예제 #1
    def load_grid_state(self):
        """Loads the stored grid state - if any is stored.
        # get the key from the key generator
        generator = queryMultiAdapter((self.context, self, self.request),

        key = generator.get_key()

        # get the state (string)
        storage = IDictStorage(self)
        state = storage.get(key, None)

        if state:
            parsed_state = json.loads(state)

            # Do not persistently store grouping, since loading the group
            # initially would not work.
            if 'group' in parsed_state:
                del parsed_state['group']

            # In some situations the sorting in the state is corrupt. Every
            # visible row should have a 'sortable' by default.
            column_state_by_id = dict(
                (col['id'], col) for col in parsed_state['columns'])

            for column in self.columns:
                if not isinstance(column, dict):

                name = column.get('sort_index', column.get('column', None))
                if name not in column_state_by_id:

                col_state = column_state_by_id[name]
                if 'sortable' not in col_state:
                    col_state['sortable'] = True

            state = json.dumps(parsed_state)

        if state:
            self.table_options.update({'gridstate': state})

        # if the sorting order is set in the state and is not set in the
        # request, we need to change it in the config using the state
        # config.
        if self.request.get('dir', _marker) == _marker and \
                self.request.get('sort', _marker) == _marker and \
                'sort' in parsed_state:
            if 'field' in parsed_state['sort']:
                self.sort_on = parsed_state['sort']['field']
            if parsed_state['sort']['direction'] == 'ASC':
                self.sort_order = 'asc'
                self.sort_reverse = False
                self.sort_order = 'reverse'
                self.sort_reverse = True
예제 #2
파일: listing.py 프로젝트: Vinsurya/Plone
    def load_grid_state(self):
        """Loads the stored grid state - if any is stored.
        # get the key from the key generator
        generator = queryMultiAdapter((self.context, self, self.request),

        key = generator.get_key()

        # get the state (string)
        storage = IDictStorage(self)
        state = storage.get(key, None)

        if state:
            parsed_state = json.loads(state)

            # Do not persistently store grouping, since loading the group
            # initially would not work.
            if 'group' in parsed_state:
                del parsed_state['group']

            # In some situations the sorting in the state is corrupt. Every
            # visible row should have a 'sortable' by default.
            column_state_by_id = dict((col['id'], col)
                                      for col in parsed_state['columns'])

            for column in self.columns:
                if not isinstance(column, dict):

                name = column.get('sort_index', column.get('column', None))
                if name not in column_state_by_id:

                col_state = column_state_by_id[name]
                if 'sortable' not in col_state:
                    col_state['sortable'] = True

            state = json.dumps(parsed_state)

        if state:
            self.table_options.update({'gridstate': state})

        # if the sorting order is set in the state and is not set in the
        # request, we need to change it in the config using the state
        # config.
        if self.request.get('dir', _marker) == _marker and \
                self.request.get('sort', _marker) == _marker and \
                'sort' in parsed_state:
            if 'field' in parsed_state['sort']:
                self.sort_on = parsed_state['sort']['field']
            if parsed_state['sort']['direction'] == 'ASC':
                self.sort_order = 'asc'
                self.sort_reverse = False
                self.sort_order = 'reverse'
                self.sort_reverse = True
예제 #3
    def get_grid_state(self, view_name):
        """Load tabbedview gridstate of the logged in users for the given view.
        tabbedview = self.context.restrictedTraverse(
            "@@tabbedview_view-{}".format(view_name), default=None)
        if not tabbedview:
            return None

        generator = queryMultiAdapter((self.context, tabbedview, self.request),
        key = generator.get_key()
        storage = IDictStorage(tabbedview)
        return json.loads(storage.get(key, '{}'))
    def get_grid_state(self, view_name):
        """Load tabbedview gridstate of the logged in users for the given view.
        tabbedview = self.context.restrictedTraverse(
            "@@tabbedview_view-{}".format(view_name), default=None)
        if not tabbedview:
            return None

        generator = queryMultiAdapter((self.context, tabbedview, self.request),
        key = generator.get_key()
        storage = IDictStorage(tabbedview)
        return json.loads(storage.get(key, '{}'))
예제 #5
 def get_db_sync_stamp(self):
     storage = IDictStorage(DictStorageConfigurationContext())
     timestamp = storage.get(DICTSTORAGE_SYNC_KEY)
     return timestamp