def OnInit(self): from frowns import MDL reader = MDL.mdlin(open("../test/data/bad.sdf")) mol = wxInitAllImageHandlers() frame = wxFrame(None, -1, "", size=(350, 200)) drawer = self.drawer = wxMoleculeDrawer(frame, drawAromatic=1) drawer.setMolecule(mol) frame.Show(TRUE) return TRUE
def OnInit(self): from frowns import MDL from StringIO import StringIO reader = MDL.sdin(StringIO(test)) mol, error, text = wxInitAllImageHandlers() frame = wxFrame(None, -1, "", size=(350, 200)) drawer = self.drawer = MoleculeDrawer(frame, drawAromatic=0) drawer.setMolecule(mol) frame.Show(TRUE) return TRUE
def OnInit(self): from frowns import MDL reader = MDL.mdlin(open("../test/data/bad.sdf")) mol = wxInitAllImageHandlers() frame = wxFrame(None, -1, "", size=(350,200)) drawer = self.drawer = wxMoleculeDrawer(frame, drawAromatic=1) drawer.setMolecule(mol) frame.Show(TRUE) return TRUE
def OnInit(self): from frowns import MDL reader = MDL.sdin(open("data\chiral3.sdf")) mol, error, text = wxInitAllImageHandlers() frame = wxFrame(None, -1, "", size=(350,200)) drawer = self.drawer = MoleculeDrawer(frame, drawAromatic=1) drawer.setMolecule(mol) frame.Show(TRUE) return TRUE
def map(self, workingPath, verbose=False): if verbose: sys.stderr.write(" Will load %s ... wp %s\n" % (self.cansmiles(), workingPath)) file = self.load(workingPath, verbose=verbose) if verbose: sys.stderr.write(" %s Loaded ...\n" % workingPath) if not file: if verbose: sys.stderr.write(" ring not found ...\n") # Here we should use AMMOS to generate ring conformation raise CycleUnknown, "cycle " + self.cansmiles( ) + " is not present in the ring library" # sys.stderr.write(" will read %s ...\n" % file) f = open(file) reader = MDL.sdin(f) # m =[0] m, err, txt = # sys.stderr.write(" MDL reader got %s\n" % err) f.close() # sys.stderr.write(" read as SDF ...\n") Disambiguate.FreedDisambiguate(m) atomsSDF = m.atoms[:] atomsSDF.sort(key=lambda x: x.symorder) # sys.stderr.write(" ordered by symorder ...\n") try: Disambiguate.FreedDisambiguate(self.molecule) atomsBrick = self.molecule.atoms[:] atomsBrick.sort(key=lambda x: x.symorder) # sys.stderr.write(" Loaded %d atoms ...\n" % len(atomsSDF)) for i in range(len(atomsBrick)): for oatB in atomsBrick[i].oatoms: if oatB.symorder not in [ oatS.symorder for oatS in atomsSDF[i].oatoms ]: for j in range(i): atomsBrick[j].x = None atomsBrick[j].y = None atomsBrick[j].z = None self.map2(workingPath) return atomsBrick[i].x = atomsSDF[i].x atomsBrick[i].y = atomsSDF[i].y atomsBrick[i].z = atomsSDF[i].z except: # sys.stderr.write(" Something went wrong. Attempting map2\n") self.map2(workingPath) return
def map(self, workingPath, verbose = False): if verbose: sys.stderr.write(" Will load %s ... wp %s\n" % (self.cansmiles(), workingPath)) file = self.load(workingPath, verbose = verbose) if verbose: sys.stderr.write(" %s Loaded ...\n" % workingPath) if not file : if verbose: sys.stderr.write(" ring not found ...\n") # Here we should use AMMOS to generate ring conformation raise CycleUnknown, "cycle " + self.cansmiles() + " is not present in the ring library" # sys.stderr.write(" will read %s ...\n" % file) f = open(file) reader = MDL.sdin(f) # m =[0] m, err, txt = # sys.stderr.write(" MDL reader got %s\n" % err) f.close() # sys.stderr.write(" read as SDF ...