예제 #1
def _create_sockets_inside_netns(
    target_pid: int, num_socks: int,
) -> List[socket.socket]:
    Creates TCP stream socket inside the container.

    Returns the socket.socket() object.
    with listen_temporary_unix_socket() as (
        unix_sock_path, list_sock
    ), subprocess.Popen([
        # NB: /usr/local/fbcode/bin must come first because /bin/python3
        # may be very outdated
        'sudo', 'env', 'PATH=/usr/local/fbcode/bin:/bin',
        'nsenter', '--net', '--target', str(target_pid),
        # NB: We pass our listening socket as FD 1 to avoid dealing with
        # the `sudo` option of `-C`.  Nothing here writes to `stdout`:
        *_make_sockets_and_send_via(unix_sock_fd=1, num_socks=num_socks),
    ], stdout=list_sock.fileno()) as sock_proc:
        repo_server_socks = [
                for fd in recv_fds_from_unix_sock(unix_sock_path, num_socks)
        assert len(repo_server_socks) == num_socks, len(repo_server_socks)
    return repo_server_socks
예제 #2
 def popen_as_root(
     if 'cwd' in kwargs:
         raise AssertionError(
             'cwd= is not permitted as an argument to run_as_root, '
             'because that makes it too easy to accidentally traverse '
             'a symlink from inside the container and touch the host '
             'filesystem. Best practice: wrap your path with '
             'Subvol.path() as close as possible to its site of use.')
     if 'pass_fds' in kwargs:
         # Future: if you add support for this, see the note on how to
         # improve `receive`, too.
         # Why doesn't `pass_fds` just work?  `sudo` closes all FDs in a
         # (likely misguided) attempt to improve security.  `sudo -C` can
         # help here, but it's disabled by default.
         raise NotImplementedError(  # pragma: no cover
             'But there is a straightforward fix -- you would need to '
             'move the usage of our FD-passing wrapper from '
             'nspawn_in_subvol.py to this function.')
     if _subvol_exists != self._exists:
         raise AssertionError(
             f'{self.path()} exists is {self._exists}, not {_subvol_exists}'
     # Ban our subcommands from writing to stdout, since many of our
     # tools (e.g. make-demo-sendstream, compiler) write structured
     # data to stdout to be usable in pipelines.
     if stdout is None:
         stdout = 2
     # The '--' is to avoid `args` from accidentally being parsed as
     # environment variables or `sudo` options.
     with subprocess.Popen(
             # Clobber any pre-existing `TMP` because in the context of Buck,
             # this is often set to something inside the repo's `buck-out`
             # (as documented in https://buck.build/rule/genrule.html).
             # Using the in-repo temporary directory causes a variety of
             # issues, including (i) `yum` leaking root-owned files into
             # `buck-out`, breaking `buck clean`, and (ii) `systemd-nspawn`
             # bugging out with "Failed to create inaccessible file node"
             # when we use `--bind-repo-ro`.
         ['sudo', 'TMP=', '--', *args],
     ) as pr:
         yield pr
     if check:
예제 #3
 def reader(self, sid: str) -> ContextManager[StorageInput]:
     # We currently waste significant time per read waiting for CLIs
     # to start, which is terrible for small reads (most system
     # RPMs are small).
     path = self._path_for_storage_id(self.strip_key(sid))
     log_prefix = f'{self.__class__.__name__}'
     with subprocess.Popen(self._read_cmd(
     ), env=self._configured_env(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as proc:
         log.debug(f'{log_prefix} - Started {path} GET proc')
         yield StorageInput(input=proc.stdout)
         log.debug(f'{log_prefix} - Waiting for {path} GET')
     log.debug(f'{log_prefix} - Exit code {proc.returncode} from  {path} GET')
     # No `finally`: this doesn't need to run if the context block raises.
예제 #4
 def remover(self) -> ContextManager[_StorageRemover]:
     rm = _StorageRemover(storage=self, procs=[])
         yield rm
         last_ex = None  # We'll re-raise the last exception.
         for proc in rm.procs:
             # Ensure we wait for each process, no matter what.
                 assert proc.returncode is None  # Not yet waited for
             # Unit-testing this error-within-error case is hard, but all
             # it would verify is that we properly re-raise `ex`.  I
             # tested this by hand in an interpreter, see P60127851.
             except Exception as ex:  # pragma: no cover
                 last_ex = ex
         # Raise the **last** of the "wait()" exceptions.
         if last_ex is not None:  # pragma: no cover
             raise last_ex
         # Check return codes after all processes have been waited for to
         # avoid creating zombies in the event that the caller catches.
         for proc in rm.procs:
예제 #5
 def get_id_and_release_resources():
     # Wait for `cli` to exit cleanly to make sure the
     # `sid` is available to read after the `yield`.
         log.debug(f'{log_prefix} - Wait for {path} PUT')
             f'{log_prefix} - Exit code {proc.returncode}'
             f' from {path} PUT'
     # Clean up even on KeyboardInterrupt -- we cannot assume
     # that the blob was stored unless `cli` exited cleanly.
     # The reason we need this clunky `except` is that we never
     # pass the sid to `_CommitCallback`, so it can't clean up.
     except BaseException:
             # Daemonize the cleanup: do NOT wait, do not check
             # the return code.  Future: Following the idea in
             # remove(), we could plop this cleanup on the
             # innermost remover.
             subprocess.run(['setsid'] + self._remove_cmd(
             ), env=self._configured_env(), stdout=2)
         # To cover this, I'd need `setsid` or `cli` not to
         # exist, neither is a useful test.  The validity of the
         # f-string is ensured by `flake8`.
         except Exception:  # pragma: no cover
             # Log & ignore: we'll re-raise the original exception
                 f'{log_prefix} - While cleaning up partial {sid}'
     yield sid
예제 #6
def yum_from_snapshot(
    storage_cfg: str,
    snapshot_dir: Path,
    install_root: Path,
    protected_paths: List[str],
    yum_args: List[str],
    # The paths that have trailing slashes are directories, others are
    # files.  There's a separate code path for protecting some files above.
    # The rationale is that those files are not guaranteed to exist.
        '/var/log/yum.log',  # Created above if it doesn't exist
        # See the `_isolate_yum_and_wait_until_ready` docblock for how (and
        # why) this list was produced.  All are assumed to exist on the host
        # -- otherwise, we'd be in the awkard situation of either leaving
        # them unprotected, or creating them on the host to protect them.
        # Harcode `IMAGE/meta` because it should ALWAYS be off-limits --
        # even though the compiler will redundantly tell us to protect it.

