start', 'end')) for event, elem in conn: if event == 'end' and elem.tag == 'Organization': openbravo_organization_ids[request.database] = elem.get('id') break if request.database not in openbravo_organization_ids: return HttpResponse(content="Can't find organization id in Openbravo", status=500) # Build the data content to send body = [ #'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', '<ob:Openbravo xmlns:ob="">', ] now ='%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S') if exportPurchasingPlan: identifier = uuid4().hex url = "/openbravo/ws/dal/MRPPurchasingRun" body.append('''<MRPPurchasingRun id="%s"> <organization id="%s" entity-name="Organization" identifier="%s"/> <active>true</active> <name>FREPPLE %s</name> <description>Incremental export triggered by %s</description> <timeHorizon>365</timeHorizon> <timeHorizon>365</timeHorizon> <safetyLeadTime>0</safetyLeadTime> <mRPPurchasingRunLineList>''' % ( identifier, openbravo_organization_ids[request.database], openbravo_organization, now, request.user.username )) for obj in cleaned_records: identifier2 = uuid4().hex businessPartner = '' if isinstance(obj, PurchaseOrder): transaction_type = 'PO' if obj.supplier and obj.supplier.source: businessPartner = '<businessPartner id="%s"/>' % obj.supplier.source # TODO: where to store the destination of a purchase order else: transaction_type = 'MF' # TODO Is this right? # TODO: where to store the source and destination of a stock transfer order # Possible transaction types in Openbravo are: # - SO (Pending Sales Order) # - PO (Pending Purchase Order) # - WR (Pending Work Requirement) # - SF (Sales Forecast) # - MF (Material Requirement) # - UD (User defined) # - WP (Suggested Work Requirement) # - MP (Suggested Material Requirement) # - PP (Suggested Purchase Order) # - ST (Stock) # - MS (Minimum Stock): Minimum or security stock body.append('''<MRPPurchasingRunLine id="%s"> <active>true</active> <purchasingPlan id="%s" entity-name="MRPPurchasingRun"/> <product id="%s" entity-name="Product"/> <quantity>%s</quantity> <requiredQuantity>%s</requiredQuantity> <plannedDate>%s.0Z</plannedDate> <plannedOrderDate>%s.0Z</plannedOrderDate> <transactionType>%s</transactionType> %s <fixed>true</fixed> <completed>false</completed> </MRPPurchasingRunLine> ''' % ( identifier2, identifier, obj.item.source, obj.quantity, obj.quantity, datetime.strftime(obj.enddate, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), datetime.strftime(obj.startdate, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), transaction_type, businessPartner )) body.append('''</mRPPurchasingRunLineList> </MRPPurchasingRun> </ob:Openbravo> ''') else: raise Exception("Incremental export as a requisition not implemented yet") # TODO xmldoc = '\n'.join(body).encode(encoding='utf_8') try: # Send the data to openbravo post_data(xmldoc, url, openbravo_host, openbravo_user, openbravo_password) # Now save the changed status also in our database for obj in cleaned_records: return HttpResponse("OK") except Exception as e: # Something went wrong in the connection return HttpResponse(content=str(e), status=500)
def export_purchasingplan(self, cursor): purchaseplan = '''<MRPPurchasingRun id="%s"> <organization id="%s" entity-name="Organization"/> <active>true</active> <name>FREPPLE %s</name> <description>Bulk export</description> <timeHorizon>365</timeHorizon> <timeHorizon>365</timeHorizon> <safetyLeadTime>0</safetyLeadTime> <mRPPurchasingRunLineList>''' purchasingplanline = '''<ProcurementRequisitionLine> <active>true</active> <requisition id="%s" entity-name="ProcurementRequisition"/> <product id="%s" entity-name="Product"/> <quantity>%s</quantity> <uOM id="100" entity-name="UOM" identifier="Unit"/> <requisitionLineStatus>O</requisitionLineStatus> <needByDate>%s.0Z</needByDate> <lineNo>%s</lineNo> </ProcurementRequisitionLine>''' try: # Close the old purchasing plan generated by frePPLe if self.verbosity > 0: print("Closing previous purchasing plan generated from frePPLe") body = [ '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', '<ob:Openbravo xmlns:ob="">' ] query = urllib.parse.quote("createdBy='%s' and purchasingPlan.description='Bulk export'" % self.openbravo_user_id) data = delete_data( "/openbravo/ws/dal/MRPPurchasingRunLine?where=%s" % query, self.openbravo_host, self.openbravo_user, self.openbravo_password ) query = urllib.parse.quote("createdBy='%s' and description='Bulk export'" % self.openbravo_user_id) data = delete_data( "/openbravo/ws/dal/MRPPurchasingRun?where=%s" % query, self.openbravo_host, self.openbravo_user, self.openbravo_password ) # Create new purchase plan starttime = time() if self.verbosity > 0: print("Exporting new purchasing plan...") count = 0 now ='%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S') identifier = uuid4().hex body = [purchaseplan % (identifier, self.organization_id, now),] cursor.execute('''select item.source, location.source, enddate, sum(out_operationplan.quantity) FROM out_operationplan inner join out_flowplan ON operationplan_id = AND out_flowplan.quantity > 0 inner JOIN buffer ON = out_flowplan.thebuffer AND buffer.subcategory = 'openbravo' inner join item ON buffer.item_id = and item.source is not null and item.subcategory = 'openbravo' inner join location ON buffer.location_id = and location.source is not null and location.subcategory = 'openbravo' where out_operationplan.operation like 'Purchase %' and out_operationplan.locked = 'f' group by location.source, item.source, enddate ''') for i in cursor.fetchall(): body.append(purchasingplanline % (identifier, i[0], i[3], i[2].