예제 #1
def enumerate_device_serials(vid=FT232H_VID, pid=FT232H_PID):
    """Return a list of all FT232H device serial numbers connected to the
    machine.  You can use these serial numbers to open a specific FT232H device
    by passing it to the FT232H initializer's serial parameter.
        # Create a libftdi context.
        ctx = None
        ctx = ftdi.new()
        # Enumerate FTDI devices.
        device_list = None
        count, device_list = ftdi.usb_find_all(ctx, vid, pid)
        if count < 0:
            raise RuntimeError('ftdi_usb_find_all returned error {0}: {1}'.format(count, ftdi.get_error_string(self._ctx)))
        # Walk through list of devices and assemble list of serial numbers.
        devices = []
        while device_list is not None:
            # Get USB device strings and add serial to list of devices.
            ret, manufacturer, description, serial = ftdi.usb_get_strings(ctx, device_list.dev, 256, 256, 256)
            if serial is not None:
            device_list = device_list.next
        return devices
        # Make sure to clean up list and context when done.
        if device_list is not None:
        if ctx is not None:
예제 #2
def enumerate_device_serials(vid=FT232H_VID, pid=FT232H_PID):
    """Return a list of all FT232H device serial numbers connected to the
    machine.  You can use these serial numbers to open a specific FT232H device
    by passing it to the FT232H initializer's serial parameter.
        # Create a libftdi context.
        ctx = None
        ctx = ftdi.new()
        # Enumerate FTDI devices.
        device_list = None
        count, device_list = ftdi.usb_find_all(ctx, vid, pid)
        if count < 0:
            raise RuntimeError('ftdi_usb_find_all returned error {0}: {1}'.format(count, ftdi.get_error_string(self._ctx)))
        # Walk through list of devices and assemble list of serial numbers.
        devices = []
        while device_list is not None:
            # Get USB device strings and add serial to list of devices.
            ret, manufacturer, description, serial = ftdi.usb_get_strings(ctx, device_list.dev, 256, 256, 256)
            if serial is not None:
            device_list = device_list.next
        return devices
        # Make sure to clean up list and context when done.
        if device_list is not None:
        if ctx is not None:
예제 #3
 def __init__(self, vid=FT232H_VID, pid=FT232H_PID, serial=None):
     """Create a FT232H object.  Will search for the first available FT232H
     device with the specified USB vendor ID and product ID (defaults to
     FT232H default VID & PID).  Can also specify an optional serial number
     string to open an explicit FT232H device given its serial number.  See
     the FT232H.enumerate_device_serials() function to see how to list all
     connected device serial numbers.
     # Initialize FTDI device connection.
     self._ctx = ftdi.new()
     if self._ctx == 0:
         raise RuntimeError('ftdi_new failed! Is libftdi1 installed?')
     # Register handler to close and cleanup FTDI context on program exit.
     if serial is None:
         # Open USB connection for specified VID and PID if no serial is specified.
         self._check(ftdi.usb_open, vid, pid)
         # Open USB connection for VID, PID, serial.
         ##self._check(ftdi.usb_open_string, 's:{0}:{1}:{2}'.format(vid, pid, serial))
         finaldev = None
         device_list = None
         count, device_list = ftdi.usb_find_all(self._ctx, vid, pid)
         if count < 0:
             raise RuntimeError('ftdi_usb_find_all returned error {0}: {1}'.format(count, ftdi.get_error_string(self._ctx)))
         # Walk through list of devices and assemble list of serial numbers.
         devices = []
         while device_list is not None:
             # Get USB device strings and add serial to list of devices.
             ret, manufacturer, description, serialtest = ftdi.usb_get_strings(self._ctx, device_list.dev, 256, 256, 256)
             if serialtest == serial:
                 finaldev = device_list.dev
             device_list = device_list.next
         if finaldev is None:
             raise RuntimeError('Could not find correct device')
         self._check(ftdi.usb_open_dev, finaldev)
     # Reset device.
     # Disable flow control. Commented out because it is unclear if this is necessary.
     #self._check(ftdi.setflowctrl, ftdi.SIO_DISABLE_FLOW_CTRL)
     # Change read & write buffers to maximum size, 65535 bytes.
     self._check(ftdi.read_data_set_chunksize, 65535)
     self._check(ftdi.write_data_set_chunksize, 65535)
     # Clear pending read data & write buffers.
     # Enable MPSSE and syncronize communication with device.
     # Initialize all GPIO as inputs.
     self._direction = 0x0000
     self._level = 0x0000
예제 #4
    def id(self):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name,too-many-branches,too-many-return-statements
        """Return a unique id for the detected chip, if any."""
        # There are some times we want to trick the platform detection
        # say if a raspberry pi doesn't have the right ID, or for testing
            return os.environ['BLINKA_FORCECHIP']
        except KeyError:  # no forced chip, continue with testing!