\n") Disambiguate.FreedDisambiguate(m) atomsSDF = m.atoms[:] atomsSDF.sort(key = lambda x: x.symorder) # sys.stderr.write(" ordered by symorder ...\n") try: Disambiguate.FreedDisambiguate(self.molecule) atomsBrick = self.molecule.atoms[:] atomsBrick.sort(key = lambda x: x.symorder) # sys.stderr.write(" Loaded %d atoms ...\n" % len(atomsSDF)) for i in range(len(atomsBrick)): for oatB in atomsBrick[i].oatoms: if oatB.symorder not in [oatS.symorder for oatS in atomsSDF[i].oatoms]: for j in range(i): atomsBrick[j].x = None atomsBrick[j].y = None atomsBrick[j].z = None self.map2(workingPath) return atomsBrick[i].x = atomsSDF[i].x atomsBrick[i].y = atomsSDF[i].y atomsBrick[i].z = atomsSDF[i].z except: # sys.stderr.write(" Something went wrong. Attempting map2\n") self.map2(workingPath) return
def readSDF(file) : """ idem ci-dessus pr fichier SDF """ f = open(file) reader = MDL.sdin(f) mo = [] try : m =[0] while m : if m.fields.keys(): for key in m.fields.keys(): if "ID" in key : mo.append(iMolecule(sd=m,id=m.fields[key])) break else : mo.append(iMolecule(sd=m, m =[0] except : f.close() return mo
def readSDF(file): """ idem ci-dessus pr fichier SDF """ f = open(file) reader = MDL.sdin(f) mo = [] try: m =[0] while m: if m.fields.keys(): for key in m.fields.keys(): if "ID" in key: mo.append(iMolecule(sd=m, id=m.fields[key])) break else: mo.append(iMolecule(sd=m, m =[0] except: f.close() return mo
def map2(self, workingPath): """ #correspondance entre atomes de la brique et du fichier sdf """ file = self.load(workingPath) if not file: raise CycleUnknown, self.cansmiles() f = open(file) reader = MDL.sdin(f) m =[0] # mx = # ou while # m = mx[0] f.close() # output : i = j = tentativeRate = 0 cyclesChecked = [] cyclesMapped = [] #print "nb cycles", len(self.molecule.cycles) while tentativeRate < len( self.molecule.cycles ): # boucle tant que le nb de tentative rate de mapping n'est pas egale au nb de cycle ds la molecule #print j,i,len(self.molecule.cycles[j]),len(m.cycles[i]) if len(self.molecule.cycles[j]) == len( m.cycles[i] ): # si les 2 cycles ont le meme nb d'atomes, on peut essayer de les mapper if mapCycles(self.molecule.cycles[j], m.cycles[i]): #print "mapCycles(self.molecule.cycles[j],m.cycles[i])" cyclesChecked.append(i) cyclesMapped.append(j) j += 1 tentativeRate = 0 break else: tentativeRate += 1 else: tentativeRate += 1 i += 1 while len(cyclesMapped) < len( self.molecule.cycles) and tentativeRate < len( self.molecule.cycles) - len(cyclesChecked): if i in cyclesChecked: i += 1 continue if i == len(m.cycles): i = 0 continue if j in cyclesMapped: j += 1 continue if j == len(self.molecule.cycles): j = 0 continue coord = 0 for atom in self.molecule.cycles[j].atoms: if atom.x != None: coord = 1 break if not coord: j += 1 continue if len(self.molecule.cycles[j]) == len(m.cycles[i]): if mapCycles2(self.molecule.cycles[j], m.cycles[i]): cyclesChecked.append(i) cyclesMapped.append(j) j += 1 tentativeRate = 0 else: tentativeRate += 1 else: tentativeRate += 1 i += 1 return tentativeRate == 0
