예제 #1
파일: nailgun.py 프로젝트: romcheg/fuel-web
 def _disk_dev(self, ks_disk):
     # first we try to find a device that matches ks_disk
     # comparing by-id and by-path links
     matched = [hu_disk['device'] for hu_disk in self.hu_disks
                if match_device(hu_disk, ks_disk)]
     # if we can not find a device by its by-id and by-path links
     # we try to find a device by its name
     fallback = [hu_disk['device'] for hu_disk in self.hu_disks
                 if '/dev/%s' % ks_disk['name'] == hu_disk['device']]
     found = matched or fallback
     if not found or len(found) > 1:
         raise errors.DiskNotFoundError(
             'Disk not found: %s' % ks_disk['name'])
     return found[0]
예제 #2
    def _disk_dev(self, ks_disk):
        # first we try to find a device that matches ks_disk
        # comparing by-id and by-path links
        matched = [hu_disk['device'] for hu_disk in self.hu_disks
                   if match_device(hu_disk, ks_disk)]
        # if we can not find a device by its by-id and by-path links
        # we try to find a device by its name
        fallback = [hu_disk['device'] for hu_disk in self.hu_disks
                    if '/dev/%s' % ks_disk['name'] == hu_disk['device']]

        # Due to udevadm bugs it can return the same ids for different disks.
        # For instance for NVMe disks. In this case matched will contains
        # more than 1 disk and we should use info from fallback
        if len(matched) > 1 and len(fallback) == 1:
            found = fallback
            found = matched or fallback

        if not found or len(found) > 1:
            raise errors.DiskNotFoundError(
                'Disk not found: %s' % ks_disk['name'])
        return found[0]