        # Special case, if we have an environment var set, we could use FT232H
            if os.environ['BLINKA_FT232H']:
                # we can't have ftdi1 as a dependency cause its wierd
                # to install, sigh.
                import ftdi1 as ftdi  # pylint: disable=import-error
                    ctx = None
                    ctx = ftdi.new()  # Create a libftdi context.
                    # Enumerate FTDI devices.
                    count, _ = ftdi.usb_find_all(ctx, 0, 0)
                    if count < 0:
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            'ftdi_usb_find_all returned error %d : %s' % count,
                    if count == 0:
                        raise RuntimeError('BLINKA_FT232H environment variable' + \
                                           'set, but no FT232H device found')
                    # Make sure to clean up list and context when done.
                    if ctx is not None:
            return FT232H
        except KeyError:  # no FT232H environment var

        platform = sys.platform
        if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2":
            return self._linux_id()
        if platform == "esp8266":
            return ESP8266
        if platform == "samd21":
            return SAMD21
        if platform == "pyboard":
            return STM32
        # nothing found!
        return None
예제 #5
	def __init__(self, num_pixels, num_rows):
		# Create a libftdi context.
		ctx = None
		ctx = ftdi.new()
		# Define USB vendor and product ID
		vid = 0x0403
		pid = 0x6014
		# Enumerate FTDI devices.
		self.serial = None
		device_list = None
		count, device_list = ftdi.usb_find_all(ctx, vid, pid)
		while device_list is not None:
			# Get USB device strings and add serial to list of devices.
			ret, manufacturer, description, serial = ftdi.usb_get_strings(ctx, device_list.dev, 256, 256, 256)
			print 'return: {0}, manufacturer: {1}, description: {2}, serial: |{3}|'.format(ret,manufacturer,description,serial)
			if 'FTDI' in manufacturer and 'Serial' in description and 'FT' in serial:
				self.serial = serial
			device_list = device_list.next
		# Make sure to clean up list and context when done.
		if device_list is not None:
		if ctx is not None:
		# Create an FT232H object.
		self.ft232h = FT232H.FT232H(serial=self.serial)
		# Create an FT232H object.
		self.ft232h = FT232H.FT232H()
		# Create a SPI interface for the FT232H object.  Set the SPI bus to 6mhz.
		self.spi    = FT232H.SPI(self.ft232h, max_speed_hz=SPI_BAUD)
		# Create a pixel data buffer and lookup table.
		self.buffer = bytearray(num_pixels*BYTES_PER_PIXEL*3)
		self.lookup = self.build_byte_lookup()
		#print self.lookup
		self.set_brightness(MAX_INTENSITY/2) #set brightness to 25% by default
		self.num_pixels	= num_pixels
		self.rows 		= num_rows
		self.cols 		= num_pixels/num_rows
예제 #6
import os
import sys
import ftdi1 as ftdi
import time

