def showCatTot(): UtilGp.sleep(2) UtilGp.clear() UtilGp.title('Reports(%s)' % ('Total Amount Spent on a Category', )) for valueCat in ndb.dbCat: print("%d %s" % (valueCat.catId, valueCat.category)) choiceCatId = int(input("Enter Catgory ID\nYour Choice:")) isExist = False resCat = None for valueCat in ndb.dbCat: if valueCat.catId == choiceCatId: isExist = True resCat = valueCat break if isExist: dbTran = DbTranData.queryByCategory(ndb.dbTran, choiceCatId) amount = sum(list(map(lambda x: x.price, dbTran))) UtilGp.printCaptionData( ('Category', 'Total Amount Spent is'), (valueCat.category, 'Rs.%.2f' % (amount, )), 45) #print("Total Amount Spent for category %s is Rs.%f"%(valueCat.category,amount)) print("****End of Report****") print() Shop.showFailure() else: print("You Category Not Exist.") Shop.showFailure()
def Login(fnToCall, tranLoader, pageTitle='Login'): from dBase import ndb ndb.loadItemCard() UtilGp.clear() UtilGp.title(pageTitle) from CardData import DbCardData from dBase import ndb from frmPageShop import Shop cardNo = input("Enter your card number:") vRet = DbCardData.getCardObject(ndb.dbCard, cardNo) # print(vRet) if vRet[0]: valueCard = vRet[1] from getpass import getpass passCode = getpass("Enter your PIN:") # print("%s %s" % (cardNo, passCode)) if valueCard.passCode == passCode: ndb.IsLoggedIn = True ndb.logInCard = valueCard tranLoader(valueCard, True) fnToCall() #Shop.showCat() else: print("Incorrect PIN") Shop.showFailure() else: print("\nCard does not exits.\n") Shop.showFailure()
def showAmountRange(): UtilGp.sleep(2) UtilGp.clear() UtilGp.title('Reports(%s)' % ('Transactions within amount range', )) fromAmount = float(input("From Amount:")) toAmount = float(input("To Amount:")) #print(fromDate,toDate) dbTran = DbTranData.queryByAmount(ndb.dbTran, fromAmount, toAmount) DbTranData.printTran(dbTran) print("****End of Report****") print() Shop.showFailure()
def showBySortedAmount(): UtilGp.sleep(2) UtilGp.clear() UtilGp.title('Reports(%s)' % ('All Transactions sorted on amount', )) dbTran = DbTranData.queryAll(ndb.dbTran) dbTran.sort(key=lambda x: x.price) #print(dbTran) DbTranData.printTran(dbTran) print("****End of Report****") print() from frmPageShop import Shop Shop.showFailure()
def mainMenu(): UtilGp.sleep(2) UtilGp.clear() from frmPageHome import Home from frmPageApplyCard import ApplyCard from frmPageShop import Shop from frmPageReport import Report choice = if choice == 1: elif choice == 2: elif choice == 3:
def showDateRange(): UtilGp.sleep(2) UtilGp.clear() UtilGp.title('Reports(%s)' % ('Transactions between two dates', )) fromDate = input("From Date(dd-MM-YYYY):") toDate = input("To Date (dd-MM-YYYY):") fromDate = UtilGp.strToDate(fromDate + ' 00:00:00') toDate = UtilGp.strToDate(toDate + ' 23:59:00') #print(fromDate,toDate) dbTran = DbTranData.queryByDateRange(ndb.dbTran, fromDate, toDate) DbTranData.printTran(dbTran) print("****End of Report****") print() from frmPageShop import Shop Shop.showFailure()
def showByCat(): UtilGp.sleep(2) UtilGp.clear() UtilGp.title('Reports(%s)' % ('Transactions of a Category', )) for valueCat in ndb.dbCat: print("%d %s" % (valueCat.catId, valueCat.category)) choiceCatId = int(input("Enter Catgory ID\nYour Choice:")) isExist = False resCat = None for valueCat in ndb.dbCat: if valueCat.catId == choiceCatId: isExist = True resCat = valueCat break if isExist: dbTran = DbTranData.queryByCategory(ndb.dbTran, choiceCatId) DbTranData.printTran(dbTran) print("****End of Report****") print() Shop.showFailure() else: print("You Category Not Exist.") Shop.showFailure()
def show(): UtilGp.clear() UtilGp.title('Applying Card') print("Loading...\r",end="") UtilGp.sleep(2) name=input("%-30s:"%"Enter Name") mobileNo=input("%-30s:"%"Enter Mobile Number") if not UtilGp.isValidDigit(mobileNo): print("Invalid Mobile Number") Shop.showFailure() return dob=input("%s\n%-30s:"%("Enter Date of Birth","(DD-MM-YYYY)")) if not UtilGp.isValidDate(dob): print("Invalid Date Format") Shop.showFailure() return dob = dob + ' 00:00:00' dobDate = UtilGp.strToDate(dob) if UtilGp.age(dobDate)<18: print("Minimum age to apply should be 18 years") Shop.showFailure() return netSalary=input("%-30s:"%"Enter Net Annual Salary") if not UtilGp.isValidDigit(netSalary,False): print("Invalid Salary Input") Shop.showFailure() return netSalary =float(netSalary) if netSalary < 300000: print("Minimum Salary to apply for Credit Card is Rs.300000.00") Shop.showFailure() return adharNo = input("%-30s:" % "ADHAAR Number") if not UtilGp.isValidDigit(adharNo,True,12): print("Invalid ADHAAR number") Shop.showFailure() return adharCount = DbCardData.countCardByAdhaar(ndb.dbCard,adharNo) if adharCount>0: print("Only one credit card per user is allowed") Shop.showFailure() return card = CardData(name,mobileNo,dobDate,netSalary,adharNo) card.preCardRegister() passCode=input("%-30s:" % "Select Your PIN (4-Digit)") if not UtilGp.isValidDigit(passCode,True,4): print("Invalid PIN format") Shop.showFailure() return card.passCode = passCode DbCardData.addToCard(card) print();print("Congratulation!\nYour SBI Credit Card is Approved.");print(); UtilGp.printCaptionData(('Card No', 'Credit Limit', 'Card Type'), (card.cardNo, UtilGp.priceToStr(card.creditLimit), card.cardType), 20) Shop.showFailure()