def map2(self, workingPath) : """ #correspondance entre atomes de la brique et du fichier sdf """ file = self.load(workingPath) if not file : raise CycleUnknown, self.cansmiles() f = open(file) reader = MDL.sdin(f) m =[0] # mx = # ou while # m = mx[0] f.close() # output : i = j = tentativeRate = 0 cyclesChecked = [] cyclesMapped = [] #print "nb cycles", len(self.molecule.cycles) while tentativeRate < len(self.molecule.cycles): # boucle tant que le nb de tentative rate de mapping n'est pas egale au nb de cycle ds la molecule #print j,i,len(self.molecule.cycles[j]),len(m.cycles[i]) if len(self.molecule.cycles[j]) == len(m.cycles[i]) : # si les 2 cycles ont le meme nb d'atomes, on peut essayer de les mapper if mapCycles(self.molecule.cycles[j],m.cycles[i]) : #print "mapCycles(self.molecule.cycles[j],m.cycles[i])" cyclesChecked.append(i) cyclesMapped.append(j) j += 1 tentativeRate = 0 break else : tentativeRate += 1 else : tentativeRate += 1 i += 1 while len(cyclesMapped) < len(self.molecule.cycles) and tentativeRate < len(self.molecule.cycles)-len(cyclesChecked) : if i in cyclesChecked : i += 1 continue if i == len(m.cycles) : i = 0 continue if j in cyclesMapped : j += 1 continue if j == len(self.molecule.cycles) : j = 0 continue coord = 0 for atom in self.molecule.cycles[j].atoms : if atom.x != None : coord = 1 break if not coord : j += 1 continue if len(self.molecule.cycles[j]) == len(m.cycles[i]) : if mapCycles2(self.molecule.cycles[j],m.cycles[i]) : cyclesChecked.append(i) cyclesMapped.append(j) j += 1 tentativeRate = 0 else : tentativeRate += 1 else : tentativeRate += 1 i += 1 return tentativeRate == 0
from frowns import MDL from frowns.Depict.MoleculeDrawer import * file = open("data\\bad.sdf") reader = MDL.mdlin(file, stripHydrogens=0) mol = from Tkinter import * root = Tk() d = DrawMolHarness(root, mol, "bad") d.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH) mainloop()
d = MoleculeDrawer(self._int, mol, name) self.c += 1 if self.c >= self.cols: self.c = 0 self.r += 1 self._int.grid_rowconfigure(self.r, weight=1) d.grid(row=self.r, column=self.c, sticky="NEWS") if __name__ == "__main__": from frowns import MDL reader = MDL.mdlin(open("../test/data/bad.sdf")) mol = tk = top = Tk() m = MoleculeDock(top) m.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) m.addMolecule(mol) m.addMolecule(mol) m.addMolecule(mol) m.addMolecule(mol) mainloop()
def load(self, workingPath, verbose = False) : """ charger le fichier sdf de la brique """ if verbose: sys.stderr.write("Brique.load: %s\n" % LIBRARY_PATH) if not LIBRARY_PATH : sys.stderr.wirte( "variable path de la classe Brique non initialisee\n") return 0 try: listFile = os.listdir(LIBRARY_PATH) # liste des fichier contenu ds 'PAHT' -> listFile except: sys.stderr.write("Brique.load: Failed to access ring library at %s\n" % LIBRARY_PATH) # sys.exit(0) name = self.cansmiles() if verbose: sys.stderr.write("Brique.load: Attempting %s ...\n" % str(name)) # print "Brique.load:",name if workingPath[-1] != "/": workingPath += "/" fileSmi = open(workingPath + "brique.smi", "w") fileSmi.write(name + "\n") fileSmi.close() if verbose: sys.stderr.write("Brique.load: babel sdf conversion ...\n") os.system(BABEL_PATH + " -ismi " + workingPath + "brique.smi -osdf " + workingPath + "brique.sdf 2> /dev/null") os.system("echo '$$$$' >> " + workingPath + "brique.sdf") # sys.stderr.write("Brique.load: Will read %s/brique.sdf\n" % (workingPath)) fileSdf = open(workingPath + "brique.sdf") reader = MDL.sdin(fileSdf) name2 =[0].cansmiles() # sys.stderr.write("Brique.load: read sdf as %s\n" % name2) fileSdf.close() # print "brique", name, name2 # if name2 in listFile: # si le fichier est ds la liste # return LIBRARY_PATH+name2 # on renvoie le chemin complet du fichier # elif name in listFile: # return LIBRARY_PATH+name if name in listFile: return LIBRARY_PATH+name else: # 11 fevrier 2010: We attempt to generate using AMMOS, not to use babel conversion for name. name2 = name if verbose: sys.stderr.write("Brique.load: Building %s as %s ...