UM232H_B_VID = 0x0403
UM232H_B_PID = 0x6014

# initialize
ftdic = ftdi.new()
if ftdic == 0:
    print('new failed: %d', ret)

# try to list ftdi devices 0x6010 or 0x6001
ret, devlist = ftdi.usb_find_all(ftdic, UM232H_B_VID, UM232H_B_PID)
if ret <= 0:
    ret, devlist = ftdi.usb_find_all(ftdic, 0x0403, 0x6001)

if ret < 0:
    print('ftdi_usb_find_all failed: %d (%s)' %
          (ret, ftdi.get_error_string(ftdic)))
print('Number of FTDI devices found: %d\n' % ret)
curnode = devlist
i = 0
while (curnode != None):
    ret, manufacturer, description, serial = ftdi.usb_get_strings(
        ftdic, curnode.dev)
    if ret < 0:
        print('ftdi_usb_get_strings failed: %d (%s)' %
예제 #7
#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import sys
import ftdi1 as ftdi
import time

ftdic = ftdi.new()
if ftdic == 0:
    print('new failed: %d', ret)

# try to list ftdi devices 0x6010 or 0x6001
ret, devlist = ftdi.usb_find_all(ftdic, 0x0403, 0x6010)
if ret <= 0:
    ret, devlist = ftdi.usb_find_all(ftdic, 0x0403, 0x6001)

if ret < 0:
    print('ftdi_usb_find_all failed: %d (%s)' %
          (ret, ftdi.get_error_string(ftdic)))
print('Number of FTDI devices found: %d\n' % ret)
curnode = devlist
i = 0
while (curnode != None):
    ret, manufacturer, description, serial = ftdi.usb_get_strings(
        ftdic, curnode.dev)
    if ret < 0:
        print('ftdi_usb_get_strings failed: %d (%s)' %
              (ret, ftdi.get_error_string(ftdic)))
예제 #8
  if value == ftdi.CBUSX_TXRXLED:
    return 'TXRXLED'
  if value == ftdi.CBUSX_VBUS_SENSE:
    return 'VBUS_SENSE'
  return 'UNKNOWN'

# Surround the program with a try ... except clause.

  # Allocate and inialize an ftdi context.
  ftdic = ftdi.new()
  if ftdic == 0:
    raise ErrorMsg('ftdi.new() failed')

  # List all the FT230X devices.
  nDevices, devlist = ftdi.usb_find_all(ftdic, 0x0403, 0x6015)
  if nDevices < 0:
    raise ErrorMsg('ftdi.usb_find_all error = %s' % ftdi.get_error_string(ftdic))
  elif nDevices == 0:
    raise ErrorMsg('No FT230X devices found')
  elif nDevices != 1:
    raise ErrorMsg('More than one FT230X device found')

  # Display the identified single FT230X device.
  ret, manufacturer, description, serial = ftdi.usb_get_strings(ftdic, devlist.dev)
  if ret < 0:
    raise ErrorMsg('ftdi.usb_get_strings error = %s' % ftdi.get_error_string(ftdic))
  print 'manufacturer="%s" description="%s" serial="%s"' % (manufacturer, description, serial)

  # Open the identified single FT230X device.
  ret = ftdi.usb_open_desc(ftdic, 0x0403, 0x6015, description, serial)
예제 #9
import os
import sys
import ftdi1 as ftdi
import time

# version
print ('version: %s\n' % ftdi.__version__)

# initialize
ftdic = ftdi.new()
if ftdic == 0:
    print('new failed: %d' % ret)

# try to list ftdi devices 0x6010 or 0x6001
ret, devlist = ftdi.usb_find_all(ftdic, 0x0403, 0x6010)
if ret <= 0:
    ret, devlist = ftdi.usb_find_all(ftdic, 0x0403, 0x6001)

if ret < 0:
    print('ftdi_usb_find_all failed: %d (%s)' %
          (ret, ftdi.get_error_string(ftdic)))
print('devices: %d' % ret)
curnode = devlist
i = 0
while(curnode != None):
    ret, manufacturer, description, serial = ftdi.usb_get_strings(
        ftdic, curnode.dev)
    if ret < 0:
        print('ftdi_usb_get_strings failed: %d (%s)' %
예제 #10
import os
import sys
import ftdi1 as ftdi
import time

