def build_machine(self): self.machine = BMCMachine()
class Fscd(object): DEFAULT_BOOST = 100 DEFAULT_BOOST_TYPE = 'default' DEFAULT_TRANSITIONAL = 70 DEFAULT_RAMP_RATE = 10 def __init__(self, config=RAMFS_CONFIG, zone_config=CONFIG_DIR, log_level='warning'): Logger.start("fscd", log_level)"Starting fscd") self.zone_config = zone_config self.fsc_config = self.get_fsc_config(config) # json dump from config self.boost = self.DEFAULT_BOOST self.boost_type = self.DEFAULT_BOOST_TYPE self.transitional = self.DEFAULT_TRANSITIONAL self.ramp_rate = self.DEFAULT_RAMP_RATE self.sensor_fail = None self.ssd_progressive_algorithm = None self.sensor_valid_check = None self.fail_sensor_type = None self.fan_dead_boost = None self.fan_fail = None # TODO: Add checks for invalid config file path def get_fsc_config(self, fsc_config): if os.path.isfile(fsc_config):"Started, reading configuration from %s" % (fsc_config)) with open(fsc_config, 'r') as f: return json.load(f) def get_config_params(self): self.transitional = self.fsc_config['pwm_transition_value'] self.boost = self.fsc_config['pwm_boost_value'] if 'boost' in self.fsc_config and 'fan_fail' in self.fsc_config['boost']: self.fan_fail = self.fsc_config['boost']['fan_fail'] if 'boost' in self.fsc_config and 'progressive' in self.fsc_config['boost']: if self.fsc_config['boost']['progressive']: self.boost_type = 'progressive' if 'fan_dead_boost' in self.fsc_config: self.fan_dead_boost = self.fsc_config['fan_dead_boost'] self.all_fan_fail_counter = 0 if 'boost' in self.fsc_config and 'sensor_fail' in self.fsc_config['boost']: self.sensor_fail = self.fsc_config['boost']['sensor_fail'] if self.sensor_fail: if 'fail_sensor_type' in self.fsc_config: self.fail_sensor_type = self.fsc_config['fail_sensor_type'] if 'ssd_progressive_algorithm' in self.fsc_config: self.ssd_progressive_algorithm = self.fsc_config['ssd_progressive_algorithm'] if 'sensor_valid_check' in self.fsc_config: self.sensor_valid_check = self.fsc_config['sensor_valid_check'] self.watchdog = self.fsc_config['watchdog'] if 'fanpower' in self.fsc_config: self.fanpower = self.fsc_config['fanpower'] else: self.fanpower = False if 'chassis_intrusion' in self.fsc_config: self.chassis_intrusion = self.fsc_config['chassis_intrusion'] else: self.chassis_intrusion = False if 'ramp_rate' in self.fsc_config: self.ramp_rate = self.fsc_config['ramp_rate'] self.wdfile = None if self.watchdog:"watchdog pinging enabled") self.wdfile = open('/dev/watchdog', 'wb+', buffering=0) if not self.wdfile: Logger.error("couldn't open watchdog device") else: self.wdfile.write(b'V') self.wdfile.flush() self.interval = self.fsc_config['sample_interval_ms'] / 1000.0 def build_profiles(self): self.sensors = {} self.profiles = {} for name, pdata in list(self.fsc_config['profiles'].items()): self.sensors[name] = Sensor(name, pdata) self.profiles[name] = profile_constructor(pdata) def build_fans(self): = {} for name, pdata in list(self.fsc_config['fans'].items()):[name] = Fan(name, pdata) def build_zones(self): self.zones = [] counter = 0 for name, data in list(self.fsc_config['zones'].items()): filename = data['expr_file'] with open(os.path.join(self.zone_config, filename), 'r') as exf: source ="Compiling FSC expression for zone:") (expr, inf) = fsc_expr.make_eval_tree(source, self.profiles) for name in inf['ext_vars']: board, sname = name.split(':') self.machine.frus.add(board) zone = Zone(data['pwm_output'], expr, inf, self.transitional, counter, self.boost, self.sensor_fail, self.sensor_valid_check, self.fail_sensor_type, self.ssd_progressive_algorithm) counter += 1 self.zones.append(zone) def build_machine(self): self.machine = BMCMachine() def fsc_fan_action(self, fan, action): ''' Method invokes board actions for a fan. ''' if 'dead' in action: board_fan_actions(fan, action='dead') board_fan_actions(fan, action='led_red') if 'recover' in action: board_fan_actions(fan, action='recover') board_fan_actions(fan, action='led_blue') def