\n" % ( str(name), str(name2))) try: # Generer du mol2. uName = name2.replace("(","\(").replace(")","\)").replace("[","\[").replace("]","\]") # f =open("%s/%s.smi" % (LIBRARY_PATH, name2), "w") sys.stderr.write("Creating %s%s.smi\n" % (LIBRARY_PATH, uName)) f = open("%s%s.smi" % (LIBRARY_PATH, name2), "w") # in python do not escape names !!! f.write("%s\n" % name2) f.close() cmd = "%s -h -ismi %s/%s.smi -omol2 %s/%s.mol2" % (BABEL_PATH, LIBRARY_PATH, uName, LIBRARY_PATH, uName) # cmd = "%s -h -ismi %s/%s.smi -omol2 %s/%s.mol2" % (BABEL_PATH, LIBRARY_PATH, "itest", LIBRARY_PATH, "itest") sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % cmd) os.system(cmd) # Generer le fichier input.param # path_of_DG-AMMOS= /Users/DG-AMMOS # bank= input_dataset.mol2 f= open("%s/%s.dgammos" % (LIBRARY_PATH, name2), "w") # f= open("%s.dgammos" % ("itest"), "w") f.write("path_of_DG-AMMOS= %s\n" % DGAMMOSHOME) f.write("bank= %s%s.mol2\n" % (LIBRARY_PATH, name2)) # f.write("bank= %s%s.mol2\n" % (LIBRARY_PATH, "itest")) f.close() sys.stderr.write("Generated %s/%s.dgammos\n" % (LIBRARY_PATH, uName)) sys.stderr.write("Generating %s/%s.mol2\n" % (LIBRARY_PATH, uName)) cmd = "%s %s/%s.dgammos" % (AMMOSBUILD, LIBRARY_PATH, uName) # cmd = "%s %s.dgammos" % (AMMOSBUILD, uName) sys.stderr.write("DG_AMMOS cmd: %s\n" % (cmd)) os.system(cmd) # sys.exit(0) # Convertir en sdf, oter les H # cmd = "%s -d -imol2 %s/%s_Built.mol2 -osdf %s/%s.sdf 2> %s/%s.log" % (BABEL_PATH, LIBRARY_PATH, name2, LIBRARY_PATH, name2, LIBRARY_PATH, name2) cmd = "%s -d -imol2 %s/%s_Built.mol2 -osdf %s/%s 2> %s/%s.log" % (BABEL_PATH, LIBRARY_PATH, uName, LIBRARY_PATH, uName, LIBRARY_PATH, uName) os.system(cmd) os.system("echo '$$$$' >> %s/%s" % (LIBRARY_PATH, uName)) # sys.exit(0) # self.load(workingPath) return LIBRARY_PATH+name2 # SI AMMOS N'A PAS PUS GENERER LE CYCLE: le mol2 sera dans %s/%s_BadMolecules.mol2 # os.system(cmd) except: return 0 return 0
from frowns import MDL from frowns.mdl_parsers import sdfile file = open("data\\bad_compounds.sdf") for mol, error, record in MDL.sdin(file): print type(mol), `error`, len(record)
m = Smiles.smilin("c1ccccc1CCNc1cccc1CCC") print m.cansmiles() removeTerminalAtoms(m) smarts = m.arbsmarts() print smarts pat = Smarts.compile(smarts) assert pat.match(m) smiles = [] file = open("F:\\Chemical Libraries\\Libraries to Purchase\\Nat_425.sdf") reader = MDL.mdlin(file) mol = print "reading natural products" i = 0 while mol: fp = Fingerprint.generateFingerprint(mol) smile = mol.cansmiles() mol = removeTerminalAtoms(mol) smiles.append((len(mol.atoms), len(mol.bonds), smile, mol.arbsmarts(), i, fp)) i += 1 mol = search = smiles search.sort()
from Tkinter import * from frowns.Depict.TkMoleculeDrawer import MoleculeDrawer from frowns import MDL # read in a molecule reader = MDL.sdin(open("bad.sdf")) mol, error, text = # create the moleculedock widget and place it # into a tk window tk = top = Tk() m = MoleculeDrawer(top, mol, 0) m.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) mainloop()
