def migrate(dry_run): with db: cur = db.execute('''SELECT user_id, expiration, price, timezone FROM price JOIN user ON price.user_id =''') rows = cur.fetchall() print('migrating', len(rows), 'rows; dry-run:', dry_run) if not dry_run: db.execute('DROP TABLE sell_price') db.execute('''CREATE TABLE sell_price ( user_id TEXT, week_local TEXT, week_index INTEGER, expiration TEXT, price INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES user(id) )''') db.execute('''CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_sell_price_user_expiration ON sell_price (user_id, expiration)''') for row in rows: expiration_dt = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(row['expiration']) expiration_local = expiration_dt.astimezone(['timezone'])) sunday, week_index, _ = _user_time_info(expiration_local - datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)) if not dry_run: db.execute('''INSERT INTO sell_price (user_id, week_local, week_index, expiration, price) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)''', (row['user_id'], str(sunday), week_index, row['expiration'], row['price'])) print('%s %s\t%s %d' % (row['expiration'], row['timezone'], sunday, week_index))
def _stalk_set_sell_price(cmd, price): if not price: _stalk_list_sale_prices(cmd) return user_id = cmd.sender['id'] current_time = cur = db.execute('SELECT timezone FROM user WHERE id = ?', (user_id,)) res = cur.fetchone() if not res: cmd.reply('Could not add sale price. Have you registered a friend code?') return elif res['timezone'] is None: cmd.reply('Could not add sale price. Please register a time zone with !stalks tz') return user_time = current_time.astimezone(['timezone'])) if (user_time.hour < 8 or user_time.hour >= 22): cmd.reply('Your shops are closed. Your current time zone is %s, where it is currently %s.' % (res['timezone'], user_time.strftime(time_format))) return elif user_time.weekday() == 6: cmd.reply('It is currently Sunday in your selected time zone, %s. Turnip offers cannot be submitted.' % res['timezone']) return try: value = int(price) except ValueError: cmd.reply('Could not parse sell value. Usage: !stalks sell 123') return week_local, week_index, expiration = _user_time_info(user_time) with db: db.execute(''' INSERT INTO price (user_id, week_local, week_index, expiration, price) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT(user_id, expiration) DO UPDATE SET price = excluded.price ''', (user_id, week_local, week_index, expiration.astimezone(datetime.timezone.utc), value)) sunday = _date_to_sunday(current_time) with db: cur = db.execute('SELECT week_index, price FROM price WHERE user_id = ? AND week_local = ?', (user_id, str(sunday),)) week_price_rows = cur.fetchall() week_prices = [None] * 13 for row in week_price_rows: week_prices[row['week_index']] = row['price'] expires_in = readable_rel(expiration - user_time) cmd.reply('Sale price recorded at %d bells. Offer expires in %s.\n<%s>' % (value, expires_in, _turnip_prophet(week_prices))) _stalk_check_sell_triggers(cmd, price, expires_in)
def _stalks_set_sell_trigger(cmd, price): if not price: cmd.reply('usage: !stalks trigger 123\nWill ping you if someone reports a sale price higher than 123.') try: with db: db.execute(''' INSERT INTO sell_trigger VALUES (?, ?) ON CONFLICT(user_id) DO UPDATE SET price=excluded.price ''', (cmd.sender['id'], price)) cmd.reply('Trigger has been set for %s. You will be pinged if someone reports a price above this.' % (price)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: cmd.reply('Could not insert trigger. Have you registered a friend code?')
def _stalk_list_buy_prices(cmd): current_time = sunday = _date_to_sunday(current_time) cur = db.execute(''' SELECT username, expiration, price FROM price JOIN user ON user_id = WHERE week_local = ? AND week_index = 0 ''', (str(sunday),)) prices = cur.fetchall() if not prices: cmd.reply('No turnip offers were recorded this week.') return current_time_str = str(current_time) current_prices = {} week_prices = collections.defaultdict(lambda: [None] * 13) for row in prices: user = row['username'] price = row['price'] if row['expiration'] > current_time_str: current_prices[user] = (price, row['expiration']) week_prices[user][0] = row['price'] output = [] for user, prices in week_prices.items(): line = '%s:' % user if user in current_prices: price, expiration = current_prices[user] expires_in = readable_rel(dateutil.parser.parse(expiration) - current_time) line += ' **%d** (expires in %s)' % (price, expires_in) line += ' <%s>' % _turnip_prophet(week_prices[user]) output.append(line) cmd.reply('\n'.join(output))
def _stalk_set_timezone(cmd, tz_name): if not tz_name: cmd.reply(''' Specify a time zone from the tz database. See for a complete list. ''') return tz = if tz is None: cmd.reply('Could not find your specified timzone. See') return cur = None with db: cur = db.execute(''' UPDATE user SET timezone=? WHERE id=? ''', (tz_name, cmd.sender['id'])) if cur.rowcount: current_time = cmd.reply('Time zone successfully updated. Your current time should be %s.' % (current_time.strftime(time_format))) else: cmd.reply('Time zone could not be updated. Have you registered a friend code?')
def _stalk_set_buy_price(cmd, price): if not price: _stalk_list_buy_prices(cmd) return user_id = cmd.sender['id'] current_time = cur = db.execute('SELECT timezone FROM user WHERE id = ?', (user_id,)) res = cur.fetchone() if not res: cmd.reply('Could not add buy price. Have you registered a friend code?') return elif res['timezone'] is None: cmd.reply('Could not add buy price. Please register a time zone with !stalks tz') return try: value = int(price) except ValueError: cmd.reply('Could not parse buy value. Usage: !stalks buy 123') return user_tz =['timezone']) user_time = current_time.astimezone(user_tz) # pretend it's sunday sunday = _date_to_sunday(user_time) user_sunday = datetime.datetime.combine(sunday, datetime.time(5), user_tz) # discard the calculated index and hardcode 0 for sunday/buy price week_local, _, expiration = _user_time_info(user_sunday) with db: db.execute(''' INSERT INTO price (user_id, week_local, week_index, expiration, price) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON CONFLICT(user_id, expiration) DO UPDATE SET price = excluded.price ''', (user_id, week_local, 0, expiration.astimezone(datetime.timezone.utc), value)) turnip_prophet_url = _turnip_prophet([value] + [None] * 12) expiration_rel = expiration - user_time if expiration_rel.total_seconds() > 0: expires_in = readable_rel(expiration_rel) cmd.reply('Buy price recorded at %d bells. Offer expires in %s.\n<%s>' % (value, expires_in, turnip_prophet_url)) else: cmd.reply('Buy price recorded at %d bells.\n<%s>' % (value, turnip_prophet_url))
def _stalk_check_sell_triggers(cmd, price, expires_in): cur = db.execute(''' SELECT user_id FROM sell_trigger WHERE sell_trigger.price <= ? ''', (price,)) triggers = [x['user_id'] for x in cur.fetchall() if x['user_id'] != cmd.sender['id']] if triggers: msg = ' '.join(['<@!%s>' % (x) for x in triggers]) msg += (': %s has reported a sell price of %s, above your configured trigger. Their offer will expire in %s.' % (cmd.sender['username'], price, expires_in)) cmd.reply(msg)