fsc_host_action(self, action, cause): if 'host_shutdown' in action: board_host_actions(action='host_shutdown', cause=cause) #board_fan_actions(fan, action='led_blue') def fsc_set_all_fan_led(self, color): for fan, _value in list( board_fan_actions([fan], action=color) def fsc_safe_guards(self, sensors_tuples): ''' Method defines safe guards for fsc. Examples: Triggers board action when sensor temp read reaches limits configured in json ''' for fru in self.machine.frus: for sensor, tuple in list(sensors_tuples[fru].items()): if in self.fsc_config['profiles']: if 'read_limit' in self.fsc_config['profiles'][]: # If temperature read exceeds accpetable temperature reading if 'valid' in self.fsc_config['profiles'][]['read_limit']: valid_table = self.fsc_config['profiles'][]['read_limit']['valid'] valid_read_limit = valid_table['limit'] valid_read_action = valid_table['action'] if tuple.value > valid_read_limit: reason = sensor + '(v=' + str(tuple.value) + \ ') limit(t=' + str(valid_read_limit) + \ ') reached' self.fsc_host_action(action=valid_read_action, cause=reason) # If temperature read fails if 'invalid' in self.fsc_config['profiles'][]['read_limit']: invalid_table = self.fsc_config['profiles'][]['read_limit']['invalid'] invalid_read_th = invalid_table['threshold'] invalid_read_action = invalid_table['action'] if tuple.read_fail_counter >= invalid_read_th: reason = sensor + '(value=' + str(tuple.value) + \ ') failed to read ' + \ str(tuple.read_fail_counter) + ' times' self.fsc_host_action(action=invalid_read_action, cause=reason) def update_dead_fans(self, dead_fans): ''' Check for dead and recovered fans ''' last_dead_fans = dead_fans.copy() speeds = self.machine.read_fans( print("\x1b[2J\x1b[H") sys.stdout.flush() for fan, rpms in list(speeds.items()):"%s speed: %d RPM" % (fan.label, rpms)) if rpms < self.fsc_config['min_rpm']: dead_fans.add(fan) self.fsc_fan_action(fan, action='dead') else: dead_fans.discard(fan) recovered_fans = last_dead_fans - dead_fans newly_dead_fans = dead_fans - last_dead_fans if len(newly_dead_fans) > 0: if self.fanpower: Logger.warn("%d fans failed" % (len(dead_fans),)) else: Logger.crit("%d fans failed" % (len(dead_fans),)) for dead_fan in dead_fans: if self.fanpower: Logger.warn("%s dead, %d RPM" % (dead_fan.label, speeds[dead_fan])) else: Logger.crit("%s dead, %d RPM" % (dead_fan.label, speeds[dead_fan])) Logger.usbdbg("%s fail" % (dead_fan.label)) for fan in recovered_fans: if self.fanpower: Logger.warn("%s has recovered" % (fan.label,)) else: Logger.crit("%s has recovered" % (fan.label,)) Logger.usbdbg("%s recovered" % (fan.label)) self.fsc_fan_action(fan, action='recover') return dead_fans def update_zones(self, dead_fans, time_difference): """ TODO: Need to change logic here. # Platforms with chassis_intrusion mode enabled if chassis_intrusion: set the chassis_intrusion_boost_flag to 0 and then do necessary checks to set flag to 1 if chassis_intrusion_boost_flag: run boost mode else: run normal mode else # Platforms WITHOUT chassis_intrusion mode run normal mode """ sensors_tuples = self.machine.read_sensors(self.sensors) self.fsc_safe_guards(sensors_tuples) for zone in self.zones:"PWM: %s" % (json.dumps(zone.pwm_output))) chassis_intrusion_boost_flag = 0 if self.chassis_intrusion: self_tray_pull_out = board_callout( callout='chassis_intrusion') if self_tray_pull_out == 1: chassis_intrusion_boost_flag = 1 if chassis_intrusion_boost_flag == 0: pwmval =, dt=time_difference) else: pwmval = self.boost if self.fan_fail: if self.boost_type == 'progressive' and self.fan_dead_boost: # Cases where we want to progressively bump PWMs dead = len(dead_fans) if dead > 0:"Progressive mode: Failed fans: %s" % (', '.join([str(i.label) for i in dead_fans],))) for fan_count, rate in self.fan_dead_boost["data"]: if dead <= fan_count: pwmval = clamp(pwmval + (dead * rate), 0, 100) break else: pwmval = self.boost else: