def db_fetch(dbx): try: conn = MySQLdb.connect(host=db_host, user=db_user, passwd=db_pass,db=db_db ) pd("DB::starting db_connection (db-init)") except: print "[-]ERROR DB::db-connection-error (db-init)" sys.exit(2) attempts = 0 error = 50505 while attempts < 5: try: cx = conn.cursor() cx.execute(dbx) res = cx.fetchall() conn.close() return(res) except MySQLdb.Error, e: error = "MySQL Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1]) attempts += 1 print "try: %s" % attempts print error time.sleep(0.1) error = e.args[0]
def db_exec(dbx): # due to # issue raised during livetests # try: conn = MySQLdb.connect(host=db_host, user=db_user, passwd=db_pass,db=db_db ) pd("DB::starting db_connection (db-init)") except: print "[-]ERROR DB::db-connection-error (db-init)" sys.exit(2) attempts = 0 error = 40404 while attempts < 5: try: cx = conn.cursor() cx.execute(dbx) cx.close() conn.close() return(0) except MySQLdb.Error, e: error = "MySQL Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1]) attempts += 1 print "try: %s" % attempts print error time.sleep(0.1) error = e.args[0]
def get_ftw_user_dict(): pd("reading user_list from %s " % ftw_user_list) ud = {} fd = open(ftw_user_list, "r").readlines() for line in fd: if line[0] == "#": continue if line.find("::") < 0: continue user = line.split("::")[0].strip() pw = line.split("::")[1].strip() pd(" - %s" % user) ud[user] = pw return(ud)
def start_test(ud): pd("--[ start-test ]--------------------") if len(ud) < 1: print "[-] ERROR ... no users found in user_dict; \n maybe you need to setup ftw_user_list from" sys.exit(2) # selecting a random user ul = [] for u in ud: ul.append(u) if len(ul) == 0: print "\n\n[-] ERROR ... userlist is empty \n\n" sys.exit(2) ftwinit = ul[random.randrange(0,len(ud))] init_time = int(time.time()) hx = "%s-%s-%s" % (time.time(), random.randrange(1,1000000), ftwinit) testid = hashlib.sha224(hx).hexdigest() # no more entropy needed pd("testid : %s" % testid) pd("ftwinit : %s" % ftwinit) pw = ud[ftwinit] usr_name = ftwinit.split("@")[0].strip() usr_host = ftwinit.split("@")[1].strip() msg = """ ##### federation-test %s ---------------------------------------- automated test-entry @ %s testid: ftw.%s date: %s timestamp: %s botlink: https://%s/u/%s #federationtestwarriors #federationtestautomated """ % (now_date, ftwinit, testid, now_date, now_time, usr_host, usr_name) pd("posting now -> %s " % ftwinit) res = api_post(ftwinit, pw, msg) if res != 0: print "[-] ERROR while trying to create test-post @ %s " % ftwinit return(3000) # creating test-entry dbx = """SET autocommit=1; INSERT INTO tests (testid, ftwinit, init_time) values ('%s', '%s', '%s'); """ % (testid, ftwinit, init_time) # creating test-result-defaults for u in ul: if u == ftwinit: continue dbx = """%s INSERT INTO test_results (testid, account, status) values ('%s', '%s', '0'); """ % (dbx, testid, u) # creating scheduler-entries for val in schedule_time_steps.split(","): try: s_time = init_time + (int(val.strip()) * 60) except: continue dbx = """%s -- time-delay: %s min INSERT INTO schedules (testid, start_time, status) values ('%s', '%s', '0'); """ % (dbx, val, testid, s_time) res = db_exec(dbx) if res != 0: print "[-] ERROR [ %s ] while trying to create test + scheduler-entries" % res pd(dbx) else: print "[+] OK Test created %s :: %s " % (ftwinit, testid) print msg return(testid)