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), count)) count += 1 body.append('</mRPPurchasingRunLineList>') body.append('</MRPPurchasingRun>') body.append('</ob:Openbravo>') post_data( '\n'.join(body), '/openbravo/ws/dal/MRPPurchasingRun', self.openbravo_host, self.openbravo_user, self.openbravo_password ) if self.verbosity > 0: print("Created purchasing plan with %d lines in %.2f seconds" % (count, (time() - starttime))) except Exception as e: raise CommandError("Error updating purchasing plan: %s" % e)
def export_procurement_order(self, cursor): requisition = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ob:Openbravo xmlns:ob=""> <ProcurementRequisition id="%s"> <organization id="%s" entity-name="Organization"/> <active>true</active> <documentNo>frePPLe %s</documentNo> <description>frePPLe export of %s</description> <createPO>false</createPO> <documentStatus>DR</documentStatus> <userContact id="%s" entity-name="ADUser" identifier="%s"/> <processNow>false</processNow> <procurementRequisitionLineList>''' requisitionline = '''<ProcurementRequisitionLine> <active>true</active> <requisition id="%s" entity-name="ProcurementRequisition"/> <product id="%s" entity-name="Product"/> <quantity>%s</quantity> <uOM id="100" entity-name="UOM" identifier="Unit"/> <requisitionLineStatus>O</requisitionLineStatus> <needByDate>%s.0Z</needByDate> <lineNo>%s</lineNo> </ProcurementRequisitionLine>''' try: # Close old purchase requisitions generated by frePPLe if self.verbosity > 0: print("Closing previous purchase requisitions from frePPLe") body = [ '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', '<ob:Openbravo xmlns:ob="">' ] query = urllib.parse.quote("documentStatus='DR' and documentNo like 'frePPLe %'") conn = self.get_data("/openbravo/ws/dal/ProcurementRequisition?where=%s&includeChildren=false" % query)[0] for event, elem in conn: if event != 'end' or elem.tag != 'ProcurementRequisition': continue body.append('<ProcurementRequisition id="%s">' % elem.get('id')) body.append('<documentStatus>CL</documentStatus>') body.append('</ProcurementRequisition>') body.append('</ob:Openbravo>') post_data( '\n'.join(body), '/openbravo/ws/dal/ProcurementRequisition', self.openbravo_host, self.openbravo_user, self.openbravo_password ) # Create new requisition starttime = time() if self.verbosity > 0: print("Exporting new purchase requisition...") count = 0 now ='%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S') identifier = uuid4().hex body = [requisition % (identifier, self.organization_id, now, now, self.openbravo_user_id, self.openbravo_user)] cursor.execute('''select item.source, location.source, enddate, sum(out_operationplan.quantity) FROM out_operationplan inner join out_flowplan ON operationplan_id = AND out_flowplan.quantity > 0 inner JOIN buffer ON = out_flowplan.thebuffer AND buffer.subcategory = 'openbravo' inner join item ON buffer.item_id = and item.source is not null and item.subcategory = 'openbravo' inner join location ON buffer.location_id = and location.source is not null and location.subcategory = 'openbravo' where out_operationplan.operation like 'Purchase %' and out_operationplan.locked = 'f' group by location.source, item.source, enddate ''') for i in cursor.fetchall(): body.append(requisitionline % (identifier, i[0], i[3], i[2].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), count)) count += 1 body.append('</procurementRequisitionLineList>') body.append('</ProcurementRequisition>') body.append('</ob:Openbravo>') post_data( '\n'.join(body), '/openbravo/ws/dal/ProcurementRequisition', self.openbravo_host, self.openbravo_user, self.openbravo_password ) if self.verbosity > 0: print("Created requisition with %d lines in %.2f seconds" % (count, (time() - starttime))) # Change the status of the new requisition. Doesn't seem to work... #body = ['<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', # '<ob:Openbravo xmlns:ob="">', # '<ProcurementRequisition id="%s">' % identifier, # '<documentStatus>CO</documentStatus>', # '<documentAction>CO</documentAction>', # '</ProcurementRequisition>', # '</ob:Openbravo>' # ] #post_data( # '\n'.join(body), # '/openbravo/ws/dal/ProcurementRequisition/', # self.openbravo_host, self.openbravo_user, self.openbravo_password # ) except Exception as e: raise CommandError("Error generation purchase requisitions: %s" % e)