if dead_fans: # If not progressive ,when there is 1 fan failed, boost all fans"Failed fans: %s" % ( ', '.join([str(i.label) for i in dead_fans],))) pwmval = self.boost if self.fan_dead_boost: # If all the fans failed take action after a few cycles if len(dead_fans) == len( self.all_fan_fail_counter = self.all_fan_fail_counter + 1 Logger.warn("Currently all fans failed for {} cycles".format(self.all_fan_fail_counter)) if self.fan_dead_boost["threshold"] and self.fan_dead_boost["action"]: if self.all_fan_fail_counter >= self.fan_dead_boost["threshold"]: self.fsc_host_action( action=self.fan_dead_boost["action"], cause="All fans are bad for more than " + str(self.fan_dead_boost["threshold"]) + " cycles" ) else: # If atleast 1 fan is working reset the counter self.all_fan_fail_counter = 0 if abs(zone.last_pwm - pwmval) > self.ramp_rate: if pwmval < zone.last_pwm: pwmval = zone.last_pwm - self.ramp_rate else: pwmval = zone.last_pwm + self.ramp_rate zone.last_pwm = pwmval if hasattr(zone.pwm_output, '__iter__'): for output in zone.pwm_output: self.machine.set_pwm( str(output)), pwmval) else: self.machine.set_pwm([zone.pwm_output], pwmval) def builder(self): ''' Method to extract from json and build all internal data staructures ''' # Build a bmc machine object - read/write sensors self.build_machine() # Extract everything from json self.get_config_params() self.build_fans() self.build_profiles()"Available profiles: " + ", ".join(list(self.profiles.keys()))) self.build_zones()"Read %d zones" % (len(self.zones)))"Including sensors from: " + ", ".join(self.machine.frus)) def get_fan_power_status(self): ''' Method invokes board action to determine fan power status. If not applicable returns True. ''' if board_callout(callout='read_power'): return True return False def run(self): """ Main FSCD method that builds from the fscd config and runs """ # Get everything from json and build profiles, fans, zones self.builder() self.machine.set_all_pwm(, self.transitional) self.fsc_set_all_fan_led(color='led_blue') last = time.time() dead_fans = set() if self.fanpower: time.sleep(30) while True: if self.wdfile: self.wdfile.write(b'V') self.wdfile.flush() time.sleep(self.interval) if self.fanpower: if not self.get_fan_power_status(): continue if self.fan_fail: # Get dead fans for determining speed dead_fans = self.update_dead_fans(dead_fans) now = time.time() time_difference = now - last last = now # Check sensors and update zones self.update_zones(dead_fans, time_difference)
class Fscd(object): DEFAULT_BOOST = 100 DEFAULT_BOOST_TYPE = "default" DEFAULT_TRANSITIONAL = 70 DEFAULT_RAMP_RATE = 10 def __init__(self, config=RAMFS_CONFIG, zone_config=CONFIG_DIR, log_level="warning"): Logger.start("fscd", log_level)"Starting fscd") self.zone_config = zone_config self.fsc_config = self.get_fsc_config(config) # json dump from config self.boost = self.DEFAULT_BOOST self.boost_type = self.DEFAULT_BOOST_TYPE self.transitional = self.DEFAULT_TRANSITIONAL self.ramp_rate = self.DEFAULT_RAMP_RATE self.sensor_fail = None self.ssd_progressive_algorithm = None self.sensor_valid_check = None self.fail_sensor_type = None self.fan_dead_boost = None self.fan_fail = None self.fan_recovery_pending = False self.fan_recovery_time = None # TODO: Add checks for invalid config file path def get_fsc_config(self, fsc_config): if os.path.isfile(fsc_config):"Started, reading configuration from %s" % (fsc_config)) with open(fsc_config, "r") as f: return json.load(f) def get_config_params(self): self.transitional = self.fsc_config["pwm_transition_value"] self.boost = self.fsc_config["pwm_boost_value"] if "boost" in self.fsc_config and "fan_fail" in self.fsc_config[ "boost"]: self.fan_fail = self.fsc_config["boost"]["fan_fail"] if "boost" in self.fsc_config and "progressive" in self.fsc_config[ "boost"]: if self.fsc_config["boost"]["progressive"]: self.boost_type = "progressive" if "fan_dead_boost" in self.fsc_config: self.fan_dead_boost = self.fsc_config["fan_dead_boost"] self.all_fan_fail_counter = 0 if "boost" in self.fsc_config and "sensor_fail" in self.fsc_config[ "boost"]: self.sensor_fail = self.fsc_config["boost"]["sensor_fail"] if self.sensor_fail: if "fail_sensor_type" in self.fsc_config: self.fail_sensor_type = self.fsc_config["fail_sensor_type"] if "ssd_progressive_algorithm" in self.fsc_config: self.ssd_progressive_algorithm = self.fsc_config[ "ssd_progressive_algorithm"] if "sensor_valid_check" in self.fsc_config: self.sensor_valid_check = self.fsc_config["sensor_valid_check"] self.watchdog = self.fsc_config["watchdog"] if "fanpower" in self.fsc_config: self.fanpower = self.fsc_config["fanpower"] else: self.fanpower = False if "chassis_intrusion" in self.fsc_config: self.chassis_intrusion = self.fsc_config["chassis_intrusion"] else: self.chassis_intrusion = False if "ramp_rate" in self.fsc_config: self.ramp_rate = self.fsc_config["ramp_rate"] if self.watchdog:"watchdog pinging enabled") kick_watchdog() self.interval = self.fsc_config["sample_interval_ms"] / 1000.0 if "fan_recovery_time" in self.fsc_config: self.fan_recovery_time = self.fsc_config["fan_recovery_time"] def build_profiles(self): self.sensors = {} self.profiles = {} for name, pdata in list(self.fsc_config["profiles"].items()): self.sensors[name] = Sensor(name, pdata) self.profiles[name] = profile_constructor(pdata) def build_fans(self): = {} for name, pdata in list(self.fsc_config["fans"].items()):[name] = Fan(name, pdata) def build_zones(self): self.zones = [] counter = 0 for name, data in list(self.fsc_config["zones"].items()): filename = data["expr_file"] with open(os.path.join(self.zone_config, filename), "r") as exf: source ="Compiling FSC expression for zone:") (expr, inf) = fsc_expr.make_eval_tree(source, self.profiles) for name in inf["ext_vars"]: sdata = name.split(":") board = sdata[0] # sname never used. so comment out (avoid lint error) # sname = sdata[1] if board not in self.machine.frus: self.machine.nums[board] = [] self.machine.frus.add(board) if len(sdata) == 3: self.machine.nums[board].append(sdata[2]) zone = Zone( data["pwm_output"], expr, inf, self.transitional, counter, self.boost, self.sensor_fail, self.sensor_valid_check, self.fail_sensor_type, self.ssd_progressive_algorithm, ) counter += 1 self.zones.append(zone) def build_machine(self): self.machine = BMCMachine() def fsc_fan_action(self, fan, action): """ Method invokes board actions for a fan. """ if "dead" in action: board_fan_actions(fan, action="dead") board_fan_actions(fan, action="led_red") if "recover" in action: board_fan_actions(fan, action="recover") board_fan_actions(fan, action="led_blue") def fsc_host_action(self, action, cause): if "host_shutdown" in action: board_host_actions(action="host_shutdown", cause=cause) # board_fan_actions(fan, action='led_blue') def fsc_set_all_fan_led(self, color): for fan, _value in list( board_fan_actions([fan], action=color) def fsc_safe_guards(self, sensors_tuples): """ Method defines safe guards for fsc. Examples: Triggers board action when sensor temp read reaches limits configured in json """ for fru in self.machine.frus: for sensor, tuple in list(sensors_tuples[fru].items()): if in self.fsc_config["profiles"]: if "read_limit" in self.fsc_config["profiles"][]: # If temperature read exceeds accpetable temperature reading if ("valid" in self.fsc_config["profiles"][] ["read_limit"]): valid_table = self.fsc_config["profiles"][]["read_limit"]["valid"] valid_read_limit = valid_table["limit"] valid_read_action = valid_table["action"] valid_read_th = valid_table["threshold"] if isinstance(self.sensors[].source, FscSensorSourceUtil): if tuple.value == None: self.sensors[ tuple. name].source.read_source_fail_counter += 1 else: self.sensors[ tuple. name].source.read_source_fail_counter = 0 if tuple.value > valid_read_limit: reason = (sensor + "(v=" + str(tuple.value) + ") limit(t=" + str(valid_read_limit) + ") reached") self.fsc_host_action( action=valid_read_action, cause=reason) else: if tuple.value > valid_read_limit: if tuple.wrong_read_counter < valid_read_th: self.sensors[ tuple. name].source.read_source_wrong_counter += 1 Logger.warn( "inlet_temp v=%d, and counter=%d" % (tuple.value, tuple.wrong_read_counter)) continue reason = (sensor + "(v=" + str(tuple.value) + ") limit(t=" + str(valid_read_limit) + ") reached") self.fsc_host_action( action=valid_read_action, cause=reason) self.sensors[ tuple. name].source.read_source_wrong_counter = 0 # If temperature read fails if ("invalid" in self.fsc_config["profiles"][]["read_limit"]): invalid_table = self.fsc_config["profiles"][]["read_limit"]["invalid"] invalid_read_th = invalid_table["threshold"] invalid_read_action = invalid_table["action"] if isinstance(self.sensors[].source, FscSensorSourceUtil): read_fail_counter = self.sensors[].source.read_source_fail_counter if read_fail_counter >= invalid_read_th: reason = (sensor + "(value=" + str(tuple.value) + ") failed to read " + str(read_fail_counter) + " times") self.fsc_host_action( action=invalid_read_action, cause=reason) else: if tuple.read_fail_counter >= invalid_read_th: reason = (sensor + "(value=" + str(tuple.value) + ") failed to read " + str(tuple.read_fail_counter) + " times") self.fsc_host_action( action=invalid_read_action, cause=reason) def update_dead_fans(self, dead_fans): """ Check for dead and recovered fans """ last_dead_fans = dead_fans.copy() speeds = self.machine.read_fans( print("\x1b[2J\x1b[H") sys.stdout.flush() for fan, rpms in list(speeds.items()):"%s speed: %d RPM" % (fan.label, rpms)) if rpms < self.fsc_config["min_rpm"]: dead_fans.add(fan) self.fsc_fan_action(fan, action="dead") else: dead_fans.discard(fan) recovered_fans = last_dead_fans - dead_fans newly_dead_fans = dead_fans - last_dead_fans if len(newly_dead_fans) > 0: if self.fanpower: Logger.warn("%d fans failed" % (len(dead_fans), )) else: Logger.crit("%d fans failed" % (len(dead_fans), )) for dead_fan in dead_fans: if self.fanpower: Logger.warn("%s dead, %d RPM" % (dead_fan.label, speeds[dead_fan])) else: Logger.crit("%s dead, %d RPM" % (dead_fan.label, speeds[dead_fan])) Logger.usbdbg("%s fail" % (dead_fan.label)) fan_fail_record_path = FAN_FAIL_RECORD_DIR + "%s" % ( dead_fan.label) if not os.path.isfile(fan_fail_record_path): fan_fail_record = open(fan_fail_record_path, "w") fan_fail_record.close() for fan in recovered_fans: if self.fanpower: Logger.warn("%s has recovered" % (fan.label, )) else: Logger.crit("%s has recovered" % (fan.label, )) Logger.usbdbg("%s recovered" % (fan.label)) self.fsc_fan_action(fan, action="recover") fan_fail_record_path = FAN_FAIL_RECORD_DIR + "%s" % (fan.label) if os.path.isfile(fan_fail_record_path): os.remove(fan_fail_record_path) return dead_fans def update_zones(self, dead_fans, time_difference): """ TODO: Need to change logic here. # Platforms with chassis_intrusion mode enabled if chassis_intrusion: set the chassis_intrusion_boost_flag to 0 and then do necessary checks to set flag to 1 if chassis_intrusion_boost_flag: run boost mode else: run normal mode else # Platforms WITHOUT chassis_intrusion mode run normal mode """ sensors_tuples = self.machine.read_sensors(self.sensors) self.fsc_safe_guards(sensors_tuples) for zone in self.zones:"PWM: %s" % (json.dumps(zone.pwm_output))) mode = 0 chassis_intrusion_boost_flag = 0 if self.chassis_intrusion: self_tray_pull_out = board_callout(callout="chassis_intrusion") if self_tray_pull_out == 1: chassis_intrusion_boost_flag = 1 if chassis_intrusion_boost_flag == 0: pwmval =, dt=time_difference) mode = zone.get_set_fan_mode(mode, action="read") else: pwmval = self.boost mode = fan_mode["boost_mode"] if self.fan_fail: boost_record_path = RECORD_DIR + "fan_fail_boost" if self.boost_type == "progressive" and self.fan_dead_boost: # Cases where we want to progressively bump PWMs dead = len(dead_fans) if dead > 0: "Progressive mode: Failed fans: %s" % (", ".join([str(i.label) for i in dead_fans]))) for fan_count, rate in self.fan_dead_boost["data"]: if dead <= fan_count: pwmval = clamp(pwmval + (dead * rate), 0, 100) mode = fan_mode["normal_mode"] if os.path.isfile(boost_record_path): os.remove(boost_record_path) break else: pwmval = self.boost mode = fan_mode["boost_mode"] if not os.path.isfile(boost_record_path): fan_fail_boost_record = open( boost_record_path, "w") fan_fail_boost_record.close() else: if os.path.isfile(boost_record_path): os.remove(boost_record_path) else: if dead_fans: # If not progressive ,when there is 1 fan failed, boost all fans "Failed fans: %s" % (", ".join([str(i.label) for i in dead_fans]))) pwmval = self.boost mode = fan_mode["boost_mode"] if not os.path.isfile(boost_record_path): fan_fail_boost_record = open( boost_record_path, "w") fan_fail_boost_record.close() else: if os.path.isfile(boost_record_path): os.remove(boost_record_path) if self.fan_dead_boost: # If all the fans failed take action after a few cycles if len(dead_fans) == len( self.all_fan_fail_counter = self.all_fan_fail_counter + 1 Logger.warn( "Currently all fans failed for {} cycles". format(self.all_fan_fail_counter)) if (self.fan_dead_boost["threshold"] and self.fan_dead_boost["action"]): if (self.all_fan_fail_counter >= self.fan_dead_boost["threshold"]): self.fsc_host_action( action=self.fan_dead_boost["action"], cause="All fans are bad for more than " + str(self.fan_dead_boost["threshold"]) + " cycles", ) else: # If atleast 1 fan is working reset the counter self.all_fan_fail_counter = 0 if abs(zone.last_pwm - pwmval) > self.ramp_rate: if pwmval < zone.last_pwm: pwmval = zone.last_pwm - self.ramp_rate else: pwmval = zone.last_pwm + self.ramp_rate zone.last_pwm = pwmval if hasattr(zone.pwm_output, "__iter__"): for output in zone.pwm_output: self.machine.set_pwm(, pwmval) else: self.machine.set_pwm([zone.pwm_output], pwmval) zone.get_set_fan_mode(mode, action="write") def builder(self): """ Method to extract from json and build all internal data staructures """ # Build a bmc machine object - read/write sensors self.build_machine() # Extract everything from json self.get_config_params() self.build_fans() self.build_profiles()"Available profiles: " + ", ".join(list(self.profiles.keys()))) self.build_zones()"Read %d zones" % (len(self.zones)))"Including sensors from: " + ", ".join(self.machine.frus)) def get_fan_power_status(self): """ Method invokes board action to determine fan power status. If not applicable returns True. """ if board_callout(callout="read_power"): return True return False def fail_record_dir(self): """ Create directory to store which sensors and fans failed """ if not os.path.isdir(RECORD_DIR): os.mkdir(RECORD_DIR) if not os.path.isdir(SENSOR_FAIL_RECORD_DIR): os.mkdir(SENSOR_FAIL_RECORD_DIR) if not os.path.isdir(FAN_FAIL_RECORD_DIR): os.mkdir(FAN_FAIL_RECORD_DIR) def run(self): """ Main FSCD method that builds from the fscd config and runs """ # Get everything from json and build profiles, fans, zones self.builder() self.fail_record_dir() self.machine.set_all_pwm(, self.transitional) self.fsc_set_all_fan_led(color="led_blue") mode = fan_mode["trans_mode"] self.zones[0].get_set_fan_mode(mode, action="write") last = time.time() dead_fans = set() if self.fanpower: time.sleep(30) while True: if self.watchdog: kick_watchdog() time.sleep(self.interval) if self.fanpower: if not self.get_fan_power_status(): self.fan_recovery_pending = True continue if self.fan_fail: if self.fan_recovery_pending and self.fan_recovery_time != None: # Accelerating, wait for a while time.sleep(self.fan_recovery_time) self.fan_recovery_pending = False # Get dead fans for determining speed dead_fans = self.update_dead_fans(dead_fans) now = time.time() time_difference = now - last last = now # Check sensors and update zones self.update_zones(dead_fans, time_difference)