    # These user-specified arguments could really mess up hermeticity.
    for bad_arg in ['--installroot', '--config', '--setopt', '--downloaddir']:
        for arg in yum_args:
            assert arg != '-c'
            assert not arg.startswith(bad_arg), f'{arg} is prohibited'

    with _temp_fifo() as netns_fifo, _temp_fifo(
                # Lets the child wait for yum_conf to be ready. This could
                # be done via an `flock` on `yum_conf.name`, but that's not
                # robust on some network filesystems, so let's use a pipe.
            ) as ready_fifo, \
            tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', suffix='yum') as out_yum_conf, \
            _dummy_dev() as dummy_dev, \
            ) as protected_path_to_dummy, \
                # Cannot do --pid or --cgroup without extra work (nspawn).
                # Note that `--mount` implies `mount --make-rprivate /` for
                # all recent `util-linux` releases (since 2.27 circa 2015).
                'unshare', '--mount', '--uts', '--ipc', '--net',
                    install_root, dummy_dev, protected_path_to_dummy,
                    netns_fifo, ready_fifo,
                'yum-from-snapshot',  # argv[0]
                # Most `yum` options are isolated by our `YumConfIsolator`.
                '--config', out_yum_conf.name,
                # NB: We omit `--downloaddir` because the default behavior
                # is to put any downloaded RPMs in `$installroot/$cachedir`,
                # which is reasonable, and easy to clean up in a post-pass.
            ]) as yum_proc, \
                # ORDER IS IMPORTANT: In case of error, this must be closed
                # before `proc.__exit__` calls `wait`, or we'll deadlock.
                ready_fifo, 'w'
            ) as ready_out:

        # To start the repo server we must obtain a socket that belongs to
        # the network namespace of the `yum` container, and we must bring up
        # the loopback device to later bind to it.  Since this parent
        # process has low privileges, we do this via a `sudo` helper.
        with open(netns_fifo, 'r') as netns_in:
            netns_path = netns_in.read()

        with listen_temporary_unix_socket(
        ) as (unix_sock_path, list_sock), subprocess.Popen(
                # NB: /usr/local/fbcode/bin must come first because /bin/python3
                # may be very outdated
                '--net=' + netns_path,
                # NB: We pass our listening socket as FD 1 to avoid dealing with
                # the `sudo` option of `-C`.  Nothing here writes to `stdout`:
                stdout=list_sock.fileno()) as sock_proc:
            repo_server_sock_fd, = recv_fds_from_unix_sock(unix_sock_path, 1)
            repo_server_sock = socket.socket(fileno=repo_server_sock_fd)

        # Binds the socket to the loopback inside yum's netns
        repo_server_sock.bind(('', 0))
        host, port = repo_server_sock.getsockname()
        log.info(f'Bound {netns_path} socket to {host}:{port}')

        # The server takes ownership of the socket, so we don't enter it here.
        with _repo_server(
            repo_server_sock, storage_cfg, snapshot_dir
        ) as server_proc, \
                open(snapshot_dir / 'yum.conf') as in_yum_conf, \
                    in_yum_conf, out_yum_conf, install_root, host, port

            log.info('Waiting for repo server to listen')
            while server_proc.poll() is None:
                if repo_server_sock.getsockopt(

            log.info('Ready to run yum')
            ready_out.write('ready')  # `yum` can run now.
            ready_out.close()  # Proceed past the inner `read`.