from frowns import MDL from frowns.mdl_parsers import sdfile file = open("data\\bad_compounds.sdf") for mol, error, record in MDL.sdin(file): print type(mol), ` error `, len(record)
from frowns import MDL for mol, text, error in MDL.sdin(open("../../test/data/bad.sdf")): if not mol: print "cannot parse sd file" print error print text else: print mol.cansmiles() print "data" for key, value in mol.fields.items(): print "\t%s: %s" % (key, value)
> <LIBRARY> (ST012965) TimTec > <96PLATE> (ST012965) TIMTEC010 > <96ROW> (ST012965) B > <96COL> (ST012965) 6 > <384PLATE> (ST012965) TIC384003 > <384COL> (ST012965) 12 > <384ROW> (ST012965) C $$$$""" from cStringIO import StringIO data = StringIO(text) from frowns import MDL mol, errors, text = MDL.sdin(data).next() print mol
from frowns import MDL for mol, text, error in MDL.sdin(open("../../test/data/bad.sdf")): if not mol: print "cannot parse sd file" print error print text else: print mol.cansmiles() print "data" for key, value in mol.fields.items(): print "\t%s: %s"%(key, value)
def load(self, workingPath, verbose=False): """ charger le fichier sdf de la brique """ if verbose: sys.stderr.write("Brique.load: %s\n" % LIBRARY_PATH) if not LIBRARY_PATH: sys.stderr.wirte( "variable path de la classe Brique non initialisee\n") return 0 try: listFile = os.listdir( LIBRARY_PATH ) # liste des fichier contenu ds 'PAHT' -> listFile except: sys.stderr.write( "Brique.load: Failed to access ring library at %s\n" % LIBRARY_PATH) # sys.exit(0) name = self.cansmiles() if verbose: sys.stderr.write("Brique.load: Attempting %s ...\n" % str(name)) # print "Brique.load:",name if workingPath[-1] != "/": workingPath += "/" fileSmi = open(workingPath + "brique.smi", "w") fileSmi.write(name + "\n") fileSmi.close() if verbose: sys.stderr.write("Brique.load: babel sdf conversion ...\n") os.system(BABEL_PATH + " -ismi " + workingPath + "brique.smi -osdf " + workingPath + "brique.sdf 2> /dev/null") os.system("echo '$$$$' >> " + workingPath + "brique.sdf") # sys.stderr.write("Brique.load: Will read %s/brique.sdf\n" % (workingPath)) fileSdf = open(workingPath + "brique.sdf") reader = MDL.sdin(fileSdf) name2 =[0].cansmiles() # sys.stderr.write("Brique.load: read sdf as %s\n" % name2) fileSdf.close() # print "brique", name, name2 # if name2 in listFile: # si le fichier est ds la liste # return LIBRARY_PATH+name2 # on renvoie le chemin complet du fichier # elif name in listFile: # return LIBRARY_PATH+name if name in listFile: return LIBRARY_PATH + name else: # 11 fevrier 2010: We attempt to generate using AMMOS, not to use babel conversion for name. name2 = name if verbose: sys.stderr.write("Brique.load: Building %s as %s ...\n" % (str(name), str(name2))) try: # Generer du mol2. uName = name2.replace("(", "\(").replace(")", "\)").replace( "[", "\[").replace("]", "\]") # f =open("%s/%s.smi" % (LIBRARY_PATH, name2), "w") sys.stderr.write("Creating %s%s.smi\n" % (LIBRARY_PATH, uName)) f = open("%s%s.smi" % (LIBRARY_PATH, name2), "w") # in python do not escape names !!! f.write("%s\n" % name2) f.close() cmd = "%s -h -ismi %s/%s.smi -omol2 %s/%s.mol2" % ( BABEL_PATH, LIBRARY_PATH, uName, LIBRARY_PATH, uName) # cmd = "%s -h -ismi %s/%s.smi -omol2 %s/%s.mol2" % (BABEL_PATH, LIBRARY_PATH, "itest", LIBRARY_PATH, "itest") sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % cmd) os.system(cmd) # Generer