UM232H_B_VID = 0x0403
UM232H_B_PID = 0x6014

# initialize
ftdic = ftdi.new()
if ftdic == 0:
    print( 'new failed: %d', ret )
    os._exit( 1 )

# try to list ftdi devices 0x6010 or 0x6001
ret, devlist = ftdi.usb_find_all( ftdic, UM232H_B_VID, UM232H_B_PID )
if ret <= 0:
    ret, devlist = ftdi.usb_find_all( ftdic, 0x0403, 0x6001)

if ret < 0:
    print( 'ftdi_usb_find_all failed: %d (%s)' % ( ret, ftdi.get_error_string( ftdic ) ) )
    os._exit( 1 )
print( 'Number of FTDI devices found: %d\n' % ret )
curnode = devlist
i = 0
while( curnode != None ):
    ret, manufacturer, description, serial = ftdi.usb_get_strings( ftdic, curnode.dev )
    if ret < 0:
        print( 'ftdi_usb_get_strings failed: %d (%s)' % ( ret, ftdi.get_error_string( ftdic ) ) )
        os._exit( 1 )
    print( 'Device #%d: manufacturer="%s" description="%s" serial="%s"\n' % ( i, manufacturer, description, serial ) )
예제 #11
파일: cbus.py 프로젝트: BuLogics/libftdi
  if value == ftdi.CBUSH_TXRXLED:
    return 'TXRXLED'
  if value == ftdi.CBUSH_VBUS_SENSE:
    return 'VBUS_SENSE'
  return 'UNKNOWN'

# Surround the program with a try ... except clause.

  # Allocate and inialize an ftdi context.
  ftdic = ftdi.new()
  if ftdic == 0:
    raise ErrorMsg('ftdi.new() failed')

  # List all the FT230X devices.
  nDevices, devlist = ftdi.usb_find_all(ftdic, 0x0403, 0x6015)
  if nDevices < 0:
    raise ErrorMsg('ftdi.usb_find_all error = %s' % ftdi.get_error_string(ftdic));
  elif nDevices == 0:
    raise ErrorMsg('No FT230X devices found');
  elif nDevices != 1:
    raise ErrorMsg('More than one FT230X device found');

  # Display the identified single FT230X device.
  ret, manufacturer, description, serial = ftdi.usb_get_strings(ftdic, devlist.dev)
  if ret < 0:
    raise ErrorMsg('ftdi.usb_get_strings error = %s' % ftdi.get_error_string(ftdic))
  print 'manufacturer="%s" description="%s" serial="%s"' % (manufacturer, description, serial)

  # Open the identified single FT230X device.
  ret = ftdi.usb_open_desc(ftdic, 0x0403, 0x6015, description, serial);
예제 #12
#BAUD, = sys.argv		# command line inputs

BAUD = 400000         # 400kHz, 2xNyquist for 100kHz I2C

FT232H_VID = 0x0403   # Default FTDI FT232H vendor ID
FT232H_PID = 0x6014   # Default FTDI FT232H product ID

# Initialize new context
ftdictx = ftdi.new()
if ftdictx == 0:
    print( 'failed to create new context: %d', ret )
    os._exit( 1 )

# Try to list FT232H devices
ret, devlist = ftdi.usb_find_all( ftdictx, FT232H_VID, FT232H_PID )
if ret < 0:
    print( 'ftdi_usb_find_all failed: %d (%s)' % ( ret, ftdi.get_error_string( ftdictx ) ) )
    os._exit( 1 )

print( 'Number of FTDI devices found: %d\n' % ret )
curnode = devlist
#i = 0
#while( curnode != None ):
#    ret, manufacturer, description, serial = ftdi.usb_get_strings( ftdictx, curnode.dev )
#    if ret < 0:
#        print( 'ftdi_usb_get_strings failed: %d (%s)' % ( ret, ftdi.get_error_string( ftdictx ) ) )
#        os._exit( 1 )
#    print( 'Device #%d: manufacturer="%s" description="%s" serial="%s"\n' % ( i, manufacturer, description, serial ) )
#    curnode = curnode.next
#    i += 1