            # Wait **before** we tear down all the `yum.conf` isolation.
def yum_dnf_from_snapshot(
    yum_dnf: YumDnf,
    snapshot_dir: Path,
    protected_paths: List[str],
    yum_dnf_args: List[str],
    debug: bool = False,

    prog_name = yum_dnf.value
    # This path convention must match how `write_yum_dnf_conf.py` and
    # `rpm_repo_snapshot.bzl` set up their output.
    conf_path = snapshot_dir / f'{prog_name}/etc/{prog_name}/{prog_name}.conf'
    install_root = _install_root(conf_path, yum_dnf_args)

    # The paths that have trailing slashes are directories, others are
    # files.  There's a separate code path for protecting some files above.
    # The rationale is that those files are not guaranteed to exist.
        # See the `_isolate_yum_dnf` docblock for how (and why) this list
        # was produced.  All are assumed to exist on the host -- otherwise,
        # we'd be in the awkard situation of leaving them unprotected, or
        # creating them on the host to protect them.
        '/etc/yum.repos.d/',  # dnf ALSO needs this isolated
        f'/etc/{prog_name}/',  # A duplicate for the `yum` case
        # Harcode `IMAGE/meta` because it should ALWAYS be off-limits --
        # even though the compiler will redundantly tell us to protect it.
    ] + (
        # On Fedora, `yum` is just a symlink to `dnf`, so `/etc/yum` is missing
        ['/etc/yum/'] if (has_yum() and not yum_is_dnf()) else []))
    # Only isolate the host DBs and log if we are NOT installing to /.
    install_to_fs_root = os.path.realpath(install_root) == b'/'
    if not install_to_fs_root:
        # Ensure the log exists, so we can guarantee we don't write to the host.
        log_path = f'/var/log/{prog_name}.log'
        subprocess.check_call(['sudo', 'touch', log_path])
            # Future: We should isolate the cache even when installing to /
            # because the snapshot should have its own cache, and should not
            # pollute the OS cache.  However, right now our cache handling
            # is pretty broken, so this change is deferred.

    for arg in yum_dnf_args:
        assert arg != '-c' and not arg.startswith('--config'), \
            f'If you change --config, you will no longer use the repo snapshot'

    with _dummy_dev() as dummy_dev, \
            ) as protected_path_to_dummy, \
                # We need `--mount` so as not to leak our `--protect-path`
                # bind mounts outside of the package manager invocation.
                # Note that `--mount` implies `mount --make-rprivate /` for
                # all recent `util-linux` releases (since 2.27 circa 2015).
                # We omit `--net` because `yum-dnf-from-snapshot` should
                # only be running in a private-network `nspawn_in_subvol` at
                # this point, and `inject_repo_server.py` servers listen on
                # sockets that are outside of this `unshare` (the latter
                # could be changed but requires laboriously punching through
                # some abstraction boundaries).
                # `--uts` and `--ipc` are set just because they're free to
                # namespace.  We couldn't do `--pid` or `--cgroup` without
                # significant extra work, which has no clear value (i.e.
                # we'd effectively need to use `systemd-nspawn` here).
                'unshare', '--mount', '--uts', '--ipc',
                    yum_dnf, install_root, dummy_dev, protected_path_to_dummy,
                'yum-dnf-from-snapshot',  # argv[0]
                # Help us debug CI issues that don't reproduce locally.
                # Config options get isolated by our `YumDnfConfIsolator`
                # when `write-yum-dnf-conf` builds this file.  Note that
                # `yum` doesn't work if the config path is relative.
                # NB: We omit `--downloaddir` because the default behavior
                # is to put any downloaded RPMs in `$installroot/$cachedir`,
                # which is reasonable, and easy to clean up in a post-pass.
            ]) as yum_dnf_proc:

        # Wait **before** we tear down all the `yum` / `dnf` isolation.
예제 #8
 def package_full(self, subvol: Subvol, output_path: str, opts: _Opts):
     with create_ro(output_path, 'wb') as outfile, subprocess.Popen(
         ['zstd', '--stdout'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=outfile
     ) as zst, subvol.mark_readonly_and_write_sendstream_to_file(zst.stdin):