예제 #1
    def compute(self):

        # randomly wait a few seconds so that multiple processes accessing the same
        # Theano function do not cause a lock problem. I do not know why.
        # I do not know if this does anything useful.
        # Sleep in seconds.
        time.sleep(np.random.rand(1) * 3)

        paired_source = self.paired_source
        r = self.rep
        n = self.n
        job_func = self.job_func

        pdata = paired_source.sample(n, seed=r)
        with util.ContextTimer() as t:
            logger.info("computing. %s. prob=%s, r=%d, n=%d" %
                        (job_func.__name__, pdata.label, r, n))
            tr, te = pdata.split_tr_te(tr_proportion=tr_proportion,
                                       seed=r + 21)
            prob_label = self.prob_label

            job_result = job_func(paired_source, tr, te, r)

            # create ScalarResult instance
            result = SingleResult(job_result)
            # submit the result to my own aggregator
            func_name = job_func.__name__
        logger.info("done. ex1: %s, prob=%s, r=%d, n=%d. Took: %.3g s " %
                    (func_name, pdata.label, r, n, t.secs))

        # save result
        fname = '%s-%s-r%d_n%d_a%.3f_trp%.2f.p' \
            %(prob_label, func_name,  r, n, alpha, tr_proportion)
        glo.ex_save_result(ex, job_result, prob_label, fname)
예제 #2
    def compute(self):

        # randomly wait a few seconds so that multiple processes accessing the same
        # Theano function do not cause a lock problem. I do not know why.
        # I do not know if this does anything useful.
        # Sleep in seconds.
        time.sleep(np.random.rand(1) * 2)

        # load the data and construct a PairedSource here
        # The data can be big. We have to load it in this job function i.e.,
        # each computing node loads by itself (no data passing).
        folder_path = self.folder_path
        prob_label = self.prob_label
        paired_source, _, is_h0 = exglo.get_problem_pickle(
            folder_path, prob_label + '.n0')

        n = self.n
        r = self.rep
        job_func = self.job_func

        pdata = paired_source.sample(n, seed=r)
        with util.ContextTimer() as t:
            logger.info("computing. %s. prob=%s, r=%d, n=%d" %
                        (job_func.__name__, pdata.label, r, n))
            tr, te = pdata.split_tr_te(tr_proportion=tr_proportion,
                                       seed=r + 21)
            prob_label = self.prob_label

            job_result = job_func(paired_source, tr, te, r)

            # create ScalarResult instance
            result = SingleResult(job_result)
            # submit the result to my own aggregator
            func_name = job_func.__name__
        logger.info("done. ex1: %s, prob=%s, r=%d, n=%d. Took: %.3g s " %
                    (func_name, pdata.label, r, n, t.secs))

        # save result
        fname = '%s-%s-r%d_n%d_a%.3f_trp%.2f.p' \
            %(prob_label, func_name, r, n, alpha, tr_proportion)
        glo.ex_save_result(ex, job_result, prob_label, fname)
예제 #3
def run_problem(folder_path, prob_label):
    """Run the experiment"""

    pl = exglo.parse_prob_label(prob_label)
    is_h0 = pl['is_h0']
    n = pl['n']
    # ///////  submit jobs //////////
    # create folder name string
    #result_folder = glo.result_folder()
    #tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
    from fsic.config import expr_configs
    tmp_dir = expr_configs['scratch_dir']
    foldername = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'wj_slurm', 'e%d' % ex)
    logger.info("Setting engine folder to %s" % foldername)

    # create parameter instance that is needed for any batch computation engine
    logger.info("Creating batch parameter instance")
    batch_parameters = BatchClusterParameters(foldername=foldername,
                                              job_name_base="e%d_" % ex,

    # Use the following line if Slurm queue is not used.
    #engine = SerialComputationEngine()
    engine = SlurmComputationEngine(batch_parameters)
    n_methods = len(method_job_funcs)
    # repetitions x sample_sizes x #methods
    aggregators = np.empty((reps, n_methods), dtype=object)
    for r in range(reps):
        for mi, f in enumerate(method_job_funcs):
            # name used to save the result
            func_name = f.__name__
            fname = '%s-%s-r%d_a%.3f_trp%.2f.p' \
                %(prob_label, func_name, r, alpha, tr_proportion)
            if not is_rerun and glo.ex_file_exists(ex, prob_label, fname):
                logger.info('%s exists. Load and return.' % fname)
                job_result = glo.ex_load_result(ex, prob_label, fname)

                sra = SingleResultAggregator()
                aggregators[r, mi] = sra
                # result not exists or rerun
                job = Ex4Job(SingleResultAggregator(), folder_path, prob_label,
                             r, f)
                agg = engine.submit_job(job)
                aggregators[r, mi] = agg

    # let the engine finish its business
    logger.info("Wait for all call in engine")

    # ////// collect the results ///////////
    logger.info("Collecting results")
    job_results = np.empty((reps, n_methods), dtype=object)
    for r in range(reps):
        for mi, f in enumerate(method_job_funcs):
            logger.info("Collecting result (%s, r=%d, n=%d)" %
                        (f.__name__, r, n))
            # let the aggregator finalize things
            aggregators[r, mi].finalize()

            # aggregators[i].get_final_result() returns a SingleResult instance,
            # which we need to extract the actual result
            job_result = aggregators[r, mi].get_final_result().result
            job_results[r, mi] = job_result

    #func_names = [f.__name__ for f in method_job_funcs]
    #func2labels = exglobal.get_func2label_map()
    #method_labels = [func2labels[f] for f in func_names if f in func2labels]

    # save results
    # - Do not store PairedSource because it can be very big.
    results = {
        'job_results': job_results,
        'n': n,
        'is_h0': is_h0,
        'alpha': alpha,
        'repeats': reps,
        'tr_proportion': tr_proportion,
        'method_job_funcs': method_job_funcs,
        'prob_label': prob_label,

    # class name
    fname = 'ex%d-%s-me%d_rs%d_a%.3f_trp%.2f.p' \
        %(ex, prob_label, n_methods, reps, alpha, tr_proportion)
    glo.ex_save_result(ex, results, fname)
    logger.info('Saved aggregated results to %s' % fname)