def test_set_threshold_invalid(self, mocker): """ Test setting the threshold with an invalid value. Args: mocker: The mocker interface Test Condition: The threshold property is still 0 The patch threshold is still 0 """ thresh_tool = ThresholdTool(MagicMock(), event_logger=MagicMock()) patch_mock = MagicMock() patch_mock.threshold = 0 thresh_tool._patch = patch_mock thresh_tool.threshold = 7 assert thresh_tool.threshold == 0 assert thresh_tool.patch.threshold == 0 thresh_tool.threshold += 7 assert thresh_tool.threshold == 0 assert thresh_tool.patch.threshold == 0
def test_set_threshold_valid(self, mocker): """ Test setting the threshold with a valid value Args: mocker: The mocker interface Test Condition: The threshold property has the correct value The threshold value for the patch is set to the same value """ thresh_tool = ThresholdTool(MagicMock(), event_logger=MagicMock()) mock_patch = MagicMock() mock_patch.threshold = -1 thresh_tool.patch = mock_patch thresh_tool._new_patch = False thresh_tool.threshold = 0.5 assert thresh_tool.threshold == 0.5 assert thresh_tool.patch.threshold == 0.5 thresh_tool.threshold += 0.1 assert thresh_tool.threshold == 0.6 assert thresh_tool.patch.threshold == 0.6
def test_set_increment(self): """ Test setting the increment. Test Condition: The increment is set. """ thresh_tool = ThresholdTool(MagicMock(), event_logger=MagicMock()) thresh_tool.increment = 76 assert thresh_tool.increment == 76
def test_set_patch(self): """ Test setting the patch. Test Condition: The patch is set to the given patch The threshold is set to the patches threshold """ thresh_tool = ThresholdTool(MagicMock(), event_logger=MagicMock()) mock_patch = MagicMock() mock_patch.threshold = 0.5 thresh_tool.patch = mock_patch assert thresh_tool._patch == mock_patch assert thresh_tool.threshold == 0.5
def test_adjust_threshold_down(self): """ Test decreasing the threshold value. Test Condition: The threshold is incremented by the increment value. """ thresh_tool = ThresholdTool(MagicMock(), event_logger=MagicMock()) thresh_tool._patch = MagicMock() thresh_tool._patch.mock_patch.threshold.return_value = 0.5 thresh_tool.threshold = 0.3 old_thresh = thresh_tool.threshold thresh_tool._adjust_threshold(-1) assert thresh_tool.threshold == (old_thresh + thresh_tool.increment)
def _init_tools(self): """ Create all the required tools. Returns: None Postconditions: self._image_tools will be created as a dictionary of id, tool pairs """ image_tools = {} thresh_tool = ThresholdTool(self._undo_manager, event_logger=self._event_logger) image_tools[] = thresh_tool self._default_tool = add_reg_tool = AddRegionTool(self._undo_manager, event_logger=self._event_logger) add_reg_tool.bind_brush(self._brush_size_callback) image_tools[] = add_reg_tool rem_reg_tool = RemoveRegionTool(self._undo_manager, event_logger=self._event_logger) rem_reg_tool.bind_brush(self._brush_size_callback) image_tools[] = rem_reg_tool flood_add_tool = FloodAddTool(self._undo_manager, event_logger=self._event_logger) image_tools[] = flood_add_tool flood_rem_tool = FloodRemoveTool(self._undo_manager, event_logger=self._event_logger) image_tools[] = flood_rem_tool no_root_tool = NoRootTool(self._undo_manager, self._next_patch_callback, event_logger=self._event_logger) image_tools[] = no_root_tool prev_patch_tool = PreviousPatchTool(self._undo_manager, self._prev_patch_callback, event_logger=self._event_logger) image_tools[] = prev_patch_tool next_patch_tool = NextPatchTool(self._undo_manager, self._next_patch_callback, event_logger=self._event_logger) image_tools[] = next_patch_tool undo_tool = UndoTool(self._undo_manager, self._undo_callback, event_logger=self._event_logger) image_tools[] = undo_tool self._undo_id = redo_tool = RedoTool(self._undo_manager, self._redo_callback, event_logger=self._event_logger) image_tools[] = redo_tool self._redo_id = for id in image_tools.keys(): image_tools[id].bind_to(self._display_current_patch) self._image_tools = image_tools