def Upload(request): ''' TODO we are doing lots of round trips to the database and openbravo to read the configuration. There is considerable overhead in this. ''' # Decode the data received from the client data = json.loads(request.body.decode('utf-8')) # Validate records which exist in the database cleaned_records = [] for rec in data: try: if rec['type'] == 'PO': obj = PurchaseOrder.objects.using( request.database).get(id=rec['id']) obj.supplier = Supplier.objects.using(request.database).get( name=rec.get('origin') or rec.get('supplier')) if not obj.supplier.source: continue else: obj = DistributionOrder.objects.using( request.database).get(id=rec['id']) #obj.destination = Location.objects.using(request.database).get(name=rec['destination']) #obj.origin = Location.object.using(request.database).get(name=rec['origin']) if != rec['item']: obj.item = Item.objects.using( request.database).get(name=rec['item']) if obj.status == 'proposed' and obj.item.source: # Copy edited values on the database object. Changes aren't saved yet. obj.startdate = datetime.strptime(rec['startdate'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") obj.enddate = datetime.strptime(rec['enddate'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") obj.quantity = abs(float(rec['quantity'])) obj.status = 'approved' cleaned_records.append(obj) except: pass if not cleaned_records: return HttpResponse(content=_("No proposed data records selected"), status=500) # Read the configuration data from the database. openbravo_user = Parameter.getValue("openbravo.user", request.database) # Passwords in djangosettings file are preferably used if settings.OPENBRAVO_PASSWORDS.get(request.database) == '': openbravo_password = Parameter.getValue("openbravo.password", request.database) else: openbravo_password = settings.OPENBRAVO_PASSWORDS.get(request.database) openbravo_host = Parameter.getValue("", request.database) openbravo_organization = Parameter.getValue("openbravo.organization", request.database) exportPurchasingPlan = Parameter.getValue("openbravo.exportPurchasingPlan", request.database, default="false") # Look up the id of the Openbravo organization id if request.database not in openbravo_organization_ids: query = urllib.parse.quote("name='%s'" % openbravo_organization) data = get_data( "/openbravo/ws/dal/Organization?where=%s&includeChildren=false" % query, openbravo_host, openbravo_user, openbravo_password) conn = iterparse(StringIO(data), events=('start', 'end')) for event, elem in conn: if event == 'end' and elem.tag == 'Organization': openbravo_organization_ids[request.database] = elem.get('id') break if request.database not in openbravo_organization_ids: return HttpResponse( content="Can't find organization id in Openbravo", status=500) # Build the data content to send body = [ #'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', '<ob:Openbravo xmlns:ob="">', ] now ='%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S') if exportPurchasingPlan: identifier = uuid4().hex url = "/openbravo/ws/dal/MRPPurchasingRun" body.append('''<MRPPurchasingRun id="%s"> <organization id="%s" entity-name="Organization" identifier="%s"/> <active>true</active> <name>FREPPLE %s</name> <description>Incremental export triggered by %s</description> <timeHorizon>365</timeHorizon> <timeHorizon>365</timeHorizon> <safetyLeadTime>0</safetyLeadTime> <mRPPurchasingRunLineList>''' % (identifier, openbravo_organization_ids[request.database], openbravo_organization, now, request.user.username)) for obj in cleaned_records: identifier2 = uuid4().hex businessPartner = '' if isinstance(obj, PurchaseOrder): transaction_type = 'PO' if obj.supplier and obj.supplier.source: businessPartner = '<businessPartner id="%s"/>' % obj.supplier.source # TODO: where to store the destination of a purchase order else: transaction_type = 'MF' # TODO Is this right? # TODO: where to store the source and destination of a stock transfer order # Possible transaction types in Openbravo are: # - SO (Pending Sales Order) # - PO (Pending Purchase Order) # - WR (Pending Work Requirement) # - SF (Sales Forecast) # - MF (Material Requirement) # - UD (User defined) # - WP (Suggested Work Requirement) # - MP (Suggested Material Requirement) # - PP (Suggested Purchase Order) # - ST (Stock) # - MS (Minimum Stock): Minimum or security stock body.append('''<MRPPurchasingRunLine id="%s"> <active>true</active> <purchasingPlan id="%s" entity-name="MRPPurchasingRun"/> <product id="%s" entity-name="Product"/> <quantity>%s</quantity> <requiredQuantity>%s</requiredQuantity> <plannedDate>%s.0Z</plannedDate> <plannedOrderDate>%s.0Z</plannedOrderDate> <transactionType>%s</transactionType> %s <fixed>true</fixed> <completed>false</completed> </MRPPurchasingRunLine> ''' % (identifier2, identifier, obj.item.source, obj.quantity, obj.quantity, datetime.strftime(obj.enddate, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), datetime.strftime(obj.startdate, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), transaction_type, businessPartner)) body.append('''</mRPPurchasingRunLineList> </MRPPurchasingRun> </ob:Openbravo> ''') else: raise Exception( "Incremental export as a requisition not implemented yet") # TODO xmldoc = '\n'.join(body).encode(encoding='utf_8') try: # Send the data to openbravo post_data(xmldoc, url, openbravo_host, openbravo_user, openbravo_password) # Now save the changed status also in our database for obj in cleaned_records: return HttpResponse("OK") except Exception as e: # Something went wrong in the connection return HttpResponse(content=str(e), status=500)