def exec_scheduler(ud): now_time = int(time.time()) # first, calculate if we're already out of sync outdated_ts = int(schedule_time_steps.split(",")[-1]) outdated_time = (now_time - (outdated_ts * 60) - 1800) # give additional 30 minutes # dont check if older than outdated_timew # select only one test at a time dbx = "SELECT tests.testid, tests.ftwinit, schedules.start_time, tests.init_time from tests,schedules where tests.testid = schedules.testid and schedules.status = '0' and schedules.start_time < '%s' and schedules.start_time > '%s' order by schedules.start_time LIMIT 5;" % (now_time, outdated_time) res = db_fetch(dbx) try: int(res) print "[-] ERROR [%s] while trying to get results for scheduler" % res return(res) except: # we got result, even if emtpy pass if res == (): print "[i] no checks found for execution" list_schedules() for xt in res: testid = xt[0] testid_txt = testid[0:6] ftwinit = xt[1] start_time = xt[2] init_time = xt[3] cst = time.strftime("%F - %H:%M", time.localtime(float(start_time))) pd("starting scheduled test %s :: %s " % (cst, testid_txt)) print "[i] starting check for %s :: %s \n init_date: %s" % (ftwinit, testid_txt, time.strftime("%H:%M", time.localtime(float(init_time))) ) dbx = "SELECT account from test_results where testid = '%s' and checked != '1' and account != '%s' " % (testid, ftwinit) # dbx = "SELECT account from test_results where testid = '%s' and checked != '1' and account != '%s' " % (testid, ftwinit) res = db_fetch(dbx) try: int(res) print "[-] ERROR [%s] while trying to get results for scheduler" % res return(res) except: # we got result, even if emtpy pass accounts = res print "[i] checking %s accounts from selection" % len(accounts) if accounts == (): print "[i] no accounts found for execution" for account in accounts: account = account[0] host = account.split("@")[1] user = account.split("@")[0] try: pw = ud[account] except: print "[-] ERROR ... cannot find pw for %s " % account continue threads = [] find_text = "%s" % testid[0:12].strip() print "[i] checking #ftw [ %s ] for %s " % (find_text, account) start_check(account, pw, find_text, testid, start_time, init_time) try: t = threading.Thread(target=start_check, args=(account, pw, find_text, testid, start_time, init_time)) threads.append(t) t.start() time.sleep(int(ramp_up_delay)) except: print "thread-exeption" time.sleep(3) start_check(account, pw, find_text, testid, start_time, init_time) max_runtime = 90 # seconds while len(threading.enumerate()) > 1: xt = int(time.time()) if xt - now_time > max_runtime: t.join() break print "[i] %2s checks running, waiting for threads to finish" % (len(threading.enumerate())-1) time.sleep(5) #~ # debug - keep alive 3 min to see if mysql stays open #~ print "debug-sleeping" #~ time.sleep(120) dbx = "set autocommit=1; update schedules set status = '1' where testid = '%s' and start_time = '%s'"% (testid, start_time) res = db_exec(dbx) if res != 0: print "[-] ERROR [ %s ] while trying to update scheduler-table" % res pd(dbx) else: print "[+] run finished %s :: %s " % (ftwinit, testid_txt) time.sleep(0.1) return(0)
# User-Agent (this is cheating, ok?) br.addheaders = [('Connection', 'keep-alive'), ('User-agent', ua) ] #~ #~ #~ #~ try: r ="https://%s/users/sign_in" % usr_host, timeout=15) except mechanize.HTTPError, e: print 'ERROR! The server couldn\'t fulfill the request.' print 'Error code: ', e.code return(e.code) except mechanize.URLError, e: print 'We failed to reach a server.' print 'Reason: ', e.reason return(404) html = pd( # thanx, d*inc for breaking this again ... try: csrf = html.split("""csrf-token" content=\"""")[1].split("\"")[0] except: csrf = html.split("""name="csrf-token""")[0].split("\"")[0] pd("csrf PURE : %s" % csrf) h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser() csrftoken = h.unescape(csrf) pd("csrf eascaped: %s" % csrftoken) # Show the response headers # login br.select_form(nr=0) # Let's search