le fichier input.param # path_of_DG-AMMOS= /Users/DG-AMMOS # bank= input_dataset.mol2 f = open("%s/%s.dgammos" % (LIBRARY_PATH, name2), "w") # f= open("%s.dgammos" % ("itest"), "w") f.write("path_of_DG-AMMOS= %s\n" % DGAMMOSHOME) f.write("bank= %s%s.mol2\n" % (LIBRARY_PATH, name2)) # f.write("bank= %s%s.mol2\n" % (LIBRARY_PATH, "itest")) f.close() sys.stderr.write("Generated %s/%s.dgammos\n" % (LIBRARY_PATH, uName)) sys.stderr.write("Generating %s/%s.mol2\n" % (LIBRARY_PATH, uName)) cmd = "%s %s/%s.dgammos" % (AMMOSBUILD, LIBRARY_PATH, uName) # cmd = "%s %s.dgammos" % (AMMOSBUILD, uName) sys.stderr.write("DG_AMMOS cmd: %s\n" % (cmd)) os.system(cmd) # sys.exit(0) # Convertir en sdf, oter les H # cmd = "%s -d -imol2 %s/%s_Built.mol2 -osdf %s/%s.sdf 2> %s/%s.log" % (BABEL_PATH, LIBRARY_PATH, name2, LIBRARY_PATH, name2, LIBRARY_PATH, name2) cmd = "%s -d -imol2 %s/%s_Built.mol2 -osdf %s/%s 2> %s/%s.log" % ( BABEL_PATH, LIBRARY_PATH, uName, LIBRARY_PATH, uName, LIBRARY_PATH, uName) os.system(cmd) os.system("echo '$$$$' >> %s/%s" % (LIBRARY_PATH, uName)) # sys.exit(0) # self.load(workingPath) return LIBRARY_PATH + name2 # SI AMMOS N'A PAS PUS GENERER LE CYCLE: le mol2 sera dans %s/%s_BadMolecules.mol2 # os.system(cmd) except: return 0 return 0
m = Smiles.smilin("c1ccccc1CCNc1cccc1CCC") print m.cansmiles() removeTerminalAtoms(m) smarts = m.arbsmarts() print smarts pat = Smarts.compile(smarts) assert pat.match(m) smiles = [] file = open("F:\\Chemical Libraries\\Libraries to Purchase\\Nat_425.sdf") reader = MDL.mdlin(file) mol = print "reading natural products" i = 0 while mol: fp = Fingerprint.generateFingerprint(mol) smile = mol.cansmiles() mol = removeTerminalAtoms(mol) smiles.append( (len(mol.atoms), len(mol.bonds), smile, mol.arbsmarts(), i, fp)) i += 1 mol = search = smiles search.sort()
-0.3583 0.2083 0.0000 C 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.3583 1.0333 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.3583 -1.4416 0.0000 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1.0708 1.4458 0.0000 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1.0666 -0.2083 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1.0666 -1.0333 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3583 1.4458 0.0000 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0708 -1.4458 0.0000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 5 1 0 0 0 0 2 10 1 0 0 0 0 3 4 1 1 0 0 0 3 7 1 0 0 0 0 4 6 2 0 0 0 0 4 9 1 0 0 0 0 5 8 1 0 0 0 0 7 8 1 0 0 0 0 M END $$$$ """ if __name__ == "__main__": import StringIO from frowns import MDL mol, error, text = MDL.sdin(StringIO.StringIO(__test__)).next() print mol # app = wxPySimpleApp() d = Drawer() print d.makeGif(mol)
from frowns import MDL from frowns.Depict.wxMoleculeDrawer import MoleculeDrawer for mol, error, text in MDL.sdin(open("data\chiral.sdf")): for bond in mol.bonds: print bond.stereo print mol, error print mol.cansmiles() from wxPython.wx import * class testApp(wxApp): def OnInit(self): from frowns import MDL reader = MDL.sdin(open("data\chiral3.sdf")) mol, error, text = wxInitAllImageHandlers() frame = wxFrame(None, -1, "", size=(350,200)) drawer = self.drawer = MoleculeDrawer(frame, drawAromatic=1) drawer.setMolecule(mol) frame.Show